Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Hey ladies, I’ve been away in the Forest of Dean for the weekend. I’ve been throwing myself down some steep hills and over jumps on the bike. It was an absolute blast, but I’m shattered and aching from head to toe now.

Dream - sorry af got you. Really hoping your new cycle is the one.

Wanderer - looks like you had a fab weekend in the sun.

Zo - awww cute little bump you have there. I miss living in the country and seeing all the baby cows. They’re sooo cute.

Lady - hope you start to feel normal again soon.

Lee - hope you ovulate soon and can start counting down.

Stella, I hope your AF disappears for 9 months.

AFM - af has been and gone, I’m just waiting to ovulate which should be early next week.
Nixnax - Sounds like a good time! Is it good sore or painful hurting not nice sore? Hope it passes soon for ya. Come on O time!

LoneWanderer - Love the pics, thanks for sharing. So nice to finally have good weather eh? FX for a surprise magical cycle for you.

:headspin::happydance: CD1 :yipee::wohoo:
LOL Never have I been so excited for CD1. I just called to report my CD1 to my fertility clinic and set up my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork for CD3, so Thursday morning. DH will likely come to this first one with me just because.
So CD34 and AF is 2 days late. Bfn ics. Tomorrow I will get a frer if no AF! My once off longest cycle was 35 days so we shall see!

Right now I'm tired just awake from an hour nap after only being awake from 9am so fell asleep at 1pm. Feel a bit nauseous. Having cramps on my right side and had an odd pulling sensation below my belly button the left. Weird that it's on opposite sides so thinking it's probably nothing. How's everyone doing?
Lady - can't tell you how excited, but nervous I am about tomorrow!!! Sadly there's no trick to the positivity, except me finally feeling better! ...for a good 3 or 4 weeks, I was literally coming home, having tea (if I could stomach it) having a bath then going to bed. I've finally come out the other side of that fx, and actually have energy again! will happen for you too, it just takes its time! ...although tonight I am absolutely shattered! We had loads of staff off sick at work today, I was in babies (all under 2 years) where there were 16 babies, and only 4 not OK!!!

Lovely to see all your updates, and sunny day activities, fx for some positives this month! I'll let you all know how tomorrow goes, but I'm so nervous, I don't know how I'll sleep tonight!!!
Lady - can't tell you how excited, but nervous I am about tomorrow!!! Sadly there's no trick to the positivity, except me finally feeling better! ...for a good 3 or 4 weeks, I was literally coming home, having tea (if I could stomach it) having a bath then going to bed. I've finally come out the other side of that fx, and actually have energy again! will happen for you too, it just takes its time! ...although tonight I am absolutely shattered! We had loads of staff off sick at work today, I was in babies (all under 2 years) where there were 16 babies, and only 4 not OK!!!

Lovely to see all your updates, and sunny day activities, fx for some positives this month! I'll let you all know how tomorrow goes, but I'm so nervous, I don't know how I'll sleep tonight!!!

Hope all goes well!
Oh dream it’s my arse mainly, oh the saddle sore lol. And my arms from the vibrations. Went down some really dangerous stoney steep forest paths. Was such an adrenaline rush. Would have been a hospital trip if I had come off. Glad I managed to hold on tight enough. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I used to be petrified of extreme sports.
Jessie - I think it can take a while post AF to get a +. From what I understand it has to do with when implantation actually occured and your body started producing hcg. Be optimistic and good luck!

Zo - Thats too many kids for so few adults. Im sorry you had such a rough couple of days. Just try not to get sick! And I love that about the cows. My parents don't have cows on their farm but the neighbor does and they can be so cute and peaceful to watch. Love it.

Nix - Thats sounds like soooo much fun. We can go outside and have fun again! Whoo hoo! Its 85 and sunny here but I think its gonna be cold and rainy over the weekend. Go figure.

Dream - I am so excited for you. Tell us everything on Thursday! Do you know what they plan to start (ie bloodwork, just a meet n greet etc)?

Lone - This weather makes everything much more tolerable. Got any exciting plans coming up?

Lady - Glad the rash is gone. Ugh. Never know what pregnancy is gonna throw at you.

Thanks for the fx's but I feel 100% normal now. Oh well. AF due Friday and can start over from there. I never get much in the way of PMS except some dull cramping the night before so... Just waiting on that l now.

