Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Hey all! Im 26 years old TTC my first. I'm about to enter my first TWW. Tips on how to hold off from testing everyday?
Also, my partner is away for long periods of time. I ovulate on the 9th, we dtd on the 5th and also will tonight on the 7th. So two weeks from the day of ovulation (the 9th) is the day I should test?
I appreciate the info! Its all so exciting and so much learning.
Hey earthmama, welcome. Everyone is different, for me it’s 12 days after I ovulate. You’ll have to go a couple of months and really know when, but 14 days is a good aim (unless you leuteal phase is longer).

I’ve been TTC for pretty much one year now. Good luck. For the first few months I used to test like crazy from 10DPO, now I don’t test at all.
Been to midwife today, little one has a healthy beautiful heartbeat, and all seems good with me :)

My ticker seems to have mysteriously disappeared!!
Sorry I’ve been mia! They fired the other inside sales rep at my job so I’m the only inside sales rep for both offices covering 6 states :( been so busy! I will try and catch up tomorrow.

I’m at CD13 and AF is due in 2 days. Have had cramping here and there and cervix dropped down today and had a sign of ewcm starting up. It was a mix of ewcm and creamy stuff but not 100% gooey. Anyways opk is negative right now. Pic below. Just my quick update, nothing exciting. Will catch up tomorrow on my work computer!


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Nix - Im gonna wait unless something happens to make me think I should. But I refuse to test during the week because I am not gonna find out Im preggers and then go to work and try to focus haha. So its eother this weekend or next.

Earth - Agreed. Give it until day 14 if you can :) Good luck!!

Zo - Congratulations! What was it like to hear that heartbeat?

Lee - FX!!!
Nix - 20 weeks is certainly a long time, and it is so hard to wait. It is the doppler that is keeping me patient(!?!) somehow..
I say you have a good chance of having twins, given that you have twins in the family already. So happy for your vacation in Greece, I want to go there too, someday hopefully..

Dream - Sorry abt the BFN girl.. Hope that the trip makes you both more relaxed and GL with your next cycle!

Zo - That is so cool that you started to show, adorable bumpie right there! So I am guessing you are already off to Croatia, have loads of fun girl, perfect timing for the babymoon!!

Stella - Yeah, that would've been a fair thing to do, apparently DH decided I don't get to name the boy either, as we are having a baby girl. I know he will be happy either way, but poor thing really wants a girl.
Those naughty two.. and the little one barking, lol. Sorry abt the mess though. GL with your test dear..

EarthMamaa - Welcome to this thread, waiting to test is definitely difficult and tbh there is no secret to hold it off. But seeing those BFNs are also no fun, so I side with Nix, testing from 14dpo is a good start.. of course it is easier said than done. GL with your test!!

Lee - Work getting so crazy, hope it slows down a bit soon for you to breath.. Fx that witch doesn't arrive, GL hun!!

AFM, I had an appointment on Friday, heard our lil ones heartbeat (150 bpm). My next appointment is after one month, so after the 4th of July week. Midwife did PAP as well on the same day, and asked me not to freak out if I see some blood afterwards.. But boy is it hard to not freakout after you do see blood, I was continuously scolding myself to agree to do the PAP, although it has been years I did my last one. So that is about it, still dealing with some spotting (sorry if tmi).
Lady - yay for hearing the heartbeat. I bet that’s a lush feeling. I’ve been to Greece a good few times but never to this island. I’m going to Rhodes. 14 days and counting ha ha.

Well I am definitely ovulating right this minute. I’m being stabbed in the left hand ovary. Af is due the day before I fly grrr
Zo- You look so amazing! What a perfectly beautiful and round bump <3 He or SHE ;) Is super cozy now :) Eek! Yay for the good heartbeat! So happy for you .. can’t wait to see any new pics or U/S’s!! Muah girl

Stella- Girlllll id be so mad! Haha! Thankfully my pups are pretty chill & only get excited enough to whack crap off the tables when we get home after work lol. I haven’t had to come home to any surprises in years! But it’s also been about a year since either have been actual “puppies” :( It would be so funny to put in cameras and watch what they do hahah. Like all the viral videos of dogs home alone lol.

Earth- Welcome! Do you temp to confirm ovulation? If it’s normal for you to O on certain days it’s can’t alwyas be totally reliable because it may very each cycle. You can actually have sex on the wrong days because of that =/ But if you did O on the 9th it’s ok to start like the others said around 14dpo. It should be there by then if you’re gettinf a bfp! Good luck girl!

