Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Oh moose I’m sorry to hear this. That’s not very nice of your DH. I hope he changes his mind at some point. Feel free to pop if you feel like it. Big hugs xx
Nix - My cervix went up high today! It's been medium to low but shot up high I guess. and LOL you sound like my bff a month ago. She's also been trying but was hoping to not be prego before a booze cruise hahaha she's not prego yet.

Lady - Thank you! I feel pretty good about this cycle shockingly, so I'll be super sad if I get a BFN cuz I have strange symptoms I haven't had in regular cycles. If I'm not prego by August, I'll see my doc. I already have an appointment scheduled with her for September (since I have Xanax in my possession for anxiety she wants to keep an eye on me... it was prescribed by my last doc) so in September if I'm still not prego I'll talk to her about it. That would be about 7 months.

Moose - I'm so sorry to hear all that, what a let down!! What is the procedure that he wont do? Do they have to do some surgery on his balls?

AFM... I'm 7DPO and as usual it's probably all in my head, but here are my symptoms thus far. I know the earlier ones are O related.

O day - Water CM, cramps, CP high & medium firmness
1DPO - Creamy CM, cramps, CP Medium & medium firmness, irritability (was a bitch at work lol usually not)
2DPO - Tender nips when I pinch them (I know I know, don't pinch), pooped a lot lol like A LOT, bloated after eating all day, fatigue, gassy, increased appetite
3DPO - Creamy CM, vivid dream last night, tender right boob on side like stabbing pains, tender nips, CP medium & medium firmness
4DPO - Creamy CM, cramps, pinching on side of boob still (right boob only)
5DPO - Creamy CM, cramps, vivid dream last night, EWCM but all white (odd?), right boob still pinching on side, tight vagina inside (noticed when checking CP), bad taste in mouth at night but maybe my chapstick?, CP low & medium firmness
6DPO - Creamy CM, cramps, CP low & medium firmness, same bad taste in mouth again, while laying down relaxing I felt a sharp sudden twinge around the middle/left side of my belly button, bloated a lil, diarrhea once possibly from food I ate, very thirsty for water, I'm guessing from water intake peed a TON while in work meetings lol embarrassing! also peed a lot at home, suddenly exhausted at 8pm like it was 4am, heartburn slightly last night
7DPO - (Today) Creamy CM with that same white EWCM, fatigue (I know it's still early today), high CP & medium firmness, sore nipples
Hi Ladies!

Im sorry Ive been MIA, I just literally lost track of time lol.

Canadian - I am so sorry. Have you talked to hubby? Maybe he's scared. I think to men this kind of thing feels like a question to their manhood, although this really may not be the case. I hope you will reach out to us when you are ready. We are always here for you. Xo.

Lee - Do those medications impact fertility? I hope that this cycle is it for you -even if it's early, these symptoms sound promising! I believe you and I came off BC around the same time so if you're like me, its hard to tell "normal" hormones from "abnormal" haha. I started writing mine down last month to compare. You had yours listed here last time - go look! Yay! FX!!!

Nix - I know you'd rather not be preggers until after your holiday but I still really hope that this is all good news and you get a BFP soon! :):)

Lady - How cool! Youre getting to the part where this all feels real!! (Did I already say that? :)) Oh my gosh I am so excited!!

CD 10, AFM. I let slip to my sister the other night that we'd pulled the goalie. She was at a bar and started telling random people "they're going to have a baby!" I told her to hold up, were not pregant and she yells in my ear "I KNOW BUT IM SO EXCITED! I'll have to move back to Colorado now - I cant miss this!"

Anyway I hope you are all are doing well and that all signs and symptoms and little kicks are signs of wonderful times to come!! And I hope I did not miss anyone who has replied sinemce I was on last.
No, no surgery or anything that he needs to do just basic things like...wearing boxers not boxer briefs, getting losing fit pant so he doesn't cook his boys, airing them out more, taking zinq, and anything like that which would force him to make a lifestyle change. Ya know because I have and that's all well and good but fuck him changing himself to help our chances. That's outside his comfort mad...
Stella - Do which meds mess with fertility? I forget what meds I mentioned lol. I have been referring back to my fertility friend app to compare my symptoms to previous months. Some of it is the same, some isn't. It's just all confusing hahaha and too funny that you sis was all excited and happy to hear! In Feb we told some family friends we are close with (while we were on vacation) that we had just started trying. Our friend told her 18 yr old step daughter "they're gonna have a baby!" and she was like "omg really?!" I said wait wait wait haha we JUST started TRYING is what she means! but yes that's the hope :)

