Ok everybody hold on tight, my rant is coming.
Ok...So I made a HUGE mistake in october of 2012 and got the depo shot. Quickly realized what a horrible idea and what poison that darn shot is! When I finally got my period back in feb. 2013 my DH and I decided that we didn't want to continue birth control and that we wanted to try for a family. So I haven't been on BC since and we have been ttc as best we can as he is a sailor and is gone often. So up until March 2014....nothin. All BFN's. Regular cycles, 30 days every month same flow same length same symptoms same everything. And then in March....no period. WHAAAAT?! Has the last year and a half finally paid off?! Has the depo finally gotten out of my system and allowed me to conceive?! Beginning of April I got 3 faint BFP's. Go to the doctors to find that I had a very early MC. So I cry my way home from the doctors office, cry to my DH for a good hour or so. Get on facebook to see TWO adorable baby announcement photos from friends. Slam my laptop shut and decide the world sucks but to keep on keepin on. That same week as soon as I regain my composure my Aunt lets me know she is 8 weeks pregnant, the EXACT same as I would have been that day. Weeks later I'm still trying...I go to the grocery store and the clerk who is a known heroin addict in my town says "Oh yea I'm 12 weeks pregnant!" WTF?! A few days later I'm chatting with a family friend and she tells me her 15 year old daughters friend, who is also 15, is knocked up too!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! I know I'm being a little baby wah-wah but it just isn't fair!! I dont smoke or drink, I exercise, I don't eat junk food I snack on fruits and veggies I'm trying my damndest and all around me high schoolers, drug addicts, and people who have more than enough kids are all getting pregnant and strolling their cute little babies around town and shoving them in my face! And to really put the topping on my stupid bull crap pie, my DH is out at sea until October! So our ttc-ing is on hold for 4 more months! And all I can think about is how I should have been having a child in november and spending my summer without him being happy and pregnant and instead I'm bitter at all the cute prego bellies and upset at myself for not being able to get pregnant at the drop of a hat like everyone around me and for not being able to stay pregnant.
Sorry if this post was vicious of offensive to anybody but this is a vent thread right?? This website is my therapy right now and I need this since I'm not up to sharing these things with family and friends.
I hope all the ladies on this thread and any other thread do get BFP's this month because this whole trying and nothing happening thing really is no fun at all!
......Phew.....I feel better now. Thanks.