Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Turns out my body played a cruel joke on me with the very odd symptoms including late af since I can usually time my af's down to the hour. She got me officially last night. DH and I are devastated because we really thought this was our month. We may or may not take a break this month, we're not sure yet. This has been a huge blow. Thanks for those who were there for me during the time of "maybe" lol. :hugs:
Oh tamithomas...I was really hoping for you this month. I kept checking this thread hoping to see your bfp announcement. :hugs:
Hi Everyone. I'm new to posting so I hope I do this properly! A little about me: I'm 27 [28 in March], my husband [26] and I got married May 14, 2011 and have been TTC #1 since August 2013. I just wanted to find somewhere to talk to people who are in similar situations. We are in our 6th month of TTC and it's all very overwhelming for me because I have no one to talk to about how I'm feeling.. there are only 2 close friends of mine that know we are TTC [the one is not planning on children anytime soon and the other had 2 children basically both on their 1st tries..]

More recently I have become frustrated mostly because my last 2 AF arrivals were late and there are a lot of people I know [in real life and Facebook friends] that are announcing they are pregnant or delivering so my husband and I have been getting the "when are you having a baby" questions a lot more often. I've never been a fan of asking people that and especially now since I am on the receiving end.. I just want to tell them that we are trying! and obviously if I could choose when it would have already happened. I feel silly sometimes for how upset I am each month because I know there are others who have been trying longer and I feel I'm disrespectful to their situations because I'm upset at month 6. My husband is very "it'll happen when it happens" and I basically have a meltdown on day 1 of AF each month. I am going to try an ovulation kit this month for the first time since my periods are becoming irregular. I have no known infertility issues, and did have an unplanned pregnancy with an ex-boyfriend when I was 20 that resulted in a miscarriage around 12 weeks so I know I CAN get's just very hard to understand why NOW it won't happen when all I want is a family with my husband.

Anyway - thanks to those that read this.. and good luck to all!
Hi akr - I actually know just how you feel.

I had an early miscarriage, too, so I know I *can* get pregnant. But by month 6 after my mc, I really felt in my gut that something wasn't right. Here I am, a year after my mc, and hopefully, finally my doctor will listen to me and take me seriously. We know our bodies, and I have found that I need to trust my gut when it comes to my health.

Don't feel too silly yet. You do have time before you need to be concerned, but I completely understand the overwhelming frustration every time AF shows her ugly face.
So right after ovulation this month my boobs really started hurting and then then the sensitivity lowered but was still there up until today. They seem to be quite normal today. I keep squeezing them to make sure and they might be slightly sensitive but not like they had been. I haven't been cramping much or no other signs except for yesterday I had to use the bathroom quite a lot during the day. Infact it felt like I almost had a UTI because after I used the bathroom about 10 minutes later I felt like I had to go again. But there was no burning sensation or any other UTI symptoms. So I was thinking it was a pregnancy symptom but it all went away today! I've also been having an increase in appetite but that could be due to me starting to work out. I've been going for a walk every day since the beginning of the month! (yay me!)

Also I have never really experienced these symptoms before and this is my second cycle ttc.

Anyway, I guess I'm just venting over my symptom obsession that I have. I am currently 11dpo and I know I'm not out until the witch comes. I just wish there was a way to know! I'm so impatient! :)
Hi I am newer on this site, I guess i didn't expect it to take this long being that we started to ttc when i was 24 and im 25 now and i know its only been 7 months but why does it happen so easy for a lot of other girls like i was on BCP for 5 years and still havent conceived but a friend of mine was on it for 10 years skipped two pill and oops pregnant i just wanna scream! sorry i know others have waited longer than me
Hi I am newer on this site, I guess i didn't expect it to take this long being that we started to ttc when i was 24 and im 25 now and i know its only been 7 months but why does it happen so easy for a lot of other girls like i was on BCP for 5 years and still havent conceived but a friend of mine was on it for 10 years skipped two pill and oops pregnant i just wanna scream! sorry i know others have waited longer than me

I know how you feel! I have a couple cousins who can get pregnant just by looking at a guy! And the sucky part is that she tricked a guy Into getting her pregnant and then flaunts about her fertility..!!! It sucks that ppl who don't deserve babies get pregnant the easiest..
Tami-- Seeing how you're holding up. Along with any of the other ladies that have been here for a couple of years now.
Hi I am newer on this site, I guess i didn't expect it to take this long being that we started to ttc when i was 24 and im 25 now and i know its only been 7 months but why does it happen so easy for a lot of other girls like i was on BCP for 5 years and still havent conceived but a friend of mine was on it for 10 years skipped two pill and oops pregnant i just wanna scream! sorry i know others have waited longer than me

I know how you feel! I have a couple cousins who can get pregnant just by looking at a guy! And the sucky part is that she tricked a guy Into getting her pregnant and then flaunts about her fertility..!!! It sucks that ppl who don't deserve babies get pregnant the easiest..

