Lady A - Haha yes I swear my pup struts his stuff when he knows he looks good hahaha thank you. Sucks that you and your husband live apart for your jobs. When are you going to move in together for good? And that's awesome you bought some baby clothes together
Dream - TY! I had never heard of it until Stella brought it up. So far I'm still on track and just waiting for a positive OPK. I'm sorry to hear that AF came and it's so confusing cuz you had great symptoms. That's what happened to me last month
Stella - Haha so far I've stuck to it and usually I'm not one to stick with something LOL my friend that just got prego had no symptoms and she was a super symptom spotter so hey
for me, I'm at CD12 just waiting for a positive OPK and BDing
will write more down below. Any news with you and AF? Hopefully she held off.
Lady V - Oh that's cool! That's awesome that that's available. I wish I had known about it sooner and I'm glad you don't have to wear it during the day cuz then people would know if you're trying haha. FX!
Die - Thanks! And it was frustrating, but now I'm just being less crazy with checking CP/CM etc. Just temping and using OPKs and BDing. FX for you as well. My husband is enjoying the constant BDing as well hahaha I'm so sorry to hear about all that bad news!! Ugh all at once, too. Maybe that means this next month will be a great one for you
glad you're feeling positive again and I totally get it.
Nix - I don't blame you on taking a break. I'm so frustrated after 6 months, I can't imagine a year.
Bema - Welcome! I'm also 31 and my DH is also 33
sounds like some good signs. I stopped my pills at the end of January but stupid had still taken the first week of pills before we decided to start TTC, so it screwed my body up completely. I'm finally regular haha but it balanced out a couple months ago, just haven't been having enough sex I guess lol. FX for u guys! You pup is so damn cute. I have a shih-poo. My sis has 2 bostons (I see you have 2 hehe) and theyre so cute.
AFM... I'm on CD12 and had some dark OPKs yesterday, but not positive ones, but today they're lighter. It seems that I sometimes just get random LH surges then I end up Oing later than usual and get super dark positives. I would guess I will get that positive O within say 5 days or so. DH and I have been following the SMEP schedule, so hopefully this works. I have been temping and I have been NOT using preseed cuz I wanna see if I can get prego without it this cycle using just SMEP. I also had a decent amount of ewcm last night and last cycle I had barely any. Could have also been his semen from the night before lol. I forgot to temp this morning, oops, but below I posted my chart and sex calendar I call it lol for fun. Tonight we will BD. OH AND... I have to tell DH how happy I am that he is FINALLY taking the One-a-Day mens sperm pills (easier to call them that) that I had gotten included in my cheap backs of prenatals. Long story short, the One-a-Day women's prenatals I take were on clearance (30 pills) from like $36 to $8 and even included them mens pills, so I bought 4 packs lol and I told DH he COULD take them if he wanted but didn't have to. The other day I explained why I was so frustrated for not getting prego last month (and every month) and told him everything I do to prep and I said all he sees is the sex and that's it, so he doesn't get it. I was nice about it, just trying to explain so he understands why I get upset when he just says "It will happen". I said imagine playing a video game and trying to beat the same boss for a month and you do everything you're supposed to but you can't beat him and now it's been 6 months... that's what I'm going through. So anyways, I noticed he opened them because the bottle was on the bathroom counter left opened
so I'll let him know I was happy to see he decided to take them cuz it shows he is making efforts now as well. I added a pic of those if you're curious. I took the pic to show a friend of mine.