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to circumcise or not?

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No La Leche League here either. PrayinForBaby, what part of Ohio are you in?

Lol @ bringing home the goodies! I miss the days when I felt good enough to think of it that way!

And definitely hope you win and post the article for our amusement too! And then donate the condoms to an outreach program.

Magnums don't fit over his massive mushroom head, can't even get them halfway over the head before they pop off and go flying across the room like a frisbee! When he gets too turned on, his head gets huge. The first time we tried to have sex (he was a virgin then), my vagina closed up in fear when I saw it. Took another week before we even tried again. It looked like a monster!
Magnums don't fit over his massive mushroom head, can't even get them halfway over the head before they pop off and go flying across the room like a frisbee! When he gets too turned on, his head gets huge. The first time we tried to have sex (he was a virgin then), my vagina closed up in fear when I saw it. Took another week before we even tried again. It looked like a monster!

:rofl: I see i'm not the only one inflicting vivid mental images on people! :haha:
Magnums don't fit over his massive mushroom head, can't even get them halfway over the head before they pop off and go flying across the room like a frisbee! When he gets too turned on, his head gets huge. The first time we tried to have sex (he was a virgin then), my vagina closed up in fear when I saw it. Took another week before we even tried again. It looked like a monster!

:rofl: I see i'm not the only one inflicting vivid mental images on people! :haha:

Oh My!

I think my hubby must be the only guy on here with average sized bits.... Poor guy.....
I had this issue with my son. I'm from South Africa where a lot of guys are circumcised, including my brother, dad and my son's father. My son's father (my ex) was adamant that I circumcise my son - but I was VERY reluctant. First of all, the pain that my baby would go through - secondly, I live in the UK now and have done for over 15 years, it is not widely done here unless for religious reasons. I didn't mind about my son being different from his dad, but he would've been different from all his peers. My husband (british) is not circumcised and it is absolutely FINE - never ever have I experienced anything 'gross' about being with an uncircumcised man.

Anyway,, I stood my ground and my son is au natural! Do you what you feel is best for your son. Personally I think it's an outdated procedure (bar for religious reasons)

just wanna say i'm from the US and at my first doc appt they asked if i would want baby circumcised if it's a boy and i automatically said no. OH and i hadn't even talked about it yet and after the appt i asked if that was ok with him b/c i realized i'd just left him sitting there with no opinion! he agrees with me though, we find no need for it. he is uncircumcised and has never had a problem with it. i've been with both circumcised and un, and every man has been ok with the choice their parents made. i just don't see any need to put your baby through that.
Sorry girls, lol.. guess I give you unforgettable mental images :rofl: Is it wrong that I'm glad someone ELSE is stuck with that image in their head and I'm not suffering alone?

And Kandy.. that is a very ODD prize, lol... if you win, you can donate them to a local clinic or outreach program that promotes safe sex! :)
(and I plan on going back to condom use after this LO... with my troubles concieving I want to stay off any kind of hormonal birth control until we're done having kids! don't need the extra aggravation of worrying if its causing my problems or if its unrelated).

There's no outreach program like that in my area..... Just a Teen Parent Support Program.... and by the time people utilize that it's too late for condoms!

I don't do well with hormonal birth control methods... They make me go crazy.... And I find condoms too much of a hassle.... So I just jump up and down afterwards and hope for the best lol :holly:
just actually reading this entire thread now, wow - you guys are hilarious!! haha, if only our OH's could read this, right? :winkwink:
lol, how's that method working out for you Kandy? :haha:
No planned parenthood-type place? No small organization?
don't know if they let schools distribute them?

Any concerts in the area you can go to and just throw them into the crowd? :haha:
Any colleges with health centers? (not sure if you guys would have that thing since everyone has healthcare anyway)
No La Leche League here either. PrayinForBaby, what part of Ohio are you in?

Lol @ bringing home the goodies! I miss the days when I felt good enough to think of it that way!

And definitely hope you win and post the article for our amusement too! And then donate the condoms to an outreach program.

Magnums don't fit over his massive mushroom head, can't even get them halfway over the head before they pop off and go flying across the room like a frisbee! When he gets too turned on, his head gets huge. The first time we tried to have sex (he was a virgin then), my vagina closed up in fear when I saw it. Took another week before we even tried again. It looked like a monster!