Moose - That's insane!! I can see him being nervous about surgery or whatever, but THOSE ARE SUCH BASIC CHANGES.... I CAN'T EVEN *face palm* so stupid that he wont do any of those. Well I hope you still check in every now and then and so sorry :(
I’ve got so many strange symptoms going on this month that if I’m not pregnant my body is playing a cruel cruel trick on me. Tested this afternoon and it was bfn but after an hour there was a vvvfl (can’t rely on that). Af is due tomorrow, please stay away. I’ve got a nasty rash under my armpit and if that’s just there for fun I’ll be so angry lol
Nix the rash LOLLLLL oh dang. Show us a pic of the test if you still have it!! I am in the same boat with the strange symptoms. If I'm not prego, I'm gonna quit lol. I'm 8DPO today. Still tender boobs and nips and still creamy CM. Nix, what's your CM been like? CP? My CP is high and soft/medium.
Lee- I binned it, I couldn’t get it to show in a pic at all. I think it’s a grey line! Boooo

Well my Cm has been all over the place. It was white and sticky on 10DPO. 11dpo I thought I had a YI coming but I think I was just really dry. 11dpo evening and today yellowy Cm. Cervix was medium yesterday but high again this morning. Can just reach it.

My left nipple is constantly standing to attention and my left boob hurts all over. My right side is dead to me lol nada.

I woke up having an orgasim this morning!! Wtf?! I wasn’t even having a dirty dream. Then straight after I had horrible cramping. Cramps continued for about an hour. Then nothing all day.

The rash under my arm is so sore. I’ve attached a pic. Nasty lol

Af is due tomorrow, so I guess time will soon tell. I’ve never had a month like this.... ever!


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Af got me today. This was a very cruel cycle. Now I really can’t trust my body at all. Ah well, flying to Greece tomorrow yay. Lots of cocktails to be had
Moose - I am so sorry dear, as Lee mentioned, these are really small changes for your DH, I hope he changes his mind soon, he has to!!!!

Nix - Dang, those were all good symptoms.. Sorry the witch arrived. Hope you enjoy your vacation girl, and it refreshes you for your next cycle..

Stella - Thanks dear.. I am excited for you too.. Love your sisters reaction, that's how siblings are..

Lee - I am rooting for you, do you want to wait till 14 dpo to test?

AFM, I am doing okay. Last night, I had a very weird hallucination for a moment, I saw a bug crawling over my t-shirt, scared the hell out of me!! But just for a second.. Don't know if it is pregnancy related or not!
Thanks ladies! The thing that really pisses me off is we have been focusing on me being the possible problem of infertility cause it's common right? So for months/years I've been under going changes to increase our chances even though I know I have gotten pregnant before with someone else (ended in a chemical induced MC due to possible eptopic.) So I KNOW it's not on my end but I went through all the hoops to make it be more clear what needs to be done...and now he's in either denal or refuses to see it or change. How do I get past the anger and stay in a healthy mindset with him when I feel it's all pointless because he won't change or make the effort? What's the point of having sex now if he's not going to make the effort to increase our odds? And more importantly, how am I not supposed to feel bitterness and resentment towards him when he refuses to make simplest changes.
Hey ladies, I will reply to everyone tomorrow at work but before I head to bed I wanted to share a weird symptom. I’m 10dpo today and my cervix is super high and when I checked up there I had a HUGE glob of clear ewcm and I rarely get mucus. It stretched like 4in. Then I thought oh great am I Oing super late? I already Od late this cycle, too... so within an hour I took an OPK and it was insanely negative! Super light! BFN prego tests as well but gonna keep testing. My friend suggested I temp next cycle if I don’t end up prego this cycle. I’ve been googling this and as usual get a mix of answers.

Pic is the OPK and HCG tests taken with the same pee. Any input would be awesome thanks ladies :)

CP super high and soft
Nipples are super sensitive
Boob pain isn’t as intense as it was a week ago


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Oh, Moose, I am so sorry; the hard part (the test) is done, all he has to do is swap underware. I would be angry, too. I really hope he comes around. This is all such simple stuff. What is his hang up???

Nix - I hope you are having a fantastic time in Greece!!!

