to circumcise or not?

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good luck mislaww.. they suck! :(

Kandy - is his family cheap? Do they like to re-use cards a lot? Sometimes thats how that starts... then the guy doesn't realize thats why it was done and just doesn't sign stuff.
Dorp isn't usually too bad and he helps me out with cards and baking and cleaning and present shopping usually. But this year he sucks. I mean, he sucks especially. He's a boy so he always sucks somewhat. And I think he would discolour the bed sheets if I got a light enough colour...
good luck mislaww.. they suck! :(

Kandy - is his family cheap? Do they like to re-use cards a lot? Sometimes thats how that starts... then the guy doesn't realize thats why it was done and just doesn't sign stuff.

His mother is incredibly cheap but even the cards we get from her still has writing in them :shrug: Maybe it's something they used to do before they realized how screwed up it was!

And ewwwwwww about the sheets!!!!!
Baby's 50th percentile right now so it's not that! Don't know about fluid, although they did measure. I see my obgyn wednesday for more results. Perhaps I've just gained too much weight....but I'm only a few pounds over? But I'm short so...I don't know. Fingers crossed. I'm trying not to worry too much about it....
That's awesome that baby is measuring fine. Hope the fluid is fine as well. Some people just measure big.... and I've noticed a trend that shorter people tend to measure bigger but I don't think that's supported by research....
I've heard that too. I'm 5'3". Doc also said baby could have just been stretched out. We'll see.

I'm off to to a PFE test and then the glucose. Will probably get bored and be back on my blackberry soon...
I've heard that too. I'm 5'3". Doc also said baby could have just been stretched out. We'll see.

I'm off to to a PFE test and then the glucose. Will probably get bored and be back on my blackberry soon...

I'm just a touch taller then you.... I'm 5'3 1/2"

I'll take any 1/2 inch I can get :D
I saw this documentary recently where a couple went to have their twin boys circumcised and the doctor messed up and cut one of their penises off. Then they gave the baby a sex change and he grew up believing he was a girl. Crap I can't remember what it's called.

Well, smashley, it looks like your thread has offically been highjacked. LOL

I agree that that situation is so very sad. Science can be so bad sometimes.
Ugh. Back from the test and not feeling great. Does that mean I failed?
No, it just means the sugar didn't agree with you. I felt pretty terrible for a day after my test too and the next morning I woke up feeling like I had a hangover!

Make sure you drink plenty of water tonight to cut down on bloating and to flush out your system.
Ugh. Back from the test and not feeling great. Does that mean I failed?

Fortunately how shitty you feel has no bearing on whether you pass or not.

Anyways do you have any risk factors for GDM other then age???? Any first degree relatives with diabetes? Have you been spilling glucose in your urine?
Ugh. Back from the test and not feeling great. Does that mean I failed?

Fortunately how shitty you feel has no bearing on whether you pass or not.

Anyways do you have any risk factors for GDM other then age???? Any first degree relatives with diabetes? Have you been spilling glucose in your urine?

I'm not THAT old - I thought the risk factor age was >35? I'm half asian. No other risk factors that I'm aware of except that I've gained some excess weight. My urine tests have been clean.
Ugh. Back from the test and not feeling great. Does that mean I failed?

Fortunately how shitty you feel has no bearing on whether you pass or not.

Anyways do you have any risk factors for GDM other then age???? Any first degree relatives with diabetes? Have you been spilling glucose in your urine?

I'm not THAT old - I thought the risk factor age was >35? I'm half asian. No other risk factors that I'm aware of except that I've gained some excess weight. My urine tests have been clean.

LOL no you're not an elderly primip..... But in terms of gestational diabetes being over 25 is a risk factor!!!!
Ah, I see. Well then. Also I imagine my sugar intake puts me at risk. Although it's not really that bad. I just constantly think about sweets and chocolates and so on....
Ah, I see. Well then. Also I imagine my sugar intake puts me at risk. Although it's not really that bad. I just constantly think about sweets and chocolates and so on....

Thinking about sugar shouldn't make your blood sugar rise..... eating it on the other hand.....

I speaking of sweets and chocolates.... I was helping Santa finish up some wrapping yesterday and I may have snuck a box or two of chocolates from the stocking stuffer stash.... Shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell Santa!
Wrapping already! I'm impressed. Then again, I guess we don't have much time left, do we?

Your secret is safe with me.

I'm too dizzy to want sugar right now. I have a mandarin orange in front of me, which I love, and I am hungry, but I am too dizzy to want it!

My baby seems to be enjoying the sugar high, though. He's hyperactive in there!
I'm just overly stuffed.... I made some green bean casserole and then I just couldn't stop eating it.......
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