Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I've been tracking BBT for 8 months now and this is our first cycle TTC. I've definitely O'd in every cycle up until now! It figures the first month we start trying, and I'm not even O'ing. I'm already on CD25 and no signs of O… makes me so sad. Last cycle I O'd on CD13. I'm hoping if it's really an anovulatory cycle that it doesn't take forever! :(
I've been tracking BBT for 8 months now and this is our first cycle TTC. I've definitely O'd in every cycle up until now! It figures the first month we start trying, and I'm not even O'ing. I'm already on CD25 and no signs of O… makes me so sad. Last cycle I O'd on CD13. I'm hoping if it's really an anovulatory cycle that it doesn't take forever! :(

Girl I feel you. I just got my first + opk yesterday CD30. I was sure I had issues or was going to miss out this cycle. Be patient hun, perhaps O is coming late this month for u, don't give up. Stress can make O day late, illness, increased vitamins, diet change too. So please, don't give up! It could be the excitement of TTCing officially this month that have your O day a little on the late side. Best wishes to you my dear.

I am now on my first official TWW.
Thanks for the kind words. I didn't even think about the fact that I started taking prenatal vitamins and maybe that could affect it.
That's great you got a + opk yesterday! Encouraging to hear. It's just so weird to me since it's never taken near this long before. Oh well, see what happens!
I got off my bcp last month and ovulated after that, so I hope it stays like that. We all need to chill so we ovulate for sure, but it's sooo hard to stay calm :/
Thanks for the kind words. I didn't even think about the fact that I started taking prenatal vitamins and maybe that could affect it.
That's great you got a + opk yesterday! Encouraging to hear. It's just so weird to me since it's never taken near this long before. Oh well, see what happens!

I started taking maca may 9 so I think that is why my cycle is so long righ now its balancing me out and stuff. I hear that ovulation will go back to normal ( whatever that is for me) after a couple months. It's just long this cycle good thing my gut instinct kicked in cause I would have missed it! Lol mommy instincts are kicking already. Ha!
What is maca? I'm not familiar with that...maybe I'm out of the loop!
Officially start trying tomorrow! I am excited! I just hope that July will be my lucky month that I conceive my rainbow:)
What is maca? I'm not familiar with that...maybe I'm out of the loop!

Maca Root is a GREAT fertility herb and super food! I get mine at but i just get the organic regular one instead of the super concentrated one they offer. It's great! balances out the pms too and the some anxiety issues I have as well.
cant stand judgmental people especially when its coming from another person who is also ttc. if we both are trying for the same thing, a baby, then you should support me not judge me and not talk down to me like im a child.
Ok everybody hold on tight, my rant is coming.

Ok...So I made a HUGE mistake in october of 2012 and got the depo shot. Quickly realized what a horrible idea and what poison that darn shot is! When I finally got my period back in feb. 2013 my DH and I decided that we didn't want to continue birth control and that we wanted to try for a family. So I haven't been on BC since and we have been ttc as best we can as he is a sailor and is gone often. So up until March 2014....nothin. All BFN's. Regular cycles, 30 days every month same flow same length same symptoms same everything. And then in period. WHAAAAT?! Has the last year and a half finally paid off?! Has the depo finally gotten out of my system and allowed me to conceive?! Beginning of April I got 3 faint BFP's. Go to the doctors to find that I had a very early MC. So I cry my way home from the doctors office, cry to my DH for a good hour or so. Get on facebook to see TWO adorable baby announcement photos from friends. Slam my laptop shut and decide the world sucks but to keep on keepin on. That same week as soon as I regain my composure my Aunt lets me know she is 8 weeks pregnant, the EXACT same as I would have been that day. Weeks later I'm still trying...I go to the grocery store and the clerk who is a known heroin addict in my town says "Oh yea I'm 12 weeks pregnant!" WTF?! A few days later I'm chatting with a family friend and she tells me her 15 year old daughters friend, who is also 15, is knocked up too!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! I know I'm being a little baby wah-wah but it just isn't fair!! I dont smoke or drink, I exercise, I don't eat junk food I snack on fruits and veggies I'm trying my damndest and all around me high schoolers, drug addicts, and people who have more than enough kids are all getting pregnant and strolling their cute little babies around town and shoving them in my face! And to really put the topping on my stupid bull crap pie, my DH is out at sea until October! So our ttc-ing is on hold for 4 more months! And all I can think about is how I should have been having a child in november and spending my summer without him being happy and pregnant and instead I'm bitter at all the cute prego bellies and upset at myself for not being able to get pregnant at the drop of a hat like everyone around me and for not being able to stay pregnant.

