Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Morning ladies. I’ve been feeling a bit off the last week or so. I had a painful but hopefully sting ovulation. Full of cough and hay fever.

We managed to get out on our bikes on Saturday and went on some mountain bike trails. I was a bit of a wimp at first but started getting the hang of it and got a little more brave. Really good for fitness, as I was dead after, I had to have a nap, it really took it out of me.

Zo - awwww what a lovely bump you have growing there.

Canadian - I sometimes feel a little nauseous around ovulation, I did this month, but I think that was from the pain of it. I’m RUBBISH with pain. I’ll be a nightmare during birth ha ha

Yay dream - super positive. I had my forst ever super positive this month. I never catch my surge. Did you get EWCM during ovulation?

Cd4 here and just chilling
Day off work Ill today, the cold has beaten me. I'm curled up in bed with a box of tissues, my laptop for TV, dairy free cookies and lots of water...oh and Vicks ...I don't plan on moving until I beat this thing!!
My OPK got even darker yesterday early afternoon (a true blazer) can't remember if i took a pic or not. This morning it's still strong positive so we will continue to dtd tonight and FX for a rise tomorrow. O today would make a HEDD of January 14th. (I'm always calculating my HEDD) I can't help it.

Got in an awesome workout yesterday. Very sore today but I love it. Let's you know the body is working hard and changing.

Nix - you're not temping this cycle? Honestly no, didn't really notice much EWCM. I saw the tiniest bit yesterday but to be honest I think it's just leftover preseed from the BD on the night before. So if no BFP this cycle it's unlikely I'll be taking the EPO again next cycle.

Zoboe95 - Sending your healing vibes. Get well soon!
My OPK got even darker yesterday early afternoon (a true blazer) can't remember if i took a pic or not. This morning it's still strong positive so we will continue to dtd tonight and FX for a rise tomorrow. O today would make a HEDD of January 14th. (I'm always calculating my HEDD) I can't help it.

Got in an awesome workout yesterday. Very sore today but I love it. Let's you know the body is working hard and changing.

Nix - you're not temping this cycle? Honestly no, didn't really notice much EWCM. I saw the tiniest bit yesterday but to be honest I think it's just leftover preseed from the BD on the night before. So if no BFP this cycle it's unlikely I'll be taking the EPO again next cycle.

Zoboe95 - Sending your healing vibes. Get well soon!

Hey dream, no I’m not temping anymore. I find that I get too stressed out when I do. I over analyse ever peak and drop and I find myself driving myself crazy.

Just sticking to opks from now on. I’ve given up EPO as well. I tried it for long enough and it didn’t work for me.

Love a good work out. We went mountain biking on sat. My first time. Boy is it hard. Just staying on the bike is a workout itself! We did proper downhill trails, defo need more practice. I ache from head to toe today
Hi ladies! Well I guess there has just been too much to catch up on to reply to lol. I caught up on most of it all.

Lady I'm sorry to hear about your loss in the family <3 that first appointment sounded exciting with the piles of papers to go through :D I'm serious, I'd be up all night reading haha. And thanks, just wanted to make sure my husband's cousin knew we WERE interested in having her take care of our future child. I would rather stay home, but we can't afford it. Basement is fine now thankfully.

Zoboe - They burst one of your veins taking blood?! Jesus no thank you lol hope you're ok. Must be exciting having all these appointments now :)

Dream - That's a great positive OPK!

Stella - Thanks luckily basement is ok now phew. I took your advice and have been testing here and there with HCG tests, but still BFN.... test is white as can be.

Sorry to everyone that has been sick!

Hey if you ladies see the movie Super Troopers 2, I recognized a restaurant in the movie when the captain or whatever is singing karaoke... it's a place I've gone many times down the road from my house! It's an Irish restaurant/pub called Kennedy's.

ANYWAYS... AFM... I will be checking in daily again, sorry I've been absent. Work was slammed, I was also just not symptom spotting or testing since I skipped a period and I was just 'whatever' for a month. I was mad cuz all the work I (and we all) do to test, temp, etc and it was all ruined by a friggin CYST. The cyst is long gone and I never saw AF, but all my HCG tests as of yesterday at negative. It's weird cuz I figured my cycle would just get back on track and that means O day would be today, but I have had all negative OPKs. Just to show you HOW negative they are, I posted a pic below. Nothing much else going on with me. DH and I are just happy to finally have some spring weather. Went to yard sales over the weekend.

I haven't been symptom spotting, but I have noticed sore nipples and cramping once in a while but that's the normal stuff in my cycles now. We have also been BD regardless of my negative OPKs cuz why not haha.

Super negative OPK:


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I also meant to add that I don't even know what CD I'd be on. No clue! Just BD until I see an AF within the next month I guess.
Lee, good to see you are back, and hopefully back in the game now!! Split vein didn't actually hurt too much, but left a massive, obvious bruise on my arm! ...I'm having one of those days today where I feel like I should just go back to bed and try again tomorrow! Woke up at 3am for no reason, got up at 6 for work, and ended up going back to bed still absolutely full of cold, got phone call from midwife saying I have a uti, so had to pick up prescription, which led to an argument because they didn't want to give it to me free even though on the NHS you get free prescriptions when preggo, had a massive argument there, but won, forgot to get the shopping I was supposed to on the way home, got home, went to go for a bath, and couldn't get the hot tap to turn on!!! not my day!!

