Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

I just tweaked the HCG a little bit via Instagram (obviously didn't post on Instagram LOL). I hate that I have to tweak it, but I'm telling you you can see the line better in person and it showed up quick. I didn't have to wait a day for it to appear. It appeared within 1 minute.


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Lady- So sorry to hear :( Hope you’re feeling better and can come back to update us on your life soon! <3

Lee- I know right!!! Bout mother F’ing time! Damn Cd 20!!! Anyways we hadn’t even DTD since Saturday night!! And I got a late start this morning could not get out of bed for the life of me!!! Kissed hubby goodbye and he left for work. I never would’ve trusted a + opk with FMU but damn I’m so mad I didn’t make him crawl back into bed with me for a BD session this morning! I’m so scared I’m going to miss this surge and O before he gets out to the shower now haha. We will be BD’ing here shortly ;) I hope I don’t O today I really hope it’s tomorrow so I have enough time!

Ok but what I don’t understand is LH is in your bloodstream then gets metabolized into your urine in the morning hours. What are these morning hours exactly? And 12-36 hours before O after your first +? What if I had tested at 2 am ablut 4 hours after my O pains? Would it have been + and then technically the 12 hours could’ve been up at 4 Pm? I mean really it’s so frustrating the lack of correct info for this haha. When the opks start getting faint again Does that mean O is over? I will be testing until then lol. My temp did go back down today so I’m going to guess I’ll go up tomorrow hopefully meaning I O but hopefully not before I get those swimmers in! Ugh I wish I had enough time to know my surge was THAT close! I probably messed up this cycle but I’m 100% ok with it because now I know I WILL get + opks and know the symptoms before hand.

Nix- Were basically cycle buddies!!! GL girl <3

Texted hubby earlier after my afternoon + opk and told him we’re gonna BD heavy later lol. He said “finally babe!” Then another text “I’m not really in the mood though.” Then one last text of “I’m just kidding duh love you” hahah all separate ones so there was at least 30 seconds between I got the Jk one haha. JERK! Ok ladies wish me luck

:dust: for days <3
Lee- have you been temping this month? Could it be that you had a surge in early feb but didn&#8217;t ovulate. Now your having another a surge and could be ovulating? I know you can have a surge just before AF but I&#8217;ve not seen an opk that dark at this point in my cycle. Ah I&#8217;m excited for you. This TTC business is super confusing sometimes.

Ha ha die, I&#8217;m not in the mood, huh course I am. You crack me up
Omg omg omg I’ve just checked and I have EWCM!! I found my unicorn mucus yay!!! The EPO increase has worked. Will jump on SO again tonight
Nothing new to report! Kind of upset to be honest :( BD last night and jumped up right after. Hope they stayed in! Went to wake hubby up with a nice gift .. he got too exited while half asleep and did his business right there! He says after &#8220;oh babe you were supposed to put it in!!&#8221; Uhhh no you should&#8217;ve told me you were about to! He was half asleep and being &#8220;taken care of&#8221; I don&#8217;t blame him but what a waste of sperm hahah. I got upset I started crying and saying &#8220;you have no idea! I&#8217;ve wasted so much money on opks, I wake up and temp every morning!&#8221; Basically do all these things for you to try to impregnate my mouth!!? Sorry if TMI but really NOTHINNG about TTC with other women is tmi haha. But still I was SO upset and said I&#8217;m going to work bye I love you see you later. Realized half way to work that was kind of ridiculous and uncalled for so I texted him that he stole my &#8216;jiz&#8217; and he&#8217;s so greedy! Lol he said he was sorry it just felt so good and he owes me one. I&#8217;m just going to go ahead and say we were not prepared this cycle! Also I made the mistake yesterday telling him about the + opk. It was really hard for him to perform last night. He kept saying things before like babe you ready to make a baby and joking about it. Which meant he was thinking and got stressed cause he knew he had to perform and DTD really. It took us 3 times! I&#8217;ll never make that mistake of telling him ever again. But I think now he realizes how short a surge is and how important these couple days are. He asked me last night &#8220;so this surge shit is only a day or two that&#8217;s it?&#8221; I had to explain everything so he understood. Don&#8217;t think it sat well mentally knowing it was all on him to START then me second to actually conceive lol. Anyways so that&#8217;s what I&#8217;m dealing with and hopefully next cycle we can be more prepared and I&#8217;ll know (hopefully) when O is imminent and we can BD before and during much better without the stress! Hopefully we still have tonight! I&#8217;ll test with the opks later today had another + this morning not surprised it&#8217;s pfobably fake. But will test again in a few hours. Temps went up a little this morning so not so confident!

