Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

hey, all you girls use FF right?
Just wondering if you pay for it and if so what pkg is the "free trial" runs out in 7days and I'm thinking about purchasing one..just want your opinions!

Tater, sorry you're feeling like AF is on the way...sigh..I'm like you, if AF shows for me this cycle I can honestly say I did everything I possibly could! Although I suppose there's all that soya, meka (sp), vitex and all those different herbs to explore. TTC is exhausting!

As for FF, I purchased the 3-month VIP for $16.95...I *hoped* I wouldn't need it after that.

:hugs: to all the TR's a certainly a journey of valleys and mountains

Hey beach babe:flower:

thaaaanx, I suppose as the day goes on I'm bumming a lil more:( not in tears or freaking out, but it's like GEEEE ~~ya know....and if we do all that we can do, then what? but there's really no point in dwelling on are right, mountains and valleys mountains and valleys...just felt like we've been in the valley for a LONG time w/ this and I'm READY for a mountain top experience...TTC IS exhausting and we've actually NOT tried...for several mo..ya hear a lot of people say, oh we tried, but when we stopped TRYING we got pregnant...well, yeah, and I believe that...but when you pinpoint THE day how does it NOT happen...I certainly hope that I am a rare case and you girls and many others do NOT have a 12 mo journey before conceiving...

Off of my pity party now:blush:
is this your last night of SMEP!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! one night off and one more to go!!!! I've been sooo tired the last few days, my poor DH, he's calling SMEP back on!!!! lol...
well I wish you a beautiful day, and thanks for the FF info..That's what I was actually leaning toward, the 3mo for $16.95...I was thinking, man, If I have to be TTC for ANOTHER YEAR~well, I may give up at THAT point, so I think the 365 day pkg would just depress me:wacko:
love my tr girls!!!
Future: I did test with FMU I am just completely mystified...I didn't test this morning...I just figured I would wait and see what AF was going to do. Last AF cycle, it started about 8 o'clock at I am wondering if tonight will be the same. And yes, I knew this journey might be hard...but I really had no idea...sheesh...](*,) So far I have NO AF symptoms though...other than my temperature going down again I have a feeling something is going on...and it isn't pregnancy...ugh...I will let you guys know....

TTCBaby: I have been thinking about you all day and sending good vibes your way. Can't wait to hear about your scan!

Tater: I'm so sorry the :witch: might be on her way...but I am hoping for a surprise and that she does not come to visit you! I am glad you are thinking about the HSG. At least you will know for sure...but I just bet your tubes are open...and when you have the HSG, they say that it clears debris from your tubes and that you have an increased chance of conceiving for one - three months after having that procedure! Maybe it is just the kick start you need!:hugs: Oh, and Tater...I did FF month to's $10.00. I was hoping I would not need it after that...but I think I am just going to do the 3 for $ just makes more sense...haha.
Hey ladies! Remember, your not out until your out...nobody here should give up hope just yet!

I'm still here waiting for AF. I still have a good few days. Just packing myself full of vitamins and whole foods and waiting.
I thought I would drop by and let you ladies know how my ultrasound went. It went great!!! The baby is in the uterus where she or he is suppose to be, I saw the flickering of the baby's heart, and I also got to hear it!! It was 98 bpm and my OB doc. said that's normal for 5 weeks and 6 days along. My next appt. is March the 4th.
Here is the ultrasound pixs of my miracle peanut! pixs/100_1160_00.jpg pixs/100_1156.jpg
Well I got a few things to do than I'm heading off to bed. I'll talk with you ladies tomorrow. Have a good night and Take care! :hugs:
I thought I would drop by and let you ladies know how my ultrasound went. It went great!!! The baby is in the uterus where she or he is suppose to be, I saw the flickering of the baby's heart, and I also got to hear it!! It was 98 bpm and my OB doc. said that's normal for 5 weeks and 6 days along. My next appt. is March the 4th.
Here is the ultrasound pixs of my miracle peanut! pixs/100_1160_00.jpg pixs/100_1156.jpg
Well I got a few things to do than I'm heading off to bed. I'll talk with you ladies tomorrow. Have a good night and Take care! :hugs:

THAT IS SOOOOO AMAZING AND AWESOME>..was thinking about you all day sweetie!!!!
LOVE those pix...what a WONDERFUL miracle!!! Thanks for sharing those fantastic u/s pix!!!!!!!:kiss:
love and blessings sent YOUR way!!!!:cloud9:
So awesome TTC! Thanks you for sharing :)
My internet has been down off and on all morning because of construction...they are building a new house right near me and they keep doing something to our cable lines! AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I just wanted to pop in while I still have the chance...I am typing 90mph because who KNOWS when it will go down again!

