Toddler Sleepless nights support thread

So Ladies, Wiggles is just over 17 months, and wait for it, last night he slept through for the very first time ever! I put him down at 6.45pm as usual, he shares a room with his older brother (He can sleep through lo screaming, just like OH!), my eldest was put to bed at the same time as a punishment. I could still hear lo talking away in his cot about half an hour later then nothing until this morning at 6.30! Granted I was still awake at 1am waiting to settle him but he didnt waken. We didn't do anything different yesterday, so I dont know what was different but Im hoping he sleep through tonight again.
Hi ladies I am joining you! Well I think ive been in every sleepless night thread since newborn!! Lily has NEVER in her whole life slept through. No tell a lie. She slept 9 hours once. Only one night,,,,,and never again! :(

I need help now though because she doesn't like her cot :(


Hi there have you considered putting her into a bed one of the girls i know on here has just had great success with her LO?

I was up at 4 again this morning, we had seen some improvement for a few days after moving his bedtime to 6.30/6.45 but then he got ill and it is now worse than ever :( I am sooooo tired!

Well we put her big girl bed up and ...........
she slept a total of!!! 1hour 20mins :cry: And It just followed the same routine all night,,,it even took us about half an hour to even get her to go sleep in there. She gave it the screaming everytime I put her anywhere near her bed. I even lay on it how I normally do in our bed and she still wouldnt have it :cry:
Hi girls x
Can I join please x I was a regular on the baby sleepless night thread but now Finley is almost 13 months old I feel like I dont belong there anymore x

Finley Has NEVER slept and after 11.5 months of no sleep & trying everything else we tried CIO/CC & everything was going great for a couple of weeks, he got into a new routine & started to fall asleep on his own rather than on the bottle,even got a couple of nights where he slept through, then His first tooth decided to show up 8 days before his 1st birthday & that was it, its been downhill since waking up hourly some nights :-(
The he had a bad cough & cold which kept him awake, then his 2nd tooth came through & now he's just got rid of his cold & his 3rd tooth is coming through :dohh:
He is sooooo much better than the early days & most nights its just pop the dummy back in & he'll go sleep but the other night he was up for 2 hours screaming from 2am til 4am when I finally gave in & laid him on me where he fell sleep x
He did go through a patch not long ago where he was waking at 4.30-5.30am & awake for the day, that seriously killed me as he had been awake lots during the nights too.

But looking at this thread it doesnt look like its going to get any better as he gets older :dohh:
I have a very little brother who has just passed his 3 year old birthday. When he was a very little baby, he always slept at daytime and play at night.That bothered my auntie a lot. Whoever sleeping in her house will be bothered because of her baby. She can neither sleep well nor work well. After a couple of hours of semi-sleep, she has to wear Smoky Eyes
and go to the office. Thank god! She has passed that period,but mine is waiting for me.
Ooh I didn't know this existed, can I join too, this no sleep lark isn't good is it :nope: at least we're not alone and it won't last forever.
Hello ladies. Mind if i join also. Theo is 11 months on monday. He slept through night for 2 weeks. Just after colic finished and before teething started. Ever since that i can not remember a full nights sleep. I have to let him nap for 2 hours in the day or he will just scream and scream and scream. Then he goes bed between 9-10 because of the long nap. Overall sleep is not happening lol! I have no idea why. The worse bit is he does not seem to be waking up for any reason. I think it's just a habbit from having colic long ago. x
Kids are so inconsiderate, they always, ALWAYS, get ill just after their sleep starts to improve!!
hi ladies! this is my first time posting here....
my DS is 14.5 months and has had sleep problems since almost day 1. he had really bad gas problems for about the first two months before he finally did good with Similac Sensitive. but he never slept through the night until he was 6 or 7 months old. he's very restless and rolls around a lot then eventually wakes himself up from his sleep and can get himself back to sleep. right now it's 8am and he woke up an hour ago from his NAP. i put him down for a nap at 9:30pm last night (he woke up at 7pm). but he only slept for 45 minutes before crawling out of bed. he was up until 4:30 am and i thought maybe he'd just stay asleep. but that didnt happen.
he doesnt always sleep on this schedule. sometimes we can get him on a schedule of going to bed at 10pm or so which is what i prefer since he doesnt sleep longer than 9hrs usually. i've tried warm milk before bed, giving him something to eat before bed, a bath. we co-sleep and sometimes he wakes up when we come into bed after him. other than CIO in his own bed in his own room, i dont know what else to do.
This is my first post in this thread. I am usually in baby club and there sleepness night thread looking for advice. I have had the 2hardest nights in such a long time. He has been waking between 10-12 times and I am shattered. I have tried taking his milk at night like I plan to because with that I just made a rod formy own back, I have also now started offering cool boiled water so its nothing to look forward to when he wakes. But last night I just gave in, I was soooo tired I just wanted to sleep. He was up from 12.58am on and off till 5.58am this morning and then decided getting up time was 7.50am Id usually say this is a lay in but not with all that broken sleep. My head is all over the place and if someone said something wrong to me id just prob cry :cry:. I snapped at my poor OH but I do all the night work with him because OH works full time but I tell him how shattered I get and he does understand its just hes tred aswell as he works long hours and it is hard work aswell. Anyone have any advice for me as I am shattered and not sure what to do
katrina1987, :hugs: I feel your pain. I get so frustrated with LO becuase she slept so well as a little baby but now she goes down at 8pm and is up by 11:30pm. Last night she thought it would be a great idea to make it play time. I tried to hold her on my lap in the dark but after an hour of screams and wiggling, I gave up and put her on the floor ( she finally decided it was sleep time at 3:30am, but was up again at 7:30am). I am so tired sometimes I feel like I am going to cry. DH isn't much help as he works long hours and needs his sleep too. I try to tell myself that this is a stage and will end. I wish I had some advice for you but I don't. Just know you are not alone !
I am so glad i have found this. My LO is 10 and a half months and has never slepted through i don't know what to do with him any more! All i hear is my friends LO sleep through and it is so hard not to comment!
I work 3 days a week and all we can do not is let him sleep in out bed. I don't know what to do!!
I am so glad i have found this. My LO is 10 and a half months and has never slepted through i don't know what to do with him any more! All i hear is my friends LO sleep through and it is so hard not to comment!
I work 3 days a week and all we can do not is let him sleep in out bed. I don't know what to do!!