Nix I hope you have better luck!! <3

Lee I hope you already had the luck!! What&#8217;s up with you ladies ??)
Nothing new to report! Kind of upset to be honest :( BD last night and jumped up right after. Hope they stayed in! Went to wake hubby up with a nice gift .. he got too exited while half asleep and did his business right there! He says after “oh babe you were supposed to put it in!!” Uhhh no you should’ve told me you were about to! He was half asleep and being “taken care of” I don’t blame him but what a waste of sperm hahah. I got upset I started crying and saying “you have no idea! I’ve wasted so much money on opks, I wake up and temp every morning!” Basically do all these things for you to try to impregnate my mouth!!? Sorry if TMI but really NOTHINNG about TTC with other women is tmi haha. But still I was SO upset and said I’m going to work bye I love you see you later. Realized half way to work that was kind of ridiculous and uncalled for so I texted him that he stole my ‘jiz’ and he’s so greedy! Lol he said he was sorry it just felt so good and he owes me one. I’m just going to go ahead and say we were not prepared this cycle! Also I made the mistake yesterday telling him about the + opk. It was really hard for him to perform last night. He kept saying things before like babe you ready to make a baby and joking about it. Which meant he was thinking and got stressed cause he knew he had to perform and DTD really. It took us 3 times! I’ll never make that mistake of telling him ever again. But I think now he realizes how short a surge is and how important these couple days are. He asked me last night “so this surge shit is only a day or two that’s it?” I had to explain everything so he understood. Don’t think it sat well mentally knowing it was all on him to START then me second to actually conceive lol. Anyways so that’s what I’m dealing with and hopefully next cycle we can be more prepared and I’ll know (hopefully) when O is imminent and we can BD before and during much better without the stress! Hopefully we still have tonight! I’ll test with the opks later today had another + this morning not surprised it’s pfobably fake. But will test again in a few hours. Temps went up a little this morning so not so confident!

Nix I hope you have better luck!! <3

Lee I hope you already had the luck!! What’s up with you ladies ??)

Maybe you ARE pregnant and having mood swings ;) I know what you mean though and I'm sure it's pressure on the guys. Maybe don't tell him when you're Oing and just be super horny all up in his business and talk dirty haha we were away in the mountains when I Od and I had also just explained to him about how there are really only several days in the month that are the easiest to get pregnant and he was shocked. So I did tell him that I was Oing early, but I was sexy about it cuz I knew if he thought too much about it too he would probably stress. So we would be in the elevator and I was like "I'm fucking you tonight, just so you know" and he was like "Oh yeah??" and he was all for it lolol and we did that 2 nights in a row (cuz then I went back home and he stayed on vacation cuz I didn't have anymore PTO booo). Anyways, so maybe just don't tell him and just be all about his dick haha he will love that.

Did you see my pix above? I had a positive yesterday! Still light and currently holding my pee right now to take the other EPT I have and hoping for a darker line. I'm pretty confident, but I don't wanna jinx it. I didn't tell my husband yet cuz I wanna wait till I see darker lines. I'm currently 11DPO. AF due on Friday, 2 days. I even downloaded an app that helps view prego tests and it helped to see tiny lines in my previous tests as well! but def say the lines on yesterday's tests and the ones from the day before.

No other symptoms besides cramping and headaches. My cervix dropped lower yesterday, so that's bumming me out and I don't have sore boobs so that's bumming me out as well. I remember when I was prego 10 years ago the sides of my boobs killed.
Lee- have you been temping this month? Could it be that you had a surge in early feb but didn’t ovulate. Now your having another a surge and could be ovulating? I know you can have a surge just before AF but I’ve not seen an opk that dark at this point in my cycle. Ah I’m excited for you. This TTC business is super confusing sometimes.

