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Tremendous nos. BFPs so far on the June Babies thread!!! And there' still 2wks to go

So I test again this morning 11dpo and BFN again. My usual LP is around 12 days so I thought something may show up on a FRER but not luck. The main reason I tested was because yesterday I was at the store trying on some dresses and first off felt really light headed but then I took my bra off I notice that my aerola's were huge and looked very veiny. I usually dont have that when AF comes. They dont really hurt unless something touches them. This morning they looked a lot darker. Usually they get darker when they get hard but they looked just as dark or dark not hard. Who knows I just thought if that was truly a symptom it would show the HCG in my urine by now. Oh well witch is due tomorrow so we will see. Been stuffy and bad headache the last few days.
Oh girls, I'm so sorry the damn witch got you. I guess I'm still in the running, although have completely lost "that feeling" today. Still no signs of the ol' hag, but yet another BFN this morning. I feel somewhat like someone has stuck a pin in me though, boobs don't hurt and seem deflated, no bloating, very bizarre. To make matters worse, I agreed a month ago to co-host a big, boozy party tonight! So, I have to run around buying food and liquor, do all the set up, and then don't even get to drink b/c I'm still in limbo land. This TWW is a total killer.

FX for you all in October, I hope I don't have to join you, but will probably be adding my Halloween Humpers tag come Monday :(

How many DPO are you?
So I test again this morning 11dpo and BFN again. My usual LP is around 12 days so I thought something may show up on a FRER but not luck. The main reason I tested was because yesterday I was at the store trying on some dresses and first off felt really light headed but then I took my bra off I notice that my aerola's were huge and looked very veiny. I usually dont have that when AF comes. They dont really hurt unless something touches them. I just thought if that was truly a symptom it would show the HCG in my urine by now. Oh well witch is due tomorrow so we will see. Been stuffy and bad headache the last few days.

You're still not out sweetie!! Plus those are good symptoms!!! Chin up!! :hugs:
Positive vibes for you girlies still in!! :dust:
Oh girls, I'm so sorry the damn witch got you. I guess I'm still in the running, although have completely lost "that feeling" today. Still no signs of the ol' hag, but yet another BFN this morning. I feel somewhat like someone has stuck a pin in me though, boobs don't hurt and seem deflated, no bloating, very bizarre. To make matters worse, I agreed a month ago to co-host a big, boozy party tonight! So, I have to run around buying food and liquor, do all the set up, and then don't even get to drink b/c I'm still in limbo land. This TWW is a total killer.

FX for you all in October, I hope I don't have to join you, but will probably be adding my Halloween Humpers tag come Monday :(

How many DPO are you?

Hi puppymom - 12 dpo today I believe, and I used a Target-brand early result test this morning. It doesn't say what level of HCG it picks up, but I guess I assumed it was also 25 mcg like FRER? I usually have a 14 day LP, so I think I would be less likely to get a positive today, but I'm a complete POAS addict. I guess we're still in it...how are you feeling outside of the boobs and tight dress? Any other symptoms?
Amos! You are still thinking good, sticky bean thoughts? Everytime I see that you've posted I'm hoping it's continued good news!
Okay ladies, I took a test this morning, even though I have until next week:test:. I'm no good at waiting. :happydance: But It's :bfp::happydance::dance::yipee::bfp:. I am very excited but yet I don't want to get my hopes up. I am only 10dbo. I will wait a few days and test again. :dust: to all.
oh wow 3 pinkwantablue..thats great...congrats....

jefner , i am in Ireland...its now 4.16pm.....

not much going on here....ov is on the way i hope, i have the ewcm..YAHOOOOOOOOOO so Twinmad's spreadsheet seems to be on the ball....

so there shall be lots of :sex: going on here this weekend, dh is delighted.... haha

so sorry for you little loves who got :bfn: ....... :dust: for this cycle for you

lotsa love
Awww sorry AndresMummy....where are you in your cycle???

OMG Pinkwantblue!!! YAY!!!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for ya!!!
Okay ladies, I took a test this morning, even though I have until next week:test:. I'm no good at waiting. :happydance: But It's :bfp::happydance::dance::yipee::bfp:. I am very excited but yet I don't want to get my hopes up. I am only 10dbo. I will wait a few days and test again. :dust: to all.

Hello Ladies, may I join you guys! I cannot seem to get added on another thread, so I will try here! I am due for AF on Tuesday CD-29 Sept. 29! Good Luck everyone!:dust::dust::dust::dust:

Welcome Andresmummy!!! When will you be testing?

I test every day throughout the day so far all :bfn:!!

I too am 11dpo only have a 12 day LP so I guess I will know more tomorrow I have been searching online like a mad woman about people getting BFN's 10 11 dpo and then BFP's at 12 13 14 some not until 16 or 18dpo so trying to remain positive.

Not really had a lot of cramping early in the week not like AF just wierd tinges and have had a headache the past frew days. The boobs are what is really freaking me out. but they dont hurt like they normally do until after AF has come so we will see. Guess it aint over until its over.
Im testing Sunday... scared as hell... hopppppping the :witch: stays the heck away!!!

Anyone else testing Sunday??

GL to you all!! xxxx
Hello Ladies, may I join you guys! I cannot seem to get added on another thread, so I will try here! I am due for AF on Tuesday CD-29 Sept. 29! Good Luck everyone!:dust::dust::dust::dust:

Welcome Andresmummy!!! When will you be testing?

