Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I have to say I love this thread!!!
We have been TTC for a little over 2 years. In that time, I have had no less than 5 friends get pregnant. WTH?! It's to the point where when someone new calls to tell me their big news, my energy level gets low and I turn into crappy friend because it's not that I'm not happy for them but what about my struggle? I'm so glad you went off the pill in December and you call and tell me you're pregnant on Valentine's day (example). Since we have 9 months to talk all about your symptoms and you can email all the onesies you can't wait to buy, let me email you a list of everything I have tried to be in your shoes.
Soo frustrating. Now my OBGYN wants to do a 21 day test and set a date for HSG. I'm at the point where if I am not pregnant by January, I'm going back on the pill.
Why did my day have to be so craptacular? I mean...its Monday isn't that enough.
I feel like a dud. I'm the product of an unplanned pregnancy as were many of my half siblings on both sides. My older half sister gets pregnant just looking at her dh penis....and here I am month 11 starting cycle 12 and not a single bfp to show for it.
Did I get the brains and she get the babies!?!?!?
I have to agree I am getting annoyed with everyone saying: just relax and it will happen! I am thinking perhaps not, TTC forever, me PCOS, DH low drive, and it's been putting a LOT of stress on our 11.5-year long relationship! Done with relaxing, off to FS next, if Clomid is a no go. People have been fairly nice to me, they don't ask, unless I start, but they have NO idea...
why do people feel the need to interfere and tell me my age? and that i am to young to ttc? i'd understand if i stayed under my parents roof and was getting every benefit under the sun but i am not! i have my own flat, have worked hard for my money & so has my OH! fuck off and stop telling me to wait a few years! NO!

also, to people who think i am just wanting to a baby to claim benefits.. FUCK OFF! this is not why i am having a baby.. i do not need/want benefits to bring my baby up.

SAME HERE! I havent told anybody that we are TTC but im sick and tired of people telling me not to have a baby yet. I mean as soon as i got married, the rude comments and questions started rolling in like a flood! and my mom is the main one! to be honest, i get jealous when people say they get pressure from their mom to have a baby. I know it adds to the stress factor but At least theyre being supportive! I hate when my mom says "wait a few years cuz getting pregnant right now is not what i want for you." Fuck what you want! MY life is about what I want! and I WANT A BABY! :growlmad:

And dont even get me started on the rude ass doctors who wouldnt treat my PCOS because of my age!! i should have sued them!!
This is sort of building off my last post but i just wanted to know, are there any other young-ish PCOS ladies whos doctors wouldnt give them proper treatments because of their age??? Or act like Birth Control was the ONLY way to treat PCOS?? My doctors did that to me when i was first diagnosed and it still makes me mad to this day! The doctor who diagnosed me wouldnt even discuss REAL treatment options with me. I swear she was hell bent on prescribing me birth control and offering me free condoms! and then my second doctor tried to convince me that i was "too young" to have PCOS and then told me that i need to wait to have kids! It just pisses me off cuz not all 18/19 year olds need to be on birth control! some of us are married or in serious relationships and WANT to get pregnant! and its their job as doctors to make ALL OPTIONS AVAILABLE not just the ones they think are appropriate. its not their place to pass judgement or play GOD and try to keep some one who wants a child from being able to have one! regardless of their age! im pretty sure theres a LAW against that type of thing!
I would write a formal complaint about that Hun. People (especially medical people) have no right to lecture you on when to have children. I mean obviously if you're seventeen, unmarked and say you want a baby for the benefits then fair enough - lecture away. But regardless of age, if someone is in a relationship and wants to have children and are able to support those children then why shouldn't they?

My vent
Dear dr,
Please stop referring to my sperm donor as my partner. You know the score. I correct you every time. Next time I will BRING DP with me so that you can see that she is a woman and therefore has no sperm to give.
I've been TTC for 10+ months. No period in 2.5 months. Always BFN....without a shimmer of a line. Was given Provera to start my period but just kept thinking what if what if and haven't taken it yet. Lot's of dr. appts next week for me and my DH. So very tired of trying, of peeing on sticks, worrying, family keeps asking me what's wrong. All of this but still trying to stay happy and stress-free for future baby. Some days are great, some days are terrible. I never was good at waiting for what I wanted. But, here I am, waiting and praying. Thinking I might have PCOS, but I guess I'll let the dr. decide that in the near future. Why does this fertility thing have to be so tricky! I avoid every "I got pregnant on the first try" story like the plague. Well, this is my vent. In real life, I'm actually a really happy funny pleasant person to be around, but this forum is really helpful for when the angry POAS addict needs a release.
Baby dust to all!

