Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Took these a half hour ago. D is for diluted urine (added water to cup). Purple is OPK. All 3 are negative. The confusing wait continues!


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See I’d be jumping up with joy to see a +opk. I’m cautious because of last time and I still don’t have EW besides those little globs yesterday which did not stretch nearly enough for Ew definitions. I am more watery today though. Was last positive opks too. So not super excited besides that’s the darkest opk I can ever hope for :) So yea movie time = cuddling like leg inbetween legs and just all over on top of each other haha. It never ends good for us knowing how movies end though.

Oh man the Vitex! It’s only been what three weeks or so? Wonder if it’s working that quick!? It does bring on af and good O’ing. Hmmmm :)

Lee I can’t wait to see what your opk looks like! I will be floored if it positive!! I’m going to take a dollar general test after work too just Incase lol.

But yea yea yea y’all don’t have to worry .. if it makes you feel better. I will be busy banging it out with my sexy fiancé and continue being the BnB cheerleader tomorrow hahah. For real though, wish me luck. On next opk, Bd tonight and even the hpt I’m gonna take lol. Yes +opks instead of bfps. We see it all the time here girls so why not for you guys? ;)

Woohoo!! Get to it!! ;) :sex:

I guess I should be thankful for lack of AF, even if I'm not pregnant, because it leaves more time for :sex:
Wow! I’ve missed a lot the last few days! I haven’t had much for symptoms, just my normal sore boobs. They normally start not long after O and stop a day after AF stops. I have had cycles with no sore boobs too, which is nice every once in a while, lol. I’m 9 dpo today. I will probably try a test on Monday. I don’t have many left so I have to make em last this time, ha.

Weird weather. I’m in southern Colorado and we have almost no snow. It was 55 degrees today. Our snowpack here is awful. I like the weather but we should have a couple feet by now and the ground is dry. We’re gonna burn up this year.

Hope we get some BFP soon!!!
Wow! I’ve missed a lot the last few days! I haven’t had much for symptoms, just my normal sore boobs. They normally start not long after O and stop a day after AF stops. I have had cycles with no sore boobs too, which is nice every once in a while, lol. I’m 9 dpo today. I will probably try a test on Monday. I don’t have many left so I have to make em last this time, ha.

Weird weather. I’m in southern Colorado and we have almost no snow. It was 55 degrees today. Our snowpack here is awful. I like the weather but we should have a couple feet by now and the ground is dry. We’re gonna burn up this year.

Hope we get some BFP soon!!!

Hey zoey, I normally have sore boobs from 5DPO but I don’t this month. I don’t think I’m preggo though, I’m so used to bfns I just expect AF to arrive now. Fingers crossed


Game over this month - here's to the next. Clomid starts again tomorrow, back on the rollercoaster.

GL all and FX!!
Omg I just wrote a whole thing and the page reloaded on me! Ugh!

To sum it up sorry to see Af got you wanderer! Here&#8217;s to next cycle and FX! Hopefully the symptoms of the clomid won&#8217;t be so intense this time, especially now that you know what they are. Maybe you can hone them out this time? Either way GL && you have a fresh start to get that egg! <3 Keep your head up girl!

Lee- Just what the fuck man. I&#8217;m 50/50 on whether the BC is still wreaking havoc in your life even though you&#8217;re done with it. Or your betas are just too high at this point! What do you think you will do next? How are you feeling like is there anything strange symptom wise for anything? Hang in there, we got you girl!

Zoey- Yay you can start testing tomorrow! :) I usually start at 10 dpo and it seems to be about the earliest I&#8217;ve seen a bfp before. GL on tomorrow&#8217;s test! I would usually test every morning leading up to af but I&#8217;ve also had days where I&#8217;ve done 3-4 hour holds to test multiple times in one day because I *swore* I saw a squinted on FMU test haha. Wishful thinking with line eyes Is a dangerous area! FX for you & we can&#8217;t wait to see you test pics <3