I test every day throughout the day so far all :bfn:!!

I too am 11dpo only have a 12 day LP so I guess I will know more tomorrow I have been searching online like a mad woman about people getting BFN's 10 11 dpo and then BFP's at 12 13 14 some not until 16 or 18dpo so trying to remain positive.

Not really had a lot of cramping early in the week not like AF just wierd tinges and have had a headache the past frew days. The boobs are what is really freaking me out. but they dont hurt like they normally do until after AF has come so we will see. Guess it aint over until its over.

With my 3rd daughter I had neg after neg. then day after af was to show I got a post. Each pregnancy is different. so I would have been 16 dpo then and she is now almost 2 years old. So don't think neg. It's not over until af shows. :hugs:
Thanks 3pink Congrats on your BFP. I really have never tested early even with other MC I was always at least 1 day late before I tested so I guess I am just impatient. Also have so many things going on this weekend and would just like to know. My friend is having a purse party tonight with drinks she just had a baby in April so this is her first girls night out. They will want me to drink and two other friends are celebrating their Birthdays tomorrow night at a pub so there will be more drinking. Plus as soon as AF comes I want to go to the tanning bed (sunbed) for a wedding I am in next Friday been holding out to see if I was preggers or not. I just need to know waiting sucks.
Wow!!! Huge Congratulations 3pinkwantblue :happydance: 2 Fx's.... 1 that the little bean sticks and 2 that you get your much desired blue :happydance:

Jefner babe :awww: ss the :witch: got you..... here's :wine: to being a Halloween Humper and FX for a sticky bean in October

Puppymom - it aint over till the Fat Red Lady sings (I can't say that enough) Hang in there babe... the symptoms look promising and your HcG levels at 10DPO will be different from everybody else's so don't get bugged down
Hey all, can I still join? I was waiting to get a positive OPT, to determine when I test, and I got my positive OPT on Tuesday, so I will be testing Tuesday October 6th.

Ireland is a lovely place, lots of scenic areas and very friendly people... but a bit expensive comparing to UK! My friend wanted this coat from Monsoon and it costs 235Euro here (around 217pounds) but it is only 155pounds in the UK!!

We loved Cambridge but didn't get onto the punts, and took us ages trying to get into the car park at Grand Arcade (?). Absolutely love the area though and will go back again the next time :)

When are you testing?

Yes Grand Arcade is abit of a nightmare! Cant believe Ireland is so pricey. Maybe I wont come for a shopping trip then!

Unfortunately the :witch: got me today so no testing for me :cry::cry::cry:

Well girls I may have gotten a partial wish - seems I'll be able to drink at my party this evening after all :( Just been in the restroom, and discovered light pink streaking. 1-2 full days early, no accompanying cramps like I normally have with AF, and not a great quantity, but enough to put a tampon in. I've been searching in vain for anyone who's had implantation bleeding that looked like this as late as 12 dpo, but seem to only find crazy TTCers like us who think their periods have just GOT to be something else. Sounds like I'll be looking for some friends on the July bus. Oh, how I had hoped to avoid being pregnant during the summer!

So much for my PMA, I am pretty devastated right now, I may leave work early to have a few moments alone to sob. I'm comforting myself with statistics, supposedly the "average" couple TTC in their late 20's early 30's (we are 29 and 30) takes 7 months to conceive. This is only cycle 2 for us, I just really wanted to be one of the lucky ones, you know? I'm just so type A, I feel like we did everything right, charted O with OPK, BD'ed on all the right days...this should be scientific, right? Sigh...sorry to be a downer. I think I'll take a break for a few days and check back in with you all around October's O. Thanks to all for the support this past week, I have definitely been less crazy because of your help. FX for anyone still in the game, and good luck for next month.
Well girls I may have gotten a partial wish - seems I'll be able to drink at my party this evening after all :( Just been in the restroom, and discovered light pink streaking. 1-2 full days early, no accompanying cramps like I normally have with AF, and not a great quantity, but enough to put a tampon in. I've been searching in vain for anyone who's had implantation bleeding that looked like this as late as 12 dpo, but seem to only find crazy TTCers like us who think their periods have just GOT to be something else. Sounds like I'll be looking for some friends on the July bus. Oh, how I had hoped to avoid being pregnant during the summer!

So much for my PMA, I am pretty devastated right now, I may leave work early to have a few moments alone to sob. I'm comforting myself with statistics, supposedly the "average" couple TTC in their late 20's early 30's (we are 29 and 30) takes 7 months to conceive. This is only cycle 2 for us, I just really wanted to be one of the lucky ones, you know? I'm just so type A, I feel like we did everything right, charted O with OPK, BD'ed on all the right days...this should be scientific, right? Sigh...sorry to be a downer. I think I'll take a break for a few days and check back in with you all around October's O. Thanks to all for the support this past week, I have definitely been less crazy because of your help. FX for anyone still in the game, and good luck for next month.

SS the hag got you!! :hugs: Go ahead and have a pity party today! Mine yesterday left me in a much better mood today. Looks like there are several of us on CD 1 today...we should perhaps start our own team! Bexx, WelshRose, Claire911, WDYT??

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