Hi everyone! I've been on vacation, which was great. I find that even a couple of days off does great for the body and soul. But first to reply to all of you girls:
abe: I'm so sorry, honestly I wonder if something did happen but not enough to show up on tests. Hopefully with clomid + urologist your chances will be even better.
bee: O man I don't understand what happened this cycle with abe, you and me. Such good temps, but still nothing.

I'd also be fooled by a triphasic chart, since I've never had one (even with my short BFP) Hang in there, have you followed up with the gyno about your LH and FSH?
leson: sorry to read that you were feeling down but it seems that you've picked your spirits back up! Congrats to being an aunt, it's good to know that your SIL tried for more than a year and got it, so you know, good reminder that it's normal to take a while. I'm in a similar situation where, just last year not many people were getting pregnant yet and then all of a sudden in the past 3 months there were at least 6 different announcements. But I noticed all of them were from couples that had been together for a few years so I tried to use that to help me not panic. Hahaha
super: Thanks

I'm also curious to see the chinese medicine at work

FX for good news. But if it's like the other supplements, it might take a few months before the effects kick in, so hang in there.
ritter: Hope AF stays away.
Msh: I feel that way every single cycle, but I prefer feeling that way than feeling like this is it, and then getting AF. So just hang in there
magic: Happy holidays to you too!
AFM, just spent a few days with my brother-in-law and his family. He has a 3 year old and a 4 mo old. I had a great time with my 3 year old nephew but overall my experience made me not want to have 2 kids. Just seemed like the parents didn't really have time for their oldest. The mom was pumping and watching tv in her own room half of the day, the dad is feeding/burping/holding the baby almost the entire day. Seemed like if we weren't there to play with the 3 year old, he'd have no one to play with.
But other than that, had a very happy holidays! O is coming up and we're going to get busy.