Ok so OH and I went to dinner and then had a great &#8216;movie night&#8217; at home haha. Crazy thing is I&#8217;ve all negative opks since the blazing + yesterday. Soo.. it was either a fluke and a bad bad dick test. Or I was at the end of my surge or even just had a super quick surge? Fake or real who knows. But I did have those little stretchy ew jelly ball cm last night before we dtd. So even after being upset about the - after dinner I was excited to see that cm. It&#8217;s NOT my usual ewcm by any means. I&#8217;ve never seen this before in my life! Oh and forget googling it because I&#8217;ve seen so many say they only ever got this right before their bfp haha. Anyways they stretched like ew so that got my mind right for my guy lol. Temp DID go up this morning. But I tried to take it at my normal time but fell asleep with it in my mouth. I woke up to my mouth open and the thermometer just hanging out in there lol. Did it again about 40 mins later correctly. So even though it was higher, I don&#8217;t trust it. Can&#8217;t wait to start sticking it in the vag after af shows lol. So wierd to say but it&#8217;s true because I can&#8217;t deal with oral temping anymore.

My boobs also started getting sore yesterday! Especially my nips which happens around O. Thought it was wishful thinking in the shower when I noticed but my whole boobs are definitely getting more sore today for real. Hope it&#8217;s a real O this time!! Timing would be meh if I O&#8217;d yesterday but that&#8217;s ok cause I&#8217;m going to cover the bases I can anyways.

Oh and OH MY GOD! This morning we had breakfast at a cafe down the street with all of my mans immediate and extended family. His cousin mentioned that she was on a forum during her first pregnancy. My neck literally almost broke I turned it to look at her so quick!! Their grandma asked her what kind of forum cause she doesn&#8217;t understand internet stuff lol. Lo and behold and I almost died... &#8220;oh it&#8217;s a website for a bunch of women who are trying to conceive, it&#8217;s called baby and bump but it stems from a bigger company called moms something.&#8221; I&#8217;m so glad everybody else had drawn their attention to her so it wouldn&#8217;t have looked weird if it was only me. I was waiting for her to give me a look like she knew something. I&#8217;m CONVINCED they will either be trying for #2 very soon, or already are. She always said she wanted her kids to be about two years apart. Their daughter is already one. But she never gave me any &#8220;I know&#8221; looks so hopefully not trying yet. For my selfish reasons only. So I immediately emailed a mod/admin when I got back home and explained to them I wished to change my username. It&#8217;s pretty uncommon and if anybody I knew was on here they would literally see it and hone in on me. Read everything I&#8217;ve ever written and know everythinggggg! I can NOT have his family knowing!! They are kind of judgemental and especially since their daughter already had children (easily) I know they&#8217;d be all up in our business wanting to know what was wrong with ME and why we are even trying when our wedding is next year. Frankly, I love them, but we do what we want and it&#8217;s none of their business. So I&#8217;m a nervous wreck about them seeing .. plus I really just want to be able to announce our pregnancy like normal. And then maybe explain we&#8217;ve been trying. But once family knows you&#8217;re actively trying it&#8217;s like that&#8217;s all they want to talk about with you and I personally can&#8217;t deal with my future IL&#8217;s and my uterus in the same conversation lol. I have been a paranoid nervous wreck all day about it!

I&#8217;m going to be rained in pretty soon. It&#8217;s supposed to start around noon .. and then just not stop. So I&#8217;ll be home tackling a mountain of laundry with pandora blaring <3
Can&#8217;t write much at the moment as we are just driving to the inlaws for a bday party (he&#8217;s driving of course lol) but still no AF. I assume it&#8217;s just effects from bcp and will just wait it out I guess

Wanderer sorry to here. Booo!!
Omg die - cringe. No you don’t want them reading everything on here. That would not be cool. I would definitely change your username or set up a new account. I’d be mortified if any of my friends or family read some of the things I put on here.

I have walked miles today. I’ve also ate a lot of rubbish food, so thought I’d better walk it off. My boobs are starting to get tender today.... finally. It took a while
Took these a half hour ago. D is for diluted urine (added water to cup). Purple is OPK. All 3 are negative. The confusing wait continues!

