Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Lee -- I can't tell either!! I want to say I see something in the zoomed in picture, but I'm not sure. Have you tried again yet?

Nix -- Any update? Have you talked to the doc or tested again?

Dream -- It's good to hear that you are relaxed. That's hard to do in the TWW, but it does seem to go faster when you can get it off your mind :) I'm so excited for Friday!

AFM, CD13. I haven't really been testing or tracking or anything this cycle so I'm probably going to keep not worrying about things this month. IDK that I needed a break, per se, but there's been a lot of other stuff to worry about right now (nothing bad). :)

Always good to hear from you ladies and keep me posted!
Hey Stella, AF got me in the end, 5 days late. I’m CD3 now. Climbing back on that horse that just keeps bucking me off. I probably won’t get to see the doc for a few weeks. Need to time it when DH can come with.

I’m going to do a full testing cycle, temps, opks the lot. I want to see whether last month was just a weird one off, or whether they are just getting longer. I really hope they aren’t getting longer
Nix - Oh no I hope they aren't getting longer... It looks like mine fluctuates 28 -32 days but I noticed this last time that, based off OPKs, I have a consistent 14 day luteal phase, I just dont always O on CD14. Maybe yours something like that? Idk if it helps dealing w longer cycles but at least you cam pinpoint AF. Ive had a couple now where she was "late" but not really... It sucks
Stella - I test all the time hahaha I still get the same lines, so I believe they are just the antibody strip. I can see the strip before I pee on the stick as well. Oh well.

Nix - That sucks I'm sorry. Nothing worse than starting over... actually the TWW is worse lol but if only it would get to that positive test we are dying for.

AFM... I believe AF is coming Saturday and I've had some cramps and symptoms, so I expect it to arrive, oh well. I figure right now it's a win-win because either I get prego before my fertility apt or I have my fertility apt and they help me get prego quicker. As you ladies know, nothing is worse than not knowing WHY you can't get pregnant. My temps are just up and down and my symptoms are all over the place. I just don't know what to trust anymore since I seem to have pregnancy symptoms every month when I'm NOT pregnant, so I'm just done haha
23 week bumpie!! ...can't believe how time is flying! My bestie had her baby yesterday, who is just the cutest! ...I am getting quite big now, yesterday, a boy at work said to me 'why is your tummy so big? Are you having a baby?' ....luckily he was right or there could have been trouble! He's also only 3 so can get away with it!!


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Zo - Looking Good!

Tested out my trigger, even though I wasn't planning to.

Tuesday, 7DPO/IUI & 8DPT = VFL
Wednesday, 8DPO/IUI & 9DPT = VVFL
Thursday, 9DPO/IUI & 10DPT = :bfn:

Now that I've got the negative, I know any lines I may see after this will be baby and not trigger. Tomorrow is 10DPO and the day I actually said I was going to start testing. I have a blood test July 31 and AF due next Wednesday - August 1st.

I'm not feeling here nor there today. Not feeling pregnant, not feeling 'unpregnant'. Still no sore BBs yet...
Again, I missed tons from you ladies.. It's so good to be back and reading your updates..

Stella - Guess you are gearing up for loads of BD, sending baby dust your way..

Nix - I am sorry for witch's arrival. I will be following your updates this cycle, and hope you get some answers to what was happening last cycle. I also had a really weird cycle before getting preggo the next, fx that is the case for you too..

Lee - I can only imagine how you feel, we are just so tuned to our bodies when ttcing, so we notice all the things that is happening. Hang in there, I believe you will catch that bean soon..

Zo - Looking nice Mama, and what's the name your bestie decided for their kiddo? I am thinking of stealing some names, lol. I can't come up with anything on my own. And how are you doing overall?

Dream - I am keeping my fx for that BFP, will check on your updates regularly.. Good Luck!!

AFM, I have finally had my 20 weeks scan this Tuesday, baby looked healthy, that is what matters most. And I have found out we are having a baby boy after all. He looked really active, moving all the time, I even think I caught a glimpse that he was smiling at one point, I know I know, I am probably imagining stuffs..

p.s. I am so missing you Die, you are the first one to guess when I conceived, even had the notion we might be having a boy.. Hope you are doing good girl, check back in soon!!
Stella - my LP is always 12 days. Af arrives on 13dpo. We flew back from our holiday on possible day of ovulation, I think that delayed it. And the alcohol we drank on holiday. So a couple of months temping is needed i think.

Lee - a darn it, hope you get a BFP soon and af stays away.

