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Tremendous nos. BFPs so far on the June Babies thread!!! And there' still 2wks to go

I will join you in a Halloween BFP as AF is on her way....Oh well having a party tonight for DH's 37th birthday and will be gulging down the White wine..On my 3rd pregnancy (who is now 7!!!!)I got pregnant on the first go....!Am not testing till I am late next month otherwise i will be broke before I get pregnant!!!!Other positive is we are taking the 3 girls to Euro disney for a surprise ....So will not have to worry about travelling so early in pregnancy...!Always a silver lining...!!!
hiya...well, i got an almost +opk thi smorning, we managed to bd last night, but so far not yet today, its ust not easy with all the kids around, does anyone know how long you get after your +opk til ov...i am having pains too..... i am consolingmyself with , the pains are still there, so hopefully the eggy hasnt been released yet..... feeling very low today....

Hey Loobi :hugs:
After a proper positive opk it is said that you are supposed to Ovulate within the next 48hrs. Even if the eggy has been released it can survive for between 12 and 24 hours...and the lil guys would be there waitin hun...mega survivors upto 5 days they can hang around:hugs:

and positive is as dark as the controlline isnt it??? cos this was not qite as dark but defo on the way.. sorry if i am doing your head in
and positive is as dark as the controlline isnt it??? cos this was not qite as dark but defo on the way.. sorry if i am doing your head in

Aww bless you hun....you are so not doing my head in its what we're here for!:hugs:

Yep a positive on an opk needs the test line to be as dark as the control line. By the sounds of things hun....you'll get that tomorrow....O happening by Tuesday....Goodluck Sweetie, I hope you catch the eggy:hugs:
thank you..... i am just driving myself a bit doolally, i just want to be pg so very much after everything that has happened...and am so convinced it wont happne, cos we have had nothing but bad things happen for the last two years, please god, let this be a turning point for us..... thank you so much...

I think being on three testing threads may have been lucky! - therefore would you please mark me as cautious BFP (hoping it sticks!) and keep my testing date as 28th as that was AF due date. tested early..ooops!
Thank you!
AF showed her face today....im out this month. Sigh....
I'm dying here...I "think" I ovulated on wed/thurs. We did the deed on sunday and monday. I have SOOO long before I can test. This is my first cycle TTC. How do you ladies stand the TWW?
my AF is due on the 1st as well.. best of luck to you
Hello all. Can you add me to the list? I am on CD 23 and waiting to test on Oct. 3. Wish us luck and I wish the same to you all. Baby dust!
Morning ladies,

Can't believe the evil :witch: has succeeded in gate crashing once again.... we didn't invite you OLD HAG!!! Can't you just take a hint and PISS OFF... Soooo sorry gina8177 and jmc111. Have a lovely glass of :wine: and put your feet up, enjoy DH bday and that glass of white :wine: and have fun travelling to Euro Disney without worrying about early pg...:hugs:

Huge congrats to Kailm and Trinity42 on your :bfp: :happydance: and FX it sticks

Welcome to the thread BrookieG and mrskcbrown.... heaps of :dust: to you ladies...FX for your :bfp:s

@Bexx - i've put you down for the 22nd, did you obsess or freefall last cycle, why not try the opposite and see if it makes a difference.... FX it's a :bfp: this cycle though

@WelshRose - Thanks babe :friends: i'm staying away as hard as I can.... just two days left and i'm tearing my hair out.... I feel NOTHING... no sore bbs, no headaches, no cramping unless i stand up too quickly :nope: I've only got bloating and a bit of gas...:cry:

@x-amy-x - i did reply to you in my last post babe... check out pg56... or did u ignore my post :cry:

@AshleyNichole and fish girl - i'm beginning to sound like a broken record... it's NOT over until the Fat Red Lady sings... hang in there babe :hugs:

@loobi - :happydance: for Oing within the next coupl of days.... I hope the little :spermy: finds the lovely eggy and give you sticky beany....hope you're feeling better today babe... think positive thoughts :hugs:

@HollySSmith - here's :wine: to the 2ww.... it's dreadful so be ready to hang in there and fight back the temptations to POAS too early like me :hugs:

@manchester1 - hang in there babe, i'm NOT taking you off... how do you know you haven't O'd? Do you temp, use OPKs, CbFM?

Can't believe the weekend has come to an end already :cry: :cry: I wish weekends were always 3 days long and weeks only had 4 days :nope:

:dust: TO ALL
Hi Aster and Loobi! At least I'm not talking to myself!

I'm due to ovulate today/tomorrow. Laying off the OPKs but I'm dying to do one just so I know. I''m choked up with a cold though, feel seriously rough so :sex: is going to be a chore!
Thanks Twinmad. I think we did everyday around O day last time... never worked though. Hmmm. Never had to 'try' for a baby before... always fell pregnant 1st cycle! My turn to be tested now I guess... this is cycle 4 x
Im not on the list but I got my first bfp on the 25th at 11dpo :) x
Hi girlies, I am just driving down to go look after my 2 year old godson for the week so will catch up on posts tonight, hugs to all xx
I'm dying here...I "think" I ovulated on wed/thurs. We did the deed on sunday and monday. I have SOOO long before I can test. This is my first cycle TTC. How do you ladies stand the TWW?

I just started my 2nd cycle a couple of days ago. I didn't expect my first 2WW to drag on for so long, but it sure did. Hope it goes a lot quicker for you. :flower:

@Bexx - i've put you down for the 22nd, did you obsess or freefall last cycle, why not try the opposite and see if it makes a difference.... FX it's a :bfp: this cycle though

As much as I tried not to, I'm afraid I obsessed a bit lol. I'm going to try and ease-up a bit this cycle. It helps that I now know a lot of the symptoms I was having were nothing to do with pregnancy. I think I'll be a little bit less excitable next time lol.

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