Ooof last week was insane! Everyone was trying to get work done before the holidays, and I was definitely one of those. But this week will be a chill week at work
CD1 is either today or tmr. Huge temp dip and spotting currently. Thankfully though no usual bloaty crampy stuff at all. Also, I usually feel really cold during TWW, but not this month! I wonder if it's the royal jelly kicking in?
earthy: Sorry about AF but we're probably cycle buddies this cycle! I also have about 1.5 cycles left in the year. I think I actually O ON new years day two cycles from now. Would make a good story eh, literally new year baby.
abennion: did you take any more tests? I think your pic confused me a little because I see some line but it's very far from where I would expect the test line. Where I'd expect the test line I don't see anything.
beemeck: I do get O pains but they're on sides, I hope the O pain is a good sign for you

But watch out for possible UTI? Will you be testing this week? Thanksgiving BFP?
leson: where do you live? we're also preparing for el nino here in california. I remember the last el nino when I was a kid, it was actually kind of fun back in the day. Hahah but this time I'm just hoping our house can stand up to the storm. Never been tested before.
Happy thanksgiving week everyone.