Keep your head up! I had to deactivate my fb for awhile for that reason!
Just what I need, a good rant!!

TTC #1 since July 2013, my cycles have been ranging anywhere between 29 and 60 days, which is very annoying as many of you will know. I'm disappointed every time when AF arrives especially when there are lots of people about announcing pregnancy, having babies etc. We thought about giving up for a year or so and going some nice holidays and try to achieve some personal goal - mine being running a marathon. But when I really thought about not having a baby asap it made me feel quite low. Hubby is really keen so we are going to keep trying. Has anyone else got to this stage and started to think something is wrong?? I know I'm being a bit ridiculous and many people try for much longer then do eventually get pregnant. But I'm just becoming doubtful. Hubby and I are big cyclist, he does a lot more than me and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

Anyway I'm just hoping this rant will get it off my chest and raise my spirits, really thought I'd be pregnant by now :shrug:
Hi KC6. I just wanted to let you know I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I have been TTC #1 about the same amount of time as you [since August 2013] and sometimes I think I'm crazy for being upset because there are so many others who have been trying longer and I can't imagine how they feel. I have a lot of people in my personal life too who are announcing their pregnancies and it becomes very overwhelming because you always assumed it would be easy. I try not to think about everyone else because most of the time I don't know how long they were trying themselves.. I just try to live my normal life throughout the month and not think too much into yet. I enjoy running too.. although I'm not near marathon ready like you sound! :) I know it can be difficult but try to stay positive and if you ever need to talk or rant I check this feed often! Good luck!
KC6-- Just to let you know the cycling could definitely be affecting his sperm quality. Doctor's won't normally do any testing til you've been TTC for at least a year. Good Luck!
Just what I need, a good rant!!

TTC #1 since July 2013, my cycles have been ranging anywhere between 29 and 60 days, which is very annoying as many of you will know. I'm disappointed every time when AF arrives especially when there are lots of people about announcing pregnancy, having babies etc. We thought about giving up for a year or so and going some nice holidays and try to achieve some personal goal - mine being running a marathon. But when I really thought about not having a baby asap it made me feel quite low. Hubby is really keen so we are going to keep trying. Has anyone else got to this stage and started to think something is wrong?? I know I'm being a bit ridiculous and many people try for much longer then do eventually get pregnant. But I'm just becoming doubtful. Hubby and I are big cyclist, he does a lot more than me and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

Anyway I'm just hoping this rant will get it off my chest and raise my spirits, really thought I'd be pregnant by now :shrug:

I felt the same after 12 months and went to doctors. My advice would be if you are concerned -go to the doctors. Even if not for the ttc say you want to regulate your periods for ttc, start the ball rolling. I wish I'd gone sooner:flower:
Hiya, I am new to this site and am currently on cycle number 14. It is started to really frustrate me and get me down. All my close friends are pregnant and my sister in law has just had a baby. I am really happy for all of them, but just annoying that I dont seem to be able to fall pregnant. I finally plucked the courage up to see my doctor to discuss going forward and had a blood ovulation test done which came back fine but they wont do anything more until I'm 30. I know there are other ladies who have been trying a lot longer but every month of ttc and no luck is so depressing! Has anyone tried anything different when ttc and been successful? : )
Hiya, I am new to this site and am currently on cycle number 14. It is started to really frustrate me and get me down. All my close friends are pregnant and my sister in law has just had a baby. I am really happy for all of them, but just annoying that I dont seem to be able to fall pregnant. I finally plucked the courage up to see my doctor to discuss going forward and had a blood ovulation test done which came back fine but they wont do anything more until I'm 30. I know there are other ladies who have been trying a lot longer but every month of ttc and no luck is so depressing! Has anyone tried anything different when ttc and been successful? : )

I heard ladies using vitamin b6 and pre seed with success stories :)
Go figure 2 bfp announcements in one day. One of them is a 17 year old girl I work with who is pregnant with baby #2. Fuck my life.
Go figure 2 bfp announcements in one day. One of them is a 17 year old girl I work with who is pregnant with baby #2.

I know how you feel :hugs: everyone in my work seems to be preggo right now and I keep hearing about everyone else's and even got told by someone last night "It's the easiest thing ever you don't even need to try, so easy"

Felt like crying right there! Though I was a little tipsy :dohh:
Go figure 2 bfp announcements in one day. One of them is a 17 year old girl I work with who is pregnant with baby #2.

I know how you feel :hugs: everyone in my work seems to be preggo right now and I keep hearing about everyone else's and even got told by someone last night "It's the easiest thing ever you don't even need to try, so easy"

Felt like crying right there! Though I was a little tipsy :dohh:

I did cry.... :/ = even let her go home early so I didn`t have to be around her. then I called off the night before last so i didnt have to work 3rd shift with her. and the worst part. my bf who knows i dont want to hear about accidental pregnancies... well she thinks shes prego by some asshole who doesnt even acknowledge her now. everyone thinks im being a baby about it..... but my heart is broken. :*(

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