"Hi my name is blahblahblah how can I help you today?"
"Hey, my name is *Insert my RL name here* and I'm a bit thrown off by your tests. I've bought two of the Digital Advanced box's now, and last month all I got was flashing smilies. This box I feel as if I'm getting my flashing smiley's early. I don't know what to do."
"When you say you've bought two boxes, do you mean you've been using both boxes for your last two cycles?"
"Uhhh, no. Last Cycle I used just one box, then bought another one for this cycle."
"And why do you think they are faulty?"
(Woman, I told you...) this cycle it's telling me I'm high fertility earlier than I expected. I don't expect to Ovulate till Thursday, and I've gotten flashing smiley's Yesterday and Today."
"You mean this Thursday correct?"
"And how long are your cycles?"
"Uuuhhh. Let me just double check my chart.
(Crap, how could I forget my own cycle length!? I should had wrote this down before calling...) It's 25 days."
"25? Really? Thats a short cycle!---"
(Don't remind me.)
"Well, according to your cycle length, it's not unusual at all for your body to be producing a lot of estrogen at this time. Are you using your first morning urine?"
"Well, last cycle no. I got confused about when to take them and was waiting till later in the afternoon. This cycle I read the packet over again and started using it right in the morning as directed. But that's not just it, theirs also the fact of half the test results window has turned blue!"
"Are you directly urinating on the stick, or are you dipping?"
(Do you want to share cookie recipes too? Que TMI much?)"
"You may be holding it under your stream too long and it's just absorbing too much. Don't worry, the test can still read it."
"So, everything is working just fine?"
"As far as I can see, due to your cycle length. It's normal and good that the test is picking up your high days."
"Alright. Thank you for helping me."
"Blahblahblah! Thanks for calling!"
(End call)
So yes, the woman was helpful, and basically made me feel like a moron with her false over the top cheerful disposition. Come to find out, it's been my own ignorance mostly. I feel like a schmuck. I don't regret calling, but I wish I had been better prepared and had reviewed the test pack directions 3 times over.