Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Zoboe - turning the color of tomato, eek.. Is that because of the heat? Starting your shopping, that sounds like so much fun.. I am too tempted to do that as well, but I am trying to wait 3 more weeks, before I officially start. That doesn't stop me from sneaking into Amazon for cute little onesies, I like this one with the quote "snuggle this muggle"!! I did buy a pregnancy pillow this week, thought better have one early than buying it later.

Lee - I can't see it yet, but I have terrible eyes, keep testing I guess, FRERs are the one that would pick up the line early hopefully, fx for you. Organizing the room sounds lovely, once you start working on the room, are you going to paint it a different color? Always love your planning ahead way of thinking, wish I was more like that..

Stella - Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend, and hope slow work is not making you bored. That does that to me sometimes..

AFM, sorry for being awol, DH is here, so been a bit busy than usual. I had an appointment today. They did blood work for gestational diabetes, will know about the result in 1 or 2 days. DH was with me today, poor thing was overwhelmed with all the information, midwife was actually asking him, if he is okay after a while rather than me, lol. I don't think I will have a scan at 12 weeks, they told me I will have one directly at 20 weeks, that sounded weird, but they told me thats the way they go, unless they consider the mom high risk or something. Most importantly, we heard our little ones heartbeat today, it was fast and strong, and honestly I wasn't expecting to cry, but I did, guess it is the hormones, it does feel so real now after hearing the heartbeat...
Lady - So happy for you hearing the heartbeat! That must have been so nice. Could you still request a scan at 12 weeks in case you want to see the baby? I'm always such a plan ahead person haha I was like that with our wedding planning and house hunting as well. The 'baby room' is a darkish blue right now (it's like between navy blue and regular blue) so I'd like to paint it gray I think.
Lady- yes, I may have forgotten to put suncream on before going for a picnic, and being a red head, that is not OK! My left shoulder and left knee are both rather red! I've bought so much factor 50 for our holiday, because apparently pregnancy makes you way more likely to burn! ...the moses basket we bought online is the cutest little thing, whinnie the pooh themed! Was supposed to pick up a lovely pale blue travel system tonight, which was fairly gender neutral. Got there to find she was actually selling a bright pink one...I was not going to be buying that!! Hey ho, at least we have plenty of time left!
Lady, forgot to put this on the last post, but I came across this earlier, and just love it! Very tempting!!


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Lady- yay for the heartbeat!! Did you completely breakdown and bawl your eyes out? Oh my god I’m such a crier I would’ve cried so hard .. tears of joy of course! But still like an ugly cry haha. I’m so happy for you! You two will be amazing parents and what an amazing start to your family! Eek. I’m going to guess you will have a boy! Boys are so much fun! I can’t wait to find out. Glad everything is going so smoothly, congrats to that! <

Lee- Girl I’m with ya! I ended up paging Dr. Google a few times during my “away time.” It never does any good so I’ve gotten pretty smart about staying away from it lol. Dang if I didn’t see a line. I’d hate to say I do and give false hope. Ugh! I always have line eyes! Couple more days and it will be very obvious either way. Hope you’re staying sane with that impressive collection of pee sticks! Way to be prepared chick ;)

Stella- Aw that IS fun! Believe it or not but I’ve never been on an airline airplane! I’ve only ever been on a small jet and flew out for lunch down in the keys. That was super fun, but terrifying. Like Lee said, I think after 9/11 I have some weird PSTD with planes. They give me extreme panic attacks. I even walked through boarding and got to the terminal and had to run back and not take the flight. Non refundable too. So yea.. I’m a real “down to road trip” kind of girl ;) But the simulator ... sounds like a good time to me! Glad it was fun <3

Zo- I honestly never get on my Facebook anymore but when I used it a lot a few years ago I was always on those Facebook county groups for buy & sell! I’ve found so many good finds on there! I know people love the marketplace but they never had that when I used to get on :growlmad: I do love me a good thrift store though! I get so much of the nephews and nieces clothes from there! There’s an amazing one right down the street from my work, I’m honestly there every payday haha. And hey, I get good stuff for myself too! =D