BUT....AF showed up this morning. Bummer....but I knew something was up when my temps kept dropping, so it was really no surprise...:hissy: All I can do is just keep trying, right? I just KNOW 2011 is going to be a lucky year for all us ladies...and TTCbaby was the first one of all of us...she'll be the trend setter! :flower:

TTCBaby: I saw your ultrasound pics!!! I am so glad you posted! I love seeing your little bean and I know you did too! How exciting!!!! I am so happy that things are going well and just as they should be!! Have you already thought about names, etc.? I don't know about everyone else, but I sure have and I am not even preggers yet! Hahahaha! My baby...whether it's a boy or girl...WILL have at least one Greek name...which I've already picked out a handful and my hubby is not crazy about ANY. Hahaha! Well, he seems to like the boy names and we can agree on those...the girl ones are giving us the most trouble...he'll just have to learn to love what I pick...teehee...

But anyway, TTC, so, so, so, so happy for you! Your pregnancy reminds me...when I'm feeling a little down...that it CAN and WILL happen. Love you Girls!

I am going to go hop on my treadmill to try and lose these now 7lbs since surgery...I bet I will lose it and then get preggers....
Tater...I looked at your chart. You are still doing great! Those temps look good. How are you feeling...any sign of the :witch:???

One more thing...

My doctor said that after TR my AF symptoms would get better and maybe even go away....apparently he was right.

I am having zero cramps...and no backache...and my flow isn't so heavy that I am afraid to leave the house! It USED to be that way...AND my cramps and lower backache (which I ALWAYS used to have) would be so painful that I wouldn't want to get out of bed. It was misery....

But now it's not like that at there's some silver lining in this crazy cycle this month, eh?

Have any of you noticed the same? That your cycles have gotten easier???
Tater...I looked at your chart. You are still doing great! Those temps look good. How are you feeling...any sign of the :witch:???


we live in the middle of the woods...and have hughes net, so I get that aggravation...

Well, like 3 days ago I was really feeling af-ish, but I got my ownself mixed up..I was thinking it was due today and it's not~it's due tomorrow...but other than feeling tired, I'm good...I'm assuming that the stuff that was happening 3ish days ago was the onset..I usually don't get many symptoms, some mo's cramps others nothing, some mo's swollen bb's others IDK, I'm expecting her tomorrow and WILL just keep trying~HSG this coming that brightens my spirits..kinda!!!!!
love ya girls hope everyone has a splendid day!!!! it's nearly nap time ~
I LOOOOVE nap time!!!!!
Sag- Hey, I'm in it for next month you! My cycle will be just a few days behind yours...hopefully.

I'm hoping Post-surg. AF is better- I literally cant get out of bed because of the pain sometimes. Not to mention I'm sensitive to synthetic fibers so there's very few feminine products I can use, and having such a heavy flow...ugh, its awful.

Tater- your ticker says CD28, are your cycles 29 days? Have you taken anymore tests? Ha...who am I kidding, your a POASA, I forgot :p Im still rooting for you! If not, I wil have one more TTC buddy for next month.
Sag- Hey, I'm in it for next month you! My cycle will be just a few days behind yours...hopefully.

I'm hoping Post-surg. AF is better- I literally cant get out of bed because of the pain sometimes. Not to mention I'm sensitive to synthetic fibers so there's very few feminine products I can use, and having such a heavy flow...ugh, its awful.

Tater- your ticker says CD28, are your cycles 29 days? Have you taken anymore tests? Ha...who am I kidding, your a POASA, I forgot :p Im still rooting for you! If not, I wil have one more TTC buddy for next month.

