Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Hi girls,

When I went home and tested again I got the solid smiley. That was Tuesday. I didn't realize that the rest stops working after you get a solid smiley though.

The next day my grandfather died after 5 years fighting cancer. I didn't know until I came home from work. My husband told me and then decided to buy tickets to fly home. We flew out 6 am that next morning. I fly back to KSA on the 1st.

I got solid crosshairs this morning. I think it's a little confusing because we flew to the USA which means our day Thursday was like doubled. I'm not sure how it works with charting and whatever.

The doctor I went to see put me on medicine to lower my prolactin level, but the other tests they did were okay. She asked me to come back CD 3 next cycle to get more blood work done. Maybe I won't have to..

Oh I totally missed your post! I'm so sorry about your grandfather :( :hugs: My thoughts are with you, hopefully he's lived a full life and is at peace now.

Oh did you get prolactin tested and it was unusually high? Maybe I missed it in a previous post.
Hello cycle twinnie! Hehe.

Honestly im not too sure where I am in my cycle but I must be in the tww.
Trying to be more relaxed in our approach and so didnt use opks either although I had ewcm for 3 days... you cant stop the body from giving clues :)
Apparently the planets are going to help me this cycle as im super fertile according to the annual mercury - pluto conjunction in capricorn (hubbys sign is capricorn im a virgo) spotlights my fifth house of passion (ruler of fertility)
Its a long shot but who knows!!

Best of luck for you. It would be great having a bfp to share wouldnt it.
Ivksa and leson.. my thoughts are with you both. Sorry to hear about the sad news. I do find a comfort having each other here, going through similar tough times :(
les - Thanx, I am interested to see what comes of temping, that is IF AF shows her ugly face this cycle *fingers crossed she doesn't* I am also 8 dpo today... Still feel out already, but still hoping for miracles... :0) Will def know more after appointment tomorrow... gota love information.. all the more to obsess about. LOL
Hey Ladies, just out of curiosity ??? Do any of you ladies experience or have experienced night sweats around 8dpo either with BFPs or BFNs ?
Hey Ladies, just out of curiosity ??? Do any of you ladies experience or have experienced night sweats around 8dpo either with BFPs or BFNs ?

I have had night sweats with both BFP and BFN. Thought for sure I was pregnant last month because it was so similar to the night sweats I got the month before when I was pregnant, but alas no baby.

Probably just hormones messing with us like they usually do
Hey Ladies, just out of curiosity ??? Do any of you ladies experience or have experienced night sweats around 8dpo either with BFPs or BFNs ?

I have had night sweats with both BFP and BFN. Thought for sure I was pregnant last month because it was so similar to the night sweats I got the month before when I was pregnant, but alas no baby.

Probably just hormones messing with us like they usually do

abe & Trr - Thanx ladies, kinda what I was thinking too.. I woke up at like 2am drenched, but was still tired so I used my shirt, dried up a bit (didn't even get out of bed, lol) discarded shirt on the floor, rolled over and crashed again until alarm went off. Didn't think much of it til I was at work. :shrug: eh, still feel out this cycle but here's to hoping :beer:
msh: I did have that happen once but not on my BFP cycle. I'm actually glad that other people have that happen too, I was panicked that it meant something was really wrong with my hormones and that I was going to go into super early menopause or something. :haha:
msh: I did have that happen once but not on my BFP cycle. I'm actually glad that other people have that happen too, I was panicked that it meant something was really wrong with my hormones and that I was going to go into super early menopause or something. :haha:

psycho - OMG, hahahaha, that same thought crossed my mind which is what prompted me to ask... LOL 1st thought was dang, I must be really F'd.. 2nd thought was OH NO!!! pre-menopause @ 30, great... LMAO.. dramatic I know... :shrug:
msh: I did have that happen once but not on my BFP cycle. I'm actually glad that other people have that happen too, I was panicked that it meant something was really wrong with my hormones and that I was going to go into super early menopause or something. :haha:

psycho - OMG, hahahaha, that same thought crossed my mind which is what prompted me to ask... LOL 1st thought was dang, I must be really F'd.. 2nd thought was OH NO!!! pre-menopause @ 30, great... LMAO.. dramatic I know... :shrug:

Haha, I did the same thing! This happened to me last cycle and the Google search just turned up a bunch on pre-menopause. I started thinking about how my mom started early, and my short cycles could mean I'll hit it sooner...but then I realized that a few nights in LP when progesterone is warming me up anyways is probably pretty normal.

So today we had a work holiday party and played this game with a die where you had to roll a six. First turn, it took me what seemed like FOREVER and I started just thinking about the ttc symbolism....thankfully I did eventually get that prized six before running out of time. Hope it doesn't take us all quite that many "rolls of the die" but no matter how many times as long as it eventually gets us our BFPs it'll be worth it!

