Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Wait a goddamn minute... BUTTER IN COFFEE? What the actual..? No! I can't even believe that's thing. Butter? In coffee? :sick::sick::sick:

I have never had that, but I have heard of people doing that. Now I want to try it LOL
Wanderer- I live by the beach too! But always warm and sunny (FL) except for a few days when we cry if it drops below 70 degrees haha. And yea I agree, I don’t even like Starbucks but I do love my coffee! But I would never sit on my laptop anywhere while I ate or drank coffee. Not really my thing. All though when hurricane Irma came and we were without power for two weeks, there was one restaurant out of almost the whole area who never lost power so were able to stay open and feed people and let everyone use their WiFi! Yea we lost cell phone service too. Everyone was prepared for all these things but I guess I didn’t realize we’d actually be without phones! The streets were so flooded and I couldn’t get in touch with any of my family (I stayed home to hold down the fort lol) so I drove as close as I could get to my parents house and parked before it got too flooded. I literally had to walk two miles probably in waist deep rain and SEWER water just to check on my parents! Then had to swim back to my car. Yea, not fun at all! That was a horrible first few days of being lost and not knowing how bad the damage actually was or if everybody was ok or their house was damaged. I had a tree fall on my roof and crash though it causing the whole house to shake during the hurricane! Needless to say I took some really strong medicine and I was able to sleep until we lost cell service and lost any information on where it was at or when it would pass! Florida is not ideal but it’s beautiful most of the time lol. Plus I’d take a hurricane over a tornado anyday! Idk what it is but if I ever heard the sirens go off indicating a tornado like you see in movies I’d have a heart attack! I always think those sirens going off down here would mean it’s an alien invasion lol. Terrified of alien stuff but at the same time fascinated! Family of Navy and Armed force members so they know some scary stuff haha.

I didn’t mean that I actually write, not in the way you do. I just meant on here I seem to be able to write novels haha. I blame it on lack of bosses looking over my shoulders at work :)

I’m glad you’re another fellow pre af sore boober! There’s a couple here and I always say that if I ever got pregnant my one sign would be NO boob pain which would set alarms off in my head OR they’d be 10x worse than af boobs if it was possible! My last cycle I had only ONE sore boob until days before af when the other one became just as sore haha. You just never know I guess =/ Hope she stays away though, but if not here’s to April Bfps!! :)

Wow you were caught up in Irma? Bloody hell. I watched it come in on live webcams all that week (us Brits love a bit of extreme weather, we get very little of our own - an inch of snow or a slight gale and we lose our minds, so real weather is fascinating to us haha).

I tested today - I know, too early - and BFN. I trust that result to be honest, I don't feel PG at all. Not that I'd know what it feels like but I just feel I'd know, you know? Fairly sure she'll show tomorrow, will update either way.

Nix - 3000mg of anything sounds an insane amount haha! I hate taking pills, getting the clomid down has been hard enough. Honestly, if I need painkillers ever I'll have a ton of calpol rather than take a pill lol!

Snowboarding, Lee? Blimey! The most physical activity me and OH get up to on days off is a walk in the park to feed the squirrels! I'm pretty clumsy, I think I'd break fairly quickly if I took up any kind of extreme sport. Though I do like mountain biking, but my bike is a bit like me these days - aging and rusty and stuck in storage hahahahaha

Hahaha I'm soooo out of shape and I'm overweight as well :( I was always a decent weight in high school, but after that I blew up. I'm trying to get healthier because I want a healthy pregnancy. ANYWAYS, I tried snowboarding at 16 and 19 but wasn't good and when I met DH 7 years ago he taught me. It took a couple years to click (like driving a car), but now I love it and I fly. Just started trying out powder yesterday (very fluffy snow... usually the trails are groomed which means theyre kind of flat with a little snow... they literally brush the trails with a big comb). I enjoyed the powder surprisingly, but it WAS more of a workout. DH wants to go again tonight. My body is sore today from doing the powder and from shoveling, so we will see.
I'M ALL CAUGHT UP... I read and skimmed through a bunch, but I got the jist of everything.

Nix - Glad to hear your dad is doing better.

SV - Welcome!! It started off with just a few of us writing novels daily haha and I love how it has grown. I had no idea people were following along until about 4 of you started chiming in. Love it :) love hearing everyone's updates and I feel like I know everyone in person now haha. I'm 32, DH is 34, married 3 years and together 7. First 'cycle' TTC... i say 'cycle' cuz mine is all messed up lol.

Lady - Thanks for keeping the positives vibes :) still waiting for AF to arrive. I haven't tested because I feel like I'm out, but who the hell knows lol I'll test again, just don't know when. I forget if I told you but I didn't end up snowboarding Tuesday like I said I was. THAT day my brakes started grinding (it never led up to it, just started grinding that day) so DH wanted to change them. He was changing them from 6pm - 9:30pm and I was his helper. it was so cold out... but it's done. We went last night tho and it was epic with the fresh snow.