:nope: Bad Bad Image!
lol, how's that method working out for you Kandy? :haha:

LOL Ask Baby Peanut!

No planned parenthood-type place? No small organization?
don't know if they let schools distribute them?

Any concerts in the area you can go to and just throw them into the crowd? :haha:
Any colleges with health centers? (not sure if you guys would have that thing since everyone has healthcare anyway)

No planned parenthood type places.... The Catholic High School I attended does not allow the promotion of birth control as the church does not allow the use of condoms (however I did here on the radio the other day that the Pope has now stated that it is okay for male prostitutes to use condoms :wacko: ) The public highschool may give them out though :shrug: And there's not much here in terms of concerts aside from my children's school's christmas concert and some shows conducted by local church choirs...... Perhaps the Anglican's are more condom friendly then the Catholics?????
lol.. well shoot Kandy.... do you guys have a local 'street corner' where hookers hang out? There has to be SOMEWHERE that these condoms would be appreciated and distributed!! :haha:
And of course this is all speculative on if you win some drawing... haha!
lol.. well shoot Kandy.... do you guys have a local 'street corner' where hookers hang out? There has to be SOMEWHERE that these condoms would be appreciated and distributed!! :haha:
And of course this is all speculative on if you win some drawing... haha!

There's no hookers here :nope: How sad is that?!?!?

But now that I think about it I'm sure my younger sister would be willing take them off my hands!
No La Leche League here either. PrayinForBaby, what part of Ohio are you in?

Lol @ bringing home the goodies! I miss the days when I felt good enough to think of it that way!

And definitely hope you win and post the article for our amusement too! And then donate the condoms to an outreach program.

Magnums don't fit over his massive mushroom head, can't even get them halfway over the head before they pop off and go flying across the room like a frisbee! When he gets too turned on, his head gets huge. The first time we tried to have sex (he was a virgin then), my vagina closed up in fear when I saw it. Took another week before we even tried again. It looked like a monster!

Chesapeake...its right where OH, WV, and KY meet...literally, I see WV when I walk on my front porch..
You're a bit younger than me and also I presume (you being an accountant and all) more fiscally responsible. On that note, I'm going shopping!

Being an accountant has nothing to do with managing my own money :dohh: All it means is I know how to keep track of my expense once I spend the money and that I can balance my checkbook... absolutely no benefit when it comes to controlling myself when I see adorable baby stuff I NEED, WANT, MUST HAVE :nope:

If only my own "need/want/must have" was limited to adorable baby stuff. I've now gone shopping 3 days in a row, and only a small portion of that stuff was either baby or Christmas related, to be honest...

There's no hookers here :nope: How sad is that?!?!?

But now that I think about it I'm sure my younger sister would be willing take them off my hands!

WTF? I didn't know you were in THAT small a town...
You're a bit younger than me and also I presume (you being an accountant and all) more fiscally responsible. On that note, I'm going shopping!

Being an accountant has nothing to do with managing my own money :dohh: All it means is I know how to keep track of my expense once I spend the money and that I can balance my checkbook... absolutely no benefit when it comes to controlling myself when I see adorable baby stuff I NEED, WANT, MUST HAVE :nope:

If only my own "need/want/must have" was limited to adorable baby stuff. I've now gone shopping 3 days in a row, and only a small portion of that stuff was either baby or Christmas related, to be honest...

There's no hookers here :nope: How sad is that?!?!?

But now that I think about it I'm sure my younger sister would be willing take them off my hands!

WTF? I didn't know you were in THAT small a town...

Nope... No hookers.... Just sluts who dish it out for free! Hence why my first experience with a prostitute wasn't till I moved to Calgary!
We have plenty of those here, don't we? In a couple hours, if I look out my window, I'll be able to see them in all their hooker-boot glory!
Nope... No hookers.... Just sluts who dish it out for free! Hence why my first experience with a prostitute wasn't till I moved to Calgary!


Even in my town which isn't tiny has hooker streets and even a street/block just for transvestite hookers...
We have plenty of those here, don't we? In a couple hours, if I look out my window, I'll be able to see them in all their hooker-boot glory!

The hooker that took me to the zoo was a high class one........
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