Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Hello ladies! Glad to hear folks are doing well and getting vacations in :)

This is a crazy week for me. So busy. But it's also O week! Woohoo! Seeing lots of EWCM and we've been BDing on the regular. I'm doing opks and they're getting darker! I expect to ovulate over the weekend. I'll keep you all posted on that.

I had such a sweet dream the other night that I had a baby boy. It was such a wonderful feeling and I was sad when I woke up and realized it wasn't real! I'm so so looking forward to having my first little one. I can't wait for us to get our BFP's!
Also.. Have I mentioned yet that my birthday is on October 28, the same day AF is due to arrive? This could be either really exciting or really depressing:wacko::haha:
But such is the ttc journey, right?
Thank you, ladies, for helping me!!
I really appreciate it!

My stupid spotting finally stopped, making it 14 days long. But at least now I can start using my OPKs and I just got my BBT thermometer and started tracking it this morning. I also did some research on an herb called Vitex, and went and got some today. It's supposed to help you regulate your hormone levels and period, prevent miscarriage, and induce ovulation. Or so I've read, anyway. Couldn't hurt to try it, right? I didn't know such a magic pill existed! My cycles have always been irregular so no wonder I never got pregnant after 4 years of TTC! I really hope this works! I also have a gyn appt. on the 29th to get some tests done. Hoping those turn out well too.

So jealous you got to go to Las Vegas! It sounds like you had an awesome trip! :headspin:
Also.. Have I mentioned yet that my birthday is on October 28, the same day AF is due to arrive? This could be either really exciting or really depressing:wacko::haha:
But such is the ttc journey, right?

so many birthdays coming up! Mine is Nov 2 and AF due Oct 31. Obv I am hoping for the best birthday gifts for the both of us! And all of the others that I have heard have bday coming up :cake:

We can also be TWW buddies! I thought I have already O'ed based on CM and OPKS, but temp isn't showing it (in fact going down this morning on top of taking it without 3 hours consistent sleep so it should have been even lower) so I'm gonna keep on it..... phew I'm exhausted :sleep::sleep:
Thank you, ladies, for helping me!!
I really appreciate it!

My stupid spotting finally stopped, making it 14 days long. But at least now I can start using my OPKs and I just got my BBT thermometer and started tracking it this morning. I also did some research on an herb called Vitex, and went and got some today. It's supposed to help you regulate your hormone levels and period, prevent miscarriage, and induce ovulation. Or so I've read, anyway. Couldn't hurt to try it, right? I didn't know such a magic pill existed! My cycles have always been irregular so no wonder I never got pregnant after 4 years of TTC! I really hope this works! I also have a gyn appt. on the 29th to get some tests done. Hoping those turn out well too.

So jealous you got to go to Las Vegas! It sounds like you had an awesome trip! :headspin:

thank you - it was awesome and much needed!

I see a lot of women on here take vitex, but I don't know much about myself. A lot of us gals on this thread started drinking red raspberry loose leaf tea and have had a lot of success with it! It has personally given me lots of EWCM and have heard that it helps others to O earlier or more consistently (I haven't struggled with that). I've also heard of people taking black cohosh, and maca root. Worth checking out :) I just got some tests done last week, so good luck to you! It was definitely a relief to hear everything was okay - or to address any problems had there been some.
Cd7- af is done. Just waiting around to o right now. Don't know what to do with myself when I'm not peeing on sticks. I feel incomplete lol.

Hope everyone is doing great. I have a 3 day weekend this week so I am looking forward to some rest before bd week.

My anxiety has been rearing it's ugly head while I have been ttc so I'm trying to relax as much as possible this cycle.

Beemeck- you inspired me to book a massage this week. Hope that it helps.

GL to all the ladies bd'ing this week. Fx for all of you.
Hey everyone :hugs: (Hi to the noobs too emmy_jo :D)

Nice to catch up on you all! I hear Birthdays are coming... Eek.:flower:

Sounds like we are all pretty close in our cycles again :) I havent Ovd yet.. bd time for me next week. (Pretty bummed that hubby has agreed to do overtime and extra night shifts but he has promised to still make time. I dont want to be unreasonable but anyone else feel that way sometimes if certain things get in the way?)

Beemeck- sounds like you had an awesome time in Vegas baby! Second the great news on the hormones and doctors being thorough with you.
Good luck with your taking it easy and relaxing - its hard isnt it? I have been trying to go back to the ntnp attitude lol.

Lovely to hear that alot of girls have bottom draws and baby things ready :winkwink: I do myself. I cant help it hehe.
Hi everyone!

