Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I really love the show Grimm and was so happy that it returned. However, today was NOT the day for them pull what I hate the most in shows. The "one night stand = bfp"/ Woman purposely tried to TTC with the man without him knowing and succeeded stunt. Last thing I want to see when I've had about 6 Advil's through the course of the day and curled up in a ball. Not to mention, so unrealistic how she gets the BFP not even 2 days later. I know it's just a show but c'mon..make it a bit more realistic! :nope::dohh:

We also watch Grimm. Love it! My DH is away so well be watching that episode tomorrow night. It's one of my pet peeves how much they skew stuff like that. A little is ok (it's tv) but sometimes it's like 'seriously?' Lol

Whoops, sorry for the mini spoiler. At least I didn't put in names ;) lol. But yea if they're going to make those kinds of storylines at least make it believable even if it's in a show about mystical creatures :dohh:

Did you happen to watch Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1?? Most unrealistic pregnancy and birthing EVER!! If only TWW was actually that simple. Day 1: BD...Day 2: Throw Up...and Day 3: POAS, GET BFP!! Wouldn't we all just love that???

Not a fan of Twilight but heard how stupid the BFP session of it was. I understand it's hollywood but they don't need to throw common sense out the window lol.
I really love the show Grimm and was so happy that it returned. However, today was NOT the day for them pull what I hate the most in shows. The "one night stand = bfp"/ Woman purposely tried to TTC with the man without him knowing and succeeded stunt. Last thing I want to see when I've had about 6 Advil's through the course of the day and curled up in a ball. Not to mention, so unrealistic how she gets the BFP not even 2 days later. I know it's just a show but c'mon..make it a bit more realistic! :nope::dohh:

We also watch Grimm. Love it! My DH is away so well be watching that episode tomorrow night. It's one of my pet peeves how much they skew stuff like that. A little is ok (it's tv) but sometimes it's like 'seriously?' Lol

Whoops, sorry for the mini spoiler. At least I didn't put in names ;) lol. But yea if they're going to make those kinds of storylines at least make it believable even if it's in a show about mystical creatures :dohh:

Did you happen to watch Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1?? Most unrealistic pregnancy and birthing EVER!! If only TWW was actually that simple. Day 1: BD...Day 2: Throw Up...and Day 3: POAS, GET BFP!! Wouldn't we all just love that???

Not a fan of Twilight but heard how stupid the BFP session of it was. I understand it's hollywood but they don't need to throw common sense out the window lol.

How it plays out, and is explained, makes a little more "sense" in the books (I read those long before the movies). They explain that because of the situation, with a vampire and human, and the baby being a 'hybrid' of sorts, that everything, including pregnancy, moves much quicker than it would for a regular human baby. It's still ridiculous how quick all of it happens, but it is fantasy after all.
Well, I finally had some ovary pain on my left side.... It is always on my left too which is odd... Anyways I am hoping that it means I finally ovulated even though we didn't bd because hopefully that means my af will start. Once my AF starts I am going to start taking fertilaid instead!
Saw a woman on the bus today with a baby strapped to the back of her and she was SAT DOWN. Poor child was almost being squashed to death every time the driver stopped suddenly.
Another ultrasound blasted across my fb newsfeed by someone I didnt even know his wife was expecting :/
What the hell is wrong with me? Negative tests but my back is killing me, hungry all the time and I have to pee every freakin hour. I also keep getting these weird moments of pain in my boobs. I can not wait to get this doctors appointment over with. If I'm not pregnant than what is it?!?
im losing it my aunt just had her baby boy. i keep breaking down. my hubby doesnt understand how painful it is to watch everyone around me get pregnant and have their babies. there are at least 10 pregnant people on my facebook. my sister thinks its funny to call me infertile, and tell me i should just go on birth control. it frustrates me because she has chosen not even have kids and just adopt much later in life. and im here all i want is one healthy baby, ive already given up on a big family since i cant even get pregnant with one. hubby supports the fact that im trying everything and if that doesnt work, i think we will adopt find a young girl who doesnt want her baby. why dont they educate on how hard it can be to get pregnant. i had to cancel my therapy for this month which i hate because i need to go, but i have to go to a funeral for someone i didnt know im not being mean but it means i cant get another appointment for over a month. my period has been going for over 2 weeks, i cant stand long periods and i cant do anything until it ends. which keeps setting us back :( im so sick of trying i dont even want to have sex anymore, all i want to do is curl in a ball and cry and be alone
Literally just had a screaming arguement with my husband why it's basically impossible to have af & be preg and he still refuses to believe there are rare cases but still what would make him think I'd be the one in a million also he says a bfn means nothing I know in a lot of cases it does cuz it was too early to test or what not but still uggg men... I know I still have til the 18th to test but his nonstop saying I'm preg is getting to me I wanna believe he's right but I kinda lost hope for this cycle :/
So positive OPK yesterday, pain in my right side all of today, so hopefully ovulation taking place as we did. We seem to have timed it really well so fingers crossed!