My cycles were truly HORRENDOUS the first two cycles after surgery...I thought I might not survive the first one...hahaha! It was REALLY that bad!!!! But then all of a sudden on the 3rd, it was like the clouds parted and the sun shined down and the birds sang...haha...the difference in my cycles now is miraculous! I have had NO AF cramps and NO backache...which was always a guarantee before, but I have not had it the past two cycles...I hope it is the same way for you too!

And my skin is extremely sensitive too! Everywhere...haha. I have to be VERY careful about what products I use...especially on my face...Once I used a new product for blemishes...and I ended up in the hospital with anaphylactic shock...yep...I knew it was time to go to the hospital when my tongue swelled so big that it felt like someone stuffed a sock in my mouth...yikes...and it BURNED my skin too...and my face swelled so much I was literally unrecognizable...lesson learned, haha...I have to test it before I smear it on! It's hard for me to wear sister bought me perfume was Ralph Lauren Glamorous...they don't even make it anymore but I LOVED it...I sprayed it on my neck and the next thing I knew, my skin was on FIRE! I washed it off, but ended up PEELING like I had a sunburn for days! And Nair...good LORD...I can't go near it...Like an idiot once at the beach, I decided to Nair my armpits and legs instead of shaving...I got big red welts and hives all over my legs (so sexy) and my arm pits swelled so much I could not put my arms down! It looked like I was smuggling red tennis balls in my pits!!!! Yeah, I was one SEX-AY creature out on the beach...bwahahahaha! That was also the summer that I used a spray sunscreen on my face...and I was sitting on the beach when my face decided it was time to face felt like it exploded into flames and my eyes watered so much I literally could not SEE and they would not stop! Can you picture all my sexiness??? BWAHAHA! My girlfriends had to guide me back to the house like I was blind so that I could wash my face...So, Benadryl and my Epi-Pen are my friends...I cannot wear most jewelry either...I break out like crazy in welts wherever the jewelry is...and my earlobes instantly swell if I put earrings in...the only jewelry that I can far with no breakouts...are my wedding and engagement rings and my Greek evil eye bracelets...that's it...I even have to paint the back of the snap/button on my jeans clear nail polish or I will have a welt where the button touches my stomach...

Oh and one more thing I am deathly allergic to....LATEX! Yeah...when I went for my TR surgery, they asked if I was allergic to anything and I told them LATEX and they were very careful to use another type of glove and took all the proper precautions...but one nurse used LATEX tape instead of paper tape to dress my incision...I had NO idea...after a while at home, I kept telling my husband I was on FIRE down there...he pulled off the tape and I had ENORMOUS blisters where the tape had been...geez...

I am extremely sensitive to medications too...back in the day, birth control used to make my blood pressure go really low and I would pass out...seriously...I practically needed a crash helmet for work...and then I was allergic to now you guys probably have an idea how I ended up with two surprise pregnancies...haha. My doctor said though...because I am NEVER having another TL...that birth control pills have gotten EVEN better with lower doses of he is sure we can find SOMETHING for me that will work...

My youngest daughter has all my weird skin allergies too...poor girl...

So Dash, I FEEL your pain!!!!!!! I am limited to the feminine products I can use too...the pads they gave me after surgery caused me to break out...thank GOD my husband loves me...because the post-surgery look for me is NOT sexy!!! Hahaha!
My internet has been down off and on all morning because of construction...they are building a new house right near me and they keep doing something to our cable lines! AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I just wanted to pop in while I still have the chance...I am typing 90mph because who KNOWS when it will go down again!

BUT....AF showed up this morning. Bummer....but I knew something was up when my temps kept dropping, so it was really no surprise...:hissy: All I can do is just keep trying, right? I just KNOW 2011 is going to be a lucky year for all us ladies...and TTCbaby was the first one of all of us...she'll be the trend setter! :flower:

TTCBaby: I saw your ultrasound pics!!! I am so glad you posted! I love seeing your little bean and I know you did too! How exciting!!!! I am so happy that things are going well and just as they should be!! Have you already thought about names, etc.? I don't know about everyone else, but I sure have and I am not even preggers yet! Hahahaha! My baby...whether it's a boy or girl...WILL have at least one Greek name...which I've already picked out a handful and my hubby is not crazy about ANY. Hahaha! Well, he seems to like the boy names and we can agree on those...the girl ones are giving us the most trouble...he'll just have to learn to love what I pick...teehee...

