Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Lee - Thank you! Ava is a bracelet (some people refer to it as a watch but it doesn't tell time) that you wear at night and it collects data like your temperature, heart rate, pulse, breathing rate, sleep, etc. and then logs it in an app when you sync it every morning. So it charts your temps for you and you can log other symptoms like CM, pains, sex, or anything else that you really want to take note of. I'm in Western NY near the Canadian border. Yes, there's definitely something in the water! Hopefully this is our month!

Lady A - Thank you! Fingers crossed for us all :)

Stella - Yes, it's truly amazing!
Zo- OH MY GOODNESS! Congrats!!! I totally called it on the girl! I’m so happy for you momma! Lots of love to yours <3

Stella- I swear I was skimming the past few pages and WestWorld jumped out at me! Seriously my favorite!! So sad season 2 is over .. seriously what will I do on my Sunday nights :growlmad: haha. Doesn’t look like anything to me though lol. Unfortunately my SO has never gotten into it. I bet he would if he actually watched. He’s not into syfy-ish stuff though. He just doesn’t get it girl. Glad you’re doing well!

Lee- I bet it’s over now but I’m so sorry about all that crazy bs leading up to what was actually AF. So damn confusing all this shit is. I totally get it to just let it out. I’d be insane if I didn’t have a meltdown once every week or two. Not even ashamed. Hope you’re feeling better girl. And edit: cause I just saw your update. Hell yes to the banging it out every day plan. Seriously can’t go wrong and know you gave it your all. Amen to that! FX!!

LadyB- two lady’s in the group now =D Jealous you got the Ava! Sounds so much easier and less stressful. If we are STILL ttc next year we are definitely getting it.

Lady- Shopping must be so fun for you right now! Splurge on whatever, this only happens once to buy things in that unknown stage! <3

I probably missed lots but it’s 1 am here Soo I blame insomnia brain haha. No seriously though, I’ve been having a string of bad luck. First the ac, I wrecked my car in a thunderstorm the other day, fiancé truck was overheating, family member had to have two back to back surgeries, family dog put down, and now we have an incoming hurricane/tropical storm. Like whaaaat the hell! I drowned myself in sage the other day. So needless to say I haven’t temped or even opened FF in weeks now. Haven’t touched my Vitex or Maca in weeks either. Feeling like total crap about it all and my body isn’t doing jack on top of it all. I blame stress but I can’t help that with all that’s going on! Hope it’s almost over but Monday I’m starting back on everything. Temping, charting, supplements and just feeling positive again! I had to bite my tongue with a friend who said “see! Everything will work out! Can you imagine if you found out you were pregnant during all of this? Your time will come when it’s right.” I almost lost it y’all. Like no actually. Something amazing and positive to all this negative would’ve been amazing! The time is always right for a woman who wants to become a mother. I couldn’t believe that! Ok probably talking in circles now so, I’ll come back soon girls! Monday to be exact ;) <3 Have a good Sunday ladies!
Hi Guys - just a quick update. AF came full force last Thursday afternoon. A whopping 5 days early. I've NEVER had a 26 day cycle in my life. I'm a regulay 30-33 day girl. So disappointing.

This cycle will be IUI #2 and my first on 2.5mg Letrozole. Hoping this does the trick!
Dream - Im so sorry. Idk what would make a shorter cycle like that. Could it be some of the drugs are shortening your cycle? (trying to get it to a 28 day - although 31 - 33 is still well within normal as far as I know) Is the Letrizole new or did they change the dosage?

Die - Its such a good show! Me, hubs and sis got way into it but my dad, who raised me on Star Trek and Asimov, didn't make it through the first couple of eps lol. To each his own.
And I don't think people think about what they're saying when they talk. Ugh. Meanwhile I hope things start looking up - I've seen on the news about the storm. Are yous dead in path of it? Is your vehicle covered by insurance? I'd think that fell under "act of god"! Fx. Is your family member ok? And Im so sorry about the doggie too. That's devastating.

