Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Think I ovulated this weekend but now I've been bleeding for 2 days all spotting and mix between brownish and bright red, light and clotty/tissue. I see GYN tomorrow but I'm worried something is really wrong now.
Sorry to hear this Canadian, hope you get some answers.

Looks like AF is knocking on my door this morning. Woke up to spotting
Tested today, not sure what dpo, but cd25 ...line eye or something there???


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Zoboe95 - I do see something, but it looks a little too far away from the control line...
Grrrr, what a morning.

Called hospital to book this cycle's round of ultrasounds - and there's apparently no referral form for me this month.

Called OBGYN's office, got the receptionist, she said the doctor was out all last week but 'if she pops in today I'll ask her for you and call back'. Helpful(!)

Still not got any results from the last cycle. So I don't know yet if I ovulated. If I didn't, then clearly I need a higher dose of Clomid, or the trigger shot, or both. Too late for that higher dose this month already, I've started the pills at the 50mg dose. So I guess I can already write this cycle off as a bust, even though I've gotta crack on with the crazy hormones anyway coz I've started them now.

And if I did O, if everything's fine and working, then I guess they might not bother tracking me this cycle - but they need to let me know that. CD20 for my possible O seems far too late, I only made it to CD30 before AF came along. Tracking this cycle would confirm dates etc...

So, to conclude... GRRRRR! Haha.
Zoboe- I definitely see a line without having to squint in zoom in. Got everything crossed for you.

Ah wanderer sounds like your having a mare trying to get info out of them. Hope you get something soon without having to bang your head on the brick wall for too long.
Still haven’t heard anything back from the ‘higher ups’ up here. Really was about to delete this acc. & make a new one but I couldn’t find a delete button!! Really hoping if she did see me on here she would come to me first and ask. That’s what decent people would do anyways! I’ve only met her a few times since she lives states away. So can’t say for sure!

Canadian- Damn girl. Maybe you ovulated early this cycle and it’s actually the start to af? Glad you’re going to get an answer tomorrow!!

Zobo- I see it FOR SURE!! I&#8217;ve never used that kind of test before? Is it a blue handle wondfo or a different brand of IC?? I can&#8217;t say for sure about line placement since I&#8217;ve never used a bland handle ic before but it does look like the start of a bfp!!!&#8217; I have everything crossed that&#8217;s what it is!! Will you test again onna 4 hour hold or be the hpt unicorn and wait until tomorrow?? Haha but yay I have a good feeling about that test!! GL girl! <3

At work and daylight savings is a bitch! I couldn&#8217;t get up this morning lol. My opks never faded anymore and to be honest they seems almost positive again yesterday! Pretty damn close so who knows. I&#8217;ve heard people temps were dipping because of DLS and mine didn&#8217;t rise anymore than yesterday&#8217;s. But my boobs are still sore so im pretty sure I did O? Or the Vitex is doing something lol. Was supposed to have af yesterday if I had O&#8217;d on time but .. yeaa. No cramps or anything other than the start of sore boobs. Wish my temps would spike up good though! So for now just still waiting and being sadly miserable it&#8217;s monday again!

Good Morning!

Expecting ANOTHER snowstorm late tonight into tomorrow. Our snow from the last storm hasn't melted yet, so we will have a bunch of snow on the ground. I guess snowboarding is extending this season! We taught my friend how to snowboard on Saturday. That was fun and she did well for her first time. Luckily she DOES want to go again. A lot of people quit after day 1 because it strains your muscles that you've never used. She wasn't hurting too bad the next day, but felt the pains that night while snowboarding. We went to our nephew's 9th bday party earlier that day, but poor DH spent most of the time fixing something on my car. On the way to the party (an hour drive), we heard something kick up under the car like we ran over something metal or a big rock. Car made no other sounds, so we just brushed it off. While at the party, DH took the car out with his sis to pick up the party pizzas and they came back saying it was making a loud noise. Ended up that it was a bolt that connects to the caliper (which holds the break pads onto the rotors) that flew off!! Luckily the 2nd bolt was still holding it up. He and our bro in law went to the store and bought a new bolt and fixed it. All is good now, but damn I hate car troubles. Yesterday we had a super lazy day and just did Netlflix and chill... literally... hahaha no DTD, just chill LOL. We watched some movies and shows. It was needed after the long day Saturday.