So I'm pretty sure i ovulated on Friday, but ff hasn't confirmed it yet. Our timing for BD was pretty good so I'm really hoping this is the cycle! Have you confirmed ovulation yet Beemeck?
Sorry to hear hubby has to work extra this week, Magic. I'm hoping you guys still have plenty of time to BD :)
Emmy_jo I just started taking Fertility Blend 2 days ago at the recommendation of a relative (she was told she would probably never get pregnant and she and her hubby used it for their 3 kids). Didn't realize it till reading the box it contains Vitex, so we'll have to compare! I'm always pretty regular but I'm afraid I don't actual release an egg even though hormones seem to be doing their thing. I've been "ovulating" on CD18 typically. After 2 days taking the supplement I'm on CD14 and had a temp drop today, curious if O will come sooner, would be surprised if it had any impact that quickly though. It is also just getting colder here in MN so good just be because I was out in the cold last night and haven't switched to my winter jammies yet 😊

Earthlylove, I will be joining you shortly in the TWW!
Earthy - I got my pos opk today so finally o'ing much later than I usually do. Have my I pains today too so will see if o is today or tomorrow based on temps. Feeling confident ! You're a little ahead of me but I'm ready to bring on the tww. Let's do this ! See you soon mkkayes and hopefully other gals!
Trr yes ! I recommend a massage/spa day for us all. Ttc the first child is stressful no matter what :/ in fact I plan on booking another one here at home with my masseuse ASAP!

Hi magic !

Psychochick where are you ?? You should be the tww!

With my later o, af is due on my birthday ..... Please let this be it !! Xoxo
Hello lovelies :wave: Just back from a weekend getaway with DH, was really fun. I actually took my thermometer with me though because I needed to confirm O. But it's been confirmed and I'm on my TWW, today is 4DPO. :coffee:

beemeck yay you are ovulating! You also took a little longer to O this month huh? I did too, by one day though. Hopefully it means it was a really big egg. Omg birthday BFP would be awesome. I'll just settle for halloween BFP haha.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. :flower:
Hello! So, I am new to both TTC and forums, so bear with me here lol.

I am in month #2 of TTC. Not using anything other than ovulation calendar on my app at this point. I'm trying to avoid getting super technical with it so as to not stress out DH. We've been married a year and a half and though he is ready to quit being careful and just let the little swimmers go free, he would be happy if BFP came later rather than sooner. I, however, am ready NOW. We don't argue or fight, he has completely expressed that if it happens now everything will be A-Okay.

Anyone else had guilt issues? Like you feel like you've guilted your husband into just giving you what you want? And then that's followed with the fear of, "well, what if it does happen are you going to resent me?"....DH and I have already talked this out and we are good...but we definitely had to go through all that, just wondered if anyone else has had those conversations...

So, in the meantime, I've just been making sure to initiate the sexy-times during my fertile window and definitely on my "flower day" at all costs. But, I don't call my husband and tell him to pencil it in. I'm afraid he'll get pressured and then unhappy times will ensue. The downside to this is that that leaves me to endure the torturous 2 week wait every month all by myself...or I'm driving the women I work with crazy. Not, that DH doesn't know that its on my mind constantly, but I don't want to overwhelm him. So, here I am!

Anyone else, going about things in this way? You know, like sexy-times is the only time DH is involved??
hi Erin!

Even with DH 100% on board with the process, I too feel like he is only involved in the DTD portion. He knows enough to ask when "baby making week" is, but other than that, I'm on my own. I'm the one tracking everything to know when that time is and then don't feel like he has the same obsession during the two week wait.

I joined this site and participate in threads to have someone to talk to about things. DH doesn't have the same feelings or thoughts about the whole process. I think now that we are on to cycle #10, he is starting to think more about it and wonder why it hasn't happened yet, but for many months he had no idea that I was even charting my temp. (he is really so not observant that he didn't notice the thermometer on my nightstand for over a month)

Welcome to the group! I find this is a great way to get my thoughts out with like-minded people who are going through the same thing! All my friends I spend time with who have been TTC, got pregnant within a month or so, so they are not much help for me!
It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way. All this time I've been imagining that other couples ttc are off skipping through the daisies hand in hand, both equally invested and excited...and here I am wondering if DH even has a clue.

Like you, though, I feel like my husband would start to be just as concerned once he realized nothing is happening. I get so anxious and I don't want to put any of that off on him until absolutely necessary. So I'm hoping the forum will help me be patient since this is only month 2 for us.

Sorry to hear it has taken so long....all my friends had completely unplanned pregnancies and (not that this matters) arent married. Here I am married and's hard not to feel a little negative about that.

I'm supposed to start Wednesday and the anticipation is awful. Last month I tested a week before, and even after my period came and went just hoping I would get that lucky. This month I'm determined not to test until after I'm supposed to start. But it's so tempting.....
Erin: my DH is also 100% on board, and I've actually complained to him that he doesn't try hard enough on his part, but it's probably not fair because he's just a more laid back person. I'm the type A control freak so I overanalyze everything and he just keeps saying, don't worry about it and see if your period comes. I'm like, easy for you to say! One day my breasts hurt, another day I have cramps, how can I not think about it?? I think unlike you, I actively try to share my stress with DH because I don't want to be alone in my struggles.

Also you're in 2nd cycle TTC, that's really early, plenty of time :) I know it feels like a new project and you feel anxious to "get the results". I tell DH that TTC feels like we work hard during fertile week and wait 2 weeks for the report card. And when the report card comes back BFN we feel like we failed. But TTC just isn't like everything else in life. So try not to let the anticipation get to you :flower:
Hi All, I'm new here so still trying to get to grips with how the forums work! DH and I are in our first month of TTC, and I cannot wait for 'baby making week' to get here - less than two weeks to go!