Die - I'm also 5'5"! :D

All others: I read your updates and hoping to hear good news soon and hoping AF continues to stay away! I know some of you are late/due.

As I mentioned, if we go by my cycle after O day, I'm 20DPO and 7 days late for AF.... OR AF is due today, but no sign of her yet... OR I'm just all messed up from getting off BCP and skipping an AF. Who knows! At this point I just want AF to show so I can start OPKs soon and start temping for the first time with my new basal body thermometer. So if I'm not pregnant, I will be changing it up by temping and I think I will wait a few months before I try preseed. If I have no luck, than I'm all for trying it.

Weekend plans... tonight we are going snowboarding, tomorrow is our nephew's 9th bday party an hour away, and Sunday nada. On the 14th (Wednesday) I have a physical w/ my new doc, so I'm gonna tell her what's up with my body.

I shouldn't be going MIA like I was before. I'm back, sorry!
ONE more thing lol sorry, I just checked my FF app to update symptoms and I noticed they changed my AF from today to tomorrow (and normally it comes on a Friday). I'm guessing it changed based on symptoms. Weird! Below are my months of Feb and March. The red Feb 9th date was my withdrawel bleed because I stopped BCP 1 week into the pack on Jan 29th.

So... to see easier:

Jan 29th (Mon) - Stopped BCP 1 week into pack
Feb 9th - Withdrawel bleed
Feb 17th - O day according to +OPK on 16th


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Die & Lady - I am going to start OPKs this weekend, from my app I should O on St. Patty's Day, but since it's first cycle off the implant I'm going to check religiously until I get that + hahaha.

Any advice on OPKs? I read testing in the afternoon is best, but the box of tests I got say any time of day is fine? We only have one bathroom at work so sneaking in there to test might be hard. :wacko:

Lee - I am SO envious of your snow!! I was born and raised in Alaska, now I live in Oregon and the snow here is blah, not exciting. I'm not good at snowsports though so I will live vicariously through you haha!

We are going to DH's work's 90th birthday gala this weekend, they're shuttling us into the city to do dinner and an overnight in a hotel. It should be fun, we've been waiting for it for months.
SV - Sounds like that party will be a great time! I love sleeping in hotels because I'm weird and they always have the most comfortable beds lol I want to visit Alaska some day. It seems so awesome! Regarding OPKs, I had never used them until last month because I was never TTC. I have read about them, though. I bought a bunch of Wondfo OPKs (and HCG tests) and I was testing about twice a day. I tested at all different times of the day, but usually afternoon and night. If you didn't already know, the test line has to be the same darkness or darker than the control line to be positive. Once mine was positive, I put it into my Fertility Friend app and it said O day would be the following day. I guess O day usually comes the day after the peak OPK test (meaning positive test).
I was just googling about getting BFNs and later BFPs... I just found out about something called the Prozone Effect or the Hook Effect. Never heard of it before! I donno if it's happening to me, but it's interesting. It's when you have TOO much HCG in your system (and happens often with twins) and it gives you a false BFN reading. Also with twins, a lot of women were delayed getting a BFP in general... some saying they didn't get a BFP until 7 weeks pregnant with twins! I've been reading about twins since they run on both sides of the family.

The pic below led me to google more about twin pregnancies.


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Blimey, this thread's been busy today! We just got back from OH's endoscopy appt, he's recovering on the sofa, they've done a biopsy and now we wait for some results from that.

Meanwhile, still no AF for me, so still waiting to start the new cycle. Strange to be willing her to show haha
It's mainly me today just sending 823749823 messages while I get caught up LOL and I clearly had my coffee.

Wanderer - So are you 1 day late now or 2?
I had gotten a negative after work yesterday on a slight hold but also a maybe + this morning. Never trust FMU though so tested again just now almost 1:30 PM and it’s definitly positive!!! Out of all the ones I’ve done even the positives last time, I still never got one THIS dark! The last ones were same color at least but none of the test line were way darker than the control... until now :) :) :happydance:

Going to DTD later. Just hoping it’s the real deal here. Already took a huge temp dip today so if today happens to be O day I hope dtd will cut it. Either way I just wanna see a temp rise and actually O!! Wondering if I had tested this week and not just yesterday they’d be true positives too. Maybe I’m at the end of my surge who knows but this baby is blazing y’all =D

FX for me ladies! <3


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Welcome back Lee. Oh my god that snow. I was moaning at our 6 inches last week. It’s good that you an have fun in it.

With regards to FF for everyday your expected AF doesn’t arrives the pink box moves on a day. It doesn’t actually say ‘1 day late’ etc. Which is kind of annoying. I use 2 apps. One is always a day out to the other, but they take it in turns at being right. I wonder which app will be right this month.