Lady- Nothing in ttc or pregnancy is too TMI for us! Sorry about the spotting but if your midwife isn’t concerned than it sounds totally normal! So glad you also heard a strong heartbeat <3 So glad things are going so good for you and baby :) :) Have you thought of names if it’s a boy or girl? I’d love to hear your favorites :)

Nix- O pain sucks but hey, at least it’s comfination for you! GL in your tww!

So totally nada happening with me yet. Been having lots of fun with my SO though :) Lots of birthdays and things to celebrate around here and have been going out a lot. It’s been fun .. but so ready to O already! Hope to come back with good news soon :) xoxo
I JUST realized in my last post I said AF was due in 2 days... I meant O was due in 2 days haha sorry!!

Ladies!! Finally I have a second to breathe haha with the ONE other inside sales rep at my company getting let go, it has been very very busy. It's slowing down now thankfully. OK SO....

Here is my update first, then I have to read all yours and reply below. I DON'T know when I Od... it was supposed to be Saturday, but I got all negatives around the weekend... I was chatting with my bff and we think I must have missed my surge around Thursday-Friday since those 2 days I had dark lines, but not positive lines. Guessing I surged overnight and on Thursday I caught the beginning of it with a dark line and Friday caught the end of it with a dark line. So I'm gonna just say I am 4DPO for some sort of reference. I also did had pinching cramps on my right side only around those days and ewcm that I only noticed a TINY bit of once. I think I don't create much EWCM, so I started using preseed this cycle. Had some cramping today and the other day I was super sick feeling, feeling like I could puke, but it was after some heavy food I ate at a grad party Saturday. My boobs are slightly tender... I don't even wanna say the word tender, but if I push them and poke at them they feel 'tired' lol. ANYWAYS, sorry for the long explanation.

Today is CD18 (or possibly 4DPO) and O day was possibly CD 14... we DTD on CD10, CD13, and CD16. I know that's not much, but FX and used preseed every time. Estimated AF due date is a week from Saturday (the 23rd).

Below is a pic of some of my test strips since CD9. I forgot to take a pic of the one from Sunday but it was negative. My collage app put them out of order, but the 'squared' ones were the darkest and from Thursday PM and Friday AM... and the circled one was just the one from the day I sent this collage to my friend. Also attached is my FF calendar. Don't go by the O day cuz that was what they THOUGHT it would be, but as you can see I have no DPO days cuz I never got a positive test.

EarthMamaa - Welcome!! We are a fun bunch haha I've been TTC for about 5 months now, but I had some issues due to getting off of the pill and had a cyst and now I think I just don't produce much EWCM... haha TMI! ANYWAYS, I'm not a good one to ask about when to test cuz I start testing as soon as like a week after O day LOL I'm super impatient and I stocked up on cheapie tests. New batch coming tomorrow! Best time to test if you can't wait, but you're more patient than me, would be like 2 days before AF is due. BEST best time would be a couple days after AF is due. I got prego 10 years ago by accident (how does that happen then but not now when I'm trying lol) and it ended in a MC, but I had a feeling something might be up cuz I got spotting a few days before AF was due but it stopped in a day so I tested 2 days before AF due and it was negative. Tested 2 days after AF was due and got a positive.

Die - Hey girl heyyyyy :) also not much going on here except parties and festivities. I love this time of year when it's not too hot here in Massachusetts and we can open the windows in the house.

Nix - Hope you're getting the BD in!! Go get it haha

Lady - Thank you! In my TWW at the moment. Hope you and the baby are doing well :) work has finally calmed down a little bit. Happy to hear that you got to hear the heartbeat!! How amazing <3 and you are too kind with the comments previously :) thank you! I've been using preseed this cycle, so I have high hopes that it will help cuz I don't think I create much EWCM so this could be perfect.

Stella - Thank you! Hope all is going well with you :) and the dogs omg LOL dogs are so crazy. Love my puppy (he's gonna be 4 this week!) but they do like to get into trouble lol ours has been howling now and it's funny cuz he's a shih-poo, he's not even like a husky or close to it. I think it's cute hahaha but I also have to tell him to hush. He also loves to try and look for tissues in our bedroom trash barrels (either from me with my allergies or from our BD... sorry TMI bahaha). We have little barrels with lids, but he pops them open with his nose LOL we will just hear the sound of the lid shutting and I go running and then he goes running out of the bedroom lol and tissues are on the floor.