....on the plus side its only 16 days till our 12 week scan, and I'm so so excited!!! And I'm so looking forward to telling everyone, so they know why I'm so grumpy at the moment :'D

Tomorrow is a new day, I will get up, head to work, and everything will be fine!!
CD15. No sign of O yet.

The boredom continues.

Today I have eaten a whole bag of oranges, just for something to do. :haha:
So I'm sorta freaking out atm, last two days been lightly spotting (first a little bit of light bright red, then the rest brown) and thinking"oh it's just AF, and I was really sick so maybe I'm just a bit wacky this month, plus we had sexy like 2 days ago so maybe were too zealous." Till I realized my breasts shouldn't be hurting anymore and AF was due Monday/Tuesday and I'm still weirdly cramping and cried....I mean fucking balled at hells kitchen when people I didn't even know (first time watched it) reunited with family in a few months time apart. Even husband was like..."uh babe? Wth is going on with you?" I DON'T KNOW!?! Ugh really not trying to let hope get to me because I KNOW what's to come. But I'll be damned if something funny isn't going on with my body these last 7 months. Damn it I need some real answers!

Ok rant over, and before you ask no haven't tested and no I won't till maybe 4 days after AF no show...been fooled before.
LoneWanderer - At least oranges are healthy! Hope you get some excitement in your cycle soon.

Moose - I hope the emotions are pregnancy related. FX :dust:

AFM CD18 and I'm calling it 1DPO. It will take FF a couple more days to confirm but I'm pretty certain of it. Officially TWW time. Here we go.
Lee - Hey you, its so good to have you back.. I am keeping everything crossed that you get back to your regular cycle, and opks give you that blazing line to say, "ready, set, go!"

Lone - Oh those oranges, that's kind of my snacks right now, oranges, and apples.. I never eat those fruits.. Its deffo my bean, cause DH is like that, always into healthy fruits. Fx for your O, enjoy your sexy time..

Moose - Did you say bleeding was just for couple of times? That does sound like IB, not af. When I was searching IB, I read so many stories on confusing IB with af. Hope the emotional roller coaster you are abt is because of those surge in hormones. GL babe!!

Zoboe - Damn, such a bad day.. and then that uti.. I hope it gets better soon. They are supposed to test for me too, but I haven't heard from my docs yet. May be not until my next appointment. Cheers to having a great day today.. Excited about your 12 weeks scan too!!

Dream - Welcome to your TWW girl, I really hope this be your month. Now we can symptom spot together if you want.

Nix - Did you mean you are CD 14 dear? In your post you wrote you are CD 4, but I thought Dream and you have pretty close cycles. Anywho, love your mountain biking story. Adrenalines are the best.

Stella - Post away your opks, it would be good to have extra pairs of eyes..

AFM, feeling exhausted all the time, I feel like I am not having enough sleep, whenever I am sleeping I have these weird dreams, then at 5.00 am I would be up. Can't sleep after that even if I try. And MS has finally hit me. I am working from home today, it was quiet impossible to hide my MS yesterday at my office. So theres my rant, everything is apparently horrible for me :(
What's up my ladies! It's a beautiful spring day here for once.

Zoboe - Thanks! I THINK I'm Oing soon, FX haha. I'll post more below. Sorry to hear that yesterday was such a shitty day! Damn it seems like you had quite a lot of bad luck :( hopefully today is better :) when you get your scan done, I hope you post a pic!

Wanderer - LOL the oranges... "just for something to do"

Moose - Sounds interesting! FX these are good signs :)

Dream - Congrats on the TWW :D let us know of any symptoms.

Lady - Thank you and sorry to hear of such a blah time with the MS <3 my friend had a baby boy a month ago and gave me a couple types of teas. I'll have to post about them if I remember when I'm home for everyone, but she had extras so she gave them to me. One was for MS and one was some raspberry tea that you drink about a month before your due date and it helps with bleeding and pains. She and another friend swore by it. Raspberry leaf tea?

AFM... again, no idea what CD haha but I believe that I'm going to O by the weekend. I posted a pic below and the top test is yesterday PM and the bottom pic is today around 11am. Line is def getting darker :) I'm feeling a little better now cuz for the last week the line has been so damn light. I'm not temping this time around and I'm not going as hardcore as before with everything, but def going to make sure we have lots of sex in the next week. We have just been enjoying ourselves with it anyways haha. Nips have been tender, so I'm happy about that cuz then I should be back on track with my cycle. I know this is all due to getting off of BCP.


