So basically all my FRERs have indent lines!!! ALL OF THEM! And they are clearly visible to me. So here I am thinking I had "the start of a BFP" when all I really had were the most horrible indents ever! From what I've read "the old frers" didn't have them but the news ones do. Why on earth would you add a grey line to a LINE TEST! It doesn't matter that we know only pink lines are positive, we are women desperate to get pregnant! If we see a line- ANY LINE- we are going to get our hopes up. I honestly think it's a trick to get us to buy more tests. Evil Evil FRER people! I have one frer left and after this I'm never buying them again! I'm so disappointed and all the ladies here swear by them. But then I realized, the ones who love frers are the ones who've gotten their BFPs at freakin 7dpo with all five of their pregnancies which they conceived on the first try every time!!! That's why they love them! And while I'm on it I hate those "my baby's two months old and I think I have a BFP" posts! I'm thinking no way! But sure enough there's a bright pink positive frer to show for it. Along with three other tickers showing two kids under the age of 2 and a set of twins!!! Frers are for fertiles! Never buying them again!!