I've found it really reassuring reading about the situations everyone has had with OHs/DHs when TTC. It certainly seems to be a bit of a common theme. DH and I have a fab relationship and are normally on the same page - but when it came to babies I was 100% ready to go a few months back, but he wasn't. We've been together 12 years, are married, me-30 DH-33, own our home, good what was the problem - wasn't it what we always wanted?? I initially just had to back down and put timings back. He just seemed to get very stressed every time I brought it up. Then out of the blue, two weeks ago, he suggested we start trying asap! (gutted at the timing as I had already ovulated!) He has a fairly stressful job and I think he lets that take over - we are both guilty of that and it's something we both need, and want, to stop!

AF is due today, it's the only time I have been willing it show up quickly - wishing the next couple of weeks away now. I am also a massive control freak psychochick - I have to read anything and everything I can, I also have a few apps for charting. I'm hoping that once the TWW arrives this forum will help me through and stop me obsessing!
Hi guys! Another TTC #1 here. I am on my first cycle but we started after I ovulated. We just started and I am on my period now so. Ah! I just want it to be over so I can ovulate. Though I am not temping. I think that would scare my husband. He wants this baby just as much but he doesn't want our BD'ing to feel forced. Just natural. So natural it is! Hopefully since we are young and healthy and BD'ing often it will happen! I do have an app to follow on dates. Ahhhh!
Hello lovelies :wave: Just back from a weekend getaway with DH, was really fun. I actually took my thermometer with me though because I needed to confirm O. But it's been confirmed and I'm on my TWW, today is 4DPO. :coffee:

beemeck yay you are ovulating! You also took a little longer to O this month huh? I did too, by one day though. Hopefully it means it was a really big egg. Omg birthday BFP would be awesome. I'll just settle for halloween BFP haha.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. :flower:

yay glad you got to have a little getaway! chart is looking good too - perfectly timed :thumbup:

finally got my temp jump just this morning - O'ed yesterday at CD 18....better late than never!

FX ! :hugs:
Hello! So, I am new to both TTC and forums, so bear with me here lol.

I am in month #2 of TTC. Not using anything other than ovulation calendar on my app at this point. I'm trying to avoid getting super technical with it so as to not stress out DH. We've been married a year and a half and though he is ready to quit being careful and just let the little swimmers go free, he would be happy if BFP came later rather than sooner. I, however, am ready NOW. We don't argue or fight, he has completely expressed that if it happens now everything will be A-Okay.

Anyone else had guilt issues? Like you feel like you've guilted your husband into just giving you what you want? And then that's followed with the fear of, "well, what if it does happen are you going to resent me?"....DH and I have already talked this out and we are good...but we definitely had to go through all that, just wondered if anyone else has had those conversations...

So, in the meantime, I've just been making sure to initiate the sexy-times during my fertile window and definitely on my "flower day" at all costs. But, I don't call my husband and tell him to pencil it in. I'm afraid he'll get pressured and then unhappy times will ensue. The downside to this is that that leaves me to endure the torturous 2 week wait every month all by myself...or I'm driving the women I work with crazy. Not, that DH doesn't know that its on my mind constantly, but I don't want to overwhelm him. So, here I am!

Anyone else, going about things in this way? You know, like sexy-times is the only time DH is involved??

welcome love!

I actually deal with the complete opposite of this situation, but SO and I are definitely stereotypically backward between male and female. We both want kids so badly, but SO might have been ready before me. We had a long engagement due to planning a big wedding and him trying to get his family on board (they are from another culture and don't approve) and he was ready to start trying during our engagement. I didn't want to be pregnant for the wedding though. We did end up getting pregnant 6 days before our wedding :haha: but sadly we lost that baby :cry:

since then I haven't been able to fall pregnant again and began tracking and charting. He wants to be so involved and it drives me nuts. For example last week we were in Vegas for my brother and soon to be sister in laws bachelor/bachelorette party and I noticed EWCM so I made sure we met up to DTD. I didn't O last week at all though and he wanted to know why so bad - like it was a problem that could or needed to be solved. I guess I just feel like we are both control freaks, but I can handle the part that concerns my own body ,thanks.

Maybe I'm just frustrated because I feel like this is on me - since we fell pregnant the first try, I know we are both capable. But since that pregnancy ended up almost taking my life and my uterus, I know we must not be getting pregnant now because of my body and healing process, not his. So I feel like I am failing and constantly letting him down. I can handle tracking my own ovulation by myself, but it's like it thinks I need help with it. If he's in the bathroom when my thermometer beeps, he runs out to ask what the temp was that day :wacko: it just drives me nuts!

I know I should appreciate that we are totally on this journey together, and when I do get my BFP again I'm sure it will be so nice. Since his family has now disowned him, he is desperate to start a family of his own and I want to be able to give that to him so badly. so c'mon body - work! officially 1 DPO..... trying to just breathe and think positive.

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