Ha ha die, I’m not in the mood, huh course I am. You crack me up

I have no idea. My body has been all thrown off. I haven't been temping and I did just buy a basal body thermometer yesterday, but it's too late to start on this cycle. So if I end up getting AF I will use it to temp next cycle. Who would have thought that TTC would be a whole damn project LOL
Die -I completely understand your frustration there. I&#8217;d be well pissed. I ever tell my SO When I&#8217;m ovulating, it&#8217;s too much for him, but I think he knows because I turn into a randy nymph and jump on him all the time. The rest of the month he initiated sex.

Lee - it certainly is a project. A long one at that. Hope you get a bfp soon
Omg no!!! How the hell did I miss that beautiful BFP!!! Bfp bfp bfp!!! Just gotta say it a few times because oh my god!!! It’s totally there right!!? You know it’s gotta be for real if it showed up right away!! Eek man I’m BUGGIN! Was that a FMU? I swear if I start testing it’s going to be with afternoon urine for sure.. of course after my FMU haha. Aww man I’m so excited for you! Mountain BD’ing is good for the soul y’all haha! PLEASE update ASAP after this next test you do! I could cry for you right now .. shit I must be ovulating lmao.

Oh and BTW I honestly didn’t know if other people used IG just for the picture editing hahah. One time I did accidentally post the picture :growlmad: Luckily it was a so ... heyyy lol. My iPhone has “filters” but they suck and the IG ones are so insanely good. But to be safe I usually just screenshot it with the edit on the back out of the post lol.

Also cramping is GOOD! Also I always said that I have such sore boobs before Af .. although unfortunately last two cycles it was from O-Af and Noe they’ve been sore the entire time but still if I ever had a TWW where there were NO sore boobs I’d swear it was my PG symptom because that’d be the strangest sign for me! FX it’s yours mama <3

Nix- do you temp? Did your temp take s dip before O and has it spiked yet at all? So curious how yours is. Mine did ride some today so I just don’t know. I was half asleep this morning and temped twice just Incase. Pretty sure I still went with the first one though!

Yea I agree I’ll NEVER tell him or let him see an opk ever again lol. Poor guy was so mad at himself I felt awful!! I would rather it not be our month than to have TTC be stressful like that was!! I’m starting to have some cramping .. some O cramping so I just have to hope yesterday was the day and we can squeeze it in right after work and I mean right after! Dirty from work or not I’ll take him into the shower lol. I wasn’t any different than I usually would’ve been which is just how he likes it. But that damn “today’s the day” shit messed it up! I’m totally ok with next cycle being more likely I’m just honestly so happy my body is agreeing to do the right things too lol. If I am it has to follow suit for real. No more BS and skipping out on me! Had another + 11 just a little bit ago so I’m glad I don’t have one of those 4 hour surges where it’s positive and negative 4 hours later and so easily missed! Hoping to get positives for at least 2 days before they go light again. All in all I’m still stoked about TTC lol. I hope you ladies get BFPS! I’ll be so happy for you girls and so happy to be able to follow in your footsteps <3 You both will be amazing moms!!!


Anything new going on btw? Outside of TTC? I feel like my life has been so boring lately I’ve been so obsessed with baby shit lol. Just work like a dog, come home and cook or order out, than just hang with hubby for the rest of the nights. What do you guys dooooo all night?? I have nothing really to keep me busy! Shit maybe I need a hobby (other than obsessing!)
Thanks Nix! Hope you get some good news soon as well :)

