Trying before AF?

Yeah lol, only coz its not as blank as usual, just glad my LH levels seem to be being picked up by opk's now. I was a little worried that it could affect me getting pg or staying pg if my normal LH levels were that low that i didn't even get a second line!! Weird kind of relief!
well im glad we've decided not to be too chipper on here cause im definitely not. just about the only nice thing i have to say is at least it's friday

im frustrated at my temps, my work schedule,. my love life, and most of all because i am worried about missing or having missed o this cycle. wtf temps? how do i even have a pulse with temps this low. im doing opks, hardly a line even though i had some around this time last week.

i did a few opks after the d&c before first af and got some of what i coined "almsot positives." now i know the first one was a positive.

did i miss it again?

most likely not. my cycles went stupid long after my last mc. -it was mmc. i was hoping this time magically, the d&c would have some sneaky benefit of bumping my cycle back in to line quicker. gr. i dont know why im more mad though - over the possibility of a short cycle or a long one.

happy for the relief in getting a lil line baileybubs xo
Oh horsey pants I'm sorry you are feeling down. Big hugs and hope you feel better. It's horrible when opk's are so hard to read!! I'm not going to do them next month. Just doing them this month so I can see if my cycle has changed and know when AF is due.
Hope you have a better day today xxx

AFM I got the opk to work today!! And it was negative of course lol! Taking a cheapie one to work with me to do at 5pm so I can compare it with yesterday's.

Have a good day everyone xxx
Horseypants :hugs: I'm sorry things are rubbish for you. I really hope you haven't missed O.

I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you and I really hope everything starts to straighten out for you!

Yay for digi OPKs finally working for you Bails!

Time to start going at it now! Get some advance party spermies in there ready for Miss Eggy!
:sex: :dust:
In march i had a MC at 5 weeks and got pregnant straight away before an AF. I then MC in april at the 5 week mark as well. If ur body isnt ready to be pregnant again your body wont let you so there is no medical reason to wait (unless u were far along of course)

For my next BFP my Dr. will have me get blood taken ASAP to see if my progesterone levels are too low which may be causeing my early MC. But she personally thinks it was just 2 unlucky times with bad chromosomes splitting.

I am not waiting this cycle either for another AF. I am just goin to let nature take its course.

I did notice that I ov'd a week later than i normally would have after my 1st MC, and I am yet to ov after my 2nd (but if it follows suit of my last one... i prob wont ov until next week)

Good luck my dear! :flower:

Just noticing that you get right back pregnant!!! I don't want to wait either but I'm so confused on what my body is or isn't doing.
Horseypants hope this is the begining of a better week for you...:)

Bailybubs, are you temping? Pleased you are having better luck with OPK... :)

Flapjack you will be O soon wont you?

AF got me on Saterday 13 DPO, first AF since MC 24th May....:(
A week after MC I had a scan to check everything was ok, and was discharged but told that I still had some bits left inside, though not enough for concern. However was told I would 100% not be able to get pregnant untill said bits had gone.
Anyway what I wanted to know is is that correct and since I have not bled from then till now was their no chance of falling pg even though I O'd?
Does that make sense lol, it's hard sometimes to get across what you mean.....
Julie xx
Sorry about AF, Julie :( At least now it's a fresh start!

I'm not sure about the 'bits' hun, but hopefully they've gone now with AF and you can have a real chance this month! :dust:

Hopefully I will O is a couple of days. Neg OPks so far! FX!

New in this thread, for several days I have been reading from the very beginning of this thread :hugs:

I went in on June 21st for my first u/s I was supposed to be 7w1d and the u/s showed that I had "just conceived" which was impossible. Doctor sent me in for blood work. My numbers were 1322 then 48 hours later they were only 1400. On Monday the 25th I took cytotec to end the pregnancy and be able to move on and start all over. I just stopped bleeding on Saturday. My doctor told me to wait a cycle or two but I don't know if I want to listen to him or not. I have read a lot of your posts and they make me lean towards the not waiting side haha.

Yesterday it just hit me that I'm not pregnant anymore and that I had to miscarry and I have been very upset for about 24 hours now. My dh is trying to "seduce" me even though he sees how upset I am. I feel like he is being very inconsiderate.

I have my follow up u/s on Friday to see everything is out. Hope everything is and I can move on.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me please!
New in this thread, for several days I have been reading from the very beginning of this thread
Wow! That's an achievement!

I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: I think sometimes it does take a while for it to hit you what has happened. I know I just kept on feeling really disappointed or kept getting reminded how excited I was.

I'm sure your OH doesn't mean to be inconsiderate. I think at times like this wires can really easily get crossed without proper communication. I had a big falling out with my OH after the first MC. I kept wanting to talk about it and he said there wasn't anything else to talk about, as we'd already talked about everything. Then he said he couldn't empathise with me because, I was the one who went through it physically and he didn't. This made him feel guilty, but also separates him more from the actual event, whereas I had a constant reminder of what had happened (the bleeding/my body not feeling pregnant).

