Trying To Conceive 2012-2013 Babies Club!

Oh my gosh - so many expats!! I am also from South Africa. I'm from Cape Town!!

haha we really are everywhere. my dads family are from cape town. i was born in durban though. have you been in england long?

Hi, yes I have been here almost 9 years now!! I cant believe how long it has been.
Where about in CT are you from? I'm from Edgemead

Where about in Dublin are you? My brother lives in Clonsilla. Yes we are everywhere!!!
hi ladies bfn for me with fmu today 10dpo also after wiping had brown like af flow is on its way to those still in the running!
Hi Ladies, Ive decided to join finally as Ive read so many helpful posts on here. Im 27 years old and me and my husband are TTC#2 (#1 for him).

Im really confused as to which cycle I am on at the moment and could do with some other opinions please.
I had my Implanon removed after using for 6 years on the 16th November 2011. Then had a 3 day bleed on the 18th November then I started a 2 day period on the 15th December 2011. I have never been too sure of how regular I am since I've almost always used BC so I decided to use OPK to see when I ovulate. I started testing on the 23rd December and stopped today as I've failed to detect the surge.

I'm wondering if the bleeding I have had since having my Implant removed have been true periods. What does anyone think?
I'm totally confused right now and in total information overload after reading so many different things on the Internet.

Thanks in Advance and fingers crossed for everyone TTC :)
Hi HRHol,
Welcome to our thread!!

I would say to continue with the OPK's if you can. You could be very close to O!!
What time of day to you use the OPK's?

Hang in there hun, we are all here to support each other!!
Hi skweek35,

Thanks for replying so fast. Ive been using the OPK's roughly between 4pm and 6pm as I read the first wee of the day was a bad time to test for Ovulation, is this right?
I'm really a total newbie to TTC as I wasnt actually trying for my first child (little girl age 7).
I'm finding it a little overwhelming actually, there are so many things to really think about. I've just read about Fertility Friend on here so going to go check it out now :)
I found FF a real help initially but then i became obsessed with it!! so had to stop temping. It was just putting too much pressure on my body!!
:hi: ladies may i join this lovely group too :flower:

I am ttc#2 and have been since i came off the pill in August 2010. I am 30 and my OH is 35!
Good luck to all :dust::dust:

Hi ladies,

Welcome to paula181 and HRHol and lots of baby dust to you both.

Hope all you ladies are doing great. Quick update for you all, I'm on CD 70 and I have symptoms of AF (sore boobs) which is god because I need my AF to come before I can book appointment for transvaginal and HSG, I'm definitely not going to be able to do the HSG before my FS appointment( Jan 18th ), so do you think I should reschedule or just go and hear what they have to say. I have been waiting so long I don't want to postpone.

I also think I o on cd 57 but I'm not sure as I was not temping or anything, do you think I should do a pregnancy test or wait a few more days?

Take care ladies

Good morning period was due yesterday, she didn't cum and i took a pregnancy test this morning and it was :bfp: ( faint second line) but it became a little clearer than it was in the beginning. a Definite 2 lines.


I have 1 question, i had cramps on Saturday, thought it was period pains coz period was due sunday and took 2 brufens... Last wk i also took a tablet for a yeast infection....Can anything happen? I am going to the doctor on Wednesday...
cutedimples, congrats. Cramping is perfectly normal. I had AF like cramps most of the time throughout my whole pregnancy with both of my kids. I remember thinking alright, no more af and no more painful cramps.... hehe... I was so wrong on the cramping part. Good luck!
Well update:

the :witch: showed her ugly face on the fifth. I am still seeing the doctor Tuesday and he will probably put me on Clomid since he wanted me on it like 5 months ago. As for the spotting for multiple days I will find out what that is all about too. I just hope my endometriosis didn't come back because I really don't feel like undergoing another surgery just to have another baby. That surgery put me down for over 3 weeks and having 2 children it is kind of impossible for me to go through that.

I will keep everyone updated. I will let you know what the doc does and says. I will let everyone know when i am in my 2WW again. lol
Got my AF today :witch:. Wasnt feeling overly confident this month away since I didn't detect any LH surge.
Going to try and find out when I ovulate this month to give us a better chance :)

Baby Dust to everyone
Well update:

the :witch: showed her ugly face on the fifth. I am still seeing the doctor Tuesday and he will probably put me on Clomid since he wanted me on it like 5 months ago. As for the spotting for multiple days I will find out what that is all about too. I just hope my endometriosis didn't come back because I really don't feel like undergoing another surgery just to have another baby. That surgery put me down for over 3 weeks and having 2 children it is kind of impossible for me to go through that.

I will keep everyone updated. I will let you know what the doc does and says. I will let everyone know when i am in my 2WW again. lol

Good luck with the clomid. :) let us know how it goes.
Got my AF today :witch:. Wasnt feeling overly confident this month away since I didn't detect any LH surge.
Going to try and find out when I ovulate this month to give us a better chance :)

Baby Dust to everyone

sorry! but i bet its nice to start trying again. You are that much closer!
So yesterday I was really upset because I tested early at 10dpo (I had read on all these people getting their BFP at 10dpo and then read that you have a 60% chance of getting BFP on that day so I caved and tested early) and of course saw BFN! I also had a huge temp drop to go with that BFN so I was so upset!!