LadyA - I feel like you're crawling out of your skin haha. You're getting SO CLOSE to knowing! Did you buy some maternity clothes?

LadyV - Do you still have to OPK with the Ava bracelet?

Lee - Where are you at? Is this your fertile week? Good luck!

AFM. 13 DPO because I O'd a touch late but AF probably due tomorrow. Sore boobs have gone away already and feeling absolutely normal, not even AF signs, but tested neg this morning so either the witch will pop up in the next couple of days or not. Still just waiting! Had Dad's bday this weekend which was so much fun - the big 6-0. My step mums bday is next week. These days, they have everything they could possibly want so we just buy them good gin and wine hahaha. Seems to make them happy.
Hey ladies, I’m finally back from my holiday. I decided to stay off here for the whole 2 weeks as I needed the TTC break. After a year of trying, it got a bit too much.

Dream, hope you had an amazing holiday as well. I’m sorry about your short cycle, I was reading through and got excited for you. Fingers crossed for next IUI.

Stella, I love west world. I haven’t seen the season 2 finale as yet. I’ll be watching that this weekend with DH. I’m on late this week so it has to wait grrrr.

Zo- yay congrats to you. A little mini you, how lovely.

LadyA, not long now until your scan and you can find out the sex, exciting times..

LadyV, welcome. That bracelet sounds amazing, I may have to look into one of those.

Lee, I’m sorry AF got you. I completely get how you feel. I got preggo by accident 14 years ago, that ended in MC also. Now I’ve been trying a year and still no BFP. It’s heart breaking but we are tough cookies.

Die, good to see ya girl. Hope ovulation comes along for you soon.

Moose, I’m glad you DH has decided to put some effort in. It’s only fair after all of the changes and sacrifices you ave to make. I hope it works out for you soon.

AFM- we’ll im in my TWW. I think I’m 3/4 dpo. I didn’t opk or anything this month. Just put a pic opk in FF to give me a rough dpo tracking. I came back from my hols 8lbs heavier, so I’m being good now and trying to lose it all again, and more.

We are having a heatwave here as well and last night I finally fell to sleep around 3am! Thank god im on the late shift.
Hi there!

I'm kind of late to the thread, but we had a bit of an "oops" this month and I'm in the TWW now. I'm 31 and DH is 33 and this would be #1 for us. I will be testing starting 7/13 after some indents/BFNs a few days ago (almost positive I ovulated later than I thought originally). We won't be "officially" TTC until 9/2018 (managed to talk him down from December woohoo!) but since we had an "oops" month, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a miracle this month since we would both be over the moon although the timing wouldn't be ideal since we are in the middle of a move at the moment (will be done moving by 7/21 and hopefully finished unpacking/decorating by mid-August at the latest).

I definitely feel "different" right now, but it could just be being off the pill that is causing "real" PMS. I have heavy boobs, super sore/sensitive/puffy nipples, twinges/crampies almost daily, I've had two really mild nosebleeds (haven't had one of those in probably 10 years), and I'm breaking out like crazy and I normally get MAYBE one pimple every 2-3 months... right now I have about 5 little ones all over my face that all popped up on the same day. I've also been craving and eating sushi basically daily for the past 4-5 days lol. I normally like sushi, but not THAT much :munch:
Lady A - Haha yes I swear my pup struts his stuff when he knows he looks good hahaha thank you. Sucks that you and your husband live apart for your jobs. When are you going to move in together for good? And that's awesome you bought some baby clothes together :)

Dream - TY! I had never heard of it until Stella brought it up. So far I'm still on track and just waiting for a positive OPK. I'm sorry to hear that AF came and it's so confusing cuz you had great symptoms. That's what happened to me last month :(

Stella - Haha so far I've stuck to it and usually I'm not one to stick with something LOL my friend that just got prego had no symptoms and she was a super symptom spotter so hey :) for me, I'm at CD12 just waiting for a positive OPK and BDing :) will write more down below. Any news with you and AF? Hopefully she held off.

Lady V - Oh that's cool! That's awesome that that's available. I wish I had known about it sooner and I'm glad you don't have to wear it during the day cuz then people would know if you're trying haha. FX!

