AlyCon Got AF! well, it's not a natural AF it's withdrawal bleeding but it means I responded to the progesterone so yay!
Now for my rant..
If you're going to teach teenagers about sex tell them EVERYTHING! Not just the parts you think will scare them into abstaining!! Seriously most sex Ed goes like this "All it takes is ONE TIME to get pregnant .. Here's a list of STDs! Everybody take a condom. The end."
Honestly, as some one who got married right out of high school, it would have been helpful to know at least a little something about infertility. I mean I knew that some people couldn't have kids but other than the age factor I really didn't know any reasons WHY. And even though I knew something wasn't right with my cycles, I was absolutely gutted when I was diagnosed with a condition I had NEVER even heard of before but apparently had already been suffering from for YEARS. I think it's a shame that i could define every STD in the book but words like Amenorrhea, Annovulatory, Endometriosis, Low motility, Azoospermia, and PCOS weren't even in the books!!
It's a shame that young men and women everywhere are being blind sided by their infertility because the adults around them decided not to tell the whole truth. and the truth is theyre trying so hard to scare them into abstinence that they end up leaving them devastatingly uneducated about reproduction and fertility. And that's no good for anybody.
Edit to add: I'm not saying to go around giving tips to teens on how to become more fertile or scaring them into thinking they can't have kids or anything like that. But just like my post says, there's a whole other side to reproduction that's being left out here and it's causing more harm than good in the long run. Sadly there will always be sexually active teens and teen pregnancy. ultimately it's up to parents to raise their kids with morals, ethics, religion etc. and that's what will play the biggest role in whether or not they have sex. But when it comes to educating them on the FACTS, I think EVERYTHING should be taught.