Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

have you told DH?!
What an AMAZING way to close the year and start the new one! Happy happy and healthy healthy 9 months!
have you told DH?!
What an AMAZING way to close the year and start the new one! Happy happy and healthy healthy 9 months!

No, he doesn't know yet. I'm working from home today, but he's at his office. I sent the photo to my sister, and she was hilarious. Her first sentence was, "yay I definitely see a line." Then I told her that there needs to be two, so looked again and said, "Oh yea there's another faint one too. I don't know. I've never taken one of these things." We both laughed so hard we cried. I just don't believe it! I don't think I will until I save enough up to use the digital. I'm so sorry about all that talk about being out before!

I bought the book "Goodnight Moon" while I was out getting the ept and digital. I'm going to write a note in the front and leave it on the counter for DH for when he gets home from work.

I have my everything crossed for each and every one of you. Here's hoping for a BFP frenzy on here :)! :dust:

Update at 5pm: The digital confirmed with 1-2 for the conception indicator. I guess I have to believe it now. Definitely hope this starts a trend.
oh les i am so very happy for you!
hopefully you have started a trend lol
Les I'm so happy for you! What a great Day for a BFP. That wasn't a faint line at all.
Yay Les!!! So very happy for you. *tears*
Omg leson: That's not a faint line at all!!! Congrats!!! H&H 9 months!
Thanks all! The first three cheapies were pretty faint, and the faint lines I saw didn't come out well in the photos. The ept and digital definitely helped clear things up. I had some light brown spotting this morning when I wiped, but just once and now it's cramping. Hope it's sticky and that was just IB. I'll keep my eyes out for when (not if...WHEN) you all announce your BFPs in 2016 :), I've grown so attached to all of you! :hugs:


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Oh I see the lines on the cheapies too but a ept or frer usually clear things up
Supergonjoo - O's can be wiley little devils. FX for you this month! AF did arrive for me, however meekly. Spotting brown for 5 days. Now CD7, and I should be ovulating on Jan 12th.

Psychochick- I get the same way when I'm around my nieces and nephews, sometimes they drive me up a wall and I question if I even want to try for kids in the first place.. Then I think of a life without children at all and I know the pain is worth it for all the pleasure they bring.

Abennion- I hope you get the chlomid stuff worked out- one less thing to worry about!

Lesondemavie- YAY! YAY YAY YAY!!!!! So excited to follow you through this exciting time! My heart is skipping beats for you!! Yay!!!

Magicdance- Good luck! I hope the stars align for you and give you a BFP! I always am in awe of those who have so much I knowledge of astrological happenings. I don't know much about it, but I do know when Mercury is in retrograde, I get all sorts of screwy in the head!

AFM- I apologize for my absence! I have spent the last few weeks packing, moving our stuff to my mother's garage, cleaning the old apartment, and temporarily moving into my mother in laws house. So far, so good. Still no news on a closing date, but we are hoping we will be here no longer than two weeks. It's been a surprisingly smooth transition. The cat has explored every inch of MIL's house and has settled nicely.

As for ttc, I had light brown spotting for five days from dec 27-31, and now am CD7, due to O on Jan 12. Going to start BDing this Thursday! I hope my cycle isn't too screwy with such a light AF this time.. At least this month it lasted longer, BC last month it spotted only for 3 days.
I have been noticing I'm super horny lately and have had sex dreams the last two nights. Must admit I woke up feeling a bit guilty that they unfortunately did not involve DH (oh la la!) (sorry hubs) but thank god they didn't involve anyone I actually know! Yikes!
Other than that, just lots of creamy CM, enough to need to change my panty liner about 2-3 times in a day. Here's to hoping for loads of EWCM this month!
Happy New Year's Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I was a lil discouraged this weekend after my appointment on Thursday. AF is a day away and I am just ready for her to come and go... Not sure how much "active" trying we will be doing since doc is pretty convinced we won't be conceiving without the help of IVF and we def don't have the money for that venture right now. Aside from temping, OPKs and what not we will continue to enjoy each other (bd regularly as always) and wait on our miracle or the $ for help. I may not be as active on here for a lil while but I will stills talk and post from time to time. We prayed on our situation and we are leaving in Gods capable hands. As for the rest of you beautiful ladies, I will continue to pray for your blessing and will be checking in to see your progress. Lots of love and baby dust :dust: to all of you. XOXO Mel
Happy New Year's Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I was a lil discouraged this weekend after my appointment on Thursday. AF is a day away and I am just ready for her to come and go... Not sure how much "active" trying we will be doing since doc is pretty convinced we won't be conceiving without the help of IVF and we def don't have the money for that venture right now. Aside from temping, OPKs and what not we will continue to enjoy each other (bd regularly as always) and wait on our miracle or the $ for help. I may not be as active on here for a lil while but I will stills talk and post from time to time. We prayed on our situation and we are leaving in Gods capable hands. As for the rest of you beautiful ladies, I will continue to pray for your blessing and will be checking in to see your progress. Lots of love and baby dust :dust: to all of you. XOXO Mel

Well good luck in the future, msh. We will all get our LOs one day, one way or another.
Msh15- You have such a great attitude, I can't say I wouldn't be on the floor kicking and screaming if faced with this trial. Something will come up to help you, whether it's a little miracle or the money to make one! Best of luck on your adventure, keep us informed!
@ritter Are you sure it was AF? I have read somewhere about implantation and desidual(?) spotting. I would test just to rule it our especially of you have more cm than usual.

