Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Also it's 103° outside. Too hot and miserable to think about BDing even if we wanted to cover the last couple days of the fertile window. Anyone else sitting in this awful heatwave?
Thanks for the responses ladies it truly helped, and thankfully hubs and I talked a bit about it and he even offered some "changes" he wants to do before I said anything about it. I was saying maybe we should stop cause I don't want the doctors try and pump him full of clomid to try and boost his sperm, that's right doc said she would get hubs to take it...I was like say what?!

Anyways, neither of us want that so he's more willing to try more "natural ways" and life changes now. Nothing like the threat of drugs that fuck up your hormones to get a man to change his habits. I've pretty much given up last few months of really trying and watching and eating right and all that BS since I'm not really the issue ATM, and it will take 3 months for anything we do to take effect.i seenow as break and chill time so I'll cheer y'all on from the bench while we work on our game plan. Sorry for AF Lee and good luck to you O'ers! Good to hear from ya die, hope things get better for you.
Also it's 103° outside. Too hot and miserable to think about BDing even if we wanted to cover the last couple days of the fertile window. Anyone else sitting in this awful heatwave?

I get to walk my cats on a harness cause people complained about them walking around upsetting their dogs and digging in the gardens. Ok one, your dogs bark at air...not JUST my cats tyvm, and 2 I doubt it's just my cats...other people let dogs dig and you be surprised what squirrels and mole do to gardens that make it looks like other animals. Besides, just use orange peels or citrus peels on your plants or as a make shift scarecrow and they keep cats away. They hate the citrus smell! Rant over, and yes it's fricken H.A.H!
Stella - Thanks for the kind words! I just get angry because I got pregnant 10 years ago in a month while taking half birth control pills for the month, so now to be off them and 5 months later still not prego is so annoying. I feel worse for my bff cuz last month she got a few gray positives but then got her period and this week she got a gray positive and a light pink positive but she thinks her period is gonna come cuz she feels the preperiod symptoms but I think this one will stick for her, hopefully. Anywho, so yeah I'm meeting with my doc next Saturday and bringing my husband along with me cuz he needs to hear it straight from the doc if he needs to make some changes, otherwise he wont listen to what I say. Last night he's all like "you're fine babe, it takes everyone a while after getting off the pill and you were on it for so long" I said "well I've heard mixed reviews on that, but your sister got pregnant 2 months after being off the pills and my doc even said (in feb) that its best to wait a couple cycles to try so that the pills will get out of your system" so then I think he was more concerned and he asked if the nurse on the phone thought there was an issue, I said she didn't say but I mean she also said I could talk to a doctor and she didn't say "hey just keep trying for a few more months then call us". So... hopefully we get some good answers. And screw that heat haha it's been in the 70s and 80s here and I don't even like THAT lol.

Moose - Thank you and I didn't even know men could take that! Interesting! Glad he came around on his own. Shows that he was thinking about it and decided on his own to help with making changes. That's awesome. As far as the cats go, I can't believe people complained lol my dog gets more angry when other dogs go on our lawn hahaha I used to live next door to my sister in a house with a roommate and my roommate had 2 cats (that's how I found out I'm allergic otherwise I'd have a cat right now). I used to crack up when I'd be over my sisters house next door and her 2 boston terriers would sit in a big bay window just staring down my roommate's cats while the cats laid outside the window in the grass LOL the cats were taunting them I swear hahaha but the dogs didn't bark, just stared lol. Cats are fine. It's the dogs that people walk that shit on people's lawns and leave it. I've never had an issue with cats wondering around. I just got to check on my neighbor's 3 cats the last few days while they were away for a mini vacation just to feed them and what not and I sat with 2 of the 3 (1 hides) and pet them for a while. I shouldn't cuz of my allergies, but I can't help it lol I just wash my hands after.