Die - Thanks! And it was frustrating, but now I'm just being less crazy with checking CP/CM etc. Just temping and using OPKs and BDing. FX for you as well. My husband is enjoying the constant BDing as well hahaha I'm so sorry to hear about all that bad news!! Ugh all at once, too. Maybe that means this next month will be a great one for you :) glad you're feeling positive again and I totally get it.

Nix - I don't blame you on taking a break. I'm so frustrated after 6 months, I can't imagine a year.

Bema - Welcome! I'm also 31 and my DH is also 33 :) sounds like some good signs. I stopped my pills at the end of January but stupid had still taken the first week of pills before we decided to start TTC, so it screwed my body up completely. I'm finally regular haha but it balanced out a couple months ago, just haven't been having enough sex I guess lol. FX for u guys! You pup is so damn cute. I have a shih-poo. My sis has 2 bostons (I see you have 2 hehe) and theyre so cute.

AFM... I'm on CD12 and had some dark OPKs yesterday, but not positive ones, but today they're lighter. It seems that I sometimes just get random LH surges then I end up Oing later than usual and get super dark positives. I would guess I will get that positive O within say 5 days or so. DH and I have been following the SMEP schedule, so hopefully this works. I have been temping and I have been NOT using preseed cuz I wanna see if I can get prego without it this cycle using just SMEP. I also had a decent amount of ewcm last night and last cycle I had barely any. Could have also been his semen from the night before lol. I forgot to temp this morning, oops, but below I posted my chart and sex calendar I call it lol for fun. Tonight we will BD. OH AND... I have to tell DH how happy I am that he is FINALLY taking the One-a-Day mens sperm pills (easier to call them that) that I had gotten included in my cheap backs of prenatals. Long story short, the One-a-Day women's prenatals I take were on clearance (30 pills) from like $36 to $8 and even included them mens pills, so I bought 4 packs lol and I told DH he COULD take them if he wanted but didn't have to. The other day I explained why I was so frustrated for not getting prego last month (and every month) and told him everything I do to prep and I said all he sees is the sex and that's it, so he doesn't get it. I was nice about it, just trying to explain so he understands why I get upset when he just says "It will happen". I said imagine playing a video game and trying to beat the same boss for a month and you do everything you're supposed to but you can't beat him and now it's been 6 months... that's what I'm going through. So anyways, I noticed he opened them because the bottle was on the bathroom counter left opened :D so I'll let him know I was happy to see he decided to take them cuz it shows he is making efforts now as well. I added a pic of those if you're curious. I took the pic to show a friend of mine.



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Nix - Glad to hear you are feeling better and that you enjoyed your long, amazing, relaxing vacation :) Keep that mindset for the TWW and it will fly by!

Bema - Welcome! Like Lee I stopped parway through a pack (Id missed a couple by accident anyway) and after that first withdraw bleed a couple of days later I had a month of every possible symptom, so strong and obvious that I just wanted to crawl into a hole until it was over lol. But for some women these are legit! Pre-bc were you pretty regular with your cycle? Do you remember your normal AF symptoms? Fx for you and good luck!

Lee - Yay! Im so happy you're sticking to it - I want it to work so badly for you. Time for another bfp on this thread!! When do you normally O? Also I like your long posts.

AFM. CD29... But I didnt actually get a +OPK until CD 16 so idk. Im just gonna wait out the week and see what happens. I keep getting sharp pains on bith sides (like O pains) and weirds in my hips. And i got tingly on the left edge of my left boob only haha. I really dont think it means anything and that AF will vusit tomorrow or Wednesday and it's really more aggravating than exciting tbh.
Lee - that is such a great way of explaining it to a guy. I may steal that explaination off you.
Hey girls! Been a busy busy day! Forgot to mention in my last post that I had just gotten done with a week vacation from work. Sadly I had to take it at last minute due to being told &#8220;better do it now because we will be super busy for the rest of the year.&#8221; So it sucked but it wasn&#8217;t like my guy was getting any time off soon anyways. Even worse was not being able to have my car while it was being fixed. So yea ... back to work today! And we are starting to look for a new house because we have to move in about two months! Lots going on ladies .. I hate saying that I feel like ttc is just not the best idea right now :( But who am I kidding , I can&#8217;t afford to NOT keep trying!

