Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Hot damn I have SO MUCH to catch up on! I will read everyones posts. Sorry I've been MIA. Like I said, haven't been doing anything to track symptoms etc. But last night my bff (who is also trying) asked when I'm Oing, so coincidentally one of my apps told me it's today. So this morning with my SMU I checked and almost forgot to even look at the OPK before leaving for work and holy moly, probably the most positive OPK I have ever seen. I think in my last 5 months I maybe wasn't Oing from getting off BCP. So I randomly texted hubby and didn't tell him I'll be Oing today or tomorrow and just said I want him tonight haha he was happy. When I first looked at the strip I thought it was upside down LOL I will be more active ladies, sorry. I've just had a lot going on mentally and what not but I'm fine. Just wasn't fully into trying for a little bit, I think out of frustration and I know I can't talk cuz it's only been 5 months of trying.


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Lone - That sounds tiresome running around the hospital to find the correct place, on the plus side this cycle is back on track, that is exciting. Maybe complaining to us helped, who knows :winkwink:

Nix - Sounds like it made you ready for the active BD ahead, how is work going?

Moose - Those signs sound like you are ovulating soon, bet your DH is loving your smexy mood, fx you get lucky sooner!!

Zoboe - I know, I am not an expert either, I tried to read through, and measure the angle, my inexpert eyes say you could be having a baby boy. But as I said, I am no good at this.. so don't trust me. And that is one cute bumpie, with the scan now, its all getting too real, right? It has become so difficult for me to wait for my scan... I just want to know my little bean is okay..

Dream - Good to see first appointment went well, the next one will be informative too, right, as your body will start gearing up towards ovulation? Eat healthy and take care of yourself in the meantime.

Stella - I do the same, while reading all your updates.. I hope you don't have the yeast infection, whatever it is, hope you feel better soon.
That's a sweet banter your hubby did there while taking care of the monistat, loved it!

Lee - That is such a dark and clear positive, time to get busy, eh?? Non-stop DTD over the weekend I would guess, GL hun!!

AFM, nothing new happened regarding pregnancy, same old MS and exhaustion.. I got a work travel opportunity to visit Amsterdam yesterday, it was very competitive to get this opportunity, and I applied in December, not knowing what may happen now.. I had to decline given I am not at all fit to travel for long hours atm, and to add to the fun think about depending on the airline meals. It was hard for me to decline all the same, I love to travel so so much..
Lee: that is super positive! Fx!!

Lady: it is starting to feel so real! I always said I didn't understand why people got nervous before scans, then I got dead nervous 2 or 3 days before the scan! But it was so lovely, knowing little bean was safe and well made me feel so much better! Have to wait and see on nub theory I guess! Luckily I have no preference either way!
Thanks ladies! I double checked around noon and still dark hehe so we are gonna DTD tonight and all weekend definitely lol


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Guess we arent banging :/ he fell asleep on the couch. I know if I wake him he will say he’s too tired. And tomorrow night we will be out late. Maybe tomorrow afternoon lol just had to vent haha
Hi ladies! Can I just say - I love talking to all of you. You're all such a lovely group of friends to have. Every day around the same time I just go "ok, time to check in with my girls!" and curl up in bed with some tea.

Zo - Thats so eciting. Theres a definate bump there now! Hooray!

Dream - Next Wednesday isnt too long (although it might feel like it lol). Does it feel a littlr more actionable at least?

Moose - What does that mean? That if you arent pregnant by a certain time then you have to pay out of pocket? (Im sorry - I may have missed something...) But the O symptoms sound incredibly promising!!

Lone - What a headache, oy

Lady - just because theres no appointments doesnt mean there wont be updates lol. Im sure theres still plenty of symptoms to come for better or for worse.

