Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I don't know what to think anymore. Every little thing that my body does makes me think that maybe it's a sign. Earlier I had this weird sharp pulling pain around where my left ovary is. I got excited and then told myself it's stupid to do so. Ive gained weight in the past few weeks. I have people saying "oh you're pregnant, I know it". Yeah? Well I haven't tested in over a month and don't plan to in the near future. I have nothing going on that would really make me think I'm pregnant. Period is suppose to start in 7 days but who knows?! Seeing as the last cycle was 30 days late. I wish I could just go about my life and not care about it. It's hard however when I see women my age (26) that I went to school with who have 2-3 kids already. Sigh. :(
I have a pregnant friend that is constantly complaining about her pregnancy, about how the baby moves all the time and she is up all night going to the bathroom and never gets any sleep. I would giving anything to be in her shoes!!! She doesn't realize how lucky she is.
If I have to go to another baby shower I might be sick! Seems everyone I know is having a baby. Dont get me wrong, Im happy for my friends and family, but when is it going to be my turn!

Im so tired of hearing..." If you stop trying so hard it will happen"
well we have come full circle. Today is my would of been due date and still not pregnant. sigh.
That awkward moment when you're feeling so done and fed up with ttc that your DH is the one that asks you if you're O because usually you tell him that you are but you don't see the point in even telling your DH that you are because you have a feeling it's going to be another waste of time. Kinda surprised though, it is a fuzzy feeling when you find DH showing interest.
Today is CD123 and I'm annoyed at how calm I feel about everything being shit.

I'm still unemployed, we still live with my parents who are abusive and don't respect our privacy, I'm sick of my hometown not being how it was (lots of places have shut down) and I haven't heard anything from my doctor about what's happening next. I called yesterday to ask if there was any news and the receptionist said she would get the doctor to call me today at around 12pm but she hasn't.

I can't help but wonder why I should bother trying to improve any part of my life because I keep constantly having things taken out of my hands and going wrong. I have no control over anything.
I am a little aggravated at my gyno office. The do first appointments at 6 weeks of pregnancy and so that is May 4th for me but they are closed that day, that is fine and well. I was hoping for them to give me an appointment that Monday but they are making me wait til the 9th.... They know I was having problems with progesterone, I was at a 12.1 at my last blood draw but you would think that they would want to keep better tabs on me. My doctor is amazing, I think it is the receptionist staff that is getting to me.
Annoyed with the customer support when I called ClearBlue this morning. Just a little.

The conversation went something like...

"Hi my name is blahblahblah how can I help you today?"
"Hey, my name is *Insert my RL name here* and I'm a bit thrown off by your tests. I've bought two of the Digital Advanced box's now, and last month all I got was flashing smilies. This box I feel as if I'm getting my flashing smiley's early. I don't know what to do."
"When you say you've bought two boxes, do you mean you've been using both boxes for your last two cycles?"
"Uhhh, no. Last Cycle I used just one box, then bought another one for this cycle."
"And why do you think they are faulty?"
"Well, (Woman, I told you...) this cycle it's telling me I'm high fertility earlier than I expected. I don't expect to Ovulate till Thursday, and I've gotten flashing smiley's Yesterday and Today."
"You mean this Thursday correct?"
"And how long are your cycles?"
"Uuuhhh. Let me just double check my chart. (Crap, how could I forget my own cycle length!? I should had wrote this down before calling...) It's 25 days."
"25? Really? Thats a short cycle!---"
"(Don't remind me.):roll:"
"Well, according to your cycle length, it's not unusual at all for your body to be producing a lot of estrogen at this time. Are you using your first morning urine?"
"Well, last cycle no. I got confused about when to take them and was waiting till later in the afternoon. This cycle I read the packet over again and started using it right in the morning as directed. But that's not just it, theirs also the fact of half the test results window has turned blue!"
"Are you directly urinating on the stick, or are you dipping?"
"Directly. (Do you want to share cookie recipes too? Que TMI much?)"
"You may be holding it under your stream too long and it's just absorbing too much. Don't worry, the test can still read it."
"So, everything is working just fine?"
"As far as I can see, due to your cycle length. It's normal and good that the test is picking up your high days."
"Alright. Thank you for helping me."
"Blahblahblah! Thanks for calling!"
(End call)

So yes, the woman was helpful, and basically made me feel like a moron with her false over the top cheerful disposition. Come to find out, it's been my own ignorance mostly. I feel like a schmuck. I don't regret calling, but I wish I had been better prepared and had reviewed the test pack directions 3 times over. ](*,)
I think I might be pregnant for real this time but I'm TERRIFIED to test! It's a long story so to make it short: Im back on track with my Metformin but before this I lost 15lbs which isn't a lot but I'm normal weight so i think it might have been enough to help me O. Anyway last week I had two days of light spotting that was pink on Wednesday and brown on Thursday. Very light and only when I wiped, and a little on a tampon I put in because I though it was AF finally coming (it didn't and still hasn't). But I also know spotting could be O so we had already BD on Monday and we BD again on Wednesday and Friday. But the cramps lasted a few days and i was having some back pain and other symptoms so then I thought well maybe I already O'd and that was implantation bleeding!! So I tried to forget about it over the weekend but I was having more cramps and gas and I know Metformin can cause those but I can tell gas pain from cramps and I definitely had some cramps and also shooting stabbing pains down to my pelvis and on my side. And another weird thing was I got extremely itchy at night!!! I know it sounds silly but some women have that in early pregnancy, something about hormones? Anyway this morning I had a lot of CM it was white but not like ewcm it was more liquidy and not sticky. Oh and i seriously gagged on my prenatal vitamin! they smell and taste gross and im used to it by now but today i gagged so bad i almost threw up. i managed to get it down and was still gagging a little after. So of course I consulted Dr Google (lol) and all of this is seriously pointing towards IB and early pregnancy. If that was IB last Wednesday I'm pretty sure i should get a BFP if I tested right now. But I'm so scared!! I really don't want to be disappointed :( I feel like I always get my hopes up just to have them come crashing down. The spotting obviously wasn't AF so I'm hoping it was either O or IB and not just some weird random thing that my body was doing. I'm not sure when or if I'm going to test.

