Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Ive been super quiet on here, because we had a crazy busy weekend! We too had a long weekend in the UK so me and oh took the opportunity to travel down south and visit the in laws -_- and our friends down there...was so lovely to catch up with so many friends, felt like I spent the whole weekend eating!! Got a definite bump sprouting here this week, people at work keep commenting on it!! Hope you are all good :)
Phew it has been an insanely busy weekend for me!! I have to get caught up with everyone, but first I'll just explain.

Friday - Went to my sister's house for a lil party for my cousin who was visiting from FL.

Saturday - Got my hair done and dyed dark brown and I'm loving it (I'm usually dirty blond-ish or light brown), drove an hour and 10 min to go to a beach town with my friend for her bday for dinner and to see comedian Nick Swardson then drank after. Got home at 3am lord lol.

Sunday - Up at 9am to get my hair styled by my cousin half hour away then we went to a wedding an hour away.

Monday - Went back to my cousin's to pick up a changing table (yes I know I'm not prego yet haha stocking up on things now with high hopes) and then husband and I went to see the movie Solo. Loved it.

And of course work the rest of the week. I went out at lunch today to Target and bought preseed. Gonna try that. I'm about CD4 I believe. Have to check my chart. My bff who has been trying without luck finally got some hints of lines on 3 tests between last night and today... 2 wondfos and 1 frer. I'm feeling good for her cuz she has never had any lines before :D she has been using preseed and I've read good things about it. I don't get much EWCM so I figured I might as well try it out.

Now to catch up with everyone!! Here is a pic from the weekend and my preseed lol.


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Where has this week even gone?? ...time is flying past! the plasterer in today and the next 2 days, so decorating is finally getting somewhere, then to start on the nursery!!


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It's so quiet on here the last couple of days.

Zo - It's getting to be an actual bump! I imagine it isn't quite there yet, but is anyone noticing?

Lee -- FX for your best friend! I hope it works out.
And good luck with the preseed.

Diedrek - I hear the tropical storm has moved on along the Gulf, so in Florida you should be having sunshine and rainbows :) Any sign of O?

To everyone else, I hope the silence means you are still stalking but that things are uneventful (in a good way).

3DPO. Life is plugging along as usual -- supposed to hit 91 degrees today, so I might go out at lunch and treat myself to a milkshake. That sounds really good.
Stella - good luck in your TWW.

Zo - Happy 15 weeks

I'm 8dpo today waiting until Saturday at 10dpo to start testing as my trigger tests went negative yesterday at 7dpo.
Hi Ladies, its been a while I have posted here. The week DH was here had been a busy one, obviously in a good way. Became sick(and threw up) only once during that time, probably due to sitting in the car too long/driving/eating out consecutively 2+ days. To my amazement, DH was there, he wasn't grossed out(didn't show it at least). Other than that, I am doing well, finally getting my energy back.. I have been stalking you all, just didn't have enough time to write back. I will write more after I get some pending work done..
Stella, the bump varies each day, some days its bigger than others, so yes people are starting to notice! ...I've had a few comments from people at work, stating how I've suddenly grown. I think because weve had hot weather too, so I've been wearing different clothes, which hide it less!
I have nothing to report -- just thought I would share this to make us smile.

Enjoy :)
Zo - How exciting! Pretty soon youll have strangers coming up to touch your stomach. (Idk how any pregnant woman enjoys that lol)

Lee - Haha! That did make me laugh. Applies to sooo many things in life 😀

Lady - Im so glad you guys had a great time. Your husband sounds like a total sweetheart. Is it rough being apart with everything going on?

Dream - Did you test yet today? It's Saturday!!

6dpo today. AFM. Sharp side pain yesterday but i think a lot of these just apply to having a desk job lol. I end up with all kinds of the same aches and pains like my husband who's on his feet all day on construction sites as a project manager. I'm trying to better and taking breaks and going for walks but the last 2 days have been so HOT. 95° outside or 68° inside? I'll take the air conditioning thanks haha. So no symptoms aside from whats normal this time of cycle - vaguely sore side boob and thats about all.
Best wishes out there to y'all and hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend.
I tested today 11DPIUI 10DPO - BFN, whatever. What Freaking Ever.
Zoboe - I know right? I am keeping myself from buying anything for the baby until the first trimester.. But it is too hard to wait. That's a beautiful bumpie Zo, I am barely showing, I think only I can notice since I know what to look for, or it could just be bloating, who knows!
And Croatia, wow, I am so so jealous, lol. I hope you enjoy a lot, which month is it?

Nix - Sorry abt af, that sucks. Hope after the holidays,visitings GPs give you answers.

Die - Thank you girl, we can only hope so. Lol, no I didn't cry like that, it was those unexpected tear drops of joy I would say. I was surprised as I never really get why people would cry when they are happy, now I know.
On O, I say keep tracking what works for you dear. If temping and checking for ewcm is the indicator, then deffo those are the things look for.
I did go out of state last week, but I realized even more than 4 hours drive makes me achy and weak. So I might be off the road from road trips for a little bit.

Moose - I am so sorry dear, I won't pretend I know the full extent of how you are feeling. In those short months we have been trying, each time I would see a pregnancy announcement on fb or otherwise, I would think I am happy for them, but why can't I be one of them too. Like Stella mentioned, let us be there for you dear. Sending positive vibes your way..

Stella - I have nothing new to report, hope you had a great long weekend, and its the weekend again, time is literally flying, and all I do is sleep and eat. Yep, it is hard to be so far away from him, and, it is killing him that he is missing most of my appointments.
And how are you doing? Is sore boobs normal for you? I have never had it, except when I conceived, it was horrible as the dpos progressed further, sore boobs, sore underarms. Hoping it is something positive for you, fx..

