"Just stop trying and it will happen"
SERIOUSLY?! We are LESBIANS! If we stop trying there will be no sperm and therefore definitely no baby!!!
Fab. Couldn't help but chuckle. Some people' s comments are priceless...
"Just stop trying and it will happen"
SERIOUSLY?! We are LESBIANS! If we stop trying there will be no sperm and therefore definitely no baby!!!
Hi Ladies!
Ive love to join this thread. Im turning 40 in October and TTC #1 since November, Im in my 8th cycle and slowing going insane!
Currently 10 DPO and no unusual symptoms. Used SoftCups, hoping it made a difference, stressing big time!
If AF arrives DH is going for his tests. Still I'm going bonkers, this is taking too long, so far been the most challenging thing I've ever done, never thought it would be so difficult...
Buckets and buckets of to us all!
I was having a discussion with my DH last night about my emotions after my chemical last week (and emotions in general), and he believes I should make an attempt to control them. I told him to research the difference in male and female brain chemistry and physiology. He tries to be so understanding, but he seriously worries about my health (stress wise). I really think my reaction to this ordeal has not been out of line. There was some crying, but I also made it through our nephew's 3rd bday party with lots of kiddos and pregnant women without flipping out. I think that is worth something...I hold it together all the time...he just has to deal with me in the comfort of our home. I know he just worries about me, but I wish there was a way for him to understand what it feels like. Can anyone relate?
I was having a discussion with my DH last night about my emotions after my chemical last week (and emotions in general), and he believes I should make an attempt to control them. I told him to research the difference in male and female brain chemistry and physiology. He tries to be so understanding, but he seriously worries about my health (stress wise). I really think my reaction to this ordeal has not been out of line. There was some crying, but I also made it through our nephew's 3rd bday party with lots of kiddos and pregnant women without flipping out. I think that is worth something...I hold it together all the time...he just has to deal with me in the comfort of our home. I know he just worries about me, but I wish there was a way for him to understand what it feels like. Can anyone relate?
A thread for venting! I just want to vent about my boyfriend. I'm trying my hardest and he can be so negative. Its nice to meet all you ladies who are ttc. My name is Stacy. I'm 27. I hope we all succeed in having a baby. I'm on my first monnth of TTC. I wish those ladies who have been trying for months or years the most of luck. I was on birth control for 5 years, got off the pill last month. I'm hoping my body snaps back to its regular self. Or I just get pregnant!
I hope this is my cycle
I technically have been TTC for a year now but my husband and I live in different states for that last year so only get a chance to BD 4 months a year and the last 2 visits I was not Ovulating so that was a wasted. but his transfer will be official in September so I have started taking my iron pills and Folic Acid , tracking my Ovulation time and keeping up with my temp. I even started buying diaper(when they are on sale ) and baby essentials car seats, bouncers, etc I know I'm crazy worst case I have some awesome baby shower gifts for my friends and family .... baby dust for everyone
I hope this is my cycle