Soo not much going on here. CD 12 for me and I’ll be damned if I don’t truly feel a good ovulating coming on this week! :) I’m hoping of course but what I did find out from my last chart, is I’m a damn good ovulater haha. I really do only get ewcm during O. Anything else is nothing to me. The day I start to get the watery Cm I know I’m fertile and will see ewcm soon and will O. Checking my cervix today it was pretty watery! According to FF this is my FW and I will ovulate as soon as Friday-Sun. Wouldn’t that make for the best weekend ;) I love to BD on the weekend .. our only times to relax anyways and it’s so stress free easy. If it’s another long cycle then so be it! I’m not using OPK’s because they just don’t work for me :growlmad: But temping does! So I’ll be temping and not even stressing about what day “I’m supposed to O” and just wait for my textbook fertile signs! OH and I are currently curled up on the couch watching Jerry McGuire <3 We Love this movie! Hope all you ladies are having a good night too & will catch up tomorrow! Does anybody have any vacations coming up? I swear we haven’t taken on in years and I’m wondering how “normal” that is! Do all of you girls and your SO’s take vacations once a year? Like go out of state/country/providence and have even a weekend trip? We’ve been out of town but only a few counties over. It’s been about 3 years since we’ve taken a cruise or road trip :( Think I need one soon ;)
Sorry I haven't been on or around I'm angry and depressed as hell since I've start the dread 3 day AF ramp up days. Bad cramp tired spells and soon to have sleepless nights back to back. Also, everyone around is getting pregnant after trying for 4 months to a year and here I am 2 years± and still not a god damn hint or faint positive once! Just so done with this BS. Sorry, not meaning to ruin everyone's fun. This is why I didn't want to post, I'm just in that bad state...sorry everyone, Zo and lady I'm truly happy for you both and am so glad to hear things are going smoothly for you both. I hope others still waiting get good news. Just don't be surprised if I lurk for a few days.
On a quick note (I'll be back later)... my friend referred me to this link which lists all the symptoms women had before their BFP and they keep it updated! She said she checks it daily.
Diedrek: we live in the UK, we make sure to go somewhere every year, but often we just take the tent camping. This year is the exception, as we are going to Croatia to get some sun! ...even then though we are staying in a prepitched tent when we get there :)
How is it that time of week again already??!! Another week, another pair of baggy trousers! ...14 week bumpie, looking definitely rounder than last week! ...feeling pretty good today, and my energy levels are on the up!'s everyone doing?


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Canadian - You should never apologize about how you are feeling. Be angry and depressed and let us be here for you; anytime you want to, we are here to listen. I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time. I really do hope that things turn around for you.

Zo - Croatia sounds amazing! Im so jealous of you guys in the UK. In the US you got Canada and Mexico lol. Everything kind of start to look tje same after a few trips lol.

Di - Yes! Were going to Galveston (on thr Gulf coast) in September for some time on the beach. Im so excited. Were gonna live there some day fx.
Glad to hear that it looks like you have a strong O coming. Going to be a fun weekend!!

Lee - How fun to start a nursery! Thats some ambition. Im so lazy it probably wouldt happen until 8 mos in lol. Send us some update pics as things get underway.

Lady - Hope you guys are having a great time!

AFM. Not much to report. Ready for the long weekend coming up - although it has made work so sloooooowwwww haha. Hope everyone is having a good week (and has some great summer vacays coming up)
Yo! How's everyone getting on? I am still about, checking in on y'all :p

In this week's dose of crappy luck, we now have to move coz our landlord is selling up. Moving sucks anyway, moving while dealing with Clomid side effects - nope. I wasn't confident about this cycle anyway, now it's probably around O day and we're both too stressed and tired to care about TTC.

Oh, and because we now have the dog, and can't find anywhere to rent to us, we're moving in with my mother for a few months while we scrape a mortgage deposit together. Even more stress for my last two Clomid cycles, yay(!) Not sure they'll give me any more after that, I'm sure the doc said something about six months only.

...So unfortunately, with no faith that the pills will be the answer thanks to life shitting on us consistently every cycle, I think we're looking at IVF as our only option at this rate.

And that's why I am pretty quiet at the mo.
Hey ladies! This week has been a total drag y’all :( Just long and HOT! I’m dying with this heat down here!

Canadian- Girl, we know! We all have our moments (or months) in my case where we’re just super pissed off and hiding in a hole. It’s just really not fair is it? But hang in there! <3

Lone- It’s so hard moving with pups! We’ve had a hard time finding a landlord to take us every time because of our babies. We got lucky though each time and still lucky enough to have been renting the same house for over 3 years! I hope you find something soon, will be sending lots of good luck your way <3 So sorry you’re not having any luck with the Clomid :( IVF is a hard pill to swallow. I hope that’s a possibility for you guys though. Have you looked into some of the organizations that pay for couples to get IVF? I saw a documentary on it before. Ugh. Sending positive thoughts to you right now <3

I still haven’t O’d yet. Not even fertile cm yet, so I’m not “regular” yet. But I’m hanging in there and keeping a close eye on my lady mucus. It’ll come .. and here’s where I practice all that patient virtue crap haha. Seems like a bum week for everybody. Hoping next week is better. Check back soon! <3
Hey guys - It's been a while since I've checked in here but I have been reading everyone's updates.

Lone - I'm really sorry to hear you're have such a shotty time right now. I know the feeling, when everything is flying at you all at once. :hugs:

Diedrek - FX your lady juices start flowing soon and abundantly.