9 DPO, BFN, and temps aren't going up. Looking forward to the temp drop tomorrow and arrival of AF on Friday so I can just move on to our next chance. DH promised that he'll go along with the SMEP next month, and he's going to ask for a SA at his annual checkup. We're heading up to see his parents this weekend. Crossing my fingers that his mother doesn't drive me nuts with baby talk now that his sister is pg. I'm debating about just telling her that we've been ttc so she tunes it down BUT I'm worried that will just ramp up her pushy opinions on diet and lifestyle and oh when you do conceive advice. I think instead DH and I will just have a plan to respond happily (because we are) but then switch the topic so it doesn't drag on too long. Bright side...I can have a glass of wine to take the edge off if needed! :)

Fx to all you amazing women!
msh: I did have that happen once but not on my BFP cycle. I'm actually glad that other people have that happen too, I was panicked that it meant something was really wrong with my hormones and that I was going to go into super early menopause or something. :haha:

psycho - OMG, hahahaha, that same thought crossed my mind which is what prompted me to ask... LOL 1st thought was dang, I must be really F'd.. 2nd thought was OH NO!!! pre-menopause @ 30, great... LMAO.. dramatic I know... :shrug:

Haha, I did the same thing! This happened to me last cycle and the Google search just turned up a bunch on pre-menopause. I started thinking about how my mom started early, and my short cycles could mean I'll hit it sooner...but then I realized that a few nights in LP when progesterone is warming me up anyways is probably pretty normal.

So today we had a work holiday party and played this game with a die where you had to roll a six. First turn, it took me what seemed like FOREVER and I started just thinking about the ttc symbolism....thankfully I did eventually get that prized six before running out of time. Hope it doesn't take us all quite that many "rolls of the die" but no matter how many times as long as it eventually gets us our BFPs it'll be worth it!

9 DPO, BFN, and temps aren't going up. Looking forward to the temp drop tomorrow and arrival of AF on Friday so I can just move on to our next chance. DH promised that he'll go along with the SMEP next month, and he's going to ask for a SA at his annual checkup. We're heading up to see his parents this weekend. Crossing my fingers that his mother doesn't drive me nuts with baby talk now that his sister is pg. I'm debating about just telling her that we've been ttc so she tunes it down BUT I'm worried that will just ramp up her pushy opinions on diet and lifestyle and oh when you do conceive advice. I think instead DH and I will just have a plan to respond happily (because we are) but then switch the topic so it doesn't drag on too long. Bright side...I can have a glass of wine to take the edge off if needed! :)

Fx to all you amazing women!

les - awww, sorry no luck this cycle but tons of dust coming your way for next cycle. And enjoy that wine for all of us still waiting.. :dust:
@aben i am now 4dpo and i kept doing opks to make sure and they were all very negative
And hugs! I hope it happens naturally.
@Les I'm so sorry for what you and DH are going through. <3
that sounds similar! sometimes it feels like a charlie horse-ish feeling sometimes it feels like a sharp dull ache on my left side. And now its becoming painful. not extremely painful but painful enough for me to alter my position.
When do you plan to test? Does this cycle feel any different? And Protasgl-what? lol
@magic That sounds amazing! every little bit helps right? how do you know about the planets? What do they say for a libra?!
I would be so AMAZINGLY happy if we could share a BFP! Especially after the loopy extra long cycle we shared lol
@msh im holding on to hope for you lol
I do get night sweats regularly. so i dont think im the one to ask
@Les how poetic! i love the analogy
And i hope she doesnt press you too much. I feel like since ttc is taking so long ive become more sensitive about asking ppl when they intend to procreate

AFM still with the pain. its not unbearable just annoying. i have the doc appt already scheduled for the day before af and i cant seem to push it up. pray that its just hormones!
@super: Very few symptoms this cycle which was actually nice. Temp drop this am right on track. AF should be here tomorrow. Thankful I'm so regular now. Hope everything checks out okay for you and it is just hormones! My pain moved to my ovary area yesterday and now it's frustrating. Prostaglandins are the nasty little buggers responsible for cramps. They start to build a few days before AF. Anti-inflammatories, like ibuprofen, interfere with their production. It's more effective to take 200-400 mg of an anti-inflammatory in the days leading up to AF rather than waiting until they've already built up and you're in pain. Just read about all of this last cycle, and trying it this cycle for the first time. Funny my sister just shared that her gyn recommended the same thing for her (she has severe dysmenorrhea with vomiting).
Ok I'm flipping out over here and my bff is out of the country right now :(. I poas today even though it looked like my temp dropped (bc you know my thermometer has been weird and I haven't been sleeping well) and I just wanted to be sure before going out to dinner for New Years tonight. Well...there's a vvf line. I took a different brand and tested again with the few drops I had left in me and again a vvf line. Both appeared within 5 min, and I've seen absolutely nothing but stark white BFNs up til now. I'm terrified that it's line eye or I just happened to get 2 indent lines on 2 separate tests. I've seen so many posts of vvf lines where I see nothing and AF comes anyway. This could be that right? Maybe I just want it so bad that I'm starting to see things? What do I do? Hold it another few hours and test again? Run out and get a digital? I'm so confused and nervous!
Les- go get a test if you are up for it but if it's a negative you are probably going to have a shitty night. I would probably wait until tomorrow and you might get a better results on a stick or your af might show up like you suspected.

I got a dye run on a stick last month and thought it was positive and used all of my supplies until af came thinking that I was going to be positive. It can make us a little crazy.

I really hope it's a BFP for you but maybe just wait it out? I know that's super hard to do though.
Les- try to upload a picture? If we see it it has to be there! That way at least you know whether you can drink tonight or not!
Thanks for the advice trr. I think I'd have a harder time tonight just not knowing. I went out and grabbed some epts and digitals. It's a bit clearer on the ept. What do you all think?


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LES!!!!! upload a picture!!!!!!!
I dont know why but im literally crying im so cautiously happy for you!!!

If it turns out to be positive and you drank will you feel guilty? retest and update us!
SO exciting!

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