So since I'm not getting prego right now and I'm starting to wonder if my weight is the issue, because in the last year and a half I gained probably like 20 lbs due to stress with some issue DH and I were having. I don't even recognize myself. So I think I should focus more on getting healthy and probably still try for a baby, but focus my stress on getting healthy rather than stressing about baby making. I told my husband all he sees is us having sex and that's all he is part of with the baby making. I said little does he know this consumes my EVERY DAY for the last 5 months and I'm always googling, logging stuff into the app, peeing on sticks, tracking things.... I said it's so stressful but I don't talk about all that. So when he's just like 'we'll get there babe' he doesn't understand the this consumes me every fucking day. I said imagine playing the same video game for 6 months trying to beat ONE boss and you're doing everything that you're supposed to do but you still can't beat him.... THAT'S THE SHIT I FEEL. You all know. Took our dog to the vet yesterday just to get a couple small lumps checked out, but he said they're nothing. Also bought the pup a ThunderShirt (pic below lol) because he has anxiety with thunderstorms and fireworks and he also has separation anxiety from me, so I'm hoping this will help. I know he doesn't like when we leave the house, but he mainly shows his anxiety if we go out front or out back without him (doing yard work etc) and he cries and howls :( he's a 14 lb shih-Tzu poodle mix who howls. We are dog sitting my father in law's shih Tzu this weekend. Poor thing is blind and old, but she has fun at our house. OH I forgot I have an outdoor party to attend on Saturday :) my aunt throws a party every year. It started off as bday parties for my grandma when she hit 90, then a few years later she passed and we had the parties in memory of her, now they're just yearly summer parties that she calls her Tiki Bash lol. Food, drinking, dancing (dance floor outside), fire pit.


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What a brutal heat wave we have had this weekend and now all this week ugh, I hate heat lol I'm chubby and chubby and heat don't mix.

Just on CD5 and just trying to eat better and have started drinking pineapple juice mixed with cranberry juice to maybe help things. My cousin swears by pineapples. I forget if I mentioned above, but I was going to talk to a doc this Saturday but I'm going to cancel that appointment and just have more sex. Looking at my charts now we aren't having enough sex. Hoping that's the only issue. My bff, who started trying a month after me, just finally got prego :) happy for her but now more anxious to get prego haha but trying her tricks now. She had sex EVERY DAY for a week before her O date and she was temping. Anyways, just dealing with the heat and gearing up for this cycle. I'm going to start temping again as well. Started this morning.
We too are having the heatwave, but I'm the odd one out, because I love it! ...I'm covered in sunburn, but its a small price to pay for actually getting a proper summer in the UK!

Fx this week should be mega exciting! We have our 20 week scan on Wednesday, and are hoping to find out if squishy is a girl or a boy! ...I've ballooned over the last 3 days, and I finally think I look pregnant!
Again, I missed so much here. Visiting DH this week, unfortunately, travelling made me sick. Having problems with my sleeping cycle too. Its 4 a.m. here!! All in all not a week I imagined. DH wont stop cuddling, although I told him I need SPACE when I sleep.. I just needed to vent, Ill reply back to all asap. Missing you ladies!!
I don't think I've posted in here before. Hello! I'm on CD3 of my first cycle TTC. Hubby and I are super excited to get started. My last cycle was my first off of birth control and it was surprisingly regular and appeared to be ovulatory. I track with the Ava bracelet and used OPKs starting around CD12 and will do that again this time. My best friend, SIL, and one of my mom's work friends are all pregnant so I feel like there's something in the water and I hope I can be next :) The hardest part is waiting for everything! Waiting for CD1 to come, now waiting for my fertile window, then the TWW... Patience is not my strong point. Stay cool, everyone!
Lady_Alysanne, judging by your username, might you be a ASOIAF/GoT fan?
Hi Ladies!

Lee - Sounds like a good plan! Have you ever tried SMEP? I have not but I read that it is a good way to ensure catching that egg. Theres a lot of success stories out there. Good luck!! Try to get stress levels down, (easier said than done and Im sure youve heard it a million times... Sorry :))

Zo - So exciting!! That one pic you showed us you had really popped so Id be excited to see the update :)

LadyA - I hope youre feeling better! My hubby and I arent really cuddlers. Space! Haha. Some people get so offended but you gotta be able to brrathe, right?

LadyV - It's exciting when everyone around you is preggo lol. Definately gives some hope! I hope you get there quick and keep us posted!! Ive never used the Ava bracelet. How has it been working out for you? Great to meet you!

Corolla - Welcome! And I thought that about her name at first but never asked haha.

8dpo. AFM. Passing the time bybwatching Westworld and hanging out with the husband and pups. Ready for the holiday break tomorrow!! The week is so much faster with a random day off smack dab in the middle lol. But I have one dog who has a total meltdown with fireworks so we will probably head up to the mountains until about midnight tomorrow. Fortunately thunder storms keep breaking the heat.

Xo ladies!!
Stella - Thanks for the welcome! I'll certainly keep everyone posted. Ava has been great! It accurately predicted my ovulation day and I feel like I've learned so much about myself and how my body works this past month. I really just got it because I didn't trust myself to temp at the same time every morning, but you get so much more than a thermometer! Good luck to everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in this thread it quite sometime. I feel like I've missed too much to go back and read. Hopefully I can make sense of your upcoming posts.