A truck spilled its load outside work today and blocked us all into the complex - idk what that truck was transporting but the fire dept wouldnt let anyone drive out of the office complex because they were concerned it was gonna explode and then the hazmat crew was out there for hours cleaning up. So my husband had to come pick me up across town and we all had to get out of the complex by walking out the back door of another building down the street. What a weird day lol.
Everybody is having interesting days and I'm just here recovering from that damn test and gearing up for O. Not much going on for me I'll come back for more updates if something happens, otherwise I enjoy reading y'alls posts on your much more eventful lives :D
Thanks Stella! Woke up today and no AF. Took my last ic but looking bfn! Going to get myself a frer today and I shall soon know!
Aah had an amazing first scan today, little one is fit and healthy, and measuring at 12 weeks exactly, so just 1 day ahead...not sure how to change my ticker, but I'll give it a go later!! didn't stop wriggling, which made it slightly tricky, but the lady got all the photos she needed, and some lovely ones for us to keep :) uti is gone, now have to take aspirin daily to avoid preclampsia, because my mum had it, but it'll be worth it if it works. Also oh had to have blood test today to find out his blood group. I am o negative, and if his has a positive in, then I will have to have a couple of extra jabs near the end of pregnancy to make sure all the positives are removed when the baby is born. Otherwise I'll not be able to have another baby, because the cells would attack each other...weird!! I've got lots of cute piccies, but for now I'll add this picture of a picture!


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Aah had an amazing first scan today, little one is fit and healthy, and measuring at 12 weeks exactly, so just 1 day ahead...not sure how to change my ticker, but I'll give it a go later!! didn't stop wriggling, which made it slightly tricky, but the lady got all the photos she needed, and some lovely ones for us to keep :) uti is gone, now have to take aspirin daily to avoid preclampsia, because my mum had it, but it'll be worth it if it works. Also oh had to have blood test today to find out his blood group. I am o negative, and if his has a positive in, then I will have to have a couple of extra jabs near the end of pregnancy to make sure all the positives are removed when the baby is born. Otherwise I'll not be able to have another baby, because the cells would attack each other...weird!! I've got lots of cute piccies, but for now I'll add this picture of a picture!

So happy for you!
Stella, thanks for asking – tomorrow morning we will be doing CD3 US and Bloodwork. We were actually supposed to do a ‘teaching’ appointment prior to this first appointment but the nurse said that because they’re not super busy right now we could just do it all at once.

Nix – So I’m never taking EPO again, I think it’s messed up my period and since it didn’t help with the EWCM there’s really no point. My period is pretty much the same every cycle. 3 days long, day 1 and 2 medium flow, day 3 light flow. On occasion I get day 4 and 5 spotting. This period is very out of the ordinary for me and the only thing I did differently this cycle was the EPO. Day 1 yesterday was what I’m going to call ‘heavy spotting’. More than spotting but I wouldn’t call it light flow. Today it’s early, but looking like the same as yesterday. Super weird. I just hope it won’t have an effect on my iui cycle now and screw anything up. I suppose monitoring will see if everything is alright in there or not.

Moose – FX for a good strong O coming up.

Zo! – OMG absolutely precious. I’m always amazed how fast a ball of cells turns into a real baby. So happy for you, the pic is just fabulous!
Nix - Forest of Dean and Manor house, stunning combination.. I have never been there though, just a HP fan. Great to see you had fun, hope soreness is gone by now. I am opposite of you in this, I was into extreme sports, but last couple of years I'm not that into it. Good luck with O next week.

Lone - Those are some lovely pics, and looove your spirit. Defo, af should not slow us down. Thanks for sharing, and fx for your exciting cycle.

Jessie - Fx for your positive, let us know how the test with FRER goes.

Dream - Excited about your appointment, bet the teaching one will provide loads of useful information. GL dear and waiting to hear how it goes.

Stella - Thank you and I think I forgot to reply to one of your question: yes my midwife wants to test for gestational diabetes.
That was pretty intense, glad that you were safe and all after the office incident. GL with your new cycle to come...

Moose - Sending positive vibes for you dear, get better soon, and fx for fun time ahead..

Zoboe - That is absolutely precious Zo, so happy everything went well. Hopefully the blood group test result be on your side, GL!! I am so tempted to try on nub theory on your pic, what about you? Will you be keeping it a surprise or, you want to know it by 20 weeks scan? I wish this forum had a 'love' option along with 'thanks' in this forum, so many pix you ladies share here, I want to appreciate with a 'love' option..