I completely understand what you're going though. We're here for you! At least you're seeing a doctor. It's nice to have answers.

I'm waiting on the results of my ultrasound to see if there's something wrong with me. Only been 8 months ttc, but 4 years off bc not always being too careful about it. You start to lose hope after seeing negatives every month, but you have to keep moving forward with life, right? I agree most days are good, but some days it hits you. Lots of babydust to you.

i have been ttc for almost 8 months i completely understand what you both are feeling , my husband and i havent been precautious or careful the last 3 years so it could have happened anytime in the last 3 years but hasnt, and now that were actually making an effort it still isnt happening, its heart breaking every month, its heart breaking when my friends have a baby especially one right after another, its painful when people complain about there kids n i know inside i would give anything to have a baby, Prayers, Love and baby dust my fellow TTC friends<3:hugs:
Hey everyone im new here! Just Joined the Site & Group! i am SOOOOOOOooo happy that there are others out there i can talk to about this, i am so tired of feeling like i cant talk about this to my friend because i feel like im annoying her with this "obsession" over TTC, i am also tired of people telling me to "Quit Trying" or Enjoy being young while i have the chance, im so tired of getting the Question "are you guys having kids anytime soon" i just want to SCREAM i get so upset. i cry on a daily basis, im tired of feeling like this, i want it all to be over ,im emotionally DRAINED! & Physically Drained....<3
@AlyCon : I'm 19, and ttc as well, and yes, it is annoying to have people tell you that you're too young, etc, etc. I just want to smack them and inform them that it's not their life, uterus, or vagina! Lol. It's agitating. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. :)
Next time I will BRING DP with me so that you can see that she is a woman and therefore has no sperm to give.

I thanked you because of this line. Show the Dr and make them understand that families come in many forms!!!

And you are right Aly should make a formal complaint. The doctor should treat not preach.
New rant;

I attended a baby shower this weekend and it was AWFUL. I tried to smile through most of it but as my friend /BF's sister opened all her gifts I couldn't help but step outside and burst out in tears. It was terrible to see her hold up all those outfits and talk about how cute he will be. I am so tired of waiting for the stork to nab me, come on already :(
I am here so I can get some tips and advices to increase my chances to concieve. Could you guys plz give me some tips. I would really appreciate. Thanks:)
I am here so I can get some tips and advices to increase my chances to concieve. Could you guys plz give me some tips. I would really appreciate. Thanks:)

Hey. This is a vent thread for TTC #1 so...we haven't figured it out yet either. Feel free to complain all you want in here but your questions may be better answered n The general TTC threads.

Welcome all the same.
I read somewhere that almost 90% of people who take *longer* to get pregnant will eventually get pregnant with medicine, dr. intervention, etc.
Only if you have money.
Fertility treatments are limited to the wealthy.
That is my rant.
By the time I can afford IVF I will seriously need one because I will be so old.
I read somewhere that almost 90% of people who take *longer* to get pregnant will eventually get pregnant with medicine, dr. intervention, etc.
Only if you have money.
Fertility treatments are limited to the wealthy.
That is my rant.
By the time I can afford IVF I will seriously need one because I will be so old.

Here here!!!

though, if it comes down to that for us, I'd rather focus my time/money/efforts on adoption... THAT is pretty much guaranteed to result in children!

My rant. I really need my sister to gtfo of my apartment and into her own place. I really really need to be able to have spontaneous, obnoxiously loud sex with my DH. Sex just isn't the same when you have to be mindful of a house guest. :growlmad:
I am so sick and tired of everyone else around me getting pregnant so easily!

I feel like someone is wishing me ill well and wanting me to suffer....
I am so tired of using HPT's month after month and seeing one ugly, stupid line. I had a dream last night that I was taking HPT's and every one had two bright pink lines, why can't that be real life?? :(
I am so sick and tired of everyone else around me getting pregnant so easily!

I feel like someone is wishing me ill well and wanting me to suffer....

I often wonder if my ex or his mother have a voodoo doll of me with pins in my uterus. We broke up partly because I want kids and he didn't.

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