Die - That is scary that she's on this site haha but I'm sure she might not put 2 and 2 together. I know what you mean because if people find out that we are trying then whatever, but I want it to be a surprise. SOME people know, but not our parents etc. You should be starting to test soon with HCGs now instead of OPKs hehehe I hope you DTD a ton over the weekend while Oing! Tell us all the details! KIDDING LOL

Nix - Can't wait to start seeing your tests!! Excited for you to be at that point just about now!!

Wanderer - Love the nails! Mother's Day in the U.S. is in May, so it's almost here. Then Father's Day is in June.

Zoey - Hopefully AF holds off. And I know what you mean about having a fertile family. Everyone has had kids young in my family (I say young, but I mean late teens but most in the 20s) and me and a few other cousins don't have kids yet, but still at 32 (33 in Sept) it makes me feel like all the older relatives are just waiting like what's taking so long lol and just the other day my mom said, "I just can't wait until you get pregnant!" which is funny to hear because in the past it was always, "Don't get pregnant young!" lol but for the past couple years she has been saying she can't wait. She even bought a baby book for us lol it has Foxes on it and Fox is my maiden name. She said she couldn't resist. So I think that's cute, but she knows that last year DH and I were going through some relationship issues so that's why we are only just starting to try now. I'm just rambling now LOL

So I'm at 23DPO today and still no AF (CD32). My friend recommended that I should still take OPKs incase I skipped AF and O comes at any time. I have to buy more of those and HCGs on amazon today. Almost out. If I end up pregnant and don't use many of either test, I'll just give them to my friend after because they're gonna start trying soon. I told her to join this site.

I have been cramping yesterday and right now and what I noticed yesterday is that my cervix was like medium height then after cramping a couple hours I checked and it was super low. My cervix keeps just going up and down. Why? CM is just thin and milky white. Like lotion, but less than there was a couple weeks ago. Boobs are tender, but it's hard to tell if it's just pains from snowboarding cuz I used more muscles than usual while teaching my friend believe it or not and I did have a fall once. I landed on my knees, not my belly (just in case!). Like I said, once I know I'm pregnant DH and I wont have me snowboarding right from when we find out. We have season passes, otherwise I wouldn't be paying to go right now. I'm just rambling... anyways, that's it for now. Doctor's on Wednesday for a physical and will see what she says to do. She might have me take a blood test anyways because I'm new to this doc and she will wanna check my levels cuz I have high cholesterol and hypothyroid.
AF showed her dirty face. CD1 for me. Absolutely gutted
Woops, I posted thinking I read all the messages, but I forgot to read the ones on this last page so here are some more replies lol

Moose - I wonder what would cause that? If it's light, maybe you Od a little earlier and this could be IB? Of course better to check with your doc like you're doing. Are you cramping?

Nix - Maybe you are also getting IB! When I was pregnant before, I got IB a few days before AF was due and I thought it was my period but it only lasted a day. Keep an eye and let us know how long it goes because I'm curious if it's IB. Are you having cramps?

Zoboe - I do see a light line!! And it's PINK, so it's not an evap!! Keep testing and posting!! I played around with your pic and posted 2 pix of it below. I def see it! How exciting :D

Wanderer - Sorry for the frustration! I totally get it! Not knowing answers SUCKS.

Below is Zoboe's test tweaked 2 ways:


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Just added a 50 count of Wondfo prego tests and a 50 count of Wondfo OPKs to my Amazon cart as well as a 25 count of the tests below. I wanna test with both a Wondfo and this brand for a little bit, see what I get.


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Zobo- I see it FOR SURE!! I’ve never used that kind of test before? Is it a blue handle wondfo or a different brand of IC?? I can’t say for sure about line placement since I’ve never used a bland handle ic before but it does look like the start of a bfp!!!’ I have everything crossed that’s what it is!! Will you test again onna 4 hour hold or be the hpt unicorn and wait until tomorrow?? Haha but yay I have a good feeling about that test!! GL girl! <3


Its a One Step 10mIU test. Bought them on Amazon, 30 for about a fiver, so probably not the most reliable! hpt unicorns here, just poas again...line almost identical to this morning! Start a new job in 3 weeks, which could be interesting, but other than that, I'm so ready for this!!
Woops, I posted thinking I read all the messages, but I forgot to read the ones on this last page so here are some more replies lol

Moose - I wonder what would cause that? If it's light, maybe you Od a little earlier and this could be IB? Of course better to check with your doc like you're doing. Are you cramping?