Die - I knew you must not have seen cuz I was like hmmm she would be going crazy if she saw hahaha I'm like def going crazy and super stoked, but also just want 1 more dark line. If I get that today then I'm gonna tell DH tonight :) to tell him I ordered lil mittens with bear faces on them cuz I THOUGHT I was gonna get a BFP before we were away in the mountains and I'd tell him while up there with the mittens, but I was wrong... but I'll still use the mittens cuz they're cute lol posted a pic. Also posted a pic of DH Brian and I just cuz. Aside from snowboarding, in the winter I don't do much... I've also been busy obsessing with baby making haha I go out with friends sometimes on Tuesdays to do trivia at a bar. Ladies night! In the summer DH and I like to go to movies (and in winter... love horror and comedy), we go to yard sales and flea markets haha, we go to antique stores haha cuz theyre all around our area (we live in a mountain area in Massachusetts), we used to do paranormal investigations but we haven't in years, go to the beach, things like that. I need more hobbies lol I know once I find out I'm pregnant I'm gonna start cleaning out the baby's room and painting it etc. Right now we have a 3 bedroom house and 1 bedroom is a guest room and then we have a smaller room (it's like 10x10) and that will be the nursery. we want to keep the guest room for now cuz we have my parents stay over sometimes when theyre here from Florida. His dad stays over sometimes too for a weekend for fun even tho he only lives an hour away. he likes it where we live cuz it reminds him of being in the mountains of NH. anyways, so ya I know that will be my next project lol im an eager person and I like to get things done asap, hence the reason I have baby mittens ahead of time that I ordered on amazon haha.

I took 3 tests a little while ago, but urine was diluted. got a positive OPK again, a super squinter on a wondfo hcg, and another light positive on the same ept test. im going to go to lunch shortly and buy more ept tests (DH would kill me if he knew that I keep buying them LOL but I like them better than wondfos and now shit's getting real LOL) and I will hold my pee from like 1-4pm and retake the tests. Yesterday I took my test with afternoon pee!! I held it from 1-4pm then took it. I have better luck with PM pee for some reason. I also didn't take it with my FMU today cuz I left the test in the car overnight by accident (in my work bag) and when DH woke up at 530am I had to pee so bad so I just went lol

Oh also... I posted a pic of our snowboards below along with a child's snowboard cuz this will be our announcement online :) we bought the kid's snowboard 2 years ago for $10 used!! Because I had this idea and he liked the idea. I want to take another pic this weekend though when we get fresh snow. Oh and the sword in our wedding pic is cuz we cut our cake with a sword cuz why not haha

What's your Instagram name? Mine is 'pinkbury'



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Omg no!!! How the hell did I miss that beautiful BFP!!! Bfp bfp bfp!!! Just gotta say it a few times because oh my god!!! It’s totally there right!!? You know it’s gotta be for real if it showed up right away!! Eek man I’m BUGGIN! Was that a FMU? I swear if I start testing it’s going to be with afternoon urine for sure.. of course after my FMU haha. Aww man I’m so excited for you! Mountain BD’ing is good for the soul y’all haha! PLEASE update ASAP after this next test you do! I could cry for you right now .. shit I must be ovulating lmao.

Oh and BTW I honestly didn’t know if other people used IG just for the picture editing hahah. One time I did accidentally post the picture :growlmad: Luckily it was a so ... heyyy lol. My iPhone has “filters” but they suck and the IG ones are so insanely good. But to be safe I usually just screenshot it with the edit on the back out of the post lol.

Also cramping is GOOD! Also I always said that I have such sore boobs before Af .. although unfortunately last two cycles it was from O-Af and Noe they’ve been sore the entire time but still if I ever had a TWW where there were NO sore boobs I’d swear it was my PG symptom because that’d be the strangest sign for me! FX it’s yours mama <3

Nix- do you temp? Did your temp take s dip before O and has it spiked yet at all? So curious how yours is. Mine did ride some today so I just don’t know. I was half asleep this morning and temped twice just Incase. Pretty sure I still went with the first one though!

Yea I agree I’ll NEVER tell him or let him see an opk ever again lol. Poor guy was so mad at himself I felt awful!! I would rather it not be our month than to have TTC be stressful like that was!! I’m starting to have some cramping .. some O cramping so I just have to hope yesterday was the day and we can squeeze it in right after work and I mean right after! Dirty from work or not I’ll take him into the shower lol. I wasn’t any different than I usually would’ve been which is just how he likes it. But that damn “today’s the day” shit messed it up! I’m totally ok with next cycle being more likely I’m just honestly so happy my body is agreeing to do the right things too lol. If I am it has to follow suit for real. No more BS and skipping out on me! Had another + 11 just a little bit ago so I’m glad I don’t have one of those 4 hour surges where it’s positive and negative 4 hours later and so easily missed! Hoping to get positives for at least 2 days before they go light again. All in all I’m still stoked about TTC lol. I hope you ladies get BFPS! I’ll be so happy for you girls and so happy to be able to follow in your footsteps <3 You both will be amazing moms!!!


