Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Ugh this thing has knocked my ass out flat for 4 days now, just getting to the part where I can eat,drink, and talk properly again... couldn't breathe right last night and it's been scary and stressful last few days. Hope you all don't get this and are fairing better.
Dream - I’m not using EPO next month either, I wonder if that has just made me drier.

Moose - I hope you feel better soon Hun, it sounds awful.

I had my first ever blazing positive opk. A bit early this month. And today I’ve woken to crippling ovulation pain. I’ve never been in this much pain before. We’ve bd the past 2 nights, I’ll try and squeeze one more out of him tonight.
Moose - glad to hear you're somewhat on the come up. Sickness is the worst, nothing gets me more frustrated then when I can't breathe! Sending you some healing vibes.

Nix - Yea this was my first cycle using it. and I'm thinking its not doing well for me. Unless I see some magical amounts of EWCM around O this cycle then I'm done with it. Def try to get that BD in tonight. Woohooo FX :dust:

CD13 of Cycle 13. According to FF my fertile window opens up tomorrow. Used preseed last cycle, no luck with it but going to use it again this cycle cause I figure it can't hurt and I don't really get much EWCM if any.
Canadian - Oh, I am so sorry, that chest stuff is so nasty. I hope you are feeling right as rain again soon.

Nix - I am sorry it hurts so much. You okay now?

Lone and Dream - I have my fingers crossed so tight for you both!

Lady - I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Take good care of your Dad and best of luck to you and yours.

I have nothing to report. AF done. Now just hanging around and waiting lol.
Just checking in again haha I creep daily though. I just haven't had time to comment back about everyone's situations and I have nothing going on here. AF is 2 weeks late and I'm still just assuming I skipped a period due to my cyst. So I THINK I act like I'm back on cycle? I used OPKS the last 3 days and nothing yet. Once in a while I'll double check with an HCG but yup still BFN. I check juuuust incase. I've been just trying to eat better and exercise. Our basement flooded the other day ugh but luckily not much damage. It's just about dry now. It was up to my husbands ankles in some parts but by the time I got home after he worked on it it was just wet. His cousin owns a daycare down the road and has always said that when we have kids we should bring them to her daycare, so I mentioned it to her yesterday because my husband recently told her we were trying and she said she'd gladly take our future baby :D I told her hopefully by spring.

Well as usual work has just been busy and I haven't FULLY read all your posts, especially the long ones, so I feel overwhelmed and behind haha.

Hoping to see some BFPs for you all!
9 weeks today, and I remembered to take a bumpie on time!!

I hope these are a positive for you guys, not a negative, please tell me if you want me to stop posting them!

I feel much better this week, I think the tablets are working, but I also feel massive, and its turning bump already! ...had to be really careful at work yesterday, because my top was quite tight, and it was hot so I wasn't wearing a jumper, I felt like they could all see it!!


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Zoboe I love the bump! So cute! You ladies who are prego SHOULD share everything because that’s what we are all here to accomplish! It’s a positive thing, no pun intended haha.
Hi my lovely ladies, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. My dad is doing a bit better, all his focus is on me right now. I had my initial and sort of 'pregnancy confirmation' appointment today. And Daddy showed up (although it was supposed to be only me and Mom), wouldn't let me drive by myself. It went smooth, the appointment. I met my midwife, she is wonderful. They approximated my due date is Dec 15th. I returned with a huge file, with loads of information and next appointment is on my 8th week.

Lone - I am so happy you had a wonderful weekend, belated HBD to your grand-dad. Hopefully the germs stay away from you. I would say it might be a good thing not counting CD that much, may catching that bean be a spontaneous thing. GL!!

Dream, Nix - Crossed all my fingers for both of you. I have never used primrose oil, so no experience on that. But I would vote for continuing pre-seed, I really think that made a difference for me. I was probably not having enough EWCM, and pre-seed helped with that.

Stella - Exciting that you are beginning your new cycle. May be post your opks once you start testing, that would be fun, counting down towards that blazing positive.

Moose - I am so sorry you were going through that awful cold and glad that you are feeling a bit better. Fx that you got your trooper with those BD squeezed in.

Zoboe - I am still in with the twin theory, that bump is making me confident. Of course we are happy either way.

Lee - eek, on that flooded basement, at least it wasn't too much of a damage. I love your positive thinking, cheers to that future spot in that daycare center!! Fx you get back in your regular cycle, and I am waiting for your +opk.
Ok anyone actually hear of women getting really sick near implantation, NOT when AF due? Holding out hope but most of me is like "naw girl you now what happens every cycle!" I've heard plenty of "sick as a dog near AF/missed AF" but none to much at the implantation time...
Lady, the twin theory is definitely in my mind! Im really glad I took photos, because I didn't realise just how much the bump had changed from week 8 to week9!!
Zoboe95 - Super positive. Shows the light at the end of the tunnel. I get so excited when one of us succeeds. I see it as just one step closer to being my turn. Happy 9 weeks! Bump is uber cute.

