Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

I've used pre-seed for a couple of cycles. I don't seem to make the most EWCM. I hasn't worked for me but I'm also sure it didn't hurt. I'll continue to use it sporadically when I feel I may not have enough EWCM going on in the fertile window. It’s important to start out with LESS then gradually increase to your desired amount. DO NOT use the amount recommended on the box, its WAY too much and your BD will be one wild slip and slide.

I am the complete definition of a Starbucks girl. I don’t really love plain coffee but give me a white chocolate mocha or matcha green tea latte any day of the week! I’ve laid off significantly though since trying to be more healthy and drop a few pounds.

I love the sore BBs discussion. My norm is sore starting from around 7dpo until AF arrives. Then 2-3 days before AF the nips turn sore and sensitive as well.

Nixnax - oh no! sorry about your dad. Hope everything will be okay. :hugs:

LoneWanderer - I totally understand the frustration. I've def had my share of meltdowns over the past year. I'm glad we have these boards to share our frustration and vent in a safe place.
Cheers. Thing is I'm not even frustrated. Literally no idea where it came from at all. Yesterday I felt like I was literally having a breakdown - today I feel great. WEIRD :shrug:
Ahh okay, I guess we can just blame it on the lady hormones. heehee
Good news ladies, my dad is out of hospital and resting at home. He’s got pneumonia, on top of his COPD. He’s got some antibiotics. He does have artery narrowing as well, but that’s not what is causing it. That will become problematic in the future. Phew, it’s not too serious thank god.
Good news ladies, my dad is out of hospital and resting at home. He’s got pneumonia, on top of his COPD. He’s got some antibiotics. He does have artery narrowing as well, but that’s not what is causing it. That will become problematic in the future. Phew, it’s not too serious thank god.

Great to hear :D
No sign of AF today on cd28 of 28... Not saying she won't appear tomorrow like, but I NEVER come on overnight, always morning or afternoon. :thumbup:
Hi all! :) Hope you don't mind if I hop in, I've been reading through posts & getting caught up on everyone's journeys while slow at work today (I work at a credit union).

I'm Shelby, I'm 21 and DH is 28, we've been together for 3 years. This is our first cycle TTC, and I'm on CD 6 right now. I just came off the Nexplanon implant 2/19, so glad to see hopefully everything is regulating quickly!

We aren't telling many that we're TTC and I feel bad that I talk constantly about baby things to DH hahaha so I hope I can talk to you ladies :) I bought 14 OPKs and am going to start using those tomorrow, not sure if I will even O this cycle given it's the first one after my implant. Gyno said there usually isn't too much of a lag with the implants, but I don't know.

Nice to "meet" you all!
Hi all! :) Hope you don't mind if I hop in, I've been reading through posts & getting caught up on everyone's journeys while slow at work today (I work at a credit union).

I'm Shelby, I'm 21 and DH is 28, we've been together for 3 years. This is our first cycle TTC, and I'm on CD 6 right now. I just came off the Nexplanon implant 2/19, so glad to see hopefully everything is regulating quickly!

We aren't telling many that we're TTC and I feel bad that I talk constantly about baby things to DH hahaha so I hope I can talk to you ladies :) I bought 14 OPKs and am going to start using those tomorrow, not sure if I will even O this cycle given it's the first one after my implant. Gyno said there usually isn't too much of a lag with the implants, but I don't know.

Nice to "meet" you all!

Ey up! Welcome to this fine thread of lovely folk. (Except me, as previously stated I'm a bit of an arsehole haha, but the rest are all lovely...) ;)

We tried to avoid telling folk, but my other half works at the hospital and knows literally everyone there - his ma and sister work there too. When you're both sat outside the OBGYN's office or heading to the ultrasound department, it's pretty darn obvious. Plus all his colleagues in the lab process my test results. No blummin' privacy at all hahaha

Still a way for you to go then, just day 6 - about to start the fun bit eh? :sex: Well, you'll have plenty of company here, everyone's at very different points in their cycles and in theory, my next one starts any time now, so I could be just seven days behind you on my next. :)
Hey Shelby, welcome to the mad house. You’ve joined a good bunch. Good luck on your journey. This place is a great place to vent and ask questions without stressing out our partners.