Anything new going on btw? Outside of TTC? I feel like my life has been so boring lately I’ve been so obsessed with baby shit lol. Just work like a dog, come home and cook or order out, than just hang with hubby for the rest of the nights. What do you guys dooooo all night?? I have nothing really to keep me busy! Shit maybe I need a hobby (other than obsessing!)
Held my pee for a couple hours, but couldn't take it lol still a faint grrr BUT I used a store brand test rather than EPT and happy to still be getting the faint line in that sense.

Will see what tomorrow morning FMU brings!!


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I see it!! I definitely think it’s good to have another the same! AND I didn’t realize you were ONLY 11 dpo! That’s probably why their still not blazing. I bet they’re going to get darker for you :happydance:

Hubby has a terrible headache so no BD until later. Chances slim this month y’all! I’ve never been lucky a day in my life so wouldn’t expect me to conceive on my first month of trying but damn.. a girl can dream right??!!

The cramps I had earlier were definite Ovulation though for sure! Felt like super light af cramps .. not just one side or another. Not sure if I ever felt that before or maybe just never was so in tune with ma self lol. I am ONE with myself hahah. If my temps go up tomorrow I’ll know I’m DPO 1 :) Let the TWW in hell commence! Also but damn I really hope they do I’d like to actually physically O each month .. so cmon temps!!
OMG I missed all these!!

Lee - I definitely see the BFPs, and you are still at 11 dpo. Fx those lines get blazed and all. So you are testing tomorrow again right? I love all the pics you posted, that snowboard one would be too cute as a public announcer!! Okay I won't get ahead of myself, just sending all the positive vibes and :dust: your way !!
ps: headaches are also a positive sign.

Die - I have had so many mixed emotions reading all your posts, I am glad you got a + opk, this could give you the idea when approximately you ovulate, I am keeping my fx crossed all the same that this month might be it.

Nix - Glad that got your + as well, fx for you. It would be so exciting if this cycle is it for you ladies.

So I was away for that awful migraine, then got swamped at work. I am even writing the replies today after finishing work for the day, before leaving for home. I was like this is it, I need to talk to you guys, I am missing all the updates.

As Die said, I know we obsess so much over these ttc cycles, we may accidentally stress out our SO/DH. You know my DH even knows the tracking records of my amazon order containing those wondfos, lol. I feel like that is all I almost keep talking about, hope not. I will try to stop that (easier said than done though!). DH will be visiting the weekend after this one, I am so excited about that!! He will be with me for a week, then I will go with him to help him move the week afterwards. He is moving to SC next month. Hope all these traveling and moving does not give me another wonky cycle..

That's it for me now, will check back in later. Heading home!
Lee - try a pink dye test. Blue tests always show a front line. They are the worst around. Most people always test with pink dye tests until a good BFP. Then a blue dye one is genuine. Hope it really is your bfp.

Die - I didn’t temp this month. I find it too much like hard work. I’m on 2 dpo. When I do temp though I see a dip on ovulation day, then on 1DPO my temp is way higher. FF won’t show you that you ovulated until you have 3 raised temps, so when your 3DPO it’ll tell you
Lady- Yay! So excited for you and DH to be together :) :) Where will you be at in your cycles during your visits with him? Hopefully it&#8217;s perfect timing for you two! Do you Guys have any fun outings planned the first visit? I know you will be busy with the moving over the next one but I really hope you guys have the best time together <3

Lee- What&#8217;s goin on girl?! I agree with Nix totally about maybe getting a FRER but I&#8217;d also *maybe* -and I say maybe with a grain of salt- wait until like 13-14 dpo haha. My strength has never been that good but maybe yours will be <3 Hope you have a good day though!

