Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Zo - Congrats!! Any replies yet??

Lee - And the countdown begins. Good luck!

Nix - Yeah I hear you on that... The wind is one of my more charming signs of AF rofl. But my sister just has it, all the time, 24/7. Hahaha. Hope for you its a sign of something good!

Moose - More CM? Thats good right? Fx

Bebe - Thats looks pretty close to positive (if not totally positive) to me - treat it like a positive if not sure.
And sometimes we have a surge but dont actually O so the body will do it again. Idk how clomid effects this but some of the other ladies on this thread have used it and can probably tell you more. Good luck and welcome! And dont be shy - this here is the best group.
They are always so supportive, so happy to help and never judgemental. You are in phenomenal hands. :)

I have nothing to report today. It's been a pretty quiet day - even work was dead slow.
Stella - so many replies! phone crashed because it couldn't keep up with the notifications :') its funny really, most posts we do on Facebook get a few responses from our nearest and dearest, but as soon as we post about an important life event, everyone wants to be our friend!!
Bebe I would class that as a positive. Welcome to the group.

Dream - stopping EPO was the best thing I ever did. I didn’t get EWCM but close to it.

Zo- fab announcement

So I’m 2dpo now, just waitin for 12/13 days as patiently as possible. We only managed to bed 1 day before ovulation and one day after. We’ve been so tired this week. So I don’t hold out much hope. We go on holiday in 39 days (not that anyone is counting lol) so I’m kind of wanting a good holiday where I can drink and have fun, so I won’t be terribly upset if I don’t fall pregnant over the next 2 cycles
Thank you ladies! I’m so happy to back with all of you girls on here! I need this support in my life haha.

Zo. That is seriously so sweet!! What a creative announcement! I’m going to like it via BnB <3 I can’t wsit for you to find out the gender .. eek! I still say girl :)

Nix- Thanks girl! It’s so true though, I’ve really gotta work with the cycles I’ve been given. At least I’m ovulating and still have that chance. Thank god for that :)

Stella- Thank you! Everything is going pretty good .. if I can just concieve it would all be damn near perfect haha. We’ve been so back and forth on the date and we actually pushed it up further than it was supposed to be. We planned to get married In June/July of 2019 but we heard it was going to be baaaaad next year with the heat. So we started looking at available dates for our venue in early spring or late winter and we had the chance to grab 1/19/19 so we booked it! So it’s probbaly the worst timing possible because I will either be a very pregnant bride if we concieved within the next month or two or I could be barebly showing. I am very thin though and I feel like I’d be showing in the second month lol. But we are not waiting for anything .. we are going to keep trying to until we book the baby ;)

Lee- I miss you chick! Hope all is well with you!! <3

Lady- how are you doing mama? I can’t wait to hear from you! Any updates/ ultrasounds? Eek I’m so excited for you and hope everything is going as smooth as possible <3

Bebe- Welcome!! I’d say it’s not positive but seriously so close that if you tested again this morning/afternoon it would be a true +opk! :) Good luck & let us know the update!

So it’s been the worst weather here lately! Just non stop rain and ugliness all around. I love being at home and curled up while it’s raining! But it really just makes the work days so blah :( I am really, really hoping I ovulate next week. But if not .. I’ll be ok. I will get there! Hope everybody has had a good first half of the week <3 Check in soon!

newbie here looking for moral support after ttc for 2,5 years, age 27 years old. Not blacksplash but my doctor refused to prescribe clomid so I got my hand on some on my own (not online, leftover from friend)

I got a positive opk at CD 15, dtd that same night and had dtd the night before as well. However we skipped two days and didnt dtd until dtd CD 18. any change of being preggo or CD 16 and CD 17 were the most important dtd days? I feel so discouraged, nothing seems to work >>>:growlmad:

baby dust to all !!!
Lone - He is such a cutie, do you have a name for him? So happy for you, I bet he's keeping you all busy, but don't forget us, I want to hear your updates..

