Totally random... do you see your friends often?


Our family of four...
Aug 11, 2010
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So- my best friend (of 15yrs) is dating someone in another state- they seem happy, and I'm excited for her and truly hope it works out. She deserves to find that type of love... but, if it does work out, she'd have to move there- because he runs his own company and can't really move (she could)... which, got me thinking...

What if she actually moves, who will I hang with every weekend for coffee and girl chat?! Who will my LO play with outside of day care? Her daughter is 18mos older than mine. I'm sure we will still talk all the time- we talk pretty much every day now. I would MISS HER!

Just kinda hit me how little I see the rest of my friends. I mean, we have busy lives. Most of us are married with kids- plus work- family events... it's rare I see many other friends (close or not). She's the ONLY one I see on a regular basis and lives 15mins away.

At this stage in my life it's not easy to find someone else to start hanging out with! :haha:
Hope your friend doesn't move! :hugs: My best friend here is moving in June and I am already so sad about it. I see her at least twice a week, sometimes she just hangs out at our house a few nights a week! I talk to her every day.

I moved to the other side of the world a year ago so I don't see any of my old friends anymore :cry: I have three friends here, see one all the time, one once a month, and the other every couple of months.

I haven't found it super easy making new friends either, I've found it hard to make friends I actually like.. as mean as that sounds. It's hard to find people you just click with and I'm not that fond of ''forced'' social situations/small talk etc. I have met people through work, through toddler groups and through an ex pats group on facebook. Don't know what I'm going to do without my bestie to be honest :(
I've two close friends... We've been friends for 30 years... I can't believe I'm writing that lol.....jeez I'm getting old. I see them about once every 6 weeks as we are an hrs drive away. We text weekly and facbook too

I don't really have any other "good friends" and I miss it. I'd love a good mate here that we could pop in, go for drinks etc.. I'm picky and I don't click with many people in the way I want to spend a lot of time with them iykwim x
My best friend was my sister who moved to Canada nearly two months ago :( I saw her 2 or 3 times a week. I kind of saw her so much because i rarely got to see other friends.

I don't meet up with anyone on a weekly basis. All my friends have children and are really busy. I'd say that i manage to see various friends once a month. I do go to church and so do most of my friends so even if we don't see each other for a long chat we get to say hi etc while at church.

I really would like a close friend that i could meet up with every week but i do find it hard to make friends easily.
Thanks ladies- it sure is more complicated being older with family/kids... it's not like I'm in my 20's anymore where I can just worry about ME and have all the time I want to hang out with friends and go out. :haha: I honestly don't miss those days- but my life is so full already! Plus- I could never find any new relationship even close to what I have with my bestie now... it's pretty unique to find that. And I wouldn't want to- but might be nice to have some other friends I could hang out with at least a little more often? I just had another friend move to Cali like 4mos back... maybe I just move there too! buahaha. Kidding ;)
Hope your friend doesn't move! :hugs: My best friend here is moving in June and I am already so sad about it. I see her at least twice a week, sometimes she just hangs out at our house a few nights a week! I talk to her every day.

I moved to the other side of the world a year ago so I don't see any of my old friends anymore :cry: I have three friends here, see one all the time, one once a month, and the other every couple of months.

I haven't found it super easy making new friends either, I've found it hard to make friends I actually like.. as mean as that sounds. It's hard to find people you just click with and I'm not that fond of ''forced'' social situations/small talk etc. I have met people through work, through toddler groups and through an ex pats group on facebook. Don't know what I'm going to do without my bestie to be honest :(