Well it's CD26 and what I'm guessing as 9DPO. I didn't temp or OPK this cycle as I may have mentioned I was planning. DH and I enjoyed an amazing week in the Bahamas that happened to land on fertile week. FX we made a drunken vacation love child. I tested this morning and got BFNs on 2 brands of ICs. I'll try again tomorrow. FX for better news.
So today we found out we are expecting a little girlie!! Beyond excited, and immediately went shopping!! ...I've attached the last 2 bumpies, but I feel like the picture doesn't do it justice! I've actually grown quite a bit in the last week!!


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Sorry all, I just realized I type some big ass novels the other day LOL I think I'm dying from this heat, it's awful. It's finally letting up a little bit. Hope the U.S. folks had a good 4th yesterday.

Zoboe - VERY cute pic on FB with your announcement!! <3 happy for you guys :)

Lady A - I can't recall, how come your hubby doesn't live with you? Is he in the military? I know we have been on here for a while chatting, but I completely forget :(

Lady V - Welcome!! What is AVA? And you're not too far from me :) I live in central Massachusetts. Are you more by the city or are you upstate? My bro in law used to live in Schenectady but is now in Fultonham. In your cycle right now, you're just 3 days behind me today. I'm CD8 today and this is my 6th cycle I believe. Long story short, I was on BCP for like 16 years (I did get prego once by accident 10 years ago while missing half my pills but had a MC early on, about 6 weeks)... anywho, so I stopped my pills at the end of January but stupidly had taken the first week of pills in my new pack before we decided we would TTC. That threw my cycles off for the first couple months, then the next couple months I had a cyst ugh... I thought last month we would be golden, but just didn't do enough BD woops lol so this month we are doing way more BD haha and I hear u w/ everyone being prego. My bff started trying a month after me and she just found out she's prego last week and another friend of mine just told me she's 6 weeks. and I have a step niece who is 2 years younger than me and she recently had her 2nd child (boy then girl) and now she is adopting her sister's 3 yr old girl (her sis has an alcohol problem and keeps running away from rehab). I'm just trying for my first sheesh haha I'M NEXT DAMNIT.

Corolla - I know you were talking to Lady A, but my husband and I are huge GoT fans :) he went as far as reading the books, but I haven't read them.

Stella - I haven't heard of SMEP, I will look it up. I'm googling now lol and you're right about the stress, I need to just relax so that's why I'm also trying to focus my attention on getting healthier as well. I have been temping this week and will start OPKs probably today since I sometimes O whenever my body feels like it. It WAS so weird having the 4th on a Wednesday. It threw me off. Tuesday night I kept thinking it was Friday lol and now back at work all sad :( but it has broken up the week nicely.

Dream - Welcome back! Not really much to catch up on anyways haha and I'm super jealous of your vacation trip! Hope you did make "a drunken vacation love child" hahaha

AFM... I'm on CD8 and we started BDing last night (just for fun hehe) and I told my husband we are gonna do it nonstop like 4-5 days before O day cuz that's how my friend just got prego. She BD 7 days before her O day EVERY day. We will also BD 1-2 days after O day. Him and I are so confused cuz from what I've read and from what my doc said, usually you're supposed to BD every other day around 3 days before O day. Can't hurt to try anyways and it's fun haha. I started temping this week again (haven't done that since months ago) and gonna pass on checking CP since that made no sense before. Gonna start OPKs today I think (I have a bunch in my work bag LOL) because my O just comes whenever it feels like it.
Stella - This SMEP plan sounds great!! I wrote it down haha this is kind of like what my doctor was saying to do, but it confused me cuz I'm like well how the hell am I supposed to know in advance when O day is coming cuz my body doesn't go by the apps and does what it wants, so this is awesome.

For those interested, this tells you to start BD on CD8 (we did last night but just means we will again tonight lol) and every other day and on CD10 you start OPKs and once u get a positive OPK then BD for 3 days in a row then skip a day then BD the following day. Thanks Stella!!
Die - It's so good to see you back girl, and thank you for your kind words.. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way, hope all gets better soon, stay strong!! :hugs:

Moose - I am so glad that your DH agreed to the right thing, he probably needed some time to process. But hey, you were right from the beginning, small things like that, he should be on board.

Zo - Good to know you have popped, that gives me hope.. All I have is a donut belly, I am so ready to look prego, haha.. How was your trip? And OMG.. OMG.. I am so happy you are having a girl, I would've done the same, straight to shopping, haha.. You started to think about names yet?

