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Tremendous nos. BFPs so far on the June Babies thread!!! And there' still 2wks to go

I want to test so bad!!!!! Im on CD 25 but I cant take a negative..... I just might scream. I hope this is my cycle!
Ok ladies,

You heard it here first..... I GOT MY :bfp: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :happydance: :happydance: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... i'm sooooooo excited..... Check out My BFP Announcement... I'm soooooo stunned

I couldn't have done it without you ladies mwah!!!

:dust: to all still waiting to test :dust:

OMG TwinMad, I'm so thrilled for you! Hopefully I'll be able to join you in 1st Trimester next month. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ladies,

You heard it here first..... I GOT MY :bfp: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :happydance: :happydance: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... i'm sooooooo excited..... Check out My BFP Announcement... I'm soooooo stunned

I couldn't have done it without you ladies mwah!!!

:dust: to all still waiting to test :dust:

How the HELL did i miss this!! CONGRATULATIONS TWINMAD!!! I am SO excited for you!!

Thankyou for your spreadsheet too!! I know im fertile now because of your help! Thankyou! :hugs: keep us posted how you get on and especially if its twins!!! x x
Hello Girls! How is everyone doing today?

Twinmad: Huge huge congratulations to you!! I am so happy for you!! Hope you have a most happy and healthy 9 months!! :happydance:

I've been lurking for a few days, just feeling very very down... After having 3 days of CB Smileys, my BBT finally shifted. But sore boobs and tender nibs started almost straight away (The usual calling card the :witch: likes to send me before she comes), and the lines on my IC OPKs wouldn't leave me. The lines have gone much fainter but it was still easily detectable every night (6DPO according to FF today)... This cycle is really messed up... I don't know how to face each day of my 17-day long LP...
:wave: Can I join the list?

I'm CD 15, currently 3 DPO~! Will be testing on the 16th of October, I think! The calculator I was looking at said if we were successful this month then EDD would be June 24th, 2010!
Congrats to all the positive ladies!!! If you have any spare baby :dust: could you pass it along to the rest of us???
I've been lurking for a few days, just feeling very very down... After having 3 days of CB Smileys, my BBT finally shifted.
But sore boobs and tender nibs started almost straight away (The usual calling card the :witch: likes to send me before she comes),
and the lines on my IC OPKs wouldn't leave me. The lines have gone much fainter but it was still easily detectable every night
(6DPO according to FF today)... This cycle is really messed up... I don't know how to face each day of my 17-day long LP...

Aww Babe:hugs:
I've just had a look at your chart sweets.....and you really shouldn't feel down!.....It looks fab....particularly when you look at
the month before and there was a downward trend until 6dpo....This time it's reaching for the skies right from the start:yipee:
I know a 17day LP must be a nightmare when you're waiting to test...but....think of the flip side of the coin....it gives any
potential lil beanie so much longer to be able to get comfy before the Ol Hag is due....wish I had a 17day LP:hugs:
Hang in there Babe and heaps of luck and :dust: for your :bfp: xxx
Ok ladies,

You heard it here first..... I GOT MY :bfp: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :happydance: :happydance: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... i'm sooooooo excited..... Check out My BFP Announcement... I'm soooooo stunned

I couldn't have done it without you ladies mwah!!!

:dust: to all still waiting to test :dust:

Congratulations Twinmad...wishing u a happy 9 months:happydance::happydance:
Hey hey,

We did the deed last night :sex:, did the pillow trick and everything :lol: Hope it's done the job.

I had quite bad ovulation pains too, this is a new thing for me since losing Evie. It's bizarre to say the least and I hope I don't have to have anymore for a while! xxx
X amy X i lost my little boy in july and i have just hadmy first proper ovulation since, ( have had 2 bleeds ) i didnt realise i hadnt actually ovulated last month, but after this last week withthe pains and the ewcm, i know i didnt in aug...so fingers crossed we will hitthe jackpot this month, although i am nt too confident.....

did you have d and c????
i delivered my little man, but the placenta was stuck , so i had to have d and c..... things are defo different since, the pain i had with my period last month was terrible , and the bleedin out of this world, and not ina good way.....

i really hope it works for you.( and me)
Good morning girls! How's everyone this morning? Hope it is a good day for everyone!

WelshRose: You are really wonderful. Thank you so much for your encouragement because my heart just sank so low as soon as I noticed my sore boobies... Actually my temp today has dipped to 36.39... I need to nick some PMA from you. I really don't know how you do it. You still keep me going even though you are going through the same ups and downs... Fingers and toes and everything that can be crossed will be crossed for you to get your :bfp: this month!!

x-amy-x & loobi: So sorry about your loss:hug:. I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you girls that you catch your eggy this month!!
thanks nibbler.. i think i am 2dpo..... some weird pains going on down in my bits..like pinching.....on and off..... it kinda feels a bit like the ov pains, but thats gone now..so i dunno..... and a kinda wierd feeling where my cervix is too..... i think i am falling apart..... and in my hips, but its not muscular, its a strange old feeling alrite....

hows twinmad doing and all our other :bfp: 's??????
Afternoon ladies,

Snowed under with work and all I want to do is scream out that i'm pregnant but I can't cos we've decided not to say until after first ultrasound so i'm having to zip it and get on with it :cry:

@loobi - you seem to be extremely in tune with your body hun... the crampings, etc are meant to be sooo minute until about 6DPO so if you're feeling them already...wow! you're good...hang in there babe it'll soon be test date and you'll be all excited like about your :bfp: FX

@Nibbler - your temps still look good babe so don't go sinking on us now... any other symptoms? i'm keeping my FX for you that it's a :bfp: this month :hug:

@x-amy-x - :haha: :rofl: you clearly pulled out all the stops so my fingers are now blue due to lack of blood supply to them from being crossed for you :hugs:

How's everyone else doing?

:dust: :dust: TO ALL
Can you please add me for the 20th

Good luck all

5DPO and I feel like $**T lol. Very light cramps (Left side), bloated, skin broke out, I seem veiny and I "think" my boobs are sore but not sure since its pretty cold outside :blush: In fact it feels like they want to climb inside my chest so its probably the cold lol. I had diarrhea all morning (TMI SORRY!) and gassy. So either I'm falling apart (which is a distinct possibility) or I may get a BFP....
Temps are high though todays spiked 0.2 degrees....I also had congestion/runny nose on Friday and Saturday but that could just be a normal cold - though I haven't had one in a year.

I just want to test already!
Just noticed today 8DPO that I have mild dull cramps that come and ago along cervix and bottom of abdomen they go left to right? Not like AF cramps at all.

This is after I had major stabbing pains yesterday. i am also windy TMI sorry realy weepy and have a dull headache, also have a large amount of white cm.

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