Zo - Happy to hear! It must be amazing hearing the heart beat :) your baby bump is precious! I'm enjoying watching it grow :)

Dream - Sorry :( FX for July!! On the bright side if you get pregnant during the summer than you wont have to deal with being 8 months prego in the heat haha that's how I've been thinking, like even if I get prego in July then I'll only be a couple months along and barely showing by the time fall comes. I hate heat lolol


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Help! EWCM question.... and totally TMI picture I'm sorry haha gross.

Before I was really TTC I would notice big globs of EWCM once in a while. While TTC, I haven't noticed much lately. I was supposed to O 4 days ago but never got a positive OPK. A few days before then I had a tiny glob of possible EWCM. I just checked and had the same amount of tiny ewcm but at first I just considered it creamy until I touched it between my fingers. This is the most it would stretch. I DON'T think it's EWCM, but I'm just curious how much you guys get when you get it. My friend said she gets enough that she sees it when she wipes. I used preseed this cycle since I feel like maybe I just don't produce a lot of mucus?

Cervix is high and firm.


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My friend thought maybe I’m Oing late cuz I had a tiny bit of ewcm (above... sent her that same pic). She was right! Took this test an hour ago. It dried, but it was equally dark while wet I just didn’t get a good pic while wet. Let the BD continue!


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Yay Lee, time to get super busy and catch that egg.

4dpo here, nothing much to report, just letting the TWW tick by
Nix - Yep, thanks. I am tempted to buy a doppler right now. FX for your tww wait, and hope witch doesn't arrive before or during your holiday or anytime soon for next 9 months..

Die - Thanks dear, I am all good now. I am easily spooked these days. I am looking for names, but nothing is really standing out to me yet, I mean I don't feel like 'this is the one' or 'this could be the one'. Still searching, I would love to discuss once I have some favorites.
I am so glad you are having really good time lately.. FX for your O..

Lee - I am same as your friend. I get EWCM when I wipe, and pre seed did help. I hope and pray it works for you too, GL!! I am so glad, your friend guessed the right timing, time to get busy. Waiting for you to join TWW..
And thanks, I think we are both doing well. I am so tempted to buy a doppler, you know.

AFM, I think I felt the baby yesterday, moving.. But only for 30 or 40 secs I guess. I know it is too early and first time moms aren't supposed to feel it this soon, but I swear it wasn't my bloated stomach..
Nix - Hehe yes we def got a bunch of BD in. Much more than previous months because I thought I was Superwoman in previous months and only needed to BD a couple times or even just once... idiot lol.

Lady - You should def buy a Doppler lol I am at 4DPO now :) and back to keeping tabs on everything haha.

So AFM... 4DPO and tracking symptoms, tho they are probably progesterone related as I have read online. Cramping today so far nonstop (even after I pooed! lol), high CP, creamy CM, starting around yesterday boobs tender on the sides (which happened when I was prego 10 years ago, but more towards AF due date), nips a lil tender if I pinch them lol so my boobs and nips are probably sore from me poking hahaha. Probably hormone related, but hey at least it means I most likely did O. Anxious to get to implanation time and start testing. I have high hopes with using preseed.

Where is everyone?!
Hey ladies, sorry I’ve been quiet, I’ve been trying to ignore my TWW lol.

8dpo today. I had slightly pink Cm at 6DPO which I am trying to not get excited about. My boobs have just started hurtin on the sides too and nipples! I this a lot, albeit a bit later on the cycle. Af due Saturday
Nix - I know you're trying not to get your hopes up, but all of that sounds very good :)

AFM... nips are still tender if I pinch them, usually they're fine. On my right boob only, on the side and kind underneath it hurts since yesterday. It's like the feeling of your bra wire stabbing hard. Cramping constantly yesterday and slight today. CP is high and medium firmness and I had a small glob of pure white CM with EW texture when I checked it this morning... wtf is that? lol
Hey lee, I can even find my cervix today, I think it’s done a runner on me lol, it’s so high.

I’m not getting my hopes up. To be honest I’d rather not be preggo this cycle, I want to be able to drink on my holiday. Knowing my luck it’ll happen this month lol
Been a bit sadden as of the last few weeks so I've been MIA. Got the results of hubs SA and everything looks good except for sperm found, normally it's 15 mil right? Well the counted around 3 mil. GYN thinks it might just be because he got sick sometime near that month it might have been affected, but hubs is not willing to make minor changes to help insure a higher amount. I barely got him to do the SA there is no way I'll be able to get him to a urologist.

I think it is time to accept the real possibility of not having kids in my life, and now I think I'm making the steps to accept that. Anyways, I'm probably not going to show up on the forum much anymore,but I hope I'm the only sad and unsuccessful case in this forum. I wish you ladies the best of luck and happy healthy pregnancies to Zo and lady!

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