Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Husband is getting worn out with all this sex lol I’m more of the sex maniac than he is, so he is just tired from it all I think lol we used to average once a month and that was cuz he was always tired etc. last night he fell asleep, so tonight we should be BDing
Ha ha Lee, good work on all the BDing. Our poor DH’s we do tire them out lol
LeeMcMee - Sex does kinda become a chore eh? Sucks to say.

Scan this morning went well. The dominant follicle on my left size is now 23mm which is good, we're ahead of the last monitored cycle I did.

In May we triggered on CD14 with a 20mm. The nurse suspects I'll probably get orders to trigger tonight so this will be CD12 with a 23mm. So a little bit bigger and a little bit sooner. Hopefully all just contributing factors to my BFP.

I'll wait for the call this afternoon from the nurse, but if she's right then IUI will be tomorrow on CD13.
Good luck this cycle dream. I’ll be rooting for you.

AFM - I’m either 10/11 dpo af is due weds/Thursday. I didn’t track or feel ovulation so I’ve no idea. I’ve been a bit constipated and my boobs for some reason don’t hurt. They always hurt on the sides around 8dpo to af! Let see what happens over the coming days
Nix - Haha thank you and yes these poor men get exhausted lol they all want sex until it comes time where we NEED to have sex every other day if not more to make a baby hahaha.

Dream - FX that this is your month! Sounds good that you have a bigger egg coming out and hey the sooner the better.

AFM... I'm CD19 and since it seemed like I had 2 LH surges last week or 2 ovulations (which I read can happen, oh my)... I think I'm gonna say that I Od on 7/10 (CD13) because I had ewcm that day and 2 days before and cramping on my left side. The other surge was 7/13 (CD16) and I did also have left side cramping, but no ewcm since first surge, just wet cm. So I GUESS I will say I am 6DPO going by my first surge with ewcm.

So that being said... I'm 6DPO and had a sudden dip in my temps today. My chart is all over the place and still no crosshairs cuz I had some fluke temps I think cuz I had gotten up then went back to bed (I pee a lot through out the night and early morning when DH leaves for work). But I know the last bunch of readings were accurate. I even took it twice today because I didn't believe it could have dropped a whole degree (chart below). Hopefully it goes up tomorrow. I'm hoping this is an implantation dip. I do have cramping, but I also have poops today lol so hard to decipher what's what.


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Where is everyone?! Haha I’m 7DPO I guess and had diarrhea last night and this morning and stomach felt blah. Husband and I had the same dinner and dessert. Below is my chart. Had a dip yesterday, hopefully implantation, and slight rise this morning. My chest gave up on crosshairs since my temps were all over the place.


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Hi Lee -- Sorry, have been all over the place the last couple of days and then was battling a nasty headache all day yesterday, so haven't logged on. Looks like things re going very well on your end! For the most part you were able to stick to SMEP it sounds like. When are you going to start testing?

Dream -- Have you heard from the nurse? What's the plan?

Nix -- Getting so close! How are you feeling? Are you going to test soon?

AFM. I have nothing to report. CD7 - everything is SO much easier pre-O! I don't even think about it too much haha. I will try to be better about checking in this week. Excited to hear what you ladies have going!!
Hey all, I’m still here just lurking. I’ve been constipated for the past week, until today. I can’t stop going today. I’ve been napping after work also. Been feeling wiped. But it is also the first time I’ve had to get up early for work in over a month lol.

AF due tomorrow. I won’t test until it’s late. I still don’t have my usual pre-af sore boobs which is odd. Hurry tomorrow hurry
Hey Ladies - sorry if any of you see this as a duplicate. I'm just copying my post from my TTC journal yesterday. IUI was yesterday at 12noon. I think O day was also yesterday. Temp went up this morning. I'll need a couple more temps to confirm but usually going above 98 is my first sign.

Follicle on trigger day
MAY: 20mm

IUI day

Lining on trigger day
MAY: 7
JULY: 8.6

Count post wash
MAY: 34.5 million
JULY: 5.1 million

Overall experience
May: I think it's possible the doc may have botched it when she stabbed my uterus wall with the catheter. Ouch! I flinched real bad. She said it was fine but who knows.