I am sorry Lee, stopping BCP really messing up with your cycle. I am keeping faith on af not showing up yet, we still may get a BFP for you this cycle, who knows.. Fx girl!
Wow! I’ve missed a lot the last few days! I haven’t had much for symptoms, just my normal sore boobs. They normally start not long after O and stop a day after AF stops. I have had cycles with no sore boobs too, which is nice every once in a while, lol. I’m 9 dpo today. I will probably try a test on Monday. I don’t have many left so I have to make em last this time, ha.

Weird weather. I’m in southern Colorado and we have almost no snow. It was 55 degrees today. Our snowpack here is awful. I like the weather but we should have a couple feet by now and the ground is dry. We’re gonna burn up this year.

Hope we get some BFP soon!!!

Welcome back zoey. You are close to testing dates, excited for you dear, keeping my fx !! Now come to think of it, am I the only one here who never had sore bbs before af. I guess if I ever do have sore bbs during tww that would definitely be a sign for me, lol.


Game over this month - here's to the next. Clomid starts again tomorrow, back on the rollercoaster.

GL all and FX!!

Wanderer - Sorry :witch: got you. I will be positive and say that now you know how clomid is reacting with your body, and know what things to look for during tww, and deduct the ones clomid gives you.
AF got me as well today, but I wasn't in tww. So we could almost be cycle buddies, let see when we ovulate. DH got home today, af cramp started when I was driving him home from airport, that wasn't fun at all! I get the worst before af hits.
Omg I just wrote a whole thing and the page reloaded on me! Ugh!

To sum it up sorry to see Af got you wanderer! Here’s to next cycle and FX! Hopefully the symptoms of the clomid won’t be so intense this time, especially now that you know what they are. Maybe you can hone them out this time? Either way GL && you have a fresh start to get that egg! <3 Keep your head up girl!

Lee- Just what the fuck man. I’m 50/50 on whether the BC is still wreaking havoc in your life even though you’re done with it. Or your betas are just too high at this point! What do you think you will do next? How are you feeling like is there anything strange symptom wise for anything? Hang in there, we got you girl!

Zoey- Yay you can start testing tomorrow! :) I usually start at 10 dpo and it seems to be about the earliest I’ve seen a bfp before. GL on tomorrow’s test! I would usually test every morning leading up to af but I’ve also had days where I’ve done 3-4 hour holds to test multiple times in one day because I *swore* I saw a squinted on FMU test haha. Wishful thinking with line eyes Is a dangerous area! FX for you & we can’t wait to see you test pics <3

Ok so OH and I went to dinner and then had a great ‘movie night’ at home haha. Crazy thing is I’ve all negative opks since the blazing + yesterday. Soo.. it was either a fluke and a bad bad dick test. Or I was at the end of my surge or even just had a super quick surge? Fake or real who knows. But I did have those little stretchy ew jelly ball cm last night before we dtd. So even after being upset about the - after dinner I was excited to see that cm. It’s NOT my usual ewcm by any means. I’ve never seen this before in my life! Oh and forget googling it because I’ve seen so many say they only ever got this right before their bfp haha. Anyways they stretched like ew so that got my mind right for my guy lol. Temp DID go up this morning. But I tried to take it at my normal time but fell asleep with it in my mouth. I woke up to my mouth open and the thermometer just hanging out in there lol. Did it again about 40 mins later correctly. So even though it was higher, I don’t trust it. Can’t wait to start sticking it in the vag after af shows lol. So wierd to say but it’s true because I can’t deal with oral temping anymore.

My boobs also started getting sore yesterday! Especially my nips which happens around O. Thought it was wishful thinking in the shower when I noticed but my whole boobs are definitely getting more sore today for real. Hope it’s a real O this time!! Timing would be meh if I O’d yesterday but that’s ok cause I’m going to cover the bases I can anyways.