Lee - I do hear you girl, we had similar situation last March, although I was the sleepy one. I am happy that you squeezed in BD before O, I am keeping my fx for that sticky bean. Welcome to TWW, let me know when we can start symptom spotting, I am really excited for you.

Nix - I am amazed each and everyday by you, you really have great stamina, keep it up!! And I would say better out than in regarding those winds.. Love that you that you have a holiday coming up!!

Stella - Sorry about the witch hun, you know 31 days cycle is normal for me. I am keeping my fx that next cycle is it, it would be such a surprise if you get a positive on your hubby's b'day..

Zoboe - That dairy incident sucks, hope you are feeling better already.. And OMG I simply LOVE your announcement.. its so good to have so many well wishers, I am so so happy to be a part of your journey!!

Die - You have no idea how good it feels to have you back girl, welcome!!! I am glad that you got some answers now, and plan according to it. I am excited for your Jan wedding, I need more details please..
I will have my scan on 12th week, currently I am on my 9th. I am nervous, but I will let you all know how it goes..

Moose - Lots of CM sounds good, and if it is because of your current diet I would say keep eating whatever you are eating girl. Hope the OHIP card business settles down soon and goes your way!!

Dream - Hope you are doing good, haven't heard from you lately.

Bebe - Hi Bebe, welcome to this thread!! I would say the second opk is positive, and the one before yesterday is very close to positive. Keeping my fx for you!!

AFM, I am such a clumsy person, I tripped and had to break my fall with my knees yesterday. My mom and DH is really angry with me since then, but I don't know what to do, I am born clumsy.. Other than that feeling better, MS is bothering me less and less everyday, hope this continues. DH is visiting this weekend, so looking forward to that...
Looking back at my bumpies so far, 1st tri seems to have given me a need to wear baggie trousers all the time! You usually can't get me out of my skinny jeans!! ...depending on who you ask, I am either in my last week of 1st tri, or 1st week of 2nd tri now! real change, still struggling with the throat, but everything else is OK! Just started looking at baby things online, and can't wait to do some serious shopping! Thanks for all your support lovely ladies :thumbup:


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I've been in a weird funk this week from my anxiety, so I've just been feeling off but I'm better.

BUT..... I started catching a cold yesterday so I'm hoping that's a good sign, but I don't think I would have implanted yet as I'm only about 5DPO today. I have read about women getting sick before implantation and then getting a BFP. When I was prego 10 years ago, I did get a sinus infection before I knew I was pregnant.

All week I have been feeling super bloated as well and my allergies have also been making my breathing be a little tough. Needing my inhalers much more. Never needed inhalers until after I had bronchitis a year ago. Also, we only DTD once during Ovulation time so that's very risky lol probably not prego, but let's hope.

So right not at 5DPO... bloating, little gassy, irritated due to anxiety, sick (sore throat, sneezy, slightly stuffy).

I'm still taking my One-A-Day prenatals and I stocked up on a bunch that were on sale. They came with the men's as well for 'healthy sperm', but I don't think he has been taking it... oh well. It was just a plus that the men's pills came with the women's and for only $8 on sale rather than $30 (1 months supply of men's and women's).

Happy belated Mother's Day to all!! And now to catch up with you all...

Lady - Sorry about all this MS :( I have heard that is no fun. Why were you mom and DH mad that you fell?! I mean I understand why they were mad, but no need to be MAD... just concerned sheesh lol hope youre ok tho.

Zoboe - Love your pregnancy announcement and w/ the blue and pink paperclips hehe so cute. Loving the baby bump photos!!

Stella - Glad to hear the infection went away.

Nix - Though it was a tough day, good job on the 10K! Hey that rhymes lol I've done a 5K a few times, but probably couldn't do a 10K and I walked lol also, I was super windy the same day as you LOL like my husband was like ummmm lol and yet we both fart all the time but he's like you good? Where are you going for your holiday? Or are you just relaxing at home?