My body is seriously trolling me y&#8217;all. Unexplained long cycles, perfect tests/labs? WTH! I fear I&#8217;ll be the one with an &#8220;unexplained infertility.&#8221; Makes me feel awful. But all is well and I&#8217;m marrying the love of my life and have amazing people in it! Including this wonderful group of women! Will touch base soon girls, and really read how everybody is doing! <3
LeeMcMee - Happy to hear your man is taking his 'prenatals'. You never know if it will help but what you do know is it def can't hurt. Men are wired so much differently than we are. It took my DH quite a while to get into the understanding that this may not 'just happen' and we have to do our part and be proactive with the things that we actually can control since there's so much that we can't.

Diedrek - I'm pretty sure my DH and I fall into that 'unexplained' category. All my tests are 'normal'. DH had a couple below average SAs but more recently his results are looking greaT as well. We're on cycle 16 and there's no clear reason why we can't get pregnant. It's almost more difficult because if there was a clear problem we could try things to fix it, but there's not so its just like shooting into the dark every time.

AFM: It's CD6, day 4 of 5 on 2.5mg of Letrozole. Can't say that I've experienced any real symptoms at all. Which is good. I've read so many women who have said they only get 1 mature follicle on Letrozole. I'm hoping for 2, the point for me is more targets as I already O on my own every month. I've seen a lot of women say that it can increase the quality of your egg, only on forums though. I've nothing from doctors backing that up. If I only produce 1 follie, I pray the quality aspect is true and hopefully that's what will get me our BFP.

Happy Tuesday everyone.
Stella - Thanks :) FX this is what finally does it for me, but who knows. I've feeling good though with the amount of BDing we are doing now following SMEP. If I get prego this cycle, it's all thanks to you! Thanks for liking my long posts :) and I'm not really sure when I O. It's all over the place, but as I look back at previous cycles it's around CD15-20 on average I guess. Below is my previous cycles. You can tell Jan - April were all screwed up from getting off the pill and also having a cyst. FX with your symptoms!

My O days:
Jan 28 - Ended BCP (took the first week of pills before stopping)
Feb - CD9
Mar - CD23
April - CD29-31 (I never got a +, but FF was guessing these dates)
May - CD15
June - CD20
July - CD13-15 (aka tomorrow - Fri, FF is estimating)

Nix - Thank you! I thought of it right then because he had been pissed off at his game (Metal Gear Solid) because he couldn't understand why he was beating some guy, and it made me think that that's a good way to explain to him so he'd get it. Steal it :D I'd be flattered!

Die - Glad to see you still around! Well with everything going on, you can just saying 'not trying, not preventing' since you wont be hardcore symptom spotting and tracking everything but also not preventing and when u least expect it hopefully that will be your time :) my friends all say once they started stressing they got prego, yeah yeah yeah lol I'm still stressing haha.

Dream - Yeah I am happy that he started taking them because it can't hurt and mainly now because it shows that he is trying on his end as well :)

AFM... first off, I can't believe this thread has already gotten this far! I used to just reply to random threads and didn't steadily follow any until this one :) I love it.

I'm at CD13. I THINK I might be Oing or about to. I haven't gotten a positive test yet, but this morning's looked good (below) but I try not to test in the morning and stick with afternoon. I tested this afternoon and it was lighter, but I think it was diluted from water and lunch drinks. I also have a lot of ewcm today and I never get that! Also had a lot 2 days ago :) I have more confidence in my body this cycle. It seems to be doing things correctly. I also have a dip in my BBT as you can see below. I forgot to temp yesterday. So that's it for now :) still on the 'every other day' BDing schedule until I see a positive OPK.