Ha ha wanderer, you literally have no privacy.

Oh my days I’m in bed, he’s snoring away and I am having a serious case of restless legs. I can’t keep still. I’m gonna have to get up in a min, it’s unbearabe
Nix- That&#8217;s such a relief he has answers.! Glad he is home <3 Pneumonia is awful, I had it when I was 18 and I was in the ICU for a week! Thank god they caught it and can get him on meds comfortably at home! My mom has COPD, it&#8217;s rough for sure. Hope your dads feeling better today :)

Wanderer- On one side I&#8217;m like eeek! I would feel so awkward that everybody knew everything about my &#8220;insides&#8221; hahah. But then I&#8217;m like wait what you have like VIP status for your ttc care :) :) Definitely lucky for sure!

Welcome SV!! Congrats on being Cd 6! Do you do any active ttc stuff .. like madhouse crazy temping or using opks? I know they say the first period off of birth controls are usually just breakthrough bleeding but how exciting you already get to O soon :) Definitely Keep is updated! I&#8217;m also in the quietly ttc group. Nobody except my mom and best friend knows. Scratch that, my fiancé knows as well. Obviously lol. He&#8217;s actually the best help I have, he stares at test lines with me lol. We&#8217;ve been NTNP for a WHILE now and only started actively and I mean actively trying to get that egg! I just started temping and doing opks too. I hope you have an easy journey to #1 <3 GL in your wait before the wait :dust:

Soo I bought more opks today, and TMI ladies I had snotty, jelly like cm earlier!? I&#8217;ve seen a *few* ladies mention this but never in my life have I had it before! It wasn&#8217;t excessive but when I did check up in there it came out in small little globs! Small like .. hmm how can I put this.... like the candy Nerds? That small! And it stretched a lot. Not as much as EW but I was shocked you guys! I read up on it and see other ladies saying they get it during their cycles at random points. I just personally have never had that type of Cm! Mine is always lotiony/creamy except around O when it&#8217;s watery and ew. I&#8217;m hardly ever dry .. maybe literally the day of af and the day after. Anyways it was strange, have any of you wonderful human beings had this before? I had no idea what to put for cm today on FF lol. It was mixed in with lotiony cm so I just marked creamy. Oh so I bought opks because, weird. I didn&#8217;t have much hold because I bought them unexpectedly early and tested as soon as I get home. Negative for sure so I&#8217;ll check again tomorrow. One a day won&#8217;t hurt anybody haha. The addition is real y&#8217;all :)
Lee - I am so sorry abt BFN dear, I do see an indent line. Why does it have to be so so so confusing, like why why?? I am sending all the positive vibes your way girl, take care of yourself. And sneak back in to let us know how you are feeling when you can.

Wanderer - That's definitely VIP ttc treatment, lol. I am having more of a quite ttc, only mom and DH knows obviously. But it could be hard even without people knowing, with the stress and disappointment. I am sorry that you felt so down the other day, and glad it was gone soon after. Fx :witch: knows her place and stays away. Tomorrow you will be 1 day late then, when do you plan to test?

Die - I still can't believe you had to go through all that!! It sounds terrible, I agree that should be a one time thing, nobody needs such suffering in their life. I did have jelly like CM before, but I never really searched for it to know what it means though, it happened between my cycles though, not immediately before expected af (so that should mean af is not due for you, surely!?!).
I am so frustrated with my work right now, my boss is really breathing down my neck, with the extra work and all.
And, yes, you are right, DH is coming first, I will go the second week. He is coming this Saturday. All ready and packed. We do have apartments, and yes, in a way, it is a get away place for each other. We are not thinking about a house until we can settle together. And we will have to take a flight, driving would take forever otherwise.

Dream - Thanks for the tips on pre seed, honestly I was thinking I will need globs of it to make sure of a sticky bean, but hey no one wants that slip and slide.

svcaraher - Hello and welcome!! Since, you are on CD6, your body is just readying itself for DTD then, best part of ttc :happydance: I do plan to test for opk on CD8 or so, it will be my first time testing as well. I am waiting for CD1 to arrive atm, it should be over the weekends, lol, just when DH will visit. So, fx for your smooth ttc journey girl, keep us updated!
Lee - sorry about the BFN. It’s so disheartening. I hope you find out soon either way, so you can either pick yourself up and get excited about temping next cycle or get super excited.

