Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

I am just leaving this here, since many of us ovulated around same time. I will post replies later.

I was looking for more ovulation symptoms, here is an interesting article I have found:

It mentions Resting Pulse Rate(RPR) increases during ovulation and keeps going up, until AF. Decrease in RPR indicates AF is approaching, but if it stays up, could be a symptom of pregnancy. Thought this could be a fun thing to track.

Related stories can be found here:
I just wanted to let you all know that I can’t stop farting 😂 hopefully a good sign 😂
I appreciate the well wishes but AF showed up 3 hours after testing. The good news is I can call the GYN and have them set up my HSG test now and maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones to get pregs right after it. GL ladies and have a better week than me.
Lee, always good to share hahahaha.:haha:

Canadian - sorry AF got you. FX for new cycle and good luck with the HSG. I hated mine, but the information it gives is really valuable and it is all over pretty quickly - plus most people seem to have a much better time than me with it.

Die - any better?

Lady - interesting about the pulse rate thing, gonna have a read of that.

Everyone else - it's not loading older posts under the editor for some reason. I'm gonna have to go back and read through and then come back to respond haha.
I have pain today, on my right hand side. It's CD19. Also some more pain to the middle and low down - almost like trapped wind, but it's not that. I checked last month's book notes and around cd20 I put down that I had UTI-ish pain, except no UTI materialised (but I did down a ton of cranberry juice to try and scare it off before it set in, and that seemed to do the trick). That was also more to the left side and the middle. SOOOOOOOO... now I'm fairly sure this is my o pain. Last month cd22 bloods confirmed o, which hadn't happened by cd18 scan... So I can pretty much assume o day for me is cd19/20... Off for cd19 scan in two hours, so I guess I'll get some answers... maybe... What do you all think? You're all much more familiar with O symptoms than me - I've only ever done it once before to my knowledge hahaha
Lee...always good to know about bodily functions haha :D

It seems that my ms is sticking traditional at the moment, I wake up first thing feeling really sick, usually (tmi) go spit down the toilet a couple of times, literally just spit, then I'm OK, then other than queasy moments, I'm OK the rest of the day. I also don't like anything sweet at the moment though. I'm usually a complete chocaholic, but every time I eat it, I regret it! Other than that life is good :p I start my new job next week, and will be doing 3 long days (8-6 I think) so I'm going to be shattered!!
Wanderer - that sounds like ovulation to me. Whoop whoop.

Zo - that’s the part I dread the most. I always want to phone my mum when I’m sick. I’ll be having her on speed dial and she’ll be changing her number lol
Nixnax - Im the same, but my mum is used to it...I had glandularfever 2 years ago, and in that year there were more days that I was sick, than that I was healthy, so I used to phone her all the time!! parents also live less than a mile away, so I'm there all the time!
CD22/6DPO - Only 1 more DPO than I was yesterday, just doesn't seem fair.

Zo - Moms are the best, aren't they? Mine lives fairly close too and I wouldn't have it any other way.

LoneWanderer - Sounds like O to me. Hopefully today's scan gives us uh I mean you some good insight.

Nix - do you think it's possible you O'd CD15? I know the rise isn't much but it looks like it could be possible.
Thanks all. Am back from hosp.

WELL - my lining has thickened right up, 8.2mm, that's apparently good.

Both my follicles on the right have now collapsed. Now, that either means they ovulated, or they've given up on me and fallen back into themselves. No way of knowing which until they do day 21 bloods and I get progesterone results - by which time I'll be into the next cycle. BUT she thinks it is far, far more likely that one/both follicles popped out an egg than that they both just decided to implode. So that's good news, I think. I am officially in the TWW I think - 0dpo or 1dpo probably.

Its hailstoning here and really dark and grim. I was supposed to be running a million errands in town today - but instead I'm going to sack off all my work, lay on the sofa, eat an absolute ton of mac and cheese with hot dogs, and catch up on terrible TV. Because I AM THE BOSS hahahahaha!!!
I’m pretty sure I’m O’ing!! Had a big temp spike this morning after my temps have been back for their normal post fever. And I forgot to mention the other night we BD I had so much ewcm! Had a little the day yesterday too. Been having the worst pain in me right ovary so I’m hoping the temps stay up. Ugh I’ll be so bummed if not. But I was honestly hot as hell this morning. I usually wake up freezing but I had to kick the covers off of me as I temped I was so hot. Should’ve taken my temp with the fever thermometer just in case. Damn. Oh well.. hopefully I’ll have a very negative opk later.