I’m down south visiting a friend this weekend. It’s taking my mind off of the last few days of the dreaded TWW.

Wanderer, I hope you get some answers soon. I really hate the limbo and the not knowing, gets me so wound up. Hope your hubby is ok and it’s nothing too serious
I had gotten a negative after work yesterday on a slight hold but also a maybe + this morning. Never trust FMU though so tested again just now almost 1:30 PM and it’s definitly positive!!! Out of all the ones I’ve done even the positives last time, I still never got one THIS dark! The last ones were same color at least but none of the test line were way darker than the control... until now :) :) :happydance:

Going to DTD later. Just hoping it’s the real deal here. Already took a huge temp dip today so if today happens to be O day I hope dtd will cut it. Either way I just wanna see a temp rise and actually O!! Wondering if I had tested this week and not just yesterday they’d be true positives too. Maybe I’m at the end of my surge who knows but this baby is blazing y’all =D

FX for me ladies! <3

OMG at first site I thought it was a pregnancy test, I was like HOLY #$@% LOL but WOW that is QUITE a + OPK if you ask me!!!! The test line is DARKER than the control line!! you should be Oing today or tomorrow so get to it today, tomorrow, and the next day. Woohoo!!
Welcome back Lee. Oh my god that snow. I was moaning at our 6 inches last week. It’s good that you an have fun in it.

With regards to FF for everyday your expected AF doesn’t arrives the pink box moves on a day. It doesn’t actually say ‘1 day late’ etc. Which is kind of annoying. I use 2 apps. One is always a day out to the other, but they take it in turns at being right. I wonder which app will be right this month.

I’m down south visiting a friend this weekend. It’s taking my mind off of the last few days of the dreaded TWW.

Wanderer, I hope you get some answers soon. I really hate the limbo and the not knowing, gets me so wound up. Hope your hubby is ok and it’s nothing too serious

Ohhh I didn't know that, thank you! I'm new to FF. What's the other app you have?
I had gotten a negative after work yesterday on a slight hold but also a maybe + this morning. Never trust FMU though so tested again just now almost 1:30 PM and it’s definitly positive!!! Out of all the ones I’ve done even the positives last time, I still never got one THIS dark! The last ones were same color at least but none of the test line were way darker than the control... until now :) :) :happydance:

Going to DTD later. Just hoping it’s the real deal here. Already took a huge temp dip today so if today happens to be O day I hope dtd will cut it. Either way I just wanna see a temp rise and actually O!! Wondering if I had tested this week and not just yesterday they’d be true positives too. Maybe I’m at the end of my surge who knows but this baby is blazing y’all =D

FX for me ladies! <3

In the nicest possible way... I don’t want to see you on here later. Go get busy and catch that egg. Super super positive. I’ve never had one like that
Welcome back Lee. Oh my god that snow. I was moaning at our 6 inches last week. It’s good that you an have fun in it.

With regards to FF for everyday your expected AF doesn’t arrives the pink box moves on a day. It doesn’t actually say ‘1 day late’ etc. Which is kind of annoying. I use 2 apps. One is always a day out to the other, but they take it in turns at being right. I wonder which app will be right this month.

I’m down south visiting a friend this weekend. It’s taking my mind off of the last few days of the dreaded TWW.

Wanderer, I hope you get some answers soon. I really hate the limbo and the not knowing, gets me so wound up. Hope your hubby is ok and it’s nothing too serious

Ohhh I didn't know that, thank you! I'm new to FF. What's the other app you have?

The other app I use is Flo. It always says 1,2,3 days late. I prefer that, I know where I am then
Lee omg I can&#8217;t believe I didn&#8217;t even think about the Hook effect!!! That is such a REAL ass thing that could be happening to you! I&#8217;ve seen in happen on this forum so much! Ok so if that&#8217;s what it turns out to be then what? Will you need to get your betas drawn to find out for sure? I swear if we all had our own personal ultrasound machines ... just oh my god!

Wanderer- Glad it went well for your DH today <3 Take care of him girl :)

SV- I honestly just started this cycle too. But I will say that even if your opks say to test using FMU and you get a positive, absolutely test again with afternoon urine! Also a lot of them women here test around 2 PM. And also test once a day and if you see the line getting darker then to test twice a day. I usually did mine at 2 pm and then 7 so there was at least a 4 hour hold between :) And then you have anywhere from 12-36 (usual sometimes up to 48-72 hrs but that&#8217;s rare) to ovulate <3 GL girl! Also some women (like me) always have a decent amount of LH in their systems. I&#8217;ve never seen a blank opk with just the control line. I have always have a faint test line, but it has to be as dark as the control line or darker. Like mine was ^ lol. Oh and like I experience is you CAN get. +opk with ALL the signs you&#8217;re about to ovulate but not actually ovulate :( Its like a failed ovulation attempt. Most women get one or two annov cycles a year. I get a whole lot! But the only sure way to know is by temping and if your temps shift. Hope that helps and I&#8217;m sure the other ladies have lots of info as well! Unless I covered it all.. because big talker over here I&#8217;m usually just goin and goin with minimal coffee. Then tend to crash after work lol

