Hubby and I have been TTC for 13 years. Most of my friends know my struggle and one who was talking to me a day ago about my struggle has announced like all the rest with her scan photo that she is 22 weeks. Really!!! I feel like I have been kicked in the heart. I just want one child. To work like everyone else and yet I get nothing. No glimmer or I'm even close. So last night before bed I see that post and my PMA jumps right out of the window and I am back to I am a waste of a woman. I'm never going to be a mom. There is no point in me evening trying. I can't even adopt as I don't have my own home or have a job. Why am I being punished? Why has the guy who sexully abused me as a child been able to have a kid and I am being denied? I feel so alone.
DH says he is there for me but how can he be when he's not even in the equation of TTC. We removed him. I get the injections. The nurses up my foo every other day. Why is something that I want so bad able to hurt me so much?
I have no family of my own to help me through. I have hubby's but all they say is what will be will be. No no no. I can't take that. Or you get told its gods will. Really its god will to beat me down to the point that I start to tell hubby no kids no point in living? Really suicide? I really thought about it. It's not like anyone would miss me.
I just hate feeling like I want to ram the scan pics down their throats. I even feel like their stood there going nanana you can't get pregnant and I can
Seriously why am I bothering with ivf? Iui didn't work so ivf won't. But in the next breath I don't want to give up even after 13 yrs
Don't apologize!!
TTC can break you down so low. I can't tell you how many times I've felt so worthless as a woman because I can't do this one thing that women are made to do. I'll admit, that at my lowest point, I've thought what's the point of going on....But, remember that having a baby isn't the only reason you're living for. You're living for your DH. I'm sure your DH would miss you if you were gone. Try to remember that.
Families try to be supportive, by saying things they've heard other people say that they think will help, but they don't know what it's like, so they can't really relate. We can relate here though. BnB has been a godsend for me. For every stupid 'whatever will be will be' or 'just relax' there's at least 10 women on here that know what you're going through and can support you without saying stupid things. We know what you're going through.
TTC is a bitch and there's no easy way to get around infertility. We keep on because this is what we want and we won't stop until we get it, but damn, is it hard. Month after month, year after year. I just want to scream sometimes. But, if I stop, I'll never get pregnant, so I keep going...
I don't think that God's will for your life is suffering and depression. I don't think he would let you want a child so badly and not give you one in the end. It may not come when you want it, but it will come right on time. It might not happen in the way you want it to, but I think it will happen for you. But, that's just me.
And even if IUI didn't work, there's still a chance IVF will work for you. The eggs are fertilized for you and so, you're one step closer from the start. Don't give up!