Wanderer- 8.2 is great!! That’s definitely more towards ovulation to me :) You’re definitely in the tww I’d say! Yay congrats! Hope you have a nice relaxing day, those are the BEST! What’s your favorite garbage guilty pleasure tv show?? I love watching all the teen mom shows haha. I’m 27 for Christ’s sakes! But I grew up with those girls and heir kids so it’s weird to not be invested in their lives lol.

Zobo- Is it bad I’m happy for you to have MS? Lol that means your eggo is cooking perfectly! Sorry because I do hope it lessens up for you for sure. Good luck with your new job next week, that’s so exciting!

Lee- The gas hah! I hope it’s the good kind .. from something else brewing in you haha. You’re so close to testing soon aren’t you??

Wanderer- Yes I feel MUCH better today, thank you! I’ve been having O pains too I wonder if we are both O’ing around the same time.. eek good luck girl <3

Thank you ladies for all the eek wishing because I’m feeling 70% better today! Just a lingering pain in my ass cough but other than that I feel great <3 Now if I can just confirm O in a few days I’ll be 100% where I need to be in my life ;) Happy Wednesday, hope everybody’s day is a breeze!
Wanderer- 8.2 is great!! That’s definitely more towards ovulation to me :) You’re definitely in the tww I’d say! Yay congrats! Hope you have a nice relaxing day, those are the BEST! What’s your favorite garbage guilty pleasure tv show?? I love watching all the teen mom shows haha. I’m 27 for Christ’s sakes! But I grew up with those girls and heir kids so it’s weird to not be invested in their lives lol.

Haha, well mostly the stuff I watch OH likes too, so when he's at work there's bugger all left over for me to watch by myself. He's managed to get me right into the wrestling, never thought I'd see the day, but I bloody love it now. And we're rewatching cheesy 90s gameshow Gladiators (I know you had that on your side of the pond, as the prize for ours was to go compete on the US version of the show, but maybe it was slightly before your time..? I was only about five when it first came out).

But today I've been watching One Born Every Minute, don't know if you have it (or similar) there, but it's just a reality documentary in a maternity ward basically, all the births and dramas and so on. Probably a bad idea as it looks feckin' horrific - BUT it is reassuring how one minute these women are going through hell and literally the second it's over and baby arrives, they look so happy and completely fine. Still, think I've freaked myself out enough for one day...
Die - Sounds promising, hope that temp stays up tomorrow. I LOVE TEEN MOM!!! lol total guilty pleasure. I'm also obsessed with some other MTV shows that I would never claim to watch in public. The Challenge and Are You The One? So sad when they ended the Real World. I'm literally pooping my pants excited for Ex On The Beach. lol I hope I'm not alone here. Someone say me too please!

LoneWanderer - Is One Born Every Minute on Netflix?
Die - Sounds promising, hope that temp stays up tomorrow. I LOVE TEEN MOM!!! lol total guilty pleasure. I'm also obsessed with some other MTV shows that I would never claim to watch in public. The Challenge and Are You The One? So sad when they ended the Real World. I'm literally pooping my pants excited for Ex On The Beach. lol I hope I'm not alone here. Someone say me too please!

LoneWanderer - Is One Born Every Minute on Netflix?

Quite possibly. I haven't got Netflix. But everything seems to end up on there lol
Lady - Thanks for the articles. I checked them out last night. Sucks how much O symptoms are just like BFP symptoms lol.

Moose - (I thought this name sounded better than calling you Canadian haha) That stinks I'm sorry :( just means it's prep time for the next cycle. FX this one WILL be your cycle :)

Wanderer - I figured everyone would love to know I was farting bahaha I'm just not usually that gassy haha at one point DH said "You ok over there?" lol. I Od early this cycle at CD 11. Your symptoms do sound like O symptoms. Are you temping as well? Did you take an OPK or are you skipping those? I'm jealous, I wanna curl up on the couch with mac n cheese w/ hot dogs and watch tv haha I'm stuck at work for 2 more hours.

Die - Hi!! Wow those all sound like great O symptoms!! Get to it!! :sex: and haha my gas. not as gassy today as yesterday luckily. I thought I was gonna blow away. I'm at 4DPO, so I still have some time before testing but obviously I've tested a couple times LOL I know I wont get a line BUT WHAT IF lolol it keeps me busy. Glad you're much better!

Zoboe - Hahaha I'm obviously not shy LOL morning sickness is the one thing I'm not looking forward to haha but bring it on :/ I have seen meds in the pregnancy test aisle that help with MS.

