Decided to quit smoking again, it's been 12 hours and I wannasomething (not literally). I quit for six months then started up again when I M/C in August. Time to stop using that as a crutch and get back to smoke free me. I just wanna rip my hair out atm. It will pass once I hit 24 hours like last time I quit. For now it's claw marks on the walls lol. After all, better do the quitting now volunteraly then do it by necessity if we get another bfp. Easier to do it by choice.
Decided to quit smoking again, it's been 12 hours and I wannasomething (not literally). I quit for six months then started up again when I M/C in August. Time to stop using that as a crutch and get back to smoke free me. I just wanna rip my hair out atm. It will pass once I hit 24 hours like last time I quit. For now it's claw marks on the walls lol. After all, better do the quitting now volunteraly then do it by necessity if we get another bfp. Easier to do it by choice.
I find the first few days the easiest. It is 3 weeks later that I really, really want one! (Work stress is part of it)
Decided to quit smoking again, it's been 12 hours and I wannasomething (not literally). I quit for six months then started up again when I M/C in August. Time to stop using that as a crutch and get back to smoke free me. I just wanna rip my hair out atm. It will pass once I hit 24 hours like last time I quit. For now it's claw marks on the walls lol. After all, better do the quitting now volunteraly then do it by necessity if we get another bfp. Easier to do it by choice.
I find the first few days the easiest. It is 3 weeks later that I really, really want one! (Work stress is part of it)
I'm the same as my dad: first day I'm practically walking on the ceiling i'm so aggitated then suddenly after about 24-48 hours it's like I never smoked in my life lol. Dad quit after 30 years of smoking over night when Canada decided to sky rocket the taxes over night. First 2 days don't talk to him, the suddenly it's like he never smoked and he worked at a bar where at the time smoking was still legal inside.
My DH smokes a fair amount and I have no problem being around those who smoke since my whole family does. Best trick that works for me is every time I feel for one I grab a glass of water and start sipping on it or eat a piece of fruit. It distracts you so that by the time you're done drinking or eating the craving had passed. You avoid smoking and you add to your h20/vitamins for the day. Win/win situation lol.
Hi there! I'm new here. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past 4 months. Not very long I know. I haven't been to see a doctor yet to make sure if everything is okay. Just trying to see if it can happen on it's own. I decided to give it until the end of March before I see someone. Like all the other months I'm hoping this is the one!
A great place to post this would be on the tww, two week wait, this thread is for venting, sharing feelings that aren't usually so happy.Hi ladies,
Me n my hubby have been trying to concieve for 6 months.My last periods was on dec23.I have been cramping mildly frm 2 days and i thought it was because of gas,also have lower back pain but no other symptoms.My periods have been delayed just by 3 days..I took a clear blue pregnancy test today morning and it says pregnant. can the pregnancy test detect this early?Are these tests accurate?Although we have been ttc I am so scared now and freaking out!!Can I really be pregnant?