Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Hello I was wondering if anyone could help, I'm so sure I was ovulating last week and test told me when I was at peak last Tuesday so nearly a week ago, I don't know why but I did a random ov test on Sunday and it showed high fertility, same again today but when I looked at the stick it's not exactly a blue line, anyone seen this before? I've attached a photo.

I had abundances of cm last week and nothing at all at the moment, thinking to continue bd'ing but have heard that's not a good idea in 2ww!

There is no medical reason to stop bd'ing in two week wait, and some non-scientific literature says it could be beneficial (but I haven't read any studies that show any affect at all, positive or negative). So keep bd'ing!
My best friend has just been told that her husbands sperm is not of good enough quality and that they can consider their 7-year old a miracle. This would have been mu due date should I not have miscarried, and I have lost any hope I will ever get pregnant again. Not that I expect anybody can do anything about how I feel, but I just want to say it out loud...
I have been TTC for the past 4 years. In January i stared my Clomid trial. # moths on 50mg and now im into my 5th month, which the dosage was increased in May to 150mg. i have one more month left. Funny thing is is that my doctor doesn't monitor anything. He just says here take this for 6 months and see what happens, So far 5 months and nothing. I feel like im wasting my time and money with the doctors so far.
I have been with my DH for five years didn't do anything to try to prevent pregnancy, but tired of hearing and seeing all my friends getting pregnant like in one try. SO happy for them but my evil side wants to just sit and eat cookies and tell everyone to suck it! LOL

Can't seem to get a +opk to save my life so i think I missed out on this cycle but I am okay with that. May was our first official TTC month so I figured it wouldn't take since my cycle was all over the place.

At least I have a place to vent so I don't drive my DH crazy with all the anxiety.

Baby dust to all!!
Pregnancy #5 announced at work today. There must be something in the water...but obviously I'm drinking from the wrong fountain.

I like that saying! Fits perfectly.

I have pretty much been saying that at my work, I need to stop bringing my water from home I guess!

I feel ya girlfriend... :/ it's like the Baby Fairy keeps missing me or the glitter doesn't hit my water... I even had a friend rub my belly to spread her preggo vibes to me LOL
AF has just reared her ugly head...on CD26 of all days. Since TTC I have experienced normal 29 day cycles, longer 35 day cycles and everything in between. Never, however, have I experienced a 26 day cycle. And it's a super painful one to top it all off!

Feeling drained, tired and FED UP:nope:

I seem to be surrounded by friends and family that fall pregnant within the first two cycles (majority are first month girls) and their 'helpful' advice of 'relax and it will happen' only makes me feel WORSE! I'm sure if they hadn't of fallen so fast, they wouldn't be so dismissive of how it feels to try and try and not conceive. To have never seen a positive test is so disheartening.

We are on cycle 8, I am 25 DH is 29. We got married in Spring of last year and since I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother. I thought we'd get married, have a lovely few months together and then i'd fall pregnant and we'd start our new adventure...oh how wrong I was!

The emotions you feel when TTC are the ultimate roller coaster and each and every month I set myself up for a fall. Now I worry there might be something wrong or something not working or maybe its just 'not meant to be!'


I can't talk to any friends or family about how I'm feeling so I hope by speaking to some fellow B & B ladies we can try and spur each other on to stay strong and keep BD'ing!

I bought a CBFM but have decided that this month I need a break, I can't deal with trying to have sex every other day. My husband is a builder and comes home from work physically exhausted most evenings, I feel bad for the poor fella! Although I'm sure come CD10 i'll be wanting to try again...I'm a woman possessed!!!

Rant over :)

Nice to meet you :hugs:
Nadia, I know how you feel. I am overweight myself although I have lost 45% of my weight since last September 2013.

I too get really annoyed with people who try a couple times and BAM baby paradise. I have an ex friend who is WAY more over weight than me. Druggie, can't keep a job, isn't responsible and mooches off everyone i used to know and yet two cycles trying with her 18 year old bf (she is in her 30's) BAM gets pregnant. When I have been trying for 13 years and still nothing....

