Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Abe - So sorry to see you're back to cd1 :hugs:

I came on to tell you that I think the flat temps are due to my thermometer. It seems to really like that 97.4 temp. I'll get it even now in my LP right before or after a higher temp. My first reading this am was 100.9, and the a second later it gave me a much lower temp. So strange - it seemed to work just fine last month.

To all those temping - Any recommendations for a more reliable thermometer?
Maybe pick up a bbt thermometer? I'll be picking one up this next month. It sucks because AF was one day late - I thought for sure we had beat her last night... Then my temp dropped while I was sleeping low enough to trigger AF. Woke up to light bleeding this morning.

Oh well, just means we start clomid this month to try to combat DHs morphology. Still waiting to hear from the urologist.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas everyone! Hope each and everyone has a lovely time however you celebrate. :)

Thanks for the support, advice and sharing the journey this year. Hopefully our bfps wont be too far away now :D
Hi All! It looks like i have missed so much! Things were a bit hectic with the holidays chaos and work rush. Happy to slowly return to normal.

@psycho <3 i know im a bit late but <3 x1000 anyways

AFM we are suddenly very close to O day. opks show almost as dark as control line since yesterday. great news since its only cd 15 i usually ovulate CD18-20. hopefully means my lp is going to be longer. The ONLY thing i have been taking this cycle is the Chinese herbs my mom has sent and prenatals. no maca, or black cohosh, or raspberry, etc.

So @les DH and i have been planning some holiday romance lol how have you been holding up dear scientist?

@magic my cycle twin! where are you in your cycle? Our cycles have acted so in sync i feel like we may be getting our BFPs in unison too lol

@bee the thread's sunshine! how has this cycle bee treating you? are you encountering anything new this round?

I feel like i have grown so attached to this thread. i am wishing you all very happy holidays and holidays beans and BFPs!
Super ! <3 <3 you were missed ! Holidays were so crazy for me too - our big holiday party is tonight so things won't be slowing down for awhile over here, but I'm glad. Always welcoming distractions from ttc :)

Glad o seems to be coming early! That is always a nice treat .

Afm - yes ! So much going on. For one, my chart went triphasic (confirmed by ff too ! Didn't know that was a thing) and my temps are higher than they've ever been in 5 months temping. So in the holiday spirit I tested yesterday in hopes of giving dh the best xmas gift ever. I even used an frer since it seems that implantation would have been 8 dpo but it was a total bfn so I'm all over the place. Temp still up today but feeling like it's just a fluke. Seems that the acupuncture at least cured any progesterone issues with temp this high and last month I was already starting spotting at this time! So trying to take the good with the bad and just keep on trucking ....
Haha super, good to hear from you! This scientist is on an emotional roller coaster, but doing well. My brother is in a good place! He even joined us for our traditional aggravation game...and he did pretty well!

Now that I'm through the holidays mostly in one piece, I feel like I can happily announce that I'm going to be an auntie :) :) :). DH's little sister has been trying for at least a year mb longer (we're not exactly sure), and she just announced that she's due in July. I cried, but the timing was just bad as I had barely packed and let go of my worries and decided to let the holidays distract the heck out of me...and then boom right back to thinking about it in the midst of trying to manage the anxiety of visiting home for the holidays.

I've been just taking it easy. I left all my ttc stuff back home, and I've avoided symptom spotting so far this tww (not having any symptoms other than some of my usual mood swings makes that part way easier). It's been nice having my brother's wife around as they're also ttc. Just two months in and it took her that long to have a period again. She's way more relaxed about everything, so I'm trying to let that rub off on me a bit :).

I'm surprising my little sister today with a walking food tour in her favorite part of town for her 30th birthday. Just the 4 of us siblings and our SOs. I can't believe my baby sister is 30! Hope she enjoys the surprise. Not knowing is driving her nuts right now!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is looking forward to celebrating a new year! I appreciate each and every one of you for your support and sharing your journies on here. All the best to everyone and here's to a board full of BFPs in 2016!!!
Hi all,
I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Just a quick check in for me- a few days ago I thought I might as well test since I was about 12DPO and had just received my new tests in the mail. Just a BFN.
AF was due today but nothing yet. My energey has been zapped, so I expect her any time.