Die - that almost sounds EW. I had it for the first time this month too. Unicorn mucus ha ha

Dream - thank you for the preseed tip, I plan to start using this soon and the last thing I want is for him or I to slide right off!

AFM - I took my temp today out of interest and it nice and high at 37.01. I’m 10dpo, still no sore boobs. What is it with our bodies??? Every month there is something different to get excited about, only to see a bfn. AF is due Tuesday/weds. I’m not going to test unless she is late. I’m going to be strong (she says)
Morning ladies! Well, BFN again today on two diff tests (20mIu and 10mIu) at cd29, 1 day late. Seems accurate enough - then again, did I O? When? Nobody knows. We're working on the assumption I'm 9dpo, based on cd18 ultrasound, but could be entirely wrong. Rang docs for blood test results from day 22 today, but they didn't have them yet. So not got my progesterone score. Going to try calling OBGYN on Monday, maybe she has them - but pretty sure they'd go to GP's office too. OH will chase Monday from the lab if no sign, but he's off today for this endoscopy so that's taking all our attention for the rest of the day. Really hope it turns out to be nothing awful, he hasn't been at all well lately but hell, we have enough bad luck in our lives so time we caught a break - I'll take the BFN happily if the trade-off is an all-clear for him. Not sure that's really how life works, but it bloody should be haha.
Oh , and re the VIP treatment thing - I am terrified of needles, hate blood tests, but I now have 'my own' bloodwork tech who uses the same needle on me that they use for tiny babies so I don't feel a thing hahahahaha
Die - I've had that type of CM only ONCE before, last spring when I just started TTC. It was 1 large jelly clump (around the size of a small desk key). Never seen anything like it since and no idea what it means. It was around O time in my cycle.

Nix - looks like you had some very well timed BDs - FX Good Luck!

It's only CD3 for me. I plan to start my OPKs CD11. So not for another week and a bit. So not much action for me right now. Just trying to stay as active and healthy as possible to make the best home I can for my little bean should he choose to stick.
WOW I feel so damn behind LOL sorry to go mia for a little bit. I haven't been testing cuz I'm not gonna waste anymore money, and I only have a few Wondfos left and don't wanna buy more until I know for sure I'm either + or -, so I just haven't had anything to update and I've also just been damn busy. I have to go back and read everything to catch up, but I doubt I'll be able to respond to it all haha we would be reading my comment for days.

So today is the 2nd possible day AF could be due. If we go by my withdrawel bleed as my last AF, than today would be the day AF is due. Nothing yet. The reason I thought AF was due a week ago today is because I was going by the 2 weeks after I ovulated. I still just think my body is off from getting off BCP. I have slight cramping sometimes still and still heartburn (especially with Goldfish crackers which is odd cuz theyre CRACKERS) and I never usually get heart burn. Yesterday I literally scream at poor DH because we got 17" of snow (made for amazing snowboarding yesterday!) and I was moving my car our of the driveway so he could finish snow blowing and since my car was still partially buried on one side, I had to floor it out of the driveway. Forgot my car had the E-brake on, so my car beeped when I started to floor it. I stopped and said "shit" to myself lol and he's yelling outside the car not to stop. I could have opened the window, but I was suddenly pissed and I opened the car door and I said "the E brake is on!" and he didn't hear me and yelled over me "don't stop!" so I SCREAMED (I'm sure the neighbors heard haha) "THE E-BRAKE WAS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he's like "Ok..." LOL we were fine after. omg there was so much snow. worked delayed for an hour... I said yeah I'm not making it in lol I attached a couple pix below. I don't have fun test pix, just what I've been doing lately lol. We went snowboarding last night which was epic and they also had this awesome show going on where olympic and X-games skiiers and snowboarders went over a HUGE jump, along with music and a 3D projection onto the jump. Pix also below. That was really cool. So I haven't had a chance to get on here because of (1) work, (2) naps, (3) snowboarding. Sorry ladies!! I'm dying to see all these updates!!