July: procedure was much better. Done by a different doctor (still not my doctor). Didnt feel a thing. Went perfectly the way I expected the first to be.*

I took a couple HPTs this morning just to see the positives. I don't think I'm going to fully test out the trigger this cycle though. With the low count I'm kind of feeling out before it even starts. I know I know it only takes ONE. I just can't help to feel a little disappointed. Doc said to BD tomorrow before I start the prometrium. So we will.

All I can do now is pray and wait.

Nixnax - how did the test go today?
Hey dream, this time sounds like a much nicer experience. I’m sure count doesn’t matter too much, you just need one to be super fiesty and egg hungry lol.

I haven’t tested. I haven’t tracked anything this cycle. I’m either a day late or af is due today. Not sure which one. If af doesn’t come today, I’ll test tomorrow as I never make it to cd28
Hey all I have to catch up tomorrow. Was out sick yesterday (had diarrhea all day and it started the night before, hopefully a good sign lol) and had a meeting at corporate today so I didn’t get to reply or update.

8dpo and took a test last night (I know it’s early) and this morning and see a faint gray line in both and more visible today sooo hoping it’s the start of something and not just evap. My friend just found out she’s pregnant and got gray lines on frers for a few days before it turned to pink.

I have a wrong attachment below by accident but it won’t let me delete it now cuz I edited once. I thought my glow up saw the lines as well but just realized it saw the like line of the stick meeting the paper. Anyways forget that pic lol


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Meant to add this photo not the other


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Hey ladies, we’ll im officially 2 days late apparently. If no AF by lunch I will be testing later today. Wish me luck
Good Luck Nix!!

I'm 22 weeks this week, and have grown massively! I've decided we take the worst bumpies ever, because they don't really seem to show the difference each week, but oh well, too late now! ...I'm feeling good, and she kicks hard now, which is cute at the moment, I'm sure I will get fed up soon enough! ...was laying on the sofa the other day, and every time oh put his hand on my tummy, she kicked it! You can see it too! ...weird!

Good luck to all of you getting close to testing again, me and little squishy are sending all the positive vibes we can!


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Awwww look at you, you are starting to pop now. Loving the kicking stories. I doubt i will even see a bump until 30wks for me lol
Nix - I'm so excited for you! FX AF holds off and let us know asap what the test says haha. I wish I had your patience! I started testing at 7DPO LOL

Stella - I'm impatient and started at 7DPO LOL oh well. SMEP went well, but I skipped the '3 days in a row' at O day cuz I had 2 LH surges so it was confusing. Plus DH was beat lol I was as well.

Dream - Enjoyed reading your journal entry. Glad this time went better than in May, ouch. FX.

Zoboe - I can def see the difference from week 21-22! Awwww :D Love seeing the progress.

AFM... 9DPO, light cramping, high/hard CP, creamy CM tho trying not to check all that stuff... I had diarreah twice Monday night and thought it was dinner but DH and I ate the same thing and he was fine. Had water diarreah 5 times Tuesday (called out of work thinking I had a stomach bug) and Wednesday was so dehydrated from that (chugging water at work and bad headache). Wednesday I had diarreah still but not watery like it was and same thing with today. Diarreah but softer. Oh fun week lol HOPING that is a sign, but it was probably a bug. Below is my chart. Never got crosshairs and my 2 apps I use are all confused lol getting BFNs with faint faint gray lines, but could be just my eyes seeing the test strip as it's wet.


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LeeMcMee - Are you sure you ovulated? Your temps aren't really reflecting that.... Please don't take it the wrong way, just trying to help. With the 2 positive OPKs looks like your body was surging but maybe nothing happened.
Diedrek - It's definitely handy for not having to wake up at the same time every morning to temp and charting the temps for me.

Stella - You don't have to use OPKs but many choose to because it can take Ava up to three months to get to know your cycle. But it's the same way that you'd use OPKs in conjunction with temping with a regular thermometer to pinpoint ovulation.

Nix - It's pretty handy and it seems like there are more, similar kinds of devices coming out on the market.

Lee - Yes, it's super handy and no one has to know about it :)
I had all the symptoms of ovulation including more ewcm than normal and cramps. I think my temps are off cuz I toss and turn all night due to anxiety and some temps were def off cuz dh wakes at 530am and I get up to pee then lay back in bed for an hour then temp. Who knows tho. I’ll probably call my doc if this isn’t my month.

Test at 4pm today


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