Family has been getting suspicious about us trying, but I didn't confirm or deny anything yet.
Hi girls,

When I went home and tested again I got the solid smiley. That was Tuesday. I didn't realize that the rest stops working after you get a solid smiley though.

The next day my grandfather died after 5 years fighting cancer. I didn't know until I came home from work. My husband told me and then decided to buy tickets to fly home. We flew out 6 am that next morning. I fly back to KSA on the 1st.

I got solid crosshairs this morning. I think it's a little confusing because we flew to the USA which means our day Thursday was like doubled. I'm not sure how it works with charting and whatever.

The doctor I went to see put me on medicine to lower my prolactin level, but the other tests they did were okay. She asked me to come back CD 3 next cycle to get more blood work done. Maybe I won't have to..
dpo 7 but I think I may be out already this cycle. I duno, I could be dead wrong (GOD willing :thumbup: ) but it's just a feeling.

Hope you ladies have a great day!
I'm officially out. temp is dropped completely and spotting started yesterday on my EDD from my previous pregnancy. So I've been laying low since I'm so down about it. Just feeling pretty hopeless as of late and hoping someone will help me get answers soon.

GL to all you ladies - hoping to see a BFP on here soon. We are defying all the odds by not having one - stats are on our side now!
Sorry to hear, @bee!

Found out yesterday our doc only prescribed one month of Clomid. DH is supposed to call today to see if they put through the referral for a urologist for him or not... its already been a month since we went in for test results. Had an abnormal temp spike yesterday, but then again I temped 3 hours later than I usually do (gotta love days off from work). Its been discarded for now, might put it back in later.

CD6 today... O in roughly 11 days. We've decided to not use OPKs this month and just wing it. No BD schedule either. Just relax and have fun this month. I'm still temping though just so I can see when I O'd and confirm when AF will be due.
@bee oh i cant imagine how you must feel. a million <3s and hugs to you sunshine. Have you scheduled something? and you are right we are way over due for a BFP! i feel some will be coming soon

@les oh i can tell you are the type of person that gives the best gifts. lol
who doesnt love food?! and bonus you get to feel less guilty because of the walking part haha
I tried taking my mind of ttc one cycle and i wasnt very good at it. hope you are doing better with it than i did!
@ritter we havent really told ppl we were trying either but it feels like more and more ppl have been catching on.( i have to learn to clear my browser history) did AF arrive?
@ivk my condolences! hang in there girlie
@msh a lot of ppl dont get special symptoms with their bfp. ( at least from my reading on the topic) so im going to cross my fingers for you!

AFM i am 3dpo my o came waaaay earlier than we expected so i only had a chance to bd once the day of positive opk, and the two days following. hopefully that does the trick. Either way i am hoping the chinese herbs will lengthen my LP just as it has pulled up my O day.
Hi everyone! I've been on vacation, which was great. I find that even a couple of days off does great for the body and soul. But first to reply to all of you girls:

abe: I'm so sorry, honestly I wonder if something did happen but not enough to show up on tests. Hopefully with clomid + urologist your chances will be even better.

bee: O man I don't understand what happened this cycle with abe, you and me. Such good temps, but still nothing. :cry: I'd also be fooled by a triphasic chart, since I've never had one (even with my short BFP) Hang in there, have you followed up with the gyno about your LH and FSH?

leson: sorry to read that you were feeling down but it seems that you've picked your spirits back up! Congrats to being an aunt, it's good to know that your SIL tried for more than a year and got it, so you know, good reminder that it's normal to take a while. I'm in a similar situation where, just last year not many people were getting pregnant yet and then all of a sudden in the past 3 months there were at least 6 different announcements. But I noticed all of them were from couples that had been together for a few years so I tried to use that to help me not panic. Hahaha

super: Thanks <3 I'm also curious to see the chinese medicine at work :) FX for good news. But if it's like the other supplements, it might take a few months before the effects kick in, so hang in there.

ritter: Hope AF stays away.

Msh: I feel that way every single cycle, but I prefer feeling that way than feeling like this is it, and then getting AF. So just hang in there :)

magic: Happy holidays to you too!