Lady_Alysanne - 20 weeks seems pretty far out for a scan. Sooo happy you got to hear that heartbeat though. I'm sure the emotions are uncontrollable. That's amazing stuff.

CanadianMoose - Honestly, take all the time you need. I've been there. Totally pissed off. It's really just not fair. I've also never seen any sort of faint line or anything throughout this journey. I think you mentioned you may be going to see an RE soon right? I hope that helps ease the stress a bit and maybe you can get an action plan in place to try something different. :hugs:

Zoboe95 - Bump is looking great!

A quick catch up on me.

Today is CD18 - 2DPO - 3DPIUI - 4DPtrigger
CD14 Monday - Cycle monitoring 20mm follicle, left ovary. Trigger that night at 8pm.
CD15 Tuesday - IUI around 12noon
CD16 Wednesday - Cramps, O pains, O day. Started Progesterone suppositories as prescribed. BD
CD17 Thursday - Major temp shift, confirming O
CD18 Friday - Chillin. Just waiting now. Boobs are sore and I've been exhausted, I'm assuming from the progesterone.

I've been testing out my trigger shot. Photos attached for your viewing pleasure. That's 1-4 days past trigger. Most recents are today's that are on top.


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Hey ladies, just checking in. I’ve been rather quiet this month because like Canadian I’m feeling really crap about everything.

I’m 11DPO today. Af will arrive Sunday or Monday. I know she will so I refuse to think otherwise. I’m just hoping for best for the next month or so. We go away for 10 days in a months time. After our holiday we are going to our GPs and asking for tests to be done. We’ve been trying almost a year now and nothing.
Nix - Good to hear from you. We're going away next month too, Bahamas. Coincidentally in what will be the fertile week. So if this cycle doesn't work out. We'll take it super chill next cycle, no temping or OPKs and hopefully make a drunken vacation baby. Otherwise it's baby home for IUI #2.
Hey all, sorry about those in the bummer stages right now. I feel ya. I'm 13DPO and as of last night BFN. AF is due tomorrow and I'm not feeling very prego right now, so. Just got a busy weekend ahead of me.

Tonight - Going to my sister's for a lil party for a cousin that's visiting from FL with her daughter.

Tomorrow - Dog is getting groomed, I'm getting my hair done, checking out yard sales with husband, then seeing comedian Nick Swardson at a place on the beach with my bff (tomorrow is her bday) and going to eat before hand and getting drinks with a couple other friends as well after.

Sunday - Wedding in Boston outside on the Charles river. Should be fun.

Monday - Nada. We could have gone to a BBQ, but with the already busy weekend we just wanted to have a low key day. (for those out of country, it's a long weekend for us in the U.S.)

What are you all up to this weekend?
Ah dream, the Bahamas sounds amazing. We are going to Rhodes. Af is due the day before we go and I’ll be in my fertile week as we get back.

Af arrived for me today, so I’m out grrr
Nix - Im sorry... Thats so frustrating.

Lee - Busy weekend up until today. I picked yp my cousin from her dorm on Saturday and had her until last night, plus the in laws were over yesterday and went to my Mumystep dads house Saturday. Oof. After that, I am determined not to do anything today! Haha.

1 DPO. I had my surge this weekend and have BD'd most days since last Monday up through today. So well see. But Im out of OPKs now and I dont think Ill buy them again now that I have a pretty good idea of my window as well as my O symptoms.

I hope everyone had had a lovely weekend and that it has been restful for everyone who's having a rough time :) Will check in again soon.
AF arrived on time Saturday for me :/ ugh. Post more tomorrow at work.
Happy Memorial Day. A day late but I’m sill not able to convince my brain my first day back at work from the long weekend is a Tuesday haha. It will forever be Monday today :( Sub Tropical storm is gone and hopefully the rain goes with it! It was actually beautiful yesterday <3

Lee- Sorry about AF :( Ugh! What a way to ruin a nice day off :growlmad: At least you truly are getting back into sync and regulating! It’ll make al your charting much easier!

Dream- Trigger looking good so far =D Enjoy your tww! I hope it goes quickly! Keep us updated if you plan to symptom spot :)

Nix- Sorry girl. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to get some basic fertility testing done. I’m sorry you even had to get to this point but hopefully you’ll find some answers there. Hang in there xo

Stella- I agree with knowing your O signs and not buying anymore OPKS. They don’t even work for me but once I’m fertile it’s not even needed to poas to tell me lol. So glad you hit all your O days! :happydance: Now sending lots of prayers your way! <3

Hope everyone is going good :) I am still waiting to O which is totally fine. Just sooo boring! At least work is going to keep me busy until then. And at least I still get to pretend to make a baby with the OH in the meantime haha. One day it will be for real so, might as well enjoy it! Talk to you ladies soon xo

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