AFM, My MS gets worse duing evening, fx after the first trimester, it will get better. And the followup on allergies went well, blood work test was also good, no infection or anything. I don't have any more appointment until 21st May. So I might not have anything to update on, just spend time on work mostly.
Am regretting complaining at the lack of drama in this cycle. Consultant called us this morning and has prescribed a new Clomid course (still 50mg, another three months) so then I had to walk to the hospital, run around for ages trying to find her office (literally in the basement down an unmarked corridor) to collect it, then wait at the pharmacy for almost an hour... So today's been a write-off, but hey, this cycle's back on course as it's day 2 today so I have them in time to take them. We've had our review appointment cancelled for this month, instead we're to take the pills and see how we get on, book in after the third round if no joy. No scans though, just day 21 bloodwork each month.
Dream - that’s so odd. My periods are heavy. 2 days full on heavy Flo, on day light flow, then one maybe 2 days spotting. I hope it returns to normal for you soon. I’m never taking it again. Since I’ve stopped taking it I’m not so dry down there. It did the opposite to what it’s supposed to do!

Lady - I’m still buzzing from the weekend. I want to do it again and again and again lol.

Zo - omg cute scan pic. It’s real now. I bet it feels amazing to see it on the screen.

Moose - same here, just waiting for ovulation like an impatient 5 year old.

Wanderer- oh my days what a faff! Thank god you managed to get 3 months worth and not have to do that every month.
Hoping you O soon nix!
Lady glad allergies are calming down now, now for the MS to settle.
Lone sorry you are having issue with the hospital, but yay your getting another go at clomid.
Stella GL on your bloodwork and US tomorrow!

Sorry if I missed a few doing this update a bit late at night but thinking I either O last few days or I'm really horny last few days. (Tmi, tons of cm and so much I've had to change pants/underwear manys times! But it's not EWCM it's watery ugh w/e body)

Here's hoping I'm lucky sooner than later... although they say I might have to pay outta pocket for delivery and such if I'm not covered in time. C'mon now! PR stuff taking way too long..sheesh!
Thanks for all the lovely comments, each person we tell makes it feel more real!! ...I'm absolutely shattered today, but other than that, feeling pretty good!

Lady: I tried reading about the nub theory bit, but don't really get it! You are welcome to try! ...we will definitely find out at 20 weeks :) I will be too excited to wait!!!
LoneWanderer - I'm surprised they didn't increase your dosage... Good luck!

My CD3 baseline scan and bloodwork went well this morning. The nurse called me this afternoon to let me know the doc wants me to come back for my next scan on CD9 which is next Wednesday. I don't expect much excitement between now and then. It will just be the waiting game.
12 week bumpie from yesterday :) ...feeling like im getting bigger again now!! Please excuse the majorly baggy PJs, it was a long day at work!


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Hi ladies! Can I just say - I love talking to all of you. You're all such a lovely group of friends to have. Every day around the same time I just go "ok, time to check in with my girls!" and curl up in bed with some tea.

Zo - Thats so eciting. Theres a definate bump there now! Hooray!

Dream - Next Wednesday isnt too long (although it might feel like it lol). Does it feel a littlr more actionable at least?

Moose - What does that mean? That if you arent pregnant by a certain time then you have to pay out of pocket? (Im sorry - I may have missed something...) But the O symptoms sound incredibly promising!!

Lone - What a headache, oy

Lady - just because theres no appointments doesnt mean there wont be updates lol. Im sure theres still plenty of symptoms to come for better or for worse.

AFM. Some light cramping tonight but its not the same as usual. And no other symptoms. I had my withdrawl bleed right on time and went straight to a 28/29 day cycle after finishing bcp but now Im worried it didnt stick. Well c'est la vie.
Meanwhile... Either I have the mild start to a yeast infection (never had one so not sure - not all the symptoms are there) or I pulled my groin and aggravated my vajayjay somehow at the same time. IDK. I am debating waiting to see if AF clears it out before I do anything . Before I decided to hang tight, though, I texted the hubby that I had to go to the store on my way home from work so Id grab dinner and he goes "Im already out and on my way there. What do you need?" I told him to get me the 7 day Monistat and he asked what that was. After I told him, he replied "oh" and then there was dead silence for about an hour, then one text: "They said I cant have it cuz I dont have a vagina and then they kicked me out" hahahaha. (He got it)

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