Nix - Yeah I see the line as well, FX! That's like what I was seeing on mine, but yours is even better.
I'm still due for my period within a week, but I got frustrated regarding my TSH levels so I called my doc and just heard back.
My doctor wants me to call Boston IVF (after I call my insurance) to see about getting in with them. I'm a "good candidate" for formal infertility... fantastic. This is due to my previous miscarriage, cysts, thyroid, probably my weight as well... so I will be calling my insurance soon and then making an apt with Boston IVF or another clinic if it's not covered. Doc had said they could give me a better dosage of my thyroid med, but it's not guaranteed that it will help me conceive. I mean hey I've always wanted twins lolol DH and I often joke about that because we always say watch we fight to have 1 baby and we will end up with twins or triplets. So I told him once if I end up needing IVF we would most likely have twins haha. We only really wanted 1 baby, MAYBE 2, but if twins happy I'm all for it. Our bank account wont be all for it tho lol.