Sorry if this post was vicious of offensive to anybody but this is a vent thread right?? This website is my therapy right now and I need this since I'm not up to sharing these things with family and friends.

I hope all the ladies on this thread and any other thread do get BFP's this month because this whole trying and nothing happening thing really is no fun at all!

......Phew.....I feel better now. Thanks.
Another pregnancy announcement. Another baby due around xmas. I want to cry. I've got a feeling it will be a miserable xmas this year :hissy: :cry:
Ok everybody hold on tight, my rant is coming.

Ok...So I made a HUGE mistake in october of 2012 and got the depo shot. Quickly realized what a horrible idea and what poison that darn shot is! When I finally got my period back in feb. 2013 my DH and I decided that we didn't want to continue birth control and that we wanted to try for a family. So I haven't been on BC since and we have been ttc as best we can as he is a sailor and is gone often. So up until March 2014....nothin. All BFN's. Regular cycles, 30 days every month same flow same length same symptoms same everything. And then in period. WHAAAAT?! Has the last year and a half finally paid off?! Has the depo finally gotten out of my system and allowed me to conceive?! Beginning of April I got 3 faint BFP's. Go to the doctors to find that I had a very early MC. So I cry my way home from the doctors office, cry to my DH for a good hour or so. Get on facebook to see TWO adorable baby announcement photos from friends. Slam my laptop shut and decide the world sucks but to keep on keepin on. That same week as soon as I regain my composure my Aunt lets me know she is 8 weeks pregnant, the EXACT same as I would have been that day. Weeks later I'm still trying...I go to the grocery store and the clerk who is a known heroin addict in my town says "Oh yea I'm 12 weeks pregnant!" WTF?! A few days later I'm chatting with a family friend and she tells me her 15 year old daughters friend, who is also 15, is knocked up too!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! I know I'm being a little baby wah-wah but it just isn't fair!! I dont smoke or drink, I exercise, I don't eat junk food I snack on fruits and veggies I'm trying my damndest and all around me high schoolers, drug addicts, and people who have more than enough kids are all getting pregnant and strolling their cute little babies around town and shoving them in my face! And to really put the topping on my stupid bull crap pie, my DH is out at sea until October! So our ttc-ing is on hold for 4 more months! And all I can think about is how I should have been having a child in november and spending my summer without him being happy and pregnant and instead I'm bitter at all the cute prego bellies and upset at myself for not being able to get pregnant at the drop of a hat like everyone around me and for not being able to stay pregnant.

Sorry if this post was vicious of offensive to anybody but this is a vent thread right?? This website is my therapy right now and I need this since I'm not up to sharing these things with family and friends.

I hope all the ladies on this thread and any other thread do get BFP's this month because this whole trying and nothing happening thing really is no fun at all!

......Phew.....I feel better now. Thanks.

wow I am so sorry hun :hugs: I know exactly how you feel. free free to message me if u want to talk:)
Thanks RainbowBaby. :hugs: I'm sorry to hear that people are being judgemental towards you because you're in the beginning cycles of TTC. Doesn't matter what stage we are in on this journey, we are all on the same journey and it can be a really hopeless feeling when we don't achieve goals we set for ourselves and see others doing it almost on accident. Since I'm out of the game until september or october I hope you have a lucky and very fertile summer!!!
Hi all,

It is reassuring to know others here are going through the ttc journey, today I just had enough! It always feels like everyone is getting pregnant and not even trying:0 ladybug 923 I know how heart breaking it is to see people like drug addicts etc getting pregnant, my job is dealing with these sorts of people and it is absolutely heart breaking when I attend these people and they are my age pregnant with their "6th" child and the no longer have these kids as they can't look after them! They don't give a crap! I don't know how much more I can take of seeing these sorts of people. Thanks for reading.
got my first +opk cd 30, 31, and 32 yet no temp rise to confirm the ovulation. I got one but my other two were way earlier than i normal take so I am hoping that is all it was.