Nix- I completely understand! I put off temping for SO long because it was too much for me at the time. But I&#8217;ve been doing it almost a whole cycle now and to be honest for me it hasn&#8217;t been as hard as I thought! And I say this only because maybe it&#8217;s too early haha. I mean I can&#8217;t really obsess over my chart yet because I have NO idea what my dips and spikes mean lol. But once FF does detect O I bet the following months will be a little more crazy with chart stalking. I temp when I usually wake up anyways and I usually wake up and lay in bed for about another 5-10 minutes so it&#8217;s really nothing for me to wake up and grab my thermometer. I keep it under my pillow because I have a freaking California king size bed and sometimes end up over by my husbands &#8220;side&#8221; or even in the middle and would have to scoot all the way back over to my nightstand. I was worried it was *too* much movement haha. So I just reach under the pillow now and it&#8217;s been working girl! Never thought I&#8217;d make it a habit but I got it now ;) how you feeling post O???

Really hoping the Bd&#8217;s we squeezed in worked! Waiting for my temps to go up and FF to agree that I O&#8217;d. I&#8217;ve been having weird cramps even this morning they felt like mild af cramps. I don&#8217;t ever recall having those with O. I usually have O pains in my ovary that are pretty bad they even shoot down into my leg. I honestly thought I might have been bleeding this morning the cramps were so af like. Anyways still not feeling so confident about this cycle. Sad about it to be honest and kind of upset with DH. I honestly still don&#8217;t think he understands how important it is! Could&#8217;ve BD&#8217;d this morning but he just got up and rushed to get ready for work as usual and I kept my mouth shut. Debating on whether to even bring it up later and have a talk with him about it. Won&#8217;t hurt now that O is over and there&#8217;s no pressure on DTD timing. Hope you ladies are doing better than me today! <3
When I was pregnant before, I hated the frers cuz they never show and I got my positive on a blue dye test first. That's why I like them haha. I don't have lines on the tests I took yesterday or this morning :( I was holding my pee for FMU but at 3:30am I had to pee bad so I took a test and nada. I'm mad now and feeling not prego so I'm holding off for a little bit. Boooo lol I'm just tired of not seeing lines now :(
Die - Thanks! I am just glad I would be seeing him soon enough, but we couldn't time it that perfect. He will be with me from CD1 to CD 15/Cd16. I will probably have him for 2 or 3 days may be during my fertile period, if I even O. So it is a long shot for me. So first week he would be staying with me, but I have my work. So at most we will just have some dinner dates. I am planning a getaway for the weekends nearby, thats about it.

I am so sorry you are feeling down today. Talk to him, he will understand. I am sure its very important to him as well. May be he was just expecting a busy day, had to rush. And hey anything unusual for your body should be a good sign right? I am talking about the cramping. I don't think your af date is till next week, am I right? Fx the witch stays away.. Let me know how your rest of the day goes!
Hi ladies sorry I haven&#8217;t had a chance to read everything yet cuz I worked a half day today then went to my new doc office for a tour and to go over my medical history. My doc was 45 min away in the town I used to live in 4 years ago so I wanted a close doc AND they have maternity care! So that&#8217;s a plus. She looked at me funny when I said I ovulated in CD9 &#55357;&#56834; but she knows my cycle it&#8217;s screwed up cuz of the bcp. Anyways the half day I did work my boss was around and needed my help. So I&#8217;ll be replying better tomorrow after reading everything.

I was bummed cuz I wasn&#8217;t getting the faint BFPs anymore on the epts and store brand epts :( af due tomorrow but I tested a day early with a clear blue dye test and I see a faint line again! I tested at 730pm after holding pee for a few hours. Check back tomorrow for a good reply. Xoxo

Pic posted sideways grrr


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Hope af stays away Lee.

I’m all good this end. 3DPO and nada, nothing, ziltch. My boobs normally start to hurt around now, all the way until AF bit nothing yet.

We’ve had a day of snow here so I’m working from home. Proper snowed in. Aaaaand it’s just started snowing again! The UK is not at all equipped for snow. 2 flakes and the country comes to a stand still.

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