AF has just reared her ugly head...on CD26 of all days. Since TTC I have experienced normal 29 day cycles, longer 35 day cycles and everything in between. Never, however, have I experienced a 26 day cycle. And it's a super painful one to top it all off!
Feeling drained, tired and FED UP
I seem to be surrounded by friends and family that fall pregnant within the first two cycles (majority are first month girls) and their 'helpful' advice of 'relax and it will happen' only makes me feel WORSE! I'm sure if they hadn't of fallen so fast, they wouldn't be so dismissive of how it feels to try and try and not conceive. To have never seen a positive test is so disheartening.
We are on cycle 8, I am 25 DH is 29. We got married in Spring of last year and since I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother. I thought we'd get married, have a lovely few months together and then i'd fall pregnant and we'd start our new adventure...oh how wrong I was!
The emotions you feel when TTC are the ultimate roller coaster and each and every month I set myself up for a fall. Now I worry there might be something wrong or something not working or maybe its just 'not meant to be!'
I can't talk to any friends or family about how I'm feeling so I hope by speaking to some fellow B & B ladies we can try and spur each other on to stay strong and keep BD'ing!
I bought a CBFM but have decided that this month I need a break, I can't deal with trying to have sex every other day. My husband is a builder and comes home from work physically exhausted most evenings, I feel bad for the poor fella! Although I'm sure come CD10 i'll be wanting to try again...I'm a woman possessed!!!
Rant over
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