msh: I did have that happen once but not on my BFP cycle. I'm actually glad that other people have that happen too, I was panicked that it meant something was really wrong with my hormones and that I was going to go into super early menopause or something.
psycho - OMG, hahahaha, that same thought crossed my mind which is what prompted me to ask... LOL 1st thought was dang, I must be really F'd.. 2nd thought was OH NO!!! pre-menopause @ 30, great... LMAO.. dramatic I know...
Haha, I did the same thing! This happened to me last cycle and the Google search just turned up a bunch on pre-menopause. I started thinking about how my mom started early, and my short cycles could mean I'll hit it sooner...but then I realized that a few nights in LP when progesterone is warming me up anyways is probably pretty normal.
So today we had a work holiday party and played this game with a die where you had to roll a six. First turn, it took me what seemed like FOREVER and I started just thinking about the ttc symbolism....thankfully I did eventually get that prized six before running out of time. Hope it doesn't take us all quite that many "rolls of the die" but no matter how many times as long as it eventually gets us our BFPs it'll be worth it!
9 DPO, BFN, and temps aren't going up. Looking forward to the temp drop tomorrow and arrival of AF on Friday so I can just move on to our next chance. DH promised that he'll go along with the SMEP next month, and he's going to ask for a SA at his annual checkup. We're heading up to see his parents this weekend. Crossing my fingers that his mother doesn't drive me nuts with baby talk now that his sister is pg. I'm debating about just telling her that we've been ttc so she tunes it down BUT I'm worried that will just ramp up her pushy opinions on diet and lifestyle and oh when you do conceive advice. I think instead DH and I will just have a plan to respond happily (because we are) but then switch the topic so it doesn't drag on too long. Bright side...I can have a glass of wine to take the edge off if needed!
Fx to all you amazing women!