Today though I woke up feeling great and very at ease. My temp went up slightly and I even took another test and saw BFN and wasn't bothered by it. So not sure what is going on but at least I have this great mood for some reason!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi, I am new to posting on this board. Although I have read a lot of conversation threads in hopes of staying positive. The good stories really help.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 19, and at the time was told that having a baby would be more difficult. I am not 37, married my wonderful husband in 2007 - but didn't decide to try having a baby till this past summer. Mainly because my husband has always been a bit nervous about having a baby and I didn't want to pressure him. This past summer after my annual trip to the gynecologist I told him nervous or not - I don't have an "endless" window of time to we agreed I would go off BCP...which I did in July.

My doctor recommended I use alternative protection for that first month off the pill (which I did). I did have a period, actually I have had periods since I went off the pill. They have ranged anywhere from 30-40 days apart. In November I started to get frustrated because I couldn't for the life of me figure out when to track ovulation based on the varying length of my cycle so I went back to the doctors and like a very dumb patient asked "aren't you ovulating if you are having a period" - boy was I surprised to learn that a period doesn't mean ovulation.

I should point out that part of the reason I didn't go to him right away about this is I have really been trying to make this a "clinical" thing - I am a bit of a type a personality and the science of this whole pregnancy thing makes my head spin a bit...

So, December 3rd was a start date for my period...and my doctor prescribed 50 mg clomid..which I took days 5-9 and then was instructed to take an ovulation test days ovulation, but I had this sneaking suspicion on day 22 so I took an ovulation test and whamo...was ovulating...then I waited...and last night I started my period.

In the meantime I also called my doctor and asked if I needed a higher dose of clomid since I ovulated beyond day 20. He said, although ovulation occurred later it did occur so just adjust when I do the ovulation testing and to do it from days 12-22.

Whew, this is long winded...I think I just need to kind of get this out because I am kind of bummed, and not feeling real hopeful. Now some of this could be because of the fact that I am a bit hormonal because I just started my period. But, it's just so disheartening and you realize as you are going through this just how much has to go right in order to get pregnant...I mean even a man and woman with no fertility issues only has like a 20% chance per month of getting pregnant (I think that is the rough odds).

So, part of me sits and wonders is this going to happen. Is my doctor doing the right thing(s). He told me I should avoid having sex with my husband until I get a positive ovulation test on those testing days, but then I read stuff and I think it actually makes more sense to just have a lot of sex between days 12-22 because that would increase your odds? I also have read from a lot of you that there is other testing being done, ultrasounds of ovaries, etc. When do you know you should do this??? Is it necessary?

Any words of encouragement much appreciated. I wish I had a magic ball that would predict if this would work or not. I am lucky to have insurance but they don't cover any type of fertility clomid is my only hope.
Got period yesterday morning.. :sad1:
CD2 of Cycle number 3

Awe dont be sad hunni, try not to think about the past cycle as a negative. look at your new one as a positive...

Say to yourself this is my cycle, i will get my :bfp: :flower:
I know its hard hunni, ive been doing it for many many years. You have to keep your chin up and look at it as a positive, otherwise you will end up ill like i did... Stress plays a massive part in infertility. If your stressing your body will not be able to function properly. THNIK POSITIVE, BE POSITIVE, PEE POSITIVE......:hugs:

thanks for kind positive words!!!
Got my AF today :witch:. Wasnt feeling overly confident this month away since I didn't detect any LH surge.
Going to try and find out when I ovulate this month to give us a better chance :)

Baby Dust to everyone

Hey, so did I, lets be cycle buddies - although with my pcos, my cycles are nothing normal. I had some dull cramping, but apart from that nothing major. I will be making cycle day updates which I will post on my blog (details in siggie). Anybody else want to be cycle buddies.
Oh my gosh - so many expats!! I am also from South Africa. I'm from Cape Town!!

haha we really are everywhere. my dads family are from cape town. i was born in durban though. have you been in england long?

Hi, yes I have been here almost 9 years now!! I cant believe how long it has been.
Where about in CT are you from? I'm from Edgemead

Where about in Dublin are you? My brother lives in Clonsilla. Yes we are everywhere!!!

Im from durbanville. Im living in Cork, 6 and a half years now. I know time goes by so fast. any plans on moving back any time son? Oh does he.
I also have read from a lot of you that there is other testing being done, ultrasounds of ovaries, etc. When do you know you should do this??? Is it necessary?


Hi there :) The only reason i had a scan was to rule out any cycst or whatever. My doctor told me because Im only 23 and having problems concieving for the last 2 and a half years, she was concerned. so she set me up for an ultrasound. If you feel that you need tests done, any tests or scans, then ask your doctor. Be straight with them and demand something be done to help you.

I know its hard to try and say away from doctors and clinics and TTC naturally but ur mind will be at ease knowing whether or not you need the help.

I do though, hope that all is ok in that aspect and you concieve with hardly any hassle.

:hug: to you

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