And to edit : I will NOT be telling him about this positive!!!! I&#8217;m going to &#8220;pick a new movie tonight!&#8221; Idk if it&#8217;s this way for everybody but we can NEVER make it though a movie without DTD haha. Movie theatres are never ideal because of the long wait home haha. So yes I will be busy tonight and I&#8217;ll update in the morning. I wanna see some hpts tmro ladies <3 Maybe I&#8217;ll take one too Incase I did O and temps didn&#8217;t show it and this is a classic +opk during early bfp days. Unlikely but why not!
I had gotten a negative after work yesterday on a slight hold but also a maybe + this morning. Never trust FMU though so tested again just now almost 1:30 PM and it’s definitly positive!!! Out of all the ones I’ve done even the positives last time, I still never got one THIS dark! The last ones were same color at least but none of the test line were way darker than the control... until now :) :) :happydance:

Going to DTD later. Just hoping it’s the real deal here. Already took a huge temp dip today so if today happens to be O day I hope dtd will cut it. Either way I just wanna see a temp rise and actually O!! Wondering if I had tested this week and not just yesterday they’d be true positives too. Maybe I’m at the end of my surge who knows but this baby is blazing y’all =D

FX for me ladies! <3
I had gotten a negative after work yesterday on a slight hold but also a maybe + this morning. Never trust FMU though so tested again just now almost 1:30 PM and it’s definitly positive!!! Out of all the ones I’ve done even the positives last time, I still never got one THIS dark! The last ones were same color at least but none of the test line were way darker than the control... until now :) :) :happydance:

Going to DTD later. Just hoping it’s the real deal here. Already took a huge temp dip today so if today happens to be O day I hope dtd will cut it. Either way I just wanna see a temp rise and actually O!! Wondering if I had tested this week and not just yesterday they’d be true positives too. Maybe I’m at the end of my surge who knows but this baby is blazing y’all =D

FX for me ladies! <3

In the nicest possible way... I don’t want to see you on here later. Go get busy and catch that egg. Super super positive. I’ve never had one like that

LOL!!!!!!!!!! I totally agree here
Die - LOL about the movies. DH and I are lame and we literally watch the full movies LOL when we DTD it's random when we get turned on hahaha it's probably because we don't cuddle during movies? We usually just curl up under our own blankets on the couch with the dog between us. Sometimes we cuddle. But ONCE I start touching him, even ontop of his pants, he's ready bahaha. Men are so easy. Or if I'm changing and he walks in... he has a fascination with my boobs lol. ANYways haha so I went to Dollar Tree at lunch and I bought (2) HCG tests and (1) OPK because I like to test OPKs w/ HCG tests to (1) compare where the line should be on the HCG and (2) incase I get a BFP HCG I wanna see what the OPK reads cuz I have heard you can get + OPKs along with + HCG. Will use this to post in forums later. Regardless of a + or a -, I will let me doc know what's up on Wednesday and see what she thinks. If I don't get my period in a few weeks I will ask for a blood test. I went through this 2 years ago and it was an ovarian cyst + a uterine fibroid, but this time around I don't have cyst pinches and sex doesn't hurt. I read that fibroids don't have symptoms, so it would have been the cyst throwing my body off that time. Probably didn't allow me to release an egg. This was when I skipped a bunch of BCP, I forget why.
See I&#8217;d be jumping up with joy to see a +opk. I&#8217;m cautious because of last time and I still don&#8217;t have EW besides those little globs yesterday which did not stretch nearly enough for Ew definitions. I am more watery today though. Was last positive opks too. So not super excited besides that&#8217;s the darkest opk I can ever hope for :) So yea movie time = cuddling like leg inbetween legs and just all over on top of each other haha. It never ends good for us knowing how movies end though.

Oh man the Vitex! It&#8217;s only been what three weeks or so? Wonder if it&#8217;s working that quick!? It does bring on af and good O&#8217;ing. Hmmmm :)

Lee I can&#8217;t wait to see what your opk looks like! I will be floored if it positive!! I&#8217;m going to take a dollar general test after work too just Incase lol.

But yea yea yea y&#8217;all don&#8217;t have to worry .. if it makes you feel better. I will be busy banging it out with my sexy fiancé and continue being the BnB cheerleader tomorrow hahah. For real though, wish me luck. On next opk, Bd tonight and even the hpt I&#8217;m gonna take lol. Yes +opks instead of bfps. We see it all the time here girls so why not for you guys? ;)

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