Oh and OH MY GOD! This morning we had breakfast at a cafe down the street with all of my mans immediate and extended family. His cousin mentioned that she was on a forum during her first pregnancy. My neck literally almost broke I turned it to look at her so quick!! Their grandma asked her what kind of forum cause she doesn’t understand internet stuff lol. Lo and behold and I almost died... “oh it’s a website for a bunch of women who are trying to conceive, it’s called baby and bump but it stems from a bigger company called moms something.” I’m so glad everybody else had drawn their attention to her so it wouldn’t have looked weird if it was only me. I was waiting for her to give me a look like she knew something. I’m CONVINCED they will either be trying for #2 very soon, or already are. She always said she wanted her kids to be about two years apart. Their daughter is already one. But she never gave me any “I know” looks so hopefully not trying yet. For my selfish reasons only. So I immediately emailed a mod/admin when I got back home and explained to them I wished to change my username. It’s pretty uncommon and if anybody I knew was on here they would literally see it and hone in on me. Read everything I’ve ever written and know everythinggggg! I can NOT have his family knowing!! They are kind of judgemental and especially since their daughter already had children (easily) I know they’d be all up in our business wanting to know what was wrong with ME and why we are even trying when our wedding is next year. Frankly, I love them, but we do what we want and it’s none of their business. So I’m a nervous wreck about them seeing .. plus I really just want to be able to announce our pregnancy like normal. And then maybe explain we’ve been trying. But once family knows you’re actively trying it’s like that’s all they want to talk about with you and I personally can’t deal with my future IL’s and my uterus in the same conversation lol. I have been a paranoid nervous wreck all day about it!

I’m going to be rained in pretty soon. It’s supposed to start around noon .. and then just not stop. So I’ll be home tackling a mountain of laundry with pandora blaring <3

Oh die, that sounds scary as hell, I don't want anyone else know that we are ttcing other than my parents and DH. Hell I have family members who would give me hard time if they know we are trying, and not getting anywhere. If you can change your username, may be we can delete some of the conversation here as well, so that no one lurking here can pinpoint you even if they are family.
Die & Lady - I am going to start OPKs this weekend, from my app I should O on St. Patty's Day, but since it's first cycle off the implant I'm going to check religiously until I get that + hahaha.

Any advice on OPKs? I read testing in the afternoon is best, but the box of tests I got say any time of day is fine? We only have one bathroom at work so sneaking in there to test might be hard. :wacko:

Lee - I am SO envious of your snow!! I was born and raised in Alaska, now I live in Oregon and the snow here is blah, not exciting. I'm not good at snowsports though so I will live vicariously through you haha!

We are going to DH's work's 90th birthday gala this weekend, they're shuttling us into the city to do dinner and an overnight in a hotel. It should be fun, we've been waiting for it for months.

I am planning to do the same with opk this cycle. Today I am CD1. I am thinking about doing a hold and a mid day test from CD8. Lets see..
Right I’m so paranoid. She had no problem announcing when they were trying for their first though so I feel like we would’ve been heard through the grapevine if they started #2. But I don’t. The only reason it was even brought up was because their aunt had asked when they are going to give DD a DS. Her husband kind of made a sideways face like “ehh.. let’s not go there right now.” But still I need to get it resolved ASAP! Sent the message this morning but haven’t heard back yet. I have no problem making a new account, is that allowed? All I’d like to do is go and save some of my pictures of previous tests and things I’ve deleted off my phone for references lol. The rest can go! They’ve only been in our house once but I started obsessing about whether I posted any tests pics on my guest bathroom counter and if it’d be recognizable .. uhh really? lol my whole life story and city alone gives that info away haha. If I don’t hear back in the morning on the name change I’ll just make a new acc and delete the last one after snagging my pics off. Sounds like a lot of bs but necessary! I’d die if they knew .. literally! I could never feel comfortable around his family again without thinking I’m being examined from head to toe like they can see right through me and peep at my reproductive organs lol.

Anyways opks today were negative again. This time VERY negative like I never saw the last round of opks I did where there was always a pretty faint test line. These lines today are more faint then I’ve ever seen. Hoping it a good thing all though did drink a lot today and didn’t care to hold it on my Saturday. I won’t let ttc stuff ruin my weekends! Ok ladies we are off to meet some friends at their place :) I’m limiting myself to one glass of wine tonight .. this was supposed to be my do nothing all day everyday weekend but it’s been everything but. Which is fine cause I’ve gotta get out of the house, I’ve been feeling stir crazy after I was by myself this afternoon!
It all sounds very stressful lovely. Hope you get it sorted soon.