:hugs:, it's so hard, just keep telling yoursel it can't last forever x
I am so glad i have found this. My LO is 10 and a half months and has never slepted through i don't know what to do with him any more! All i hear is my friends LO sleep through and it is so hard not to comment!
I work 3 days a week and all we can do not is let him sleep in out bed. I don't know what to do!!

Sounds like my baby. I've worked full time ever since he was 2 months old and he likes to wake every 2 hours at night. Last night was a good night. He woke every 3 hours. Bed at 9, woke at 12, 3, and 6 and at 6 I took him into bed to nurse for an hour before getting up for work.
Isla is 10 months old. She generally wakes every 1 and a half hours through the night.......very occasionally she sleeps for 2 or 3 hours - that is an immense luxury to me..........Babies sleep through the night when they are ready - they are not designed to sleep through when they are little...........its a safety mechanism to help them stay alive. Its tough on their parents though!
He'd finally started to sleep better for the first time at 11 months and then got his first tooth. *sigh*
katrina1987, :hugs: I feel your pain. I get so frustrated with LO becuase she slept so well as a little baby but now she goes down at 8pm and is up by 11:30pm. Last night she thought it would be a great idea to make it play time. I tried to hold her on my lap in the dark but after an hour of screams and wiggling, I gave up and put her on the floor ( she finally decided it was sleep time at 3:30am, but was up again at 7:30am). I am so tired sometimes I feel like I am going to cry. DH isn't much help as he works long hours and needs his sleep too. I try to tell myself that this is a stage and will end. I wish I had some advice for you but I don't. Just know you are not alone !

Thanks hun, :hugs:
I am so glad i have found this. My LO is 10 and a half months and has never slepted through i don't know what to do with him any more! All i hear is my friends LO sleep through and it is so hard not to comment!
I work 3 days a week and all we can do not is let him sleep in out bed. I don't know what to do!!

I always think when people say my LO is as good as gold and sleep through 12-14 hours, sometimes I really don't believe them or I choose in my head not to believe them as I always feel jealous of a good night sleep. My LO slept the whole night through from 10.15pm last night till 7.20am this morning. I put him down at 7pm as norm so this was good going for him and hes qute poorly at the moment aswell. I wish he slept aswell at night as he does with his naps in the day. Day naps head staright down and after 2hours I have to go wake him, why not at night. He'll get there in his own time
I guess i belong in here. LO being 15 months and not sleeping through. Infact waking up to 20 times a night just to be cuddled. Ive tried everything, every routine, posted numerous threads for her and she just seems to be getting worse. I just have to accept my child doesnt like sleep, no, she doesnt like me to sleep :(. So how do you girls cope being so tired the whole time ?? :(
Wondering if anyone has any advice for me! Olivia goes to sleep ok between 7pm and 8pm but has taken to waking up between 11pm and 12am and wanting to get up for the day! Sometimes she is awake for hours before going back to sleep and it is beginning to run me down :(

I cant leave her to cry for any length of time so I just trying shushing her, cuddling her etc but it doesnt seem to work.

I keep it dark in her room and her toys are put away at night so there is nothing around to stimulate her.

Just ramblings from a tired mum :(
My dd perfect goes out like a light bless her, its the son that dont go to bed he was such a good boy going to bed past 2yrs he want go well some nights he does if he really tierd

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