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LeeMcMee - That OPK is very close, I hope you dtd last night. :winkwink:
Yay for the EWCM!! I got a TON this month and then caved and tested this morning (I *think* 8 DPO) and it was a stark BFN.. but I'm trying not to give up hope yet.
Dream - I'm dumb and thought it was negative lol and stuck with the SMEP schedule, but we are going to BD tonight and the next couple nights because according to my Glow app, yesterday's test was positive! I am an idiot and didn't know that Glow will take pix of your tests and analyze them oy!! Had I know this 6 months ago... posted pix below. So Glow thinks I'm Oing today and I'll type below why I also think I am.

Bema - FX! Hopefully you can get your BFP in the next few days :)

AFM... I'm CD14 and I think I JUST Od! I'm a dumby and thought yesterday's OPK was BFN, but as I JUST realized that my Glow app will take a pic of OPKs and analyze them... it thinks the test was positive and that I am Oing today. About an hour ago I just started getting pains down there on only the left side :):) and smaller amount of ewcm, but I have it. In a couple days I will be able to see crosshairs on FF app and see when they think I Od. Pix below from Glow app. Gonna BD tonight, tomorrow, and Friday night (hopefully... husband will be at the Red Sox game then his dad is coming back to our house with him and staying for the weekend for fun lol we live an hour away but his dad lives in the city and we live in the woods and he likes staying over for fun and to go fishing).


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Die - Is it ever the "right" time? Lol. You'll have a new house for a new baby! And I certainly hope not... "Unexplained infertility" is the most frustrating thing I ever heard. But even then, lots of those couples go on to get pregnant!! I think it will happen for you, though.
We love you too!! I read other threads but this is pretty much the only one I am involved in. This group has that something special.

Bema - That sounds so promising!! 8dpo is too early. Try again in a couple days. Fx!

Lee - At least you caught the day of! And you had the days before, which is even better. That third day is where l fell apart with SMEP lol. But i think it's just to try to catch the egg if you O a little late and since your signs are so promising I think you will be covered. Now the long part! Have fun with your FIL - it'll be a good distraction.

AF arrived this afternoon, right on time for O on CD16. I wasn't really expecting anything else so I'm just glad it didn't keep stalling haha. Debating preseed, meanwhile, because several months after quitting bcp I'm still not getting CM like what others describe. I mean, it's not dry but I've never used the word "wet" either so... Eh, probably couldn't hurt. Meanwhile if it works this month my due date would be my brother's birthday and he would just melt haha.

I am doing outside marketing today and it's soooo hot. About tonwrap things up. Can't wait for fall!
Stella - and as if it weren't confusing enough, I think I'm actually Oing NOW... lol I will explain below for everyone. Sorry to hear that AF arrived :( hate that. And screw the heat as well! I hate heat lol.

AFM... I'm CD 16 and my body is so strange!! It seems that every month I have an early LH surge and then another LH surge a week or so later. I THOUGHT I Od a couple days ago as I got what seemed like a positive OPK (you guys saw) and lots of EWCM, but this morning I checked just in case since I seem to get multiple surges, and it's even MORE positive than the other and the line is slightly darker than the control line :) I have some clear ewcm mixed with white. We have still been BDing every other day, so that's good. OH I also meant to tell you ladies that on almost a daily basis I have been drinking pineapple juice (130 calories oops) mixed with cranberry (5 calories). My cousin, who has 4 kids, swears by pineapples for fertility. I mixed with cranberry for my own taste and have also read good things. She says eat pineapple, but I figured juice is good too.

So below are my tests and I labeled them. I also got a slight dip in my temp this morning and also a couple days ago when I got the other slightly positive OPK. O day is actually right on time if it is today. Don't worry about the times on my pictures. I was just estimating this mornings test times, but they were like a half hour apart. I put different times on different pix by accident.


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Now that I'm comparing to tests from the other day, today is definitely my positive OPK. Of course we have my father in law tonight and for the weekend, but I'm gonna make DH BD anyways LOL WE HAVE WORK TO DO!!
Get dancing Lee. It’s time to make a baby

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