Die - So glad you are back! I missed you! And I totally understand where you are coming from. I was actually MIA for a little bit as well due to frustration as I'm going on 5 months of trying now and when I've been doing everything right I didn't get prego and then for a while I had a cyst on my ovary, so I was pissed. Trying for a baby is so stressful as we all know and the symptom spotting, temping, researching etc just gets overwhelming after a while. I'm still not hardcore into it like I was. I WILL be once I'm pregnant, but I went into trying with too much enthusiasm lol I exhausted myself. I can't believe you didn't O for 100 days!! Oy!! Congrats on the raise and title change at work :) that always feels good. You're smart to start trying for a baby now though. My husband made us wait 3 years after getting married to try and now I'm scared that we wont have any luck and I'm 32 and he's 34.

Bebe - Welcome!! That's definitely a positive. Did it get darker for you? I was getting positives like this for a while and this month was probably the first time I caught a dark positive which was a shock. I have heard you can have many LH surges throughout your cycle, so it is possible to go from + to - back to +. Hopefully you did a lot of BD this week :) FX
Lee, I was so careful with colours on the announcement, I was worried people would read to much in it, and think we already knew whether its girl or boy! I wrote in red because I thought its fairly neutral, and typically it came out really pink, so I got oh to edit it on his computer! Again with paperclips I thought if I use one of each people won't keep guessing! I may be a little insane, but hey ho!
It’s still SOO ugly here in FL :( Does anybody have any sunshine they can send to us Floridians?? Haha.

Lady- Thank you so much! It was so hard being away but I had nothing good going on and it was super depressing :( I’m so happy for you, I can’t say that enough! Yay for MS settling down and for your DH to be with you soon! Much needed visit I’m sure :) He’s probably so excited to see the mother of his child <3 And yes girl, I am the clumsiest person too! It would be a miracle if I had a clean body, free from bruises! But no need to be upset about it right? It was just an accident :( They’re just being over protective about the baby, hopefully they’ll settle down once you’re further along. Wedding planning is so stressful too. Ugh! We haven’t even pin pointed the color scheme yet! I have two sets I really like though and have been discussing with the bridesmaids, as it will be tied into their dresses as well. Save the dates went out last week, and we have to make the drive back out to the venue in two weeks to get a better look at it to see where everything can be set up at! Luckily they have a place for the reception as well. I’m happy about that for sure <3

Zo- Baby momma! Look at that bump! Ah! You have your LO growing beautifully in there <3 You look PERFECT! :) :)

Lee- You and me both with the supplement buying haha. I just bought 3 bottles of each that I take. Almost $100 worth! But to be fair the Vitex I buy is ridiculous to find in stores. And it’s easier to make the 5 minute drive to GNC than to order them. I have trust issues with USPS leaving my packages at the front door. Lots of druggies down here who are “porch pirates” :growlmad: But each GNC I’ve gone to has only ever had TWO bottles of the Vitex left. Lots of the others I take but only two each store for that. I wonder if it’s because so many people buy them .. or not many so they only keep two in stock lol. I told them to order more ASAP cause I’ll be back soon! But yea it’s rough ttc. It’s like ... I knew it would be. I knew I’d have a hard time and like you said I actually wish I started earlier even! All the years of NTNP I wish I had paid closer attention when it never “just happened.” But it is what it is and I need to focus on now :) Yes, 100! It never bothered me in the past but oh my god did it slap me in the face this time! I couldn’t bear to read about anybody else ovulating or cm or anything :( But I can’t hide forever and it really helps to have the support from you ladies! I’m glad you’re feeling better besides the possible cold! 5 dpo and I’m sending you lots of positive vibes that you’re next! :happydance: Can’t wait to hear from you! Are you still temping?? So curious about those “implantation dips!”

Have a good day ladies!!! Check back in tomorrow <3
Zoboe - To be honest I didn't even get a slight hint at a sex or anything, so it was definitely gender neutral. Very cute!