Zo - lovely bump.

Lady - ah a boy, how fantastic. Congrats.

Dream - good luck lovely, I have everything crossed for you.

AFM - af is gone, it’s time to get tracking and BDing
Lady: I'm not doing bad thanks, had a really tired and achey day today, because I'm not sleeping well, but took one day off sick and layed on the sofa most of the day, so I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow! ...bestie called her lo Lily-May, which won't be much help to you as you are having a boy!! ...congrats on that!!
Zo - Love the growing bump!

Dream - Good luck! Hopefully you get this.

Lady - Glad to see you! Congrats on the baby boy!! I agree with you on missing Die!!

AFM... AF is due tomorrow, took a frer yesterday and BFN... all signs lead to AF I guess cuz I'm sure they wont lead to pregnant. I'm frustrated at the moment because I've been wanting to TTC since we got married 3 1/2 years ago, but DH always made up excuses to wait and come to find out recently he just wasn't ready... so then we started trying this January as you know. Anyways, I have been on and off the phone with my doctor's office, Boston IVF, and my insurance company trying to get everything squared away before my Aug 31st apt that he's going to come with me to. I just talked to him to let him know about our deductible through insurance and it sucks but we have $3k more to pay before everything will be covered. He said that we should get back to trying ourselves because he doesn't want to pay, and I get that cuz I don't either, but I said try? With our non-working bodies? OK. He doesn't understand the god damn frustration I'm going through and I want to scream! He was getting mad, so I said (almost in tear), "Well it comes down to the fact that you either want this or you don't" and he said "I do. You'll have to explain to me in person." I'm fuming. Up till now, all the fun has been taken out of baby making now. Since not getting prego in 6 months (I know I can't bitch), and now having to deal with insurance and what's covered and then a husband who only gives a shit about the cost of it and doesn't think long term. I JUST WANT A FRIGGIN CHILD! It's like he fucking forgot what the $3k remaining deductible will allow us to have. Sorry, just so pissed. This forum will probably bleep out my swears lol.
Zo - Lookin' good! And only a 3 yo hahaha. Adorable. I hope that you are feeling better today.

Dream - How exciting! Getting past that trigger shot is so cool - now anything can happen! Fx

Lady - A boy! Yay!! Huffington Post online does all kinda of cool lists. "most unusual names of 2017", "names losing/gaining popularity in 2018" that kind of thing. There's some interesting stuff there.

Nix - ok that makes sense. I'm sorry for the frustrations though. Good luck this month with the temping and tracking.

Lee - Im so sorry honey. Its really hard when you feel like you and hubby aren't on the same page. Just keep at it, I know you'll get there. Hugs. And no, it didn' bleep the curses on my end - and it shouldn't, we need to vent!! Take care of yourself. We're here for you.

AFM. CD 17. Got a pos OPK yesterday but we haven't been BDing much. Hubby's back has been in rough shape, poor guy. But it's ok. We're going to the Renaissance Fair tomorrow and work has been busy so it's been flying by. I can't believe we're halfway through summer already!
Just a quick note cuz we are headed to an amusement park today (Canobie Lake Park in NH). AF is due today, temps are still high so would be nice if this happened before my fertility appointment. Fingers crossed. This is CD31 and the longest cycle I had this year was 34 days, but AF has always come exactly 2 weeks after O day which is today. Usually it arrives in the morning. If AF comes I’ll check back later. I’ve had bad cramping all week, so I have a feeling she will arrive today while I’m at the amusement park lol. If AF doesn’t come, I have 1 frer left I’ll use tomorrow.


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Lee - What a way to spend your day at the amusement park lol. Have fun, girl!