Pix: The pic of my leg in the snow... I was actually snowboarding and my snowboard was buried under about a foot of snow lol I went off the groomed part of the trail.


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Oh and to mention dreams.. this isn’t TTC related whatsoever haha. I’m not a huge dreamer apparently and when I do have dreams they’re usually nightmares! And only if I sleep out on the couch. I wake up from a nightmare ALWAYS around 3:30-3:50. Super weird right? Anyways Saturday night I had a dream that I found my guy at our downtown area doing some kind of contest. There were three male judges sitting at a booth and I just randomly showed up to see like 3 of his exes (all high school since we met right after) and even a childhood friend of mine. And a few other rando chicks haha. Some were wearing WEDDING dresses like they were showing up to marry him. And I was mad but not pissed (yea right!) and I was telling him like Dude you need to tell these females to go home and this isn’t happening. That you led them on cause you’re with me yada yada yada and he’s like ok I will baby. He walks over to the judges at their booth/table and they start laughing with each other and the male judges are giving him DAPS! Yea.. like fist bumping and laughing as if they’re saying to him “ you’re the man, look at all your girlfriends!” Oh my god. And I ran up to him after seeing my childhood friend and screamed HER!!? ___ ____!!!!? And he goes “oh shit yea that one was just a joke sorry babe ...” And then I woke up! PISSED at my so called fiancé hahaha. He just laughed when I told him and “baby what is wrong with you...your dreams ...?” Instead of just saying “with you.” Smooth babe, smooth. I in no way shape or form think this way about him let me make that clear lol.. we watched my best friends wedding last night!! I can’t believe that led me to having such a nightmare hahah. PSA you guys .. that movie will cause serious dream infidelities lol.

OH ALSO... I read this back when you posted it, but I thought of you over the weekend. Before bed, I was telling DH about this chick I knew in middle school who is on my FB and always replying to things like she knows everything. Anyways, because of that I had a dream with her in it... that DH, who has never met her, knocked her up LOL the next morning eating breakfast I was like "So remember the chick I was telling u about yesterday that's a know-it-all? Well I had a dream that you knocked her up" and he was like "What?" LOL then I thought of you Die hahahaha. We are some crazy bitches LOL
On work - what do you all do? Just curious :)

Still catching up with the old messages sorry lol I work FT as a inside sales rep for a company that sells loading dock equipment (dock seals, dock bumpers, pallet jacks, pallet racking, mezzanines, modular offices, etc). I sell smaller items like dollies, pallet jacks, bins... it's basically warehouse equipment. DH is a licensed electrician, so thankful he can work side jobs which makes great money. He took his masters course forever ago, just has to take the test to get his masters license. With that he can own a company (well he can now, but can only have 1 employee without a masters license).
Sorry about the bfns ladies! My af is “due” anyday now but since I didn’t even O I don’t expect it to show! Maybe a breakthrough bleed if anything which will be super light and manageable :( But I don’t even feel that coming! I bumped up the vitex so I’m just waiting :) Maybe some of us will at least get af around the same time so we can work on next cycles bfp together <3 Really hoping for bfps but I’ll take the next best thing :( Will any of you do anything different this next cycle other than some of you who will be adding Preseed? I might grab some from CVS too.

I love snow! Haven’t seen it in years though. Come to think about it .. Love is a little strong lol. I’m pretty sure I remember being cold, wet, and miserable! Haha but that’s only because I’m from the south lol. Anything under 70 is cold. Like he 40’s it was this morning! But so jealous of all the fun snowboarding!

I have to get the butterfly needles too lol. I have “tiny” veins. I’m also a tiny person though! And by tiny I mean weight because I’m pretty tall at 5”5. Just skinny minny! Been drinking a protein shake every day and trying to take more breaks at work by doing filing and Office stuff. More breaks = less of the physical work = less working out and not substaining my calorie intake = gaining weight!! I think my thought process is correct haha!

Also no more crazy ex dreams haha. It was a fluke I guess :shrug: Even a little contagious! Sorry ladies, my bad haha.

Hope you all are doing ok, happy Friday! <3 Any big weekend plans??

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