Die - I don't blame you. I was in a weird funk from my cyst and it just made me angry at my body. Now I'm trying not to get back into the psycho mind set I was in before, obsessing with everything, but I already find myself googling LOL I'm just figuring if it happens it happens... so as to not get my hopes up, even tho I WILL be disappointed every time I get my period. I'm not temping because I was failing at that anyways and forgetting lol or doing it after moving. Glad you're back! I kept thinking about you, but I knew your reasons for going MIA and like I said I wasn't far behind you also going MIA.
So while driving home from work I got this crazy shooting pain from my uterus down my vagina. I googled and if it&#8217;s the same thing women describe it as lighnting vagina and that&#8217;s the best way to describe it. Weird.
Zoboe - Bumpies look excellent, can't believe you are starting your second trimester, time literally flies, eh? I have heard this is the energetic and fun one.. When is the next appointment? paperclips on the announcement was a subtle touch!!

Lee - I guess, that is their way of showing concern, lol. I am okay..
Btw, to add another example, your symptoms sounds a bit similar to even what I had as well. Slight cold, and that shooting pain down there, although after some extensive googling around that time, I think I figured out the lightning crotch is a different thing, happens usually in the last trimester, but only way to differentiate is the level of pain. It will be worse around that time. Oh Lee, it all sounds so promising, hope this is it!!

Die - Thank you girl, I am super excited to see him tomorrow!! And as I was telling Lee, probably that is their way of showing concern, Mom was exasperated enough to say I wish you were that lil girl again and I could carry you where ever you needed to go, lol.
It's all just sunshine here, wouldn't mind to send some over, honestly.. I hear you girl, there is a lot of decisions to make, still it is one of those precious memories, you would cherish always.. Time for those RSVPs now then, and GL with the color schemes..
Lady I can't believe how quick time is going!! appt is 16 week which I think is first week in June, but that's just a check up, no scan, then 20 week scan, which I've booked but can't remember when it is!
All has been very very quiet on here over the weekend...everyone OK?? I've gone the colour of a tomato, but other than that, all is good here :)
It has definitely been quiet! I'm still just sick with my sinus infection. Stayed home from work Friday, went to see the movie Book Club on Saturday with some friends (it was cute), and Sunday went to see a local psychic medium Matt Fraser for the 4th time lol still haven't been read, oh well. It's still fun.

I'm 9DPO and took one of my first response tests today and it's a BFN. I'm so impatient lol if I stare at it long enough I can see a line, but that whole line eye thing lol a friend of mine said she could see as well, but who knows. I don't trust tests anymore. My doc will tell me I'm pregnant and I wont believe her at this point lol. Wondfo saw nada. I'm just about out of my cheap tests, but I don't wanna stock up because if I am pregnant right now it will be a waste of money and I have some scattered tests. Pic attached lol.


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Aah I get such bad line eye, swear I can see something, but who knows! Today little one is sitting right on my bladder, and I haven't stopped peeing! I tried to do some shopping for our holiday, but got way too hot and gave up, so came home and did some gardening instead!

Had a productive evening on Facebook buy and sell on Sunday, bought a second hand whinnie the pooh moses basket and stand for £20, with 2 spare sheets, and a second hand travel system for £50 the moses basket, and its fab, picking up travel system tonight :)
Haha I have line eye as well and I'm driving myself nuts lol sounds like you have been busy and it must be fun to be able to buy everything now :) I started cleaning out what will be our future baby's room to organize it a little better and throw things away. It's still just a computer room / guitar room, but it's more organized so when we do clean it out for a baby room it will be slightly easier. I'm impatient lol.
Hi All,

I hope the silence here over the weekend this means everyone is busy and happy :)

Lee -- I can't tell if there's a line! I see it and and then I don't. I'm really not sure lol. Test again on Wednesday, you're sure to get something then!!

I don't have much to say, AFM and slow day at work. My step Dad is in aviation and his friend is still at United, sow e got to go fly their airplane simulators this weekend, which was fantastic. I never want to be a pilot, haha. Other than that, I just wanted to drop in and say hello.

I hope everyone is well!!
Stella that sounds like fun!! After 9/11 I'm afraid of flying, but I still do fly but I could never be a pilot haha. A friend of ours is a state trooper pilot in FL and his fiancé is a pilot for some small company (for people who own their own planes) and I donno how they do it! Scary! And I'm the same as you, I see a line then I don't LOL what the heck

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