AFM. Some light cramping tonight but its not the same as usual. And no other symptoms. I had my withdrawl bleed right on time and went straight to a 28/29 day cycle after finishing bcp but now Im worried it didnt stick. Well c'est la vie.
Meanwhile... Either I have the mild start to a yeast infection (never had one so not sure - not all the symptoms are there) or I pulled my groin and aggravated my vajayjay somehow at the same time. IDK. I am debating waiting to see if AF clears it out before I do anything . Before I decided to hang tight, though, I texted the hubby that I had to go to the store on my way home from work so Id grab dinner and he goes "Im already out and on my way there. What do you need?" I told him to get me the 7 day Monistat and he asked what that was. After I told him, he replied "oh" and then there was dead silence for about an hour, then one text: "They said I cant have it cuz I dont have a vagina and then they kicked me out" hahahaha. (He got it)

No if I am pregnant and I don't have my OHIP card for healthcare given by Canada for residents and citizens, people that live in Canada and work here and such then I have to pay for everything out of pocket. I've been waiting for them to finish up and give me the verdict for almost a year now
Moose - Ah ok I gotcha. I didnt knownthe Canadian system was like that. I do wish you all the best with it.

Lee - Yeah girl go the afternoon! Haha

Zo/Lady - That first scan has to be the most nerve wracking and exciting thing ever!
Lady - yeast infections happen to most women at some point - low estrogen doesnt flush out the natural yeast in the vagina and can cause an overgrowth. Pretty easy to deal with just uncomfortable and kinda icky. (My British step mum called it thrush - idk if thats exactly the same thing tho ??)

AFM. Not a yeast infection just irritation. It all kind just... Went away on its own overnight without the meds so... Idk. Not too worried about it.
A DOG IS HERE THERE IS A DOG IN MY HOUSE A DOG A DOG :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Finally I think we have found our dog. He is here for a sleepover today. He needs a new home as his owner is ill, which is very sad.

He's everything, and I mean everything, that I said I didn't want in a dog. He's a grumpy middle-aged man. He's HUGE. He's scruffy, a bit smelly, and completely hopeless at following any command at all. Unless you get the treats out, then it's all sitting and paws up on cue. He chases and shouts at cats, squirrels, dogs he takes a general dislike to...

Despite being entirely unsuitable, we're very, very fond of him already so I think we're stuck with him ;) His face is hilarious!


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Will reply to everyone tomorrow at work, but yay we DTD yesterday morning right around the time of O or right before O. Not really having any O symptoms tho and I forget to check. m since I haven’t been checking shit lol.

Wanderer he is precious omg
Morning ladies, what a weekend. I was working late Friday, had a hen night sat and had to run a 10k race yesterday. I was a little hungover, dehydrated and the sun was so hot. Needless to say it was my worst 10k time ever. I did it though and that’s all that counts. I ache from head to toe today. And I ovulate today/tomorrow so BDing when aching isn’t much fun at all.

Zo - lush bump growing there.

Lee- wowzers that’s a great opk.

Wanderer - I love scruffy looking dogs. What a cutie.

Stella- glad it wasn’t a yeast infection. Love your DHs response “I don’t have a vagina so they kicked me out” brilliant.

Lady - oh no, that really sucks about Amsterdam. I love that city. I’ve been a few times. It’s better to be safe than sorry
Hi ladies!!!! It has been TOO long! I’m so happy for the girls in this group that got to celebrate their first mother’s day! So happy for you guys! I’ve skimmed back a few pages and am glad to see everyone is still here :) :) Sorry I bailed :( I was on the verge of a serious breakdown, I couldn’t keep obsessing and being without af for that long. Long cycles will really mess with your head haha. It’s so funny because before ttc I was so happy about it! L and I could bang whenever we wanted .. didn’t have to spend money on tampons :thumbup: But ttc with it is the worst.. I wouldn’t wish not ovulating on anybody.

However, I finally did ovulate and ended a 100 day cycle! Yes 100! We didn’t hit any O days though because I stopped doing the opks and just stuck with temping. I’m happy to say that I do get a dip on O day and it rises beautifully :) Also I got af on 16 dpo. I’ll (hopefully) be ovulating this month. I think the supplements may be working after all =D I would love to rejoin you ladies now that I know I am not a broken woman and I WILL ovulate it might just take longer sometimes. Also hopefully not anymore if the supplements are doing their jobs :) Hope everyone is doing good and had a great weekend! I got another small raise and another title change at work, so things here have been great! I started doing my guest seating for the wedding and working on the caterers and flower arrangements. So I’ve been pretty busy but very productive. I at least have my wedding to look forward to! I know I shouldn’t even be trying to get pregnant before my wedding but I always knew we’d have trouble with it. What with not even one pregnancy in all these years unprotected? So why not keep tying and if I happen to be a pregnant bride, than so be it! I’ve missed you ladies tremendously and have thought about you guys all the time!