CD14 - OPK Negative. Hoping for a positive tomorrow or Sunday. FF opens up my fertile window today so we will start the BD tonight.

Happy Friday everyone!
Moose - I was actually feeling sick near the implantation time, but at that time I chalked it off as I was traveling around that time. So it could be a thing, not sure though.

Zoboe - Deffo, such a visible difference, making me all the more excited.

Dream - GL for your active weekend :winkwink:
Lee - We had a basement flood a couple of weeks ago (not as bad as yours it sounds like). Burst pipe that goes to the backyard. Not fun!! Keep checking those HCG tests until/if AF arrives. I read a lot about women who didnt get a positive for weeks so you never know.

Lady - Dec 15 is my birthday!! I really hope your due date is dead on (although unlikely lol). Sagittariuses are coooool people... Im glad to hear your dad is coping well. Its lovely that he can be so focussed on his baby girl right now.

Zoboe - i like the pics. It gives us all some idea of what to expect when our time comes!

Dream - best of luck this weekend!! FX!!!

Canadian - i dont think ive heard of women getting sick at implantation but everyone is different and theres so many unique stories out there. I wouldnt discount it. Listen to what your gut is telling you.

Since I got positive OPKs so early last cycle I went ahead and started them early this round. 1 week since AF and they're already starting to get darker (or its because I cant get them in at the same time every day - not sure yet). Anyway, will post pics when I have a couple more days in and will see what you ladies think. Hubby wants to go to the dirty store this weekend. Sounds good to me lol.
Grr...all was so positive yesterday...woke up today with a stinking cough and cold, can't keep anything down, including the acid stopping tablet I was prescribed, so the acid is back to go with it! Spoke to the pharmacist, and the only thing I can use to help the cold is Vickes nose sprays or anything annoying!! I've tried so many bland foods, and none of them are working!!

...anyway...rant over, tomorrow is another day!
Stella - I would love that if that is the case!! But yeah, we never know right? I am just keeping my fx that the journey remains smooth and we have a healthy baby.. DH is already deciding names for a girl, I don't know how to convince him we have to look for boy names as well. I guess, I can do that and I know it is too early decide on these things. It does help with making it more real, I mean I still can't believe it is, unless I count the dry retching that starts around evening (sorry for tmi).
I shoved my tests under DHs nose when I started to get darker lines lol. I am excited for you, waiting for your pics, GL!!

Zoboe - I am so sorry Zo, that must be horrible, MS making it difficult to keep anything down, and on top of that cold and heartburn. I usually feel fine the whole day, but, as the evening approaches, MS starts to hit me. Hopefully you will feel better soon, hang in there mamma!!
Lady - He really wants a girl!! That is so cute!! And I think everything will go beautifully. Aside from the MS... That ought to make it super real very fast!

Zoboe - Oh girl... I hope this passes quickly for you. One major drawback to pregnancy is no meds. Ugh.
Aah thanks lady and Stella, I guess I'm just in a grump about it all today :p meds is a pain, as is wanting to eat things I know I can't. Dairy is deffo affecting the heartburn, so I'm having to keep away from it, but with all this hot weather I really fancy ice cream! ...I've been having ice lollies, but they're just not the same! Also keep seeing videos about food pop up on Facebook and Pinterest, and even they are making me queasy! Trying to keep positive, and hope it all clears up soon ...its my mums birthday a few days after our first scan, and I'm thinking I might buy her a travel cot if the scan goes well ...bit of a weird present, but I think she will appreciate it!
CD16 at 2am


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Aah thanks lady and Stella, I guess I'm just in a grump about it all today :p meds is a pain, as is wanting to eat things I know I can't. Dairy is deffo affecting the heartburn, so I'm having to keep away from it, but with all this hot weather I really fancy ice cream! ...I've been having ice lollies, but they're just not the same! Also keep seeing videos about food pop up on Facebook and Pinterest, and even they are making me queasy! Trying to keep positive, and hope it all clears up soon ...its my mums birthday a few days after our first scan, and I'm thinking I might buy her a travel cot if the scan goes well ...bit of a weird present, but I think she will appreciate it!

Try gelato, they usually don't do dairy in it. If you do the right kind. Hubs and I are lactose intolerant so we have to watch what dairy products we eat.

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