Sorry hun- I can imagine it's gonna be tough! No great words. :hugs:

tbh- I sometimes think me and my bestie might be a bit co-dependent! :haha: But it works for us- and just how we've always been... so I can imagine it will be tough for her too moving away from all her family and friends (if it comes to that)- Like you once did. :hugs:
Ahh it's hard. I've moved about a lot and so have a lot of my friends. I try to make an effort to see friends but there is so much distance involved for many of them :/
I have a group of friends I see maybe once a month (occasionally more) and a few friends I see every once in a while with our children or for a cuppa and one friend without children who I see maybe every other month for a gossip evening. I have one friend who I see on a weekly basis but that's coz we go to a social thing together every week.
It is definitely harder as a wife and mother to find time for friendships. It can be a real effort to keep them going.
I very rarely see any friends. I really try and don't know what it is (please no one take the opportunity here to tell me, I think ignorance is probably bliss :blush: ). It does suck but at least having a LO keeps you busy and you have the excuse of toddler groups etc.
We have a great social circle who we see once to twice a week (none of them have kids).

But two of my dearest friends moved away (one is three hours the other four - five).

BUT we make the effort to see them every few months and we txt constantly like they are still here! With the joys of Facebook and txt message it's like they are here!

Another best friend spends 5 months in France then home for 2 weeks, then goes to Spain for 6 months! Then she'll be home for a month ish before going again! But due to skype and video txt message (thank you I message for making this free!!) it works fine. I was worried Dylan would forget her (he ADORES her!). But after 5 minutes she was back to being fave auntie as he saw her through skype lots :)
I'm lucky that my big group of friends all live close by. A couple went away to uni but they're not far and they always come back for holidays and we always arrange big nights out or get togethers. It definitely gets harder as you get older though, :hugs:
I've recently moved (not far) and I hardly see my old friends now (only had a few)
There's one I used to meet for lunch and I've said I'll go there (haven't seen her since we moved) but she's stopped replying to me now lol oh well :nope:
I rarely see my friends, it used to really upset me but I'm happy just getting on with work and spending time with my family. A few of them like to get hold of me last minute and see if I want to go for a night on the town on a monday or something. They just don't really get it lol.
I only have a few friends I see on a regular basis. My best friend I just met 2 years ago when I was prego with DS2. I met her weirdly enough through a facebook post on a mommy page that she was selling some maternity clothes, and I wanted to look through them. she has a son my older son's age, and we both just totally clicked. Our kids love playing with each other, and we have a lot in common. We text pretty much every day, and get together with the kids every 1-2 weeks when we can for play dates, or take the kids out somewhere.

I also see my SIL pretty much every weekend. She comes over most Friday nights to stay the night, hang out with the kids, we usually do something fun with them on Saturdays after cleaning up the house. I'm so glad to have such a good relationship with her, so the kids can be so close to their aunt and I that I can spend time with my close friend (as she has definitely become one of my closest, dearest friends).
I met my best friend 3 years ago when we were pregnant, we are pretty close and go through phases of seeing each other 2 times a week to 2 times a month. I see a handful of other people once every month or two. Xx
both my besties have now settled down and moved in with there partners. so now were all different sides of London making it hard to meet up for a quick coffee.

I do really miss them but just means we have to be a more planning ahead and make the most of our time together.
We definitely talk to our friends more than we see them but we try to get together as often as possible. Some friends we really only see during the Summer when there's BBQ's.
I hardly ever see my friends but we do always text! Life/children/work gets in the way xx
I've been friends with my best friend for 13 years although we haven't seen each other much in the last 3 years or so, she was travelling and then I moved away. I always try to see her when we visit home which is about 4 times a year, she's pregnant with her first now so I'm really wishing we were closer ATM, otherwise we are kinda used to it anyway.

We have to move frequently but thankfully the military kinda has it's own inbuilt community so it isn't as difficult to meet new people but I haven't managed to make any really close friends yet I'm not very good at that, but close enough to have things to do lol :)

My friends here I see at weekly groups, there's usually an event every month or 2 and we organise avon parties and the like. But I'm a bit of a sop and like staying in or just doing things with my hubby....but I try to make an effort so I have friends when he's away lol.
Most of my friends live in London or Bristol so I don't see them as often as I would like but I make a massive effort to keep in touch with them. Usually see them twice a month or so, they will come visit me and then I'll go to them. I talk to my closest friends constantly though, my friends are so important to me!

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