Lee - Your pup looks so handsome in that thunderstorm t-shirt, I feel like he knows it too, lol. And it's alright, it is hard to keep track of things sometimes, DH and I live in different cities because of our jobs. Once the baby is here, we will make some changes hopefully.

LadyV - :hi: Welcome to this thread!! Sometimes you do feel it you know, there is no way to explain how you know this month could be it. I hope that will be the case for you.. Most of us are like you, its hard to wait, it is helpful to be around others who are going through the same cycles. Sending baby dust your way..

Corolla - You guessed right, I am O:) are you too? and welcome!!

Stella - Thanks, I am feeling much better! Last night I barricaded myself with all the pillows I could find, and DH was like seriously!! :blush: :smug: Anyway I just have two more days with him, trying to enjoy rest of the week off as much as we can..

Dream - Great to see you had an wonderful vacation.. I do hope you two made a love child, what a story would it be!! FX!!

Nix - Thinking about you girl.. :hugs:
LeeMcMee - Best of luck with you BD marathon. I've read such conflicting information about every day vs. every other day. I think what ends up working is just going to be different for every couple. We tried SMEP a couple of times but never ended up following it perfectly for one reason or another and clearly it didn't work. I've heard so many good things about it though and MANY success stories. I would encourage anyone to give it a shot, nothing to lose right?

AFM - A little catch up on this cycle's symptom spotting. (Cycle 15)
Tuesday CD 25/8DPO - I was at work that afternoon and got a sharp pinching pain in my lower back out of no where when I bent down to pick something up. Later that evening at home, I used the washroom and when I wiped I got a ton of light creamy mucous mixed with brown blood. -- Could this be implantation bleeding? Only time will tell

Wednesday CD26/9DPO - I took 2 FMU ICs, both :bfn: I had no further spotting since the evening prior UNTIL about 12 noon. I used the washroom and bright red when I wiped. So now I'm thinking oh maybe this is my period starting early. But on CD26? That would be very weird. Since starting TTC in April 2017 my cycles have all been 30-33 days. so a 25 day cycle would be WAY off. Anyhoo. later that evening spotting turned back to brown/dark red. No need for a panty liner, spotting is still only when I wipe. I took a FRER with evening urine on a 5hr hold and another :bfn: Lower back pain here and there. Nothing severe but its there.

Thursday CD27/10DPO - More dark brown/red spotting, still only when I use the washroom. Still not wearing a panty liner or anything. FMU FRER :bfn: I'm praying so hard that this is implantation bleeding. At this point it's for sure not my period. Def not like any period I've ever had in the past. Everything I'm reading says it takes 2-3 days after implantation to get a positive hpt. This morning's test was only 1.5days after the bleeding started so I've still got time. FX the HCG just hasn't built up enough yet.
DREAM!!! That sounds great -- 10DPO is still a touch early but keep testing. I think it's implantation bleeding FX FX FX FX!! I am at 11DPO today; I will test probably Sunday. Are you going to keep at it daily? I have zero symptoms, as usual -- YOU are onto something though :)

Lee -- In case you haven't notice, I am a very lazy TTC'er, lol, so while I have read about this plan I have never yet managed to actually do it all the way through, so who knows, but it seems to have great success. Worth a shot or two! Keep us posted! Meanwhile, if your friend BD every day and it worked for her, maybe that is also worth a hot. I think my hubby would go stay at a friend's house if I tried to do that, lol.

Lady A - When is your appt? When do you find out the sex?

Zo - I teared up a bit at those photo - absolutely lovely. Do you guys have any names you are tossing around yet? Have you started on a nursery?

Lady V - Yes! Some of the fun of it really is learning all this about your body. It's amazing how in tune you become with yourself, (for better or for worse haha).

AFM. 11DPO. No symptoms. Back to work after a holiday day :(

Oh my gosh, ladies, it seems like it has been an amazing and exciting week all around! I wish you all the very, very best and hope to hear soon. XO!!
Dream - I so hope this is IB, when I was researching before, it should be old brown blood, and very small amount, nothing like regular period. So yours sounds promising, FX for you :thumbup:

Stella - I have a regular appointment just after I get back on Monday. And my scan is on 24th, I am mainly excited about that one.
You know, sometimes, no symptom is also good.. I hope witch stays away and you get your BFP.. :hugs:

AFM, I went shopping yesterday, for me, of course. I also ended up buying several unisex onesies.. I tried so hard not to buy anything up until the scan. But I just couldn't stop myself, these are so cute.... So that was special, buying something for the baby for the first time, two of us together.. I will be going back on Sunday :cry: Time to work again!!

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