Nix - Maybe you are also getting IB! When I was pregnant before, I got IB a few days before AF was due and I thought it was my period but it only lasted a day. Keep an eye and let us know how long it goes because I'm curious if it's IB. Are you having cramps?

Zoboe - I do see a light line!! And it's PINK, so it's not an evap!! Keep testing and posting!! I played around with your pic and posted 2 pix of it below. I def see it! How exciting :D

Wanderer - Sorry for the frustration! I totally get it! Not knowing answers SUCKS.

Below is Zoboe's test tweaked 2 ways:

Oddly no, I’m not getting any cramps. Keeping an eye on it, but I’m not over helpful, it’s gone red from brown.
Woops, I posted thinking I read all the messages, but I forgot to read the ones on this last page so here are some more replies lol

Moose - I wonder what would cause that? If it's light, maybe you Od a little earlier and this could be IB? Of course better to check with your doc like you're doing. Are you cramping?

Nix - Maybe you are also getting IB! When I was pregnant before, I got IB a few days before AF was due and I thought it was my period but it only lasted a day. Keep an eye and let us know how long it goes because I'm curious if it's IB. Are you having cramps?

Zoboe - I do see a light line!! And it's PINK, so it's not an evap!! Keep testing and posting!! I played around with your pic and posted 2 pix of it below. I def see it! How exciting :D

Wanderer - Sorry for the frustration! I totally get it! Not knowing answers SUCKS.

Below is Zoboe's test tweaked 2 ways:

...I did exact same a post I wanted to respond to, and forgot to read the rest of the posts after!! ...thanks for the edits, they show it well!!'s to hoping they get darker and darker!!
...just watched call the midwife, and was close to tears on way too many occasions...I never cry at TV, but seeing all those babies after seeing that line today was weird!
Woops, I posted thinking I read all the messages, but I forgot to read the ones on this last page so here are some more replies lol

Moose - I wonder what would cause that? If it's light, maybe you Od a little earlier and this could be IB? Of course better to check with your doc like you're doing. Are you cramping?

Nix - Maybe you are also getting IB! When I was pregnant before, I got IB a few days before AF was due and I thought it was my period but it only lasted a day. Keep an eye and let us know how long it goes because I'm curious if it's IB. Are you having cramps?

Zoboe - I do see a light line!! And it's PINK, so it's not an evap!! Keep testing and posting!! I played around with your pic and posted 2 pix of it below. I def see it! How exciting :D

Wanderer - Sorry for the frustration! I totally get it! Not knowing answers SUCKS.

Below is Zoboe's test tweaked 2 ways:

Oddly no, I’m not getting any cramps. Keeping an eye on it, but I’m not over helpful, it’s gone red from brown.

I was wondering about cramps because if you had cramps that would be AF (unless you don't usually get cramps with AF), but with IB I don't believe you cramp. It went from red to brown in 1 day? Also a good thing. FX
Zobo- I see it FOR SURE!! I’ve never used that kind of test before? Is it a blue handle wondfo or a different brand of IC?? I can’t say for sure about line placement since I’ve never used a bland handle ic before but it does look like the start of a bfp!!!’ I have everything crossed that’s what it is!! Will you test again onna 4 hour hold or be the hpt unicorn and wait until tomorrow?? Haha but yay I have a good feeling about that test!! GL girl! <3


Its a One Step 10mIU test. Bought them on Amazon, 30 for about a fiver, so probably not the most reliable! hpt unicorns here, just poas again...line almost identical to this morning! Start a new job in 3 weeks, which could be interesting, but other than that, I'm so ready for this!!

Post ALL the tests you take :D I love seeing them.
It went brown to red, well bright pink. I do usually cramp like mad. I normally have to get a hot water bottle. Nothing of that sort just yet. We’ll see. Expect the worst and anything else is a bonus. I’m classing it as CD1 for now

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