If I am pregnant I'd be about four weeks if Implantation just happened last week I think. So if I wait two more weeks that would make me six weeks and I would surely have some obvious symptoms by then! And if I don't have any symptoms or AF then it's back to the doctor I go. I really don't want to be put on BC for three months but I don't think Im ready to force ovulation with clomid or anything like that just yet. Idk my mind is in ten different places right now. Sorry this wasn't really a vent but I guess I just needed to write everything down and try to make sense of it.
@Alycon: my fingers are crossed for you. Your symptoms are definitely hopeful for a bfp! If I were you, I don't think I could stand waiting, but I know I would give it at least a week before testing, just to be sure. I will admit that is, for me, the most irritating thing about PCOS: without ever knowing when AF is going to show up, any random point in time could provide bfp or AF symptoms. I wish they weren't so similar, or that our bodies weren't messed up!
My friend had her baby today & I'm happy for her n all but I still feel so sad for me cuz we both were TTC & she fell pregnant instantly & now she's had her baby & I'm still not pregnant :/
My friend had her baby today & I'm happy for her n all but I still feel so sad for me cuz we both were TTC & she fell pregnant instantly & now she's had her baby & I'm still not pregnant :/

Seems like everyone I know is having babys. A coworker and I were TTC at the same time, her baby is now 8months old and Im still TTC. Im happy for her but its also kind of depressing :( GL :dust:
I got three texts from my friend today telling me she absolutely needs/wants to see me very soon. I ignored a couple messages from her a week or so ago. I already know why she "urgently" needs to see me. I know she started TTC #2 in January. She knows we've been trying for 7 months with PCOS.

She's totally pregnant and trying to "soften the blow" or something lame. Honey, just tell me your news via text and get it over with. That way I can give you your congrats with text words while I do my ugly cry. Please don't put me through the misery of sitting through an entire dinner with you congratulating you over and over about blessing number 2, while I attempt to minimalize my suffering and pain and you suggest I relax and/or adopt or try IVF.

Seriously, a simple "I'm pregnant" text with suffice.
I got three texts from my friend today telling me she absolutely needs/wants to see me very soon. I ignored a couple messages from her a week or so ago. I already know why she "urgently" needs to see me. I know she started TTC #2 in January. She knows we've been trying for 7 months with PCOS.

She's totally pregnant and trying to "soften the blow" or something lame. Honey, just tell me your news via text and get it over with. That way I can give you your congrats with text words while I do my ugly cry. Please don't put me through the misery of sitting through an entire dinner with you congratulating you over and over about blessing number 2, while I attempt to minimalize my suffering and pain and you suggest I relax and/or adopt or try IVF.

Seriously, a simple "I'm pregnant" text with suffice.

I know what you mean! I have a friend who is pregnant with #2 after only trying for a couple months. She complains to me about how her pregnancy is so horrible and how Im "lucky" that I dont have to deal with it.
Been trying since December and having to have a 21 day blood test on monday (came off BC and period didnt arrive for 4 months). In the mean time i know 4 people that have announced pregnancies. One of which only got married in December and is now 15 weeks!

To top it off ive have 2 people at work comment that i should be having kids now!...yes thanks im well aware!!! grrr
Officially missed O... again. UGH. That's the second month in a row. Just cleaned out my drawers as I have a habit of making a mess out of them and found the maternity dress I bought myself for hope 3 1/2 years ago to get myself excited. Found myself so discouraged this time around looking at it knowing it's still sitting there collecting dust.
Officially missed O... again. UGH. That's the second month in a row. Just cleaned out my drawers as I have a habit of making a mess out of them and found the maternity dress I bought myself for hope 3 1/2 years ago to get myself excited. Found myself so discouraged this time around looking at it knowing it's still sitting there collecting dust.

I also bought a maternity dress (in September) because I thought it was so cute, on sale, had been eyeing it, and thought I would be pregnant by now and could wear it! I understand!
Well, a part of me was secretly hoping that we were pregnant and I was one of the women that dont get a BFP until after they miss their periods. My normal AF symptoms were just not showing up. Well I started getting that achey abdomen AF feeling yesterday (on my birthday, what a sense of humor my AF has) and my nipples started hurting today. awesome!
Dear Uterus,

It's CD124. If you could either get AF to visit or show up that I'm pregnant, I would be rather grateful. Resistance to do either will probably result in an overdose of chocolate.

Your frenemy,

Mrs. Limm
Thanks body for the ridiculous short cycle! 24 days and and a 10 day LP, regardless of whether we could've fertilised an egg (which we probably can't!), it probably wouldn't have been enough for it to implant and increase hormone levels before my body rids it all. Gods sake!

And thank you to the pregnant women and those with newborns following me round town centres, supermarkets and just about everywhere... Rubbing your bumps and cooing at your little ones. Time for segregated supermarkets I think?!

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