Lone - Moving is deffo the worse and no pet friendly apartment for renters that really sucks!! When we moved in March, I would be like, totally void of energy to even to think abt TTC, but we DTDd anyway, and luckily it worked. Who knows it might be the same for you, GL!!
I hope things get sorted soon for you three!!

Dream - Thank you, yes, it was amazing. I don't know why midwife did not go for 12 weeks scan, she was like, you have no record of previous complications, you seem healthy, blah blah, but I have a suspicion it might be something to do with the insurance I have.
I didn't realize you could also test on the trigger shot. I am hopeful for you, let this be the month for you, fx!! Did you test again?

Lee - witch sucks, I am so sorry girl. Glad to see you had a great weekend. Pre seed worked for me too, GL with that. And did I mention, you look amazing!!!!

AFM, nothing new to report, except, I am enjoying my pregnancy pillow :dance:
Dream- I&#8217;m sorry girl! But hey you&#8217;re 13 dpo now! Any new tests?? Hang in there! <3

Lady- Girl, my man is obsessed with laying on me att night haha. I told him whenever we do get pregnant that I&#8217;m going to buy TWO so he can have one too hahah. If I wasn&#8217;t trying to look even more crazy than I do now only ttc, I&#8217;d go and just buy him one already lol. So glad you&#8217;re doing well :) I&#8217;d love to see ultrasound pics if you&#8217;re comfortable sharing :) Also, do you and the hubby have any wagering bets on the sex yet? I&#8217;m going with a boy for you guys <3

Soo.. not much going on in my life. Or on here! Ladies... I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re all busy trying to make beautiful babies and with those beautiful men of yours.. so I just wanna say hi <3

Also I&#8217;m still waiting to O .. but it&#8217;s alright. I&#8217;ve been so busy I haven&#8217;t even thought about it much lately! Thinking we will start Clomid in the next few months if things don&#8217;t happen organically over here! Anyways, miss you girls and hope you all are doing good! :)
Die - I hear you girl, I would've thought of buying two too, if my DH lived with me. Specially since I have this annoying feeling any pressure of any sort could hurt the baby, even though I know that is not the case. Unfortunately, I am not going to have an US until 20 weeks, my midwife just used the doppler so that we could hear the heartbeat. Trying to keep calm until then. Coming back to gender prediction, I used to be partial to girls, but, since I conceived, surprisingly my preference has vanished, I am happy either way you know. Only DH is dead set that we are having a baby girl, lol. He wouldn't even try searching names for a baby boy...

I am glad you are keeping busy with work, and trying not to stress on ttc business, I guess that is the best way. You will O when its time, fx for your O girl. How is everything else going?

Its been rather quiet here, Like Die, I hope you all are busy with life and making beautiful babies.. Sneak back in when you can though..
Hey ladies, I’ve been lurking. I’m just heading into my fertile week. We have a really busy week so it’s hard to get round to BDing as we are constantly tired! Joy!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Zo- lovely little bump growing there

Lady - 20 weeks, that seems like a long time. I’m itching for boys. Preferably twins so I only have to do this once. Ha how amazing would that be.

Dream- sorry about the BFNs. Any more updates

How is everyone else doing?

We’re going on holiday in 17 days (not that I’m counting lol). 10 days in Greece. It can’t come fast enough.
Yay for holidays Nix. 15 Sleeps till we're in the Bahamas ourselves.

I tested yesterday at 13DPO BFN. I had to go in for my beta today, which I already know will be negative. Just waiting for AF now. Sigh
Ah dream this really sucks. I had high hopes for you this cycle. Hopefully a little holiday romance will do the trick next cycle
Glad to see everyone is doing OK, it went really quiet on here for a few days!! ...16 weeks today for me, and I have officially popped! ...everyone at work keeps commenting on my bump now, it seems to be getting bigger by the day! ...I have a midwife checkup tomorrow, but its only at the doctors, and they don't have ultrasound machines there, so I doubt much will happen! All these holidays coming up are so exciting, I'm off to Croatia for 10 days with oh on Monday, can't wait!!


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Hi Ladies!

Dream - I'm so sorry. Glad you have a lovely holiday coming up (I'm so jealous). Our next vacay isnt until September and no where near as wonderful as the Bahamas. :) And 13 dpo is still early.

Zo - OMG! There's a belly!! Congrats! And another lovely holiday - Croatia sounds amazing!

Nix - Greece?!... You guys are killing me lol. What an amazing vacation.

Lady - That's so funny that he's fixated on girls. I thought hubbys always wanted the boys haha. You two should place bets - if its a boy, you get to pick the name, and a girl, he does.

Die - Glad youre keeping busy. It really does go much faster when you can manage to keep your mind off things. Have you talked to the doc about Clomid yet?

AFM. 10dpo. Feeling mostly normal aside from general PMS like stuff since about 8dpo. I don't think I normally feel it until the day before AF but its also not totally unusual to feel it sooner so, eh, nothing special.

Came home today to a dog mess - idk what they were doing today but there are toys and hair EVERYWHERE, the bedding is off the bed and the little one thinks barking his fool head off is cute (it's not). Love these *******s but they are total *******s haha.

Happy Wednesday!!
Zo- blimey you have popped. That’s a lovey bump.

Stella - oh no, naughty dogs. What a mess. 10dpo, getting close now. Do you test or ride it out?

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