Ok... Im sorry but have to vent this... Hubby and I have a very close friend we'll call Joe; we've known him since he was a teen and he hangs at our house every weekend, sometimes we loan him money etc. (his parents, who we are also close to, are retired seniors and in another state.) Joe is an awesome person now, but was a heroin addict (we spotted him pan handling outside a Home Depot once, it was awful). Anyway about 2 - 3 years ago Joe got clean and got his life together. Buuut.... Joe started using at 16 and even though he's in his late 20s now he's like a teenager in a few ot of ways. So with that mentality, last summer he meets a stripper we'll call Sparkles. Sparkles is still an active addict, moves in with him the SAME DAY and is a hot mess. Hated her, was so worried he would relapse with her. Sparkles' dad Gary gets Joe a good paying job and then, as the relationship goes south (thank god), Gary helps Sparkles find a new place and move out so Joe can break up with her. Gary and Joe still work together and are good friends. Things have gone well from there. All great. But then...
The other day Joe tells us "Gary told me that Sparkles had a baby and Gary thinks it's mine". Um... What? Joe is convinced it's her current (overlapping) boyfriend's baby. The timeline could honestly be either one. Gary wants Joe to take a paternity test and take the baby. Here's the thing that I can't get over. This baby tested positive for opiates and social services is unlikely to give it to the mother after recovery. I'm so floored. I mean, I'm not naive, I know this crap happens, but it breaks my heart. Joe is a good guy but he's not mature and he's reluctant to test. I doubt he'll test anyway unless Gary really pushes it. I don't really think it's his but it really could be and I have mixed feelings on what I hope for. But anyway it's the saddest thing I've seen in a long long time...
Oh wow stella, that is a mess isn’t it?! That poor baby caught up in that. Breaks your heart
Stella - haha I checked after and my swears were still there good, as u said we deserve to vent lol the amusement park was fun but humid as hell and we all got sunburnt haha oh well I needed the color and vitamins D lol sucks for your buddy and that little baby. Sad that she did drugs while pregnant :(

AFM... AF is officially 1 day late! That hasn’t happened since the first few months of TTCwhile my body was regulating after stopping BCP. May and June it has always been exactly 14 days after my O day (15 days after positive OPk). While on BCP my cycles were always regular as well and period was always to the T or on rare occasion a day late. I’m sure the pills made the cycle regular tho but still. Hoping. My friend got me to use my last frer last night but bfn. Gonna pick up more this morning. DH was like I thought u just bought a ton on amazon?! I said yeah last month and they’re gone lol he said don’t test everyday I said oh ok lolol ya right. The frers I don’t like to keep buying but this is vital now lol temps have stayed high and are doing a slight up down pattern. Pic below.


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Ladies! Look at the pic below, what do you think?! I put last nights test to show you how I had no line but now do since I know Everyone hates blue dye tests. But 10 years ago when I was pregnant I got my first positive on a blue dye so I always end up resorting back to them ha ha. I didn’t have any first response. I will pick some up later. My period is now two days late.

Today is 16DPO (top) of course


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Hi lee, looking at your chart it looks like you may have only ovulated on cd28. Your temps are very erratic. I can’t remember, did you get a positive opk?

I’m going to start opks tomorrow as I’m due to ovulate this weekend (hopefully)
Hey Nix, did you see my picture above with the line as well? :D I got a positive OPK on the 13th (CD16) so I believe I Od on CD17 and had symptoms of it as well. AF was due 2 days ago and I got a faint line this morning and on the same test last night I had nothing. Pic was taken in the timeframe and the line is even bolder in person. Going to get more tests at lunch time and test later. When I was pregnant 10 years ago I tested 2 days after AF was due but at dinner time on a blue dye test and got a little more bolder line than this, so maybe by tonight it will be even thicker/bolder.

I believe the reason behind my crazy temps is my anxiety. I don't sleep well. I go to bed around 11pm and I wake up at 5:30am when DH goes to work and sleep for another hour. In between 11pm and 5:30am I'm up 1-2 times to go potty and I toss and turn according to my fit bit. So I think that's why my temps are crazy. But they have stayed elevated the last few days.
Hey Lee - gah no, I totally missed the tests doh!! Hoping you get a strong bfp.

Yeah my sleep is like that when on lates, I get up with DH for a cuppa at 6:30 then go back to bed.

Eek got my fingers crossed for you
Thanks Nix, I'm trying not to think too much about it in case it's nothing but it's just odd to me considering I had no line last night and AF is 2 days late. I hate how I sleep now. When I was younger I think I slept well. It's like in the last couple years I sleep like crap. I used to sleep walk when I was little sometimes and now in my older years I get night terrors (which is odd cuz usually only children get them), but I don't get them much and I mainly just toss and turn.

So since I have a second, I'll update on my 'symptoms'. I've been having AF cramps and feeling like she's coming, but she's not 2 days late which doesn't usually happen. It could also be an ovarian cyst making me late cuz I have skipped periods in the past from them. I did have pinching pains on 1 side and slightly during sex recently. But then with this faint positive today, I wonder. I'm anxious to test again and will be later on. Also started having sore boobs only when I touch them and the last few days they feel fuller. All of this could be AF symptoms as well, so I'm not getting too amped up until I get a better bfp. OH also had tons of white creamy CM today, but could also be semen from yesterday when we had sex.

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