Dream - LOL right? Like why are we just 1DPO more every day damnit why not 5DPO more?? This TWW is 2 weeks too long damnit.

Regarding TV shows... DH also got me into wrestling 7 years ago lol We went to WWE WrestleMania a few years ago in New York and he wants to go again this time next year. I might pass cuz it's $$ but I told him he should go (with friends). We just started watching that new show on AMC that premiered Monday called The Terror. It's good! Reminds me of that show Salem that sadly was cancelled. That's a good one. We also watch Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and soooo many others haha.

I hear you all regarding our moms. I had sinus/septum surgery in October for my chronic sinusitis and apparently had polyps in my sinuses which caused bad blockages. I was miserable for years. And he fixed my septum cuz I damaged my nose when I was younger on a slide and it caused all these problems. Basically fractured my nose back then, but didn't break it. ANYWAYS, my mom flew home from Florida (I live in Massachusetts) to help DH take care of me for a few days :D so that was nice. That way he only had to take the surgery day off of work and could keep working through the week cuz we needed the money. And it was nice to have my mommy by my side haha no matter how old we are, we need them!

AFM... I'm 5DPO and just warm today and had a wicked migraine upon waking up, as if I slept on my pillow wrong (I use too many pillows sometimes so I'm almost sitting up lol). Mild cramps off and on still. Had a pimple yesterday that I noticed when I left work. I didn't see it before hand at work in the bathroom, but it was ready to pop and it never hurt. I don't usually get pimples... once in a blue moon. High CP and CM is sticky still and light. Oh and my temps have stayed higher. Chart below. That's it for me so far.

Oh and I use 3 different pregnancy apps... yes 3 lol I like to compare them cuz they all have slightly different symptoms you can pick from and are slightly different with O time etc. They are: Fertility Friend, Flo, and Glow. This chart is from Glow.


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Wanderer - I figured everyone would love to know I was farting bahaha I'm just not usually that gassy haha at one point DH said "You ok over there?" lol. I Od early this cycle at CD 11. Your symptoms do sound like O symptoms. Are you temping as well? Did you take an OPK or are you skipping those? I'm jealous, I wanna curl up on the couch with mac n cheese w/ hot dogs and watch tv haha I'm stuck at work for 2 more hours.

Regarding TV shows... DH also got me into wrestling 7 years ago lol We went to WWE WrestleMania a few years ago in New York and he wants to go again this time next year. I might pass cuz it's $$ but I told him he should go (with friends). We just started watching that new show on AMC that premiered Monday called The Terror. It's good! Reminds me of that show Salem that sadly was cancelled. That's a good one. We also watch Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and soooo many others haha.

Jealous about Wrestlemania! The decent shows never come to the UK. I think only once have they even contested a belt here, normally we just get a showcase with little decent action. I am in love with Braun Strowman, would honestly leave OH in a heartbeat for him. Such a cutie hahaha!

We've been watching Walking Dead but since it restarted after the break we just haven't had time to catch up. Here in UK Walking Dead is absolutely hilarious to us, half the cast is British and from terrible shows and doing terrible accents - Andrew Lincoln was in something called Teachers which was meant to be a comedy, but wasn't very good or funny... I really enjoyed the Walking Dead video game as well, it's basically a set of episodes that you make decisions in to alter how everything plays out - very interesting stuff.

No OPKs for us - when I wasn't ovulating they weren't doing anything for us, random positives all over the place. However, maybe they would work if the Clomid has got us more regular - but with all the monitoring, it seems unnecessary. And not started temping, got the thermometer by the bed but hell, I don't do waking up well and certainly not at any sort of consistent time. Usually we don't get to bed til 2am, 3am coz of OH's work shifts, and then not up til 10am earliest.

It has been a jolly marvellous day, I must admit. Though I might be in trouble for having done NO housework all day - everything is a right state but I just cannot be bothered haha
Regarding TV shows... DH also got me into wrestling 7 years ago lol We went to WWE WrestleMania a few years ago in New York and he wants to go again this time next year. I might pass cuz it's $$ but I told him he should go (with friends). We just started watching that new show on AMC that premiered Monday called The Terror. It's good! Reminds me of that show Salem that sadly was cancelled. That's a good one. We also watch Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and soooo many others haha.

Jealous about Wrestlemania! The decent shows never come to the UK. I think only once have they even contested a belt here, normally we just get a showcase with little decent action. I am in love with Braun Strowman, would honestly leave OH in a heartbeat for him. Such a cutie hahaha!