Has anyone else noticed that when you finally break the news to people that they seem kinda of negative about it.

like right now, my poor DH is between jobs, he was laid off nothing that was his fault yet people are like are you crazy!! Your husband doesn't have a job. It's like no sh%t! But why shoud I stop living my life because there is a small blip in our radar, it's not like he is going to be unemployed for the rest of his darn life for crying out loud. I have a job people hello.

I also find that through my expereince I don't get the happy 'Oh your gonna have a baby!" it's are you sure your ready? which really chaps my a$$ ya know? Why can't I have the "Oh goodie goodie!" from people close to me and why can't they be happy for me that I finally decided to take this step in my life? I even had one person tell me, are you sure you aren't having one just to get attention, I'm like are you serious??

I feel all you ladies, I say the hell to everyone! :D Oh, and I hate the ones that tell you just to relax that it will happen. There is more to it then relaxing!

-End Rant >:-(
Rant about my doctor:

I never again want to hear the following phrases:
- "You are so young, don't worry about it" (I'm 27, DH is 38)
- "I had my kids one month and two months after taking out the Mirena, you won't have any problem at all"
- "The specialists won't really want to even do any tests until you have tried at least a year or probably 18 months or two years"
- "Just relax"

She's a wonderful person and all, but seriously - one google search for 'what not to say to someone trying to conceive" these things pretty much come up on top.
I feel your pain! Everyone around me is falling pregnant and each month my AF appears. So disheartening! If I hear once more - "It's not happening because you're thinking about it too much" I might hit someone ;) xx
I'm on my second cycle of clomid and Im using ovulation kits so I know I ovulated this cycle (I hadn't on my first cycle).

On cd 28 I started spotting brown blood so assumed it was my period starting... 5 days later however, no period! Just on and off spotting - if you can even call it that (only when I wipe sometimes). I took a preg test a few days ago and negative, so I've ruled that out.

My doctor told me to wait till the 2nd day of full flow before I can start my next cycle but I don't seem to be starting! I have no symptoms whatsoever... anyone have any clue or been through anything similar?

Desperate for some answers so that I can have a better shot at getting pregnant.

... I just wish my body was working properly
I'm on my second cycle of clomid and Im using ovulation kits so I know I ovulated this cycle (I hadn't on my first cycle).

On cd 28 I started spotting brown blood so assumed it was my period starting... 5 days later however, no period! Just on and off spotting - if you can even call it that (only when I wipe sometimes). I took a preg test a few days ago and negative, so I've ruled that out.

My doctor told me to wait till the 2nd day of full flow before I can start my next cycle but I don't seem to be starting! I have no symptoms whatsoever... anyone have any clue or been through anything similar?

Desperate for some answers so that I can have a better shot at getting pregnant.

... I just wish my body was working properly

I've had cycles where I only spot or have a really light period for a couple of days. Usually, my body just pretends that was my period and ovulates right on cue the next "cycle".

But, in your case, I might consider taking another test first thing in the morning. Sometimes it just takes a while to show up. If it's still negative, maybe start doing opks again and see if you're gearing up to ovulate soon...

And because this is the Vent thread, here's my vent.