For those ovulating &#8212;- FX! :happydance: <3

Edit: I also forgot to mention that my hormone panel came back perfectly, my TSH came back good and all my numbers are great in fact! So really I&#8217;m just a woman with long cycles and &#8220;there&#8217;s nothing wrong with having long cycles because that&#8217;s just how it is for some women.&#8221; Frustrating but at least nothing is wrong :)
Diedrick - So great to hear from you again! You were missed :) I am so happy to hear its all normal, thats very good news. And yay to the wedding - walking down the isle and seeing That look on his face is one of the most beautiful memories yoi will have. Whens the big day?

Nix - I am so proud of you! Just thinking about a 10k exhausts me - great job!

Lone - aaaaahhh! He is so precious! I am so happy for you! I love love love having dogs in my house. They are the best friends you could have (even when theyre jerks lol). There something about hugging tight to a fur ball that just melts the soul.

Lee - Good luck!!

AF arrived. 31 days this time so not too bad and Im not complaining. If it sticks this round Ill test on my husbands birthday!! Hah! Meanwhile Im just planning on getting him a turtle lol.

I hope everyone had the loveliest of weekends and has a fantastic week coming up!
Diedrek - yay good to see you girl. Hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry about the long cycles, but like you say, you’ve got to work with what you have been given. Hoping the supplements help you out.

Stella - sorry af got you. That really sucks. Hope you are levelling out now.

Wow I am FULL of wind tonight (tmi) I have no idea where it’s all coming from. It’s unbelievable!
Diedrek- lovely to have you back! And great to hear that you sort of know where you are with things now! Bet you had a lot to catch up on!!

Nix - 10k is far more than I could do!!

Lone - that doggo is such a cutie!! Hope he settles in well!!

Afm- had a lovely weekend seeing family friends, and got to tell them our news! ...have told almost everyone we want to before it goes on fb, so hopefully will post about it tonight or tomorrow!! Accidentally ate dairy yesterday (half a sausage roll) so sadly spent last night throwing up, and have no voice today, but at least I know what's causing it this time!! Had a lovely day at work today, we were having a sports day in toddlers, so got to go to work in joggers, and spent most of the day on the field playing games!! Life could be much worse right now!!
So I promised a great reply today, but I will have to do it tomorrow haha. Almost out of work.

Die glad to have you back! I didn't get to fully read your note yet, so I'll reply better later.

So as I mentioned, I Od Saturday and on Saturday morning is when we DTD. Haven't done it since (lame). When we did do it, I felt like my cervix was right at my opening... the sex hurt and at first I got nervous that I have another cyst, but it wasn't the side pains... it was at my cervix. I did feel up there that night and it was super low. Hopefully it wasn't already closed but I tested +OPK Friday around 7am and then again at 12pm still +. Hopefully I Od Saturday afternoon. I don't recall if I had O pains or anything and haven't been temping, but I did have cramping in bed I think Sunday morning but it may have been poo lol. I did have a sensitivity to smells this weekend, so hopefully that means I Od.

So I guess I'm 2DPO weeee lol
Welcome back diederk! Good to see your happy and excited again. Nix I'm right with you on the gas, also more cm than per usual at this time, but it might just be due to what I've been eating. Zo glad you had a lovely gathering, minus the dairy reaction, and glad things are still going well for you. Stella here's hoping you have more than a turtle to give hubbers eh?
Our big secret is no longer a big secret! ...posted this on Facebook tonight!!!


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i'm 27 years old been ttc for two years, second month on clomid. I'm new to this opk process and quite confused. Can anybody tell me if this means clear positive ??

I got a similiar one two days ago then a definite negative yesterday and this is todays strip. Is it possible to get a positive, negative then positive (CD15, CD16, CD16) ? I usually have a 28 day cycle, and am on 100 mg Clomid 3-7.

Voila! and glad to be amongst your ladies, always thought about opening an account but was too shy about putting all my details out there.

Baby dust to everyone! thank you ladies


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