We've been watching Walking Dead but since it restarted after the break we just haven't had time to catch up. Here in UK Walking Dead is absolutely hilarious to us, half the cast is British and from terrible shows and doing terrible accents - Andrew Lincoln was in something called Teachers which was meant to be a comedy, but wasn't very good or funny... I really enjoyed the Walking Dead video game as well, it's basically a set of episodes that you make decisions in to alter how everything plays out - very interesting stuff.

No OPKs for us - when I wasn't ovulating they weren't doing anything for us, random positives all over the place. However, maybe they would work if the Clomid has got us more regular - but with all the monitoring, it seems unnecessary. And not started temping, got the thermometer by the bed but hell, I don't do waking up well and certainly not at any sort of consistent time. Usually we don't get to bed til 2am, 3am coz of OH's work shifts, and then not up til 10am earliest.

It has been a jolly marvellous day, I must admit. Though I might be in trouble for having done NO housework all day - everything is a right state but I just cannot be bothered haha

WrestleMania was cool but it was outside and we started to freeze lol also been to a bunch of other shows like Raw and PPVs and also been to a TNA show which was fun. I used to be in love with CM Punk but he quit :( I have a lady crush on Sasha Banks (who is from my state, too) and Alexa Bliss haha and I love Dean Ambrose #1, AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan (glad he's back!), Finn Balor.

DH and I crack up because most of the cast of the Walking Dead are from the UK like you mentioned and when we see them on the Talking Dead we are shocked if they AREN'T from the UK lol and yeah their American accents aren't the best haha and sometimes they slip. We feel like the show is dragging lately. It used to be better than it is now but oh well.
Diedrek- I have a love hate relationship with ms!! definitely is comforting, knowing it probably means everything is OK! Mostly its to do with keeping a fresh taste in my mouth...weird...if I eat anything sweet, or too strong, the aftertaste makes me feel yuk, but mint is good!

Wanderer - channel 4 online recommended me One Born Every Minute earlier, because apparently its similar to SU2C Bake Off!! ...I have watched it before, but decided in my slightly fragile current state it would be a really bad idea, and really scare me! Call the Midwife is bad enough for that, and that is very much staged! Watched an episode of NCIS LA last night with oh, and nearly cried...everything is setting me off at the moment!
Canadian - I am so sorry that af showed up. Hang in there, hope HSG will be helpful and sending :dust: for your next cycle.

Wanderer - He is so adorable, the pup. Did you get a call back yet? Your symptoms sounds like ovulation, get busy and join us in dreadful tww.

Die - I think you are the sweetest. Yes, I reached safely and leaving him each time is hard. But as usual, got a lot of pending things at work after the break, so I am really busy atm, which is good. It keeps me away from googling and over analyzing. Fx you are ovulating and glad you are feeling better. You are now also in tww, first few days are the worst to me. You have no symptoms, you can't test, just W.A.I.T. It's killing me.

Lee - Feeling bloated is an ovulation symptom, I guess I should say don't stop and those are the kind announcing the sticky bean, lol. Your symptoms on CM matches mine, I also had dry ones for couple of days, then lotion/creamy CM. However RPR information kind of backfired, mine is not increasing. So this cycle might not be it for me. Good luck to you, I loved that bit you are not supposed to test, but testing keeps you busy.

Zoboe - I am with Die on this, MS does sound your bun is cooking right. I hope it (MS) will subside soon though. I am also crazy about chocolates, so that is interesting to know, for you it kinda changed.

Nix - You and dream are so close on when you can test. Good to know weekend was eventful!! Fx for you and sending positive vibes.

Dream - Yes, I am lucky, he is patient with me. I wanted to ask both you and Nix, have you been having any symptoms yet?

On the tv show topic, I watch game of thrones, when calls the heart, and so many others. I am mostly into fantasy genre.
Dream - I use 2 apps. Ff says ovulation on cd15 and Flo says ov on cd14. I’m just happy that it’s been detected. So af will either arrive on 7th or 8th April. Or hopefully not at all ha ha.

I love one born every min. I’m on late shift so missed this weeks. I’ll catch up on the weekend. I also love walking dead. I find it hard to concentrate on it now I’m only watching it once a week. I used to like binge watching it.

3 or 4DPO here and just ridin it out. I’ve signed up to a 10k race in may so went for a run yesterday, almost keeled over. I’ve let myself become so unfit. I’m focusing on my fitness for a while now and hopefully in turn that’ll help me get preggers.

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