Hope everything is ok on Friday and that you come to a decision on what you want to do. Even if you just wanted to NTNP.


AFM - CD14 and no smiley face on my OPK yet. Trying to BD as much as poss, but it's proving quite difficult! Hopefully we'll have BD'd enough! Gonna try tonight! :thumbup:
Hiya Al....

Sorry for you loss. I think it's quite common like Flapjack said to get wires crossed at such an emotional time, I too went through a hard time with my DH shortly after MC. I see now that he struggled a lot with what happened more than I realised at the time, but as a result has now brought us closer together. At the end of the day no one knows at that time what you are going through apart from each other. I also found it very hard to keep my emotions in check and remained in denial about what had happend.
We were not advised a great deal about when was classed to be "the right" time to start trying again apart from waiting for 1st period for dating purposes. We personally started as soon as I stopped bleeding but to be honest DH stuggled with that a little to begin with. I'm Just ending 1st period so looking foward to going for it this cycle....;)

Happy bonking Flapjack....;) Good luck trying to catch that peskie egg....
Julie xxx
Hi ladies,

Welcome al. So sorry for your loss hun. I agree with the others, sometimes wires can get crossed at these emotional times. He might seek intimacy as a comfort, but just explain to him how you feel. As for ttc it's a matter of whether you feel you could emotionally and physically cope with another possible miscarriage. Not that you will miscarry again of course, but you need to feel you would be ready to cope if that horrible chance did happen. That's the way I saw it anyway. I personally felt ready and ttc straight away but apparently my body wasn't ready yet as I'm now on cycle 2 and waiting to ovulate so I can catch that eggy this time!!

Flapjack - I'm a day ahead of you lol!! Have you o'd yet? Did a digi earlier and bloody error again, lord knows why, so did a cheapy and the pick is included below. It's getting darker yay!! And I'm getting strong O pains now too yay!! Still dtd every other day and using preseed! Going to Asda to buy more pregnacare today too lol!! Need to build up my folic acid!

Twister - sorry AF got you hun. I had bits left too and my doc said I wouldn't O or consequently get AF until the bits had been absorbed so if you have got AF then they should have gone. So now your womb is all clear ready for this months eggy!!

Oooh and im wedding planning at the moment and went to see a venue yesterday! Loved it!
Thanks everyone! Btw congrats to everyone who got their bfp already! Today I'm going on a walk to a park called garden of the gods with some ladies from my mommy me group. Hopefully that will clear my mind and I'll feel a little better. Now I'm just antsy for Friday. I wish I could get a "your pregnant" from my doctor and I can pretend it was an oops. It we haven't bd so I won't get that hehe. I just stopped bleeding on Saturday so we will see if I can pin point ov like I did in may.
Haven't O'd yet! Should do on Friday! FX!

Yay to darker OPK, booo to digi being a pain.

Think it's about time we had some dust up in this thread!




Oooooh wedding planning - I used to love it! Where did you go look at? It's ok if you'd rather not say :winkwink:

Al syr hugs xo

Baileybubs and flapjack, yay for impending o!

:dust: for everyone.

Me, I wanted a good temp shift to indicate there was an eggie to go with recently positive opk but alas no real temp shift. Gr! ...feeling just fine emotionally tho.

Wishing everyone tons of luck and as much happiness today as ya'all can handle :p
Loads of baby dust to you too horsey pants!! Glad you are feeling good!

Flapjack - I looked at the de vere in Blackpool, it's very nice!! They gave me a quite today which is actually fairly reasonable (or as reasonable as you can get for a wedding these days!!). September 2013 seems so far away but I bet it flies by!!

It got me thinking about whether I should be ttc at the moment though. It would be hard to save up money when on maternity!! I almost suggested we stop today but then I thought that it wouldn't matter, we'd still afford the wedding and the baby somehow, where there's a will there's a way! But I am going to go back on bc pill in November if I haven't managed to get my BFP, don't fancy walking down the aisle looking like a beached whale I'm not exactly 'slim' as it is :rofl: although I have been losing weight on my diet, only another stone to go and I'm perfect weight lol!!
I'm so stupid! I went for a wee this morning and forgot to wee in my pee cup. I dipped my OPK anyway (in the toilet) and it came up with negative, but I can't rely on this result. Going to have to do one later to double check!


Ooooh nice! We're both in the North West (sorry if we had already worked this out) :thumbup: If we get to be bump buddies we should so meet up!

The time really does fly by! I can't believe my wedding was nearly 2 years ago! :wacko: You'll be fine saving up and being on maternity - there's no perfect plan to life, just gotta go with the flow! Wow a stone lost - that's amazing well done! I'm not trying to lose weight, but I am trying to eat healthier as last time I weighed myself I was on the heavier side of what I should be. Losing weight would be a bonus!

Maybe we are synchronising with O :haha:

Lol, you make me laugh flapjack! Mine was negative this morning too, gonna do another cheapie this afternoon to compare to yesterdays. BFPs here we come lol!!
Whereabouts in the north west are you hun, if you don't mind me asking?

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