Lady - Scary!!!! But at least it was a hallucination!! Oh my gosh, I'd've been creaming out of the room :)

Lee - How strange, I hope that's a good sign!

AFM. CD 15. Just chillin' :)
Well I stayed home from work 'sick' yesterday... I wasn't sick, I just needed a mental break from work and I didn't sleep much the night before as the pup was awake and scared most of the night from a thunderstorm... so I didn't go on here.

Nix - Sorry to hear that AF came :( FX for next cycle.

Lady - Thank you and I def don't have the patience to wait until 14DPO haha I've already been testing and have BFNs, but last night I have a weird situation... see below but basically took a few different tests and all were BFN except I saw a faint shadow line on a walmart test, but it was like 20 min later... took the test and didn't really see anything (I always convince myself I see something so I did that of course lol but really it was nada) and that was under 5 min, then I showered and when I got out of the shower I noticed this line... strange... gonna try these same tests until 14DPO. Buying more today.

Moose - I would also be hurt and annoyed. After all the work we do on our end, it's only fair for them to help out as well (besides just BDing all the time).

Stella - Thanks and hurry up and get to the TWW haha. I had had more signs (below).

So AFM... to continue from where I left off at 7DPO...

7DPO - Creamy CM, mild cramps, tender boobs, bad taste in mouth (but not metallic), high CP/med firmness, fatigue, stressed at work, irritable, sore nips

8DPO - Creamy CP, mild cramps, tender boobs, BAD nausea at work omg I thought I was going to leave early... I felt I had to puke but I didn't and before this I only ate 1/2 of my healthy lunch sandwich and along with this sick feeling that lasted an hour I also had goosebumps off and on in waves it was so weird (like chills but less dramatic, just goosebumps), diarrhea, fatigue, headache (before feeling sick), increased hunger and actually getting hunger pains later, irritable, sore nips.

9DPO - Small amount of pure white EWCM, mild cramps, tender boobs, high CP and soft firmness, hunger pains, sore nips.

10DPO - HUGE glob of clear EWCM when I checked inside... more than I've ever seen and stretched over 4inches and took an OPK just in case but super negative, mild cramps, tender boobs but getting less, later had light amnt of creamy/tacky CM, CP is high and soft, diarrhea, gassy, hunger pains, sore nips.

11DPO - Watery CM, no cramps, CP is high and soft, sore nips.

12DPO (today) - Watery CM, cramping harder (but confused if it's my lower back pain I'm having), BAD lower back pain started around 730am like I threw my back out but I didn't... hard to walk and at work w/ heating pad, wet spot on underwear after not going potty for 3 hours (so I know it's not a leftover pee drop) and I'm never that wet... I never get wet spots, my face look chubbier in the mirror so I touched my lymph nodes and slightly swollen but im not sick, CP is much higher than it has been and I think its soft or medium hard to tell, been craving sweet tea the last few days, boobs aren't so sore and nips are less painful.

AF due in 2 days. Check out the test below... thought I got some V V faint lines on strip tests and last night I took a walmart test and thought I saw a v faint line under 5 min, but then I showered and came out 20 min later and was shocked to see a V faint shadow line before the test was dry. This morning that same test (of course I saved it lol) was even more noticeable. I've seen shadow lines on these before but I don't recall having a noticeable line the next day. Gonna buy more of these tests today to take. Strip test this morning was BFN.

So this test was taken around 10pm last night and I took THIS picture this morning (so 9 hours later) and you can see a line and I know it's way past the window time, but last night 20 min after taking the test I saw this line but slightly fainter. I'm taking it as faulty or evap for now, but happy to see something even if it's negative lol I'm crazy.


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Morning! I attached 2 pictures of the same test below from this morning w/ fmu. I see a faint gray line, but I just don't trust these gray lines I have been getting. SHOW ME SOME PINK DAMNIT! They're not evaps cuz the tests aren't dry when I take the pix, but I wonder if they're just the chemical strips I'm seeing?

Today I'm 13DPO (AF due tomorrow)... creamy CM, CP is still high and probably medium firmness, light cramps, back is much better than yesterday (I pulled it yesterday), boobs and nipples no longer hurt :( pains make me happy cuz it could mean something lol


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Ladies, I just went to the bathroom and was checking my CP and CM... CP is still very high and CM has been creamy today, but when I checked I had a spot of blood on my finger and I was all excited lol I went up and checked up and got some more, pictured below haha. I'm not even gonna say 'sorry tmi' cuz that's what we do here lol it's all tmi.

