Good luck in whatever you choose to do! Have you found a job for the time being?
Gosh, your travelling sounds terrible, I think BA tend to try and make themselves look really good, but often they're pretty rubbish! Particularly when compared with Emirates and Qatar Airlines
It would be lovely to travel the world... oh to be rich, eh?!
We spent 3 days in Bangkok and 7 days in Hua Hin (on the coast). Both were really amazing! Bangkok is really busy, vibrant and exciting... where Hua Hin is very rural and laid back.
The hotel we stayed in was amazing, it's like an eco-hotel and they're really well known worldwide...
I told a friend about our struggles and she says "maybe its just not meant to be, not everyone should be parents". I straight up told her she was a rude cow.
AF got me today. 50 day cycle. Another month down the drain. I really need to find out if I am even ovulating. Guess I'll buy some ovulation strips for next month finally.
I told a friend about our struggles and she says "maybe its just not meant to be, not everyone should be parents". I straight up told her she was a rude cow.
Sometimes I feel so calm and optimistic about TTC, but then something happens and I lose it. It makes me feel like a bad person. I don't like being jealous and bitter, but sometimes I just can't help it.