AFM, just spent a few days with my brother-in-law and his family. He has a 3 year old and a 4 mo old. I had a great time with my 3 year old nephew but overall my experience made me not want to have 2 kids. Just seemed like the parents didn't really have time for their oldest. The mom was pumping and watching tv in her own room half of the day, the dad is feeding/burping/holding the baby almost the entire day. Seemed like if we weren't there to play with the 3 year old, he'd have no one to play with.

But other than that, had a very happy holidays! O is coming up and we're going to get busy. :happydance:
@psycho I was wondering the same thing. DH wanted me to talk to someone about it, however I don't feel like there was really anything to talk about. I never got a positive test, just a high temp and a late AF. Apparently it can take up to five months to hear from the urologist at our local clinic - There's only one fertility clinic in the city. I'm really hoping the Clomid helps this cycle too...
psycho - thanks for that. I try to remain with a positive mind, but Holy Moly! the disappointment when dreaded dear AF arrives is horrible... So no symptom spotting/hunting and just trying to get through this TWW and my Annual Well woman on Thursday so we can talk to the doc and get so advise/help for the next cycle... Glad you got some relaxation in and lots of babydust to you and the lovely ladies in this group. :dust:
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My love and I have been looking into BBT charting too so if not this cycle we will start that next cycle as well... I am getting more and more impatient so we have decided to become more active in trying if this cycle is a bust.
@psycho i think every parent is different. i feel like even if you were to have 2 having experienced the time with your brothers children may change your behaviors .
I am still unsure about the chinese herbs. its been almost a month since i started taking them. but i was told a 2 month supply was all i needed. so heres for wishing and hoping lol
@aben i pray the clomid works. it sounds like it may be a bit rough to help the extra help you need.
@msh i keep trying to do the temping its just hard as some days i wake up earlier for work. perhaps i will try really hard at it in the new year

AFM i have been having what can only be described as a charlie horse in my left ovary. i dont know if its how i am sitting at work or what but it feel so uncomfortable. anybody have this and how did you remedy it?
@super: Where are you in your cycle? Could be those chinese herbs giving you an extra big O this month!

Yeah, Canada has different rules for how to go about getting fertility treatments. Even if they won't help, you still have to go through each step before they will approve you for IVF. So it looks like our baby dreams might not happen until early next year sadly if we can't do it naturally.
Thanks so much &#10084;&#65039; I appreciate it
Ah so much to catch up on. When this thread moves, it moves!

First,@Ivksa, I'm so sorry to hear the news. I hope you and DH are hanging in there and getting the time you need to grieve. It seems I will be supporting my DH through a similar loss soon. His grandfather has cancer and was given 6 months to live back in June. We'll be up to visit this weekend. He's still kicking and looking good...probably just to spite the doctors :).

@Bee :hugs: that stupid :witch: for some reason I'm now picturing us all going for a hike together and shouting from the hilltop all our frustration. I'm so sorry. I truly hope it happens for you soon. You're so right we're due for a BFP on here!

@super: I have my everything crossed for you! Hope the :coffee: doesn't drive you nuts this time around :). Also wow that sounds painful! Not sure I've had that apart from AF cramps. Has it been going on long? I have had this slight pain on my left side on and off for about a month now. Sometimes it feels like my hip, sometimes my gut, sometimes my uterus. At first, I thought I just hurt my hip a bit while BDing :blush: but now I just don't know. I hate that I probably wouldn't worry about it normally, but with ttc every pain has me worried that something's wrong :(. I'm going to make an appointment to have it checked out just in case.

@psych: Glad you got to relax and play with a few kiddos. Cheers to your New Years O time :happydance:

@Ms: I was worried at first that temping would be too stressful for me, but it's actually given me some peace of mind. It isn't as helpful at predicting AF or BFP as I'd hoped, but I do like to see that nice temp spike to confirm O. All the best to you!

AFM: 8 DPO and keeping it cool (mostly) just 2-3 more days and I can either move on or celebrate. If it's a BFN tomorrow, planning to take an ibuprofen in the evening to keep those prostaglandins at bay before AF arrives.

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