Please Mother, please stop telling all your work friends about my infertility struggles. Or you know what, tell them, because there should be more awareness of the struggle so many of us have to go through to get pregnant...but don't pass on their advice about what they think is wrong with me/what I'm doing wrong. I DON'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE. I HAVE NEVER MET THEM. How can they possibly know anything about what's going on with me? Oh wait, are they infertility specialists? No? Okay, then they can just piss off.
I stopped taking BC in January - even though not everything in our lives is perfect for having a baby, my husband and I felt like its time! We were so excited, especially me, since I've been wanting a baby for a couple years now... Well, here we are six months later and nothing. Absolutely nothing. My periods started out regular right after coming off the pill, but the last three months they've begun stretching out longer and longer. This cycle is likely going to be 40 days long. Only started using opks last cycle, but at least I know for sure I'm ovulating, just later and later.
What is going on?! Before starting this TTC journey, you have no idea how complicated and confusing it can be. I' e learned a ton about how my body works by now, but there's still no way to know what exactly is happening in there. If my stupid eggs and his stupid sperm could just meet up somewhere along the line, that'd be great!!! Every month, the torturous tww comes along and I swear every month since coming off bc different. Nipple pains is my new normal? Cramping the entire tww is my normal? Bloating like a sea cow is my NORMAL?! And then there's the conundrum: to test or not to test. Test too early and then you wonder if it just can't pick up the hormones yet. Is it better to wait until your period shows up? But then you feel awful AND depressed. And yet I swear everyone I know is accidentally getting pregnant and it's really hard not to hate them all... *sigh. At least my husband is lovely about it all, and doesn't look at me like I'm crazy.
I am so unbelievably fed up of the unfairness of ttc. Seriously, the 2 eldest girls of the woman down the road (who has 10 children herself) are both pregnant and due at the end of the year, what a fun christmas that is going to be :cry:
Oh I totally understand you. I get so sick and tired seeing people around me being all like "Oh we didn't even try, it was on accident." And I'm sitting over here being all like "yep". And I probably don't even have the right to vent yet, since it's our first month TTC and AF didn't show yet but still. I have a feeling that it didn't work, especially since I am either 13 or 14 DPO now (not quite sure) and I took a crap load of FRERs and all were BFN. Then I took another one today cause I though I saw a feint line on one and I saw another line, got all hyped up and excited, turns out it was only an indent on the test strip. I got so mad I cried even though I swore myself, not to get too disappointed since it's the first month.
I'm so confused with the whole getting pregnant thing. Not confused about the scientific aspect, but the whole thing. I feel like we're doing everything by the books and for one reason or another, it's just not working. Every month that it doesn't happen, I am falling deeper and deeper into a depression. I met with my doctor for antidepressants and it's helped, but for some reason I just have this unbearable sadness inside.

I know I shouldn't complain because there are tons of other people who've tried to conceive for years, YEARS. We've been trying since November 2013. I had the mirena IUD removed. I thought I was ovulating while on it, but I don't know anymore. I think I ovulate and I don't know if I am. I felt like I knew my body, but I'm not so sure anymore.

I do feel like a lot of people are turning up pregnant around me and that's upsetting. Or I hear, the first month we tried, we got pregnant. Shoot, people didn't even mean to get pregnant are pregnant.

Towards the end of the months, when I'm suppose to start my period, I start to get excited and nervous. Is this it? Nope, those cramps are period cramps. You're tired because your period is coming. You feel sick because your hormones are shifting.

I just hate this process. I stopped counting all the days and stopped focusing on trying to get pregnant hoping that, the less stress I felt the more successful we would be. Nope, didn't work...

My dream feels like it's even further away from my grip. It's killing me inside.
I'm on my second cycle of clomid and Im using ovulation kits so I know I ovulated this cycle (I hadn't on my first cycle).

On cd 28 I started spotting brown blood so assumed it was my period starting... 5 days later however, no period! Just on and off spotting - if you can even call it that (only when I wipe sometimes). I took a preg test a few days ago and negative, so I've ruled that out.

My doctor told me to wait till the 2nd day of full flow before I can start my next cycle but I don't seem to be starting! I have no symptoms whatsoever... anyone have any clue or been through anything similar?

Desperate for some answers so that I can have a better shot at getting pregnant.

... I just wish my body was working properly
how long have you been ttc before your doctor put you on clomid?
If you're under 35 and have no other known problems, they usually won't put you on Clomid until you've been ttc for a year and done at least one 21 day progesterone test to see if you are ovulating.
Just found out a work colleague wife is pregnant and it was a surprise ! I'm happy for them but you feel like a part of heart gets torn. Anyway feel better for getting that out, thanks.

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