My LH surges literally last a few hours. Then 6-12 hours later I get the O pain in my ovary. I get a horrible pain, it makes me limp on whichever side the pain is. It’s really uncomfortable.

12DPO here. My last 4 LPs have been 12/13 days, so af is due at any point from now. I’m officially on knicker watch. I haven’t tested at all yet and don’t intend to unless AF hasn’t arrived by Wednesday.
Heyy so I’m 22DPO now and AF is either 9 days late or 2 days late. Took a test a little bit ago with like 3rd morning urine lol BFN or maybe a slight line? Who fucking knows at this point lol. I’ll hold my pee later today and see what I get. Annoyed at this point lol and not testing daily.


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Hello and good evening everyone :D

It's Mother's Day here in the UK (I think it's a different day entirely in US?). I'm sure it's been horrendous for some TTCers waiting to be mums, and for others facing the day without their mothers or little ones; I'm sure it's been a fabulous day filled with treats and fun times for others. However your Sunday has been, hope you enjoyed it/survived it (delete as appropriate).

FX for those still in this cycle, GL for those starting over again, and Lee, just hoping you get some kind of answer very soon.

Tonight is Clomid night, so here's to a week of hot and uncomfortable nights with very little sleep. Tomorrow I book a fresh round of ultrasounds - think I might ask them to push the last (cd18) scan back to cd20 so I get a better idea what this possible late O is all about, given that it hadn't happened by cd18 last month. Good plan, right? Then Mon or Tues (hopefully) I should get my cd22 bloods back from last month, so I'll know what my progesterone level was then.

This month we bring in Preseed, see if that makes a difference.

In the meantime, I've cheered myself up with a very merry DIY manicure to start off the week (pic attached). Woooo! :D :happydance:


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I’m in bed but will post tomorrow. For now here is another test from 11pm tonight. No bfp but wanted to share.


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Right I’m so paranoid. She had no problem announcing when they were trying for their first though so I feel like we would’ve been heard through the grapevine if they started #2. But I don’t. The only reason it was even brought up was because their aunt had asked when they are going to give DD a DS. Her husband kind of made a sideways face like “ehh.. let’s not go there right now.” But still I need to get it resolved ASAP! Sent the message this morning but haven’t heard back yet. I have no problem making a new account, is that allowed? All I’d like to do is go and save some of my pictures of previous tests and things I’ve deleted off my phone for references lol. The rest can go! They’ve only been in our house once but I started obsessing about whether I posted any tests pics on my guest bathroom counter and if it’d be recognizable .. uhh really? lol my whole life story and city alone gives that info away haha. If I don’t hear back in the morning on the name change I’ll just make a new acc and delete the last one after snagging my pics off. Sounds like a lot of bs but necessary! I’d die if they knew .. literally! I could never feel comfortable around his family again without thinking I’m being examined from head to toe like they can see right through me and peep at my reproductive organs lol.

Anyways opks today were negative again. This time VERY negative like I never saw the last round of opks I did where there was always a pretty faint test line. These lines today are more faint then I’ve ever seen. Hoping it a good thing all though did drink a lot today and didn’t care to hold it on my Saturday. I won’t let ttc stuff ruin my weekends! Ok ladies we are off to meet some friends at their place :) I’m limiting myself to one glass of wine tonight .. this was supposed to be my do nothing all day everyday weekend but it’s been everything but. Which is fine cause I’ve gotta get out of the house, I’ve been feeling stir crazy after I was by myself this afternoon!

I’m would be horribly paranoid if my family saw me on here. Nobody knows we are ttc. Everyone in my family is so fertile and started having kids around 20. I’m the odd one out of coarse, the one with no kids, so I’m always asked when I’m gonna have kids. It’s so frustrating, like I can just pop one out whenever I want. My stuff is all in an app called locked notes on my phone, it needs a passcode. I’m that paranoid someone might see a pic when they use my phone lol.

I feel like I’m out, I’ve been crampy for the last hour. Still have sore boobs. If I have no spotting tonight I’ll test in the morning. This is typical for how af gets me.

Good luck next time for everyone the witch got &#128578; and to those she hasn’t.

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