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LeeMcMee - Yep you're def getting closer. Progression on that OPK is good. Hope you get a real blazer in the next couple days.
Well breast sensitivity went away finally and feeling the onset of AF, got my pad on and ready for hell! Still gonna wait till that first real "tissue" bleed shows before I call GYN for them to set up my HSG appointment, but feeling like this is CD 1. Had a serious talk with hubs about if we should keep doing this and how far we should go. Funny enough I was all gung ho years ago, and now I'm the one really ready to call quits. He just hugs me and is silent, men...FYI if you wife asks you about this stuff NEVER just stay silent...tells us your opinion even if you think it's not going to be a positive one. We'd rather have SOME ideaof what you think then the feeling of indifference that you portray with silence.
Lady - I've had a much much better day today thanks, still coughing and sniffling, but not nearly as much! Had a lovely day at work too. Two of the department leaders are arguing over which dept I should be in from Sept (I see that as a compliment!) But none of them know yet that I'm preggo...wonder what they will say when they find out in about 2 weeks!!

Aah I'm so sorry the MS has hit you, fx it doesn't stay for long! Try to eat whatever you fancy, when you can, and try not to let yourself get too hungry, that always makes me feel worse...I've found that on a bad day, a plain jacket potato with a little butter (dairy free for me at the mo) still settles OK. I spoke to midwife about insomnia at the 8 week appt, and she said it is very very common throughout pregnancy. I find myself waking up at about 3 every morning. This morning I got up at 5.30 even though I didn't need to be up until 6, because I just couldn't sleep! I guess that is why so many people nap, but I am so not a napper. I had my urine checked at 8 week appt, so they may well do yours then too. I took a sample with me, because I was not keen on the whole 'what if I don't need a wee when I get there' idea, but they made me pour it into a different container (tmi sorry) because the one my doc gave me had a white lid, and they wanted it in one with a red lid (fussy I know!) I didn't even know I had a uti, can't feel it!

Wow, that was a really long response, and mainly aimed at Lady, sorry everyone else!!

Fx so hard for all of you currently in the tww, and I hope you o as normal Lee!!

Essay finished :p
Aah Canadian, missed your post while I was typing my essay! sorry if AF arrives with you soon. Men can be so non committal with opinions can't they, my oh won't even tell me what he fancies for tea...what hope have I got with important things like pregnancy!! Hope all goes smoothly for you, and you come to a decision together
Lone - VitD is great for fertility!! Id say oranges was very productive of you.

Canadian - Im so sorry. Men. But he probably didnt know what to say and is feeling down, too. I hope you guys can talk again and see what will be best for you both. :hugs: I wish I ciuld give you a real life hug.

Lee - Getting of BCP isbthe worst lol. Every time you think youre in the clear another symptoms pops up out of nowhere and thrkws you through a loop! Im right there with ya. Not sure Ill go back on it after this is all said and done - Im feeling sooooo much better off (wierd symptoms aside).

Zoboe - Oh no! I hope the doc can get everything cleared up soon for you! Meanwhile enjoy work fighting over you hahah. Thats great for the ego!

Lady - I hope you can get the MS settled soon. And get a full nights sleep. The price we pay I suppose *sigh*

OPKs are attached. Got a little darker, then lightened back up - but CM got really wet today. I suspected I have short surges and am missing them - most times I only get to it in the evenings. And I drink so much water at work, Im worried my urine is too dilluted. ?? So we just BD most days and hope that covers whatever is happening.

Meanwhile... My hubby told me yesterday that he dearly wants to be a stay at home Dad. Anyone else had this convo yet? My friend pays $1600 a month in child care for ONE kid!! Yikes...


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Stella - I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle so I drink tons of water all day too. So when I know it's about time I 'should' be ovulating I usually test twice a day. I know you're not supposed to use FMU for OPKs but it really is going to be your most concentrated urine of the day so I test it anyways. Good Luck and I hope the surge comes soon.

AFM: CD19/2DPO - Obviously nothing going on in terms of symptom spotting, way too early. I am nervous/excited about my RE appointment tomorrow morning though. I'm hoping we can do cycle monitoring for my next cycle (if no BFP this cycle of course) and then get a plan in place from there. IUI perhaps. I'm a little jittery/disappointed/emotional about likely moving to assisted conception but I also feel like we're ready to take that step. Like deep breath okay we can do this.
Appears that today, right now, cd18, is O day. At least, it is based on the weird pain in my lower abdomen and left hand side that just came on this last hour, which I also had the last two months at cd20 (also left) and then cd19 (right). It's sort of like constipation pain crossed with UTI pain, best way I can describe it, quite sharp and not like an AF cramp. Pretty unpleasant, but I don't mind too much if it means it's working*.

Sooooooo it seems the Clomid is slowly, slowly bringing O forward - one day at a time. Which is pretty cool, especially considering it pushed my cycle out to 29 days as well. That's gonna make 11 whole luteal days at least this month! :happydance:

*Full disclosure: I clearly do mind the pain, as I've so far whinged about it to OH, my mother, my best mate, and now you guys, and I've only had it for an hour hahaha. :haha:

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