First month and I am already sick of charting and and seeing all the birth annoucements. As same for the other woman who posted in here....drug addicts get preggo first time around while those of us who are responsible and ready have to wait..and wait...and wait...and wait some more... :/

Although I am happy for the ladies in here with BFP's I know their journeys have been either short or long but they still deserve a great BFP!

I'm just wishing i was one of them ;(
Mb07 I have no idea how you are able to do it working with sorts of people who have given up children and aren't ready for the ones they are about to have. I don't even want to go out of the house anymore! I get too sad. So instead I just stay home and research everything I can about ttc and order opk's and prego tests and multivitamins online. Lol! :blush: God willing we will all have bfp's by the end of 2014!!!
Thanks ladybug923, I have no doubt it will happen for us:) sometimes I'd love to stay @ home and be a hermit lol rather than risk dealing with another ungrateful/undeserving person who is pregnant !
Hubby and I have been TTC for 13 years. Most of my friends know my struggle and one who was talking to me a day ago about my struggle has announced like all the rest with her scan photo that she is 22 weeks. Really!!! I feel like I have been kicked in the heart. I just want one child. To work like everyone else and yet I get nothing. No glimmer or I'm even close. So last night before bed I see that post and my PMA jumps right out of the window and I am back to I am a waste of a woman. I'm never going to be a mom. There is no point in me evening trying. I can't even adopt as I don't have my own home or have a job. Why am I being punished? Why has the guy who sexully abused me as a child been able to have a kid and I am being denied? I feel so alone.
DH says he is there for me but how can he be when he's not even in the equation of TTC. We removed him. I get the injections. The nurses up my foo every other day. Why is something that I want so bad able to hurt me so much?
I have no family of my own to help me through. I have hubby's but all they say is what will be will be. No no no. I can't take that. Or you get told its gods will. Really its god will to beat me down to the point that I start to tell hubby no kids no point in living? Really suicide? I really thought about it. It's not like anyone would miss me.
I just hate feeling like I want to ram the scan pics down their throats. I even feel like their stood there going nanana you can't get pregnant and I can
Seriously why am I bothering with ivf? Iui didn't work so ivf won't. But in the next breath I don't want to give up even after 13 yrs

Thanks RainbowBaby. :hugs: I'm sorry to hear that people are being judgemental towards you because you're in the beginning cycles of TTC. Doesn't matter what stage we are in on this journey, we are all on the same journey and it can be a really hopeless feeling when we don't achieve goals we set for ourselves and see others doing it almost on accident. Since I'm out of the game until september or october I hope you have a lucky and very fertile summer!!!

youre welcome :) :hugs:and thank you so much! ive been on and off trying since my chemical but now I am actively ttc and its so upsetting when ppl question and criticize you and the methods your using:dohh:
Hubby and I have been TTC for 13 years. Most of my friends know my struggle and one who was talking to me a day ago about my struggle has announced like all the rest with her scan photo that she is 22 weeks. Really!!! I feel like I have been kicked in the heart. I just want one child. To work like everyone else and yet I get nothing. No glimmer or I'm even close. So last night before bed I see that post and my PMA jumps right out of the window and I am back to I am a waste of a woman. I'm never going to be a mom. There is no point in me evening trying. I can't even adopt as I don't have my own home or have a job. Why am I being punished? Why has the guy who sexully abused me as a child been able to have a kid and I am being denied? I feel so alone.
DH says he is there for me but how can he be when he's not even in the equation of TTC. We removed him. I get the injections. The nurses up my foo every other day. Why is something that I want so bad able to hurt me so much?
I have no family of my own to help me through. I have hubby's but all they say is what will be will be. No no no. I can't take that. Or you get told its gods will. Really its god will to beat me down to the point that I start to tell hubby no kids no point in living? Really suicide? I really thought about it. It's not like anyone would miss me.
I just hate feeling like I want to ram the scan pics down their throats. I even feel like their stood there going nanana you can't get pregnant and I can
Seriously why am I bothering with ivf? Iui didn't work so ivf won't. But in the next breath I don't want to give up even after 13 yrs



like I told ladybug , you can always message me. seriously please feel free to message me anytime :hugs: you will be a mom one day hun and believe me when I say I understand feeling like its never gonna happen. we can chat up a storm me and you. I don't want u feelin like your alone. I know that feeling and It sucks. ive seen announcements too and it really is hard to take in. hang in there hun:hugs::hugs::hugs:

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