Let the 2ww begin.... the worst female torture ever invented! How to make the next 14 days go quickly????? And next person who knows I'm TTC to tell me 'but jsut relax and forget about it' can just go to...!!!!!!! If it was a matter of choosing to be relaxed and not thinking about it, don't they think I would???????????
@Hoping girl: I hear you! My parents and sister know about me and DH TTC'ing, and the issues we've had, and their favorite response is "your time will come, so you shouldn't worry". Ugh! I think my favorite though, is when people who had zero problems conceiving try to give advice, especially when they got their bfp after being off bc for one month! My sister tries this all the time, and all three of her children were conceived the first month after she started trying. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

My vent:

Really wishing my body would just make up its mind on whether or not AF is going to show up. All the signs I've had this week are either because AF is just around the corner, or there's a bfp waiting for me. Is it too much to ask for one clear sign that has no relation to AF coming?
Literally just had a screaming arguement with my husband why it's basically impossible to have af & be preg and he still refuses to believe there are rare cases but still what would make him think I'd be the one in a million also he says a bfn means nothing I know in a lot of cases it does cuz it was too early to test or what not but still uggg men... I know I still have til the 18th to test but his nonstop saying I'm preg is getting to me I wanna believe he's right but I kinda lost hope for this cycle :/

I know exactly what you mean! My DH does it to me all the time. He will be like you boobs look bigger or your nipples look darker.... I finally had to tell him that he needed to stop. Ugh men.
FireLyte I keep feeling off and on what I think are AF cramps but it never shows up. It's really frustrating. Maybe soon...or maybe not. Either way ANSWERS PLEASE!
Don't you just love seeing people treat their kids like shit?? Ughh I would give anything to have a child and it hurts to see other people take theirs for granted and treat them bad..

One day..
Yah it irks me so bad that people who don't take care of the child they do have fall pregnant again. I'm almost convinced that in order to have babies you have to be a crappy parent or just not want kids. I heard last night about a girl who had been doin drugs fell pregnant stayed sober after having the kid goin back to drugs she's completely clean now but man those kind of stories irk me to noo end. Careless women who obviously don't deserve a child. Why does it have to be soo easy for those type of women but ones who would clearly make amazing moms aren't even given the chance gah its like a punch in the face from God.
Yah it irks me so bad that people who don't take care of the child they do have fall pregnant again. I'm almost convinced that in order to have babies you have to be a crappy parent or just not want kids. I heard last night about a girl who had been doin drugs fell pregnant stayed sober after having the kid goin back to drugs she's completely clean now but man those kind of stories irk me to noo end. Careless women who obviously don't deserve a child. Why does it have to be soo easy for those type of women but ones who would clearly make amazing moms aren't even given the chance gah its like a punch in the face from God.

Yea or the party teens that barely graduated high school and go drinking every weekend with no job and still living at home conceive with a careless one night stand. We're so fed up of seeing everyone around us get bfp's meaning DH and I. Especially since not a single friend in the passed year that gave us the news of a bfp, NONE of them were planned. Literally none. The only planned bfp we knew about wound up in a the wife wanting to get pregnant to keep the husband around situation. Didn't work meaning they still split. It's horrible when people have kids for the wrong reasons so to me I still don't consider it legit planned because it's not the right reasons and plus the DH was peer pressured into it.
Wiped and saw some blood. Wiped again...nothing. WTF body WHAT are you doing?! If it is my AF finally I guess I need to start tracking my cycle. I'm not sure what I should do first though. Any suggestions?
@Sam: first day of your cycle is first day of actual bleeding - spotting doesn't count (or so I've been told).
FireLyte I keep feeling off and on what I think are AF cramps but it never shows up. It's really frustrating. Maybe soon...or maybe not. Either way ANSWERS PLEASE!

I am in the same boat!
I am so ready to be a mom! This is the most frustrating thing ever especially since you have no control over it. I'm so tired of getting my hopes up every single month then balling my eyes out.

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