AF is due tomorrow so hopefully this isn't an early af :( I will keep an eye, but what stuck out to me was that my cervix is very high.


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Ladies! <3 So good to be here to check in right now!

I hope everybody is doing good and I did skim some so I just wanted to say to:

Moose- I’m so sorry to hear all of that. You know, my SO and I just went through a huge boxer crisis at our house last month! He works out in the heat all day so that’s already a big concern but no way to change that because it’s his career. He was constantly bitching about his ‘boys’ not being supported. So he bought these super tight briefs and I was like oh hell no. Thankfully he said they were TOO tight and got a different kind. Still wasn’t happy! I went out and bought him like 20 new actual boxers from a brand we saw on tv airing about their boxers being the best. And they are! Maybe buy him some like that and see if he likes them? Also do you think you can rope him into drinking A protein shake before work? It’s so easy to put all your supplements in those and make them taste amazing. It’s like having a milkshake :) I bet he’s just going through that “what if I’m the problem” phase men go through too just like us and is shutting down? I bet he will come around dying to fix it! He loves you and I hope he does come around <3

Lee- I DO see that line on the frer!! But at least you’re being realistic about those damn indents! Man those got me my first months on BnB :hugs: They’re so prominent now too :( Hoepfully it’s way darker tomorrow, that’ll be the true test! Spotting is so freaking common around the time of bfps! Hopefully it doesn’t turn into a full flow anytime soon.

Nix- Sorry girl :( Not cool! Hang in there <3

To the preggo ones in the group, hope you ladies are enjoying every minute! Can’t wait to see more progress pics and new updates <3

Seriously nothing going on here with me! Still waiting to O but also under lots of stress right now with a family emergency. Haven’t temped, peed on anything, or even checked my own cm in weeks. Wouldn’t noticed ewcm if it was time anyways, so I’m just trying to take care of the stuff I’ve got going on with my family right now. Hang in there ladies and I’ll be back soon! Xo
Moose - I was just reading what Dream said about a protein shake and it made me think... what if he tried some male enhancement supplements? One-a-day makes some for sperm that men take and I'm wondering if those might help slightly?

Die - YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy to see your post!! I think I know which boxers you are talking about that are on tv haha. I'm so hoping this is spotting. I checked up there around 10:30am and that's when I had the spot. I checked again an hour later and nothing. Just checked a little while ago and still nothing. FX. I also had some mild cramping right after I saw the spot. I hope you check back soon (add me on FB if you want! and I totally understand just doing your thing right now and not worrying about the stress of trying. It's breaking me down mentally just 5 cycles in. I totally get it. xoxo
Cancel EVERYTHING I said.... fucking AF came this morning. I'm at the point where I'm so fucking done with this bullshit. I cried the whole way to work (45 min) because I'm so frustrated. I got pregnant 10 years ago by accident while taking half my month's birth control pills and yet I've been off BCP for the past 6 months and I can't fucking get pregnant and I'm doing everything I'm supposed to!! Wtf gives?! My husband even sounded a little bummed when I told him on the phone and I was starting to cry so I got quiet. He said "I'm sorry babe.... next month" and I said it's just so frustrating. I'm tempted to call my doctor. Just needed to vent.

I think for this next cycle I'm taking a break. I put too much time and energy into doing all the little things to try to get pregnant and I'm mentally drained.
Lee - Noooo!! I had such high hopes this cycle! I am so sorry. I know its so hard. It may not be any consolation at all but they say to give it a full year - I am trying to stick with the mindset that itll take a year but that only helps during the first CDs and O and the TWW. When it comes time to test, though, it's still devastating. Even so it never hurts to go to the doc if you're concerned that anything could be wrong (the earlier the better). It sounds to me like your body is doing everything it's supposed to do, though, so any month now it'll be yours! If you need a break, take it, but I am positive that your wonderful day WILL come.

Die - I hope that everything withbyour family is going to be alright. Are you ok?

Got a positive OPK on CD 16 and 17 so now counting at 1dpo (probably a day or two behind but it works). AF due July 9ish and then Jury Duty the 10th so... That'll make it fun hahaha. I really hope they send my # home - I'd rather be at work!

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