@MsH My prayers are with you and yours. <3
I have so much respect for your attitude on the matter as I'm sure its difficult. <3

AFM still in the tww...
Magic how are you?
Supergongjoo- I'm pretty sure it was AF. I got off BCP last August, didn't have a period for three months, then the month before this was three days of light spotting instead of AF, so it seems to be getting back in line with itself. I tested 12DPO with a BFN. Two days later meek AF arrived. If I were preg, I'd be 20DPO today with no symptoms. Since AF stopped, my CM was abundant for 2-3 days and then this morning it's tacky. CP has been low and firm. I've only just started charting CP this round, so I'm not sure what it's supposed to do and at what time. Should I test again to be sure? I have some ic's but I'm temporarily living at MIL's house - so seeing a pregnancy test in the trash would mean the cats out of the bag for us.... Although it IS trash pickup day!
@ritter - Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. And trust me I threw my own lil pity party this past weekend, but quickly got over it. My heart wants this too much to just accept it and let it go.. Nope, can't do it... So we are still going to take things easy and just do some research and look into our options. AF is due today and once she comes and goes we may talk more about what our options are at this point right now and go from there.

@super - Thank you so much, keep those prayers going up, there's power in numbers.

Thoughts and prayers going up for all you ladies daily!
Msh: That's definitely a tough situation, I don't remember if you've mentioned but there must be something else cheaper than ivf, but maybe you already tried those? Like IUI or clomid and others? Either way, you're always welcome to come back and chat with us!

ritter: what you describe definitely doesn't sound like "flow" although I've heard of some whose periods are just extremely light so maybe that's normal for you. But hoping that ur actually pregnant!

super: How's the chinese herbs working out so far? Feeling any different? I've been so out of it latey I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone's cycles and where you all are. :wacko:

I've been down with a cold which I think elevated the temps for a couple of days so it skyrocketed and now is dropping. Hoping O still happened although we've been BDing every other day regardless. Definitely feeling out already but that's ok. Looking forward to a non-obsessing TWW :thumbup:
psycho - The doc believes that my remaining tube is the issue as I ovulate regularly and we did get preg before with the ectopic. So next step is a HSG test to see if my remaining tube is in fact blocked too and/or how bad the scarring is which could also keep our lil peanut from getting where it needs to be. Still no AF so we'll see what happens. I have been doing some research though and there are some discount programs, grants and loans if we do in fact need the help of IVF. And it looks like my insurance may cover some stuff, but def not all... Just gathering info and taking notes right now. But by no means are we giving up that easily :0)
Msh15- there's always hope. My parents tried for 10 years. They were about to take final steps to adopt, when they found they were pregnant with my older sister. Three years later of NTNP, I was a lovely surprise. It sounds like you've got some good options ahead of you. We are here for support as you try different methods!

AFM: If I can remember, I'll test tomorrow and see what's what. This flow is definitely not normal for me, usually I'm medium flow for 5 days. I'm wondering if my body is finally getting the memo after 11 years of BCP...

By the way... Before I run out and buy a BBT, Do any of you temp vaginally? I sleep with my mouth open (beautiful, I know) and wonder how effective it would be to temp after having my mouth agape for who knows how long.
Oh goodness me, I have missed so much!

Massive congrats to Les and your beautiful BFP.. Loads of sticky dust your way! Take care :D Hope to still read your updates.

MsH15 - Stay stong, youre doing so well and have a very sensible head on your shoulders by doing all of your own research. Best of luck on your journey and most definitely do not give up girl! Best wishes.

Super- I bought some books from the works haha! I wish I could tell you yours but it focuses on Virgo. Im just Swatting up in the hope it might help... but check these sites momstrology and Susan Miller astrology zone too as they are more than interesting and helpful.
This has felt like the longest tww ever and im thinking I could possibly be due on Monday at a guess but of course you know better than anyone what my cycles are like!
Goodluck I hope youre well.

Ritter- Thanks, I guess we will try almost anything to be blessed :) I have always loved reading my horoscopes and think it never hurts to try something new. I will let you know if the predictions were correct.

All the best to everyone else & lets hope the bfps keep coming :)

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