But anyway, TTC, so, so, so, so happy for you! Your pregnancy reminds me...when I'm feeling a little down...that it CAN and WILL happen. Love you Girls!

I am going to go hop on my treadmill to try and lose these now 7lbs since surgery...I bet I will lose it and then get preggers....

I have a girl name pick out, but no boy names yet. I'll have to start thinking about a boys name just in case. I'm so sorry to hear the :witch: showed up! :hugs: I wish you tons of :dust: this cycle!!
Tater and Dash how are things coming along with you two ladies?
Tater have you tested yet or are waiting to see if AF shows her ugly face?
Tons of :dust: ladies!!! :hugs:
Oh Saga- I'm so glad somebody understands! I have an allergy to THE FREAKING SUN! I burn immediately, and get red welts. I usually put on coconut oil an hour before I go out- sunscreen only on my shoulders because I'm allergic to it everywhere else. I usually order body products from Etsy because a lot of the people on there use raw ingredients I can tolerate. I used "sensitive skin" Cover Girl foundation the other day and my neck started itching and burning, and I had to take Benedryl.

I cant use tampons at ALL, even the cotton ones- I ended up making myself (and this may sound gross to some people, but hey you do what you got to do) organic hemp and bamboo reusable pads that can be washed. It took a while to get used to.

You can probably see by my pic that I'm incredibly ginger. Lol.

TTC- Im just hanging out. Waiting. Nothing exciting going on here AT ALL. But thank you for thinking of me!

Tater- your being so quiet....whats going on?
Hey Girls!!! i'm here:hi:
It's just been a lazy, sleepy day!!! we took a HUGE long nap!! IT was GREAT!!! I've just been SOOOO tired, can't hold my eyes open...ugh..

SAG/DASH~holy crap you sensitive girls...yikes...I cannot relate to ANY of that~and I'm glad..that can NOT be fun...not using anything or getting all flared up just by trying...ugh..that sucks girls:( Actually, dash, I don't think re-usable pads are gross at all...we are a cloth diapering family and I'm ALL about the re-using of things like that..#1 it's a HUUGE $$ saver, we saved thousands and thousands of $$ b/c of using cloth Kudos on the pads!!!
Yes, I AM a POASA~I've been testing, tested today w/ my SMEP buddy Sherylb and got IS coming..I was feeling the lil-est bit of cramps just a few min ago, and I feel REAL wet down there, so keep going to make sure it's not early..b/c YES, my ticker does say 28 days and it should be 29...Seems like every other mo it alternates b/w 28 and 29 days, so we'll see...I imagine my temp will plummet BIG time tomorrow morning:( ugh...oh well

TTC, I'm still loving looking at your u/s's SOOO great!!!!!
Yeah, I tested...I'm ok, it's bfn..not real happy about it, but hey, couldn't have done much more to catch the egg this time around and we'll just keep SMEPping and trying...

Dash, I was thinking about you last night and I wrote you a lil diddy!! HAHAHAHA< I didn't post it b/c it is silly and thought you'd think I was off my rocker!!! LOL

Well, you're all offline right now, so I'll get too...Daddy should be arriving home any time now and I'm ya my TR girls!!!!

HI FAITH!!!! HOW's it going??!?!! :hugs2:

A BIG :hug: and loads of :dust: to us all!!!!!!!
Ok Tater your cracking me up- lets hear it! Hahaha.
I thought I would drop by and let you ladies know how my ultrasound went. It went great!!! The baby is in the uterus where she or he is suppose to be, I saw the flickering of the baby's heart, and I also got to hear it!! It was 98 bpm and my OB doc. said that's normal for 5 weeks and 6 days along. My next appt. is March the 4th.
Here is the ultrasound pixs of my miracle peanut! pixs/100_1160_00.jpg pixs/100_1156.jpg
Well I got a few things to do than I'm heading off to bed. I'll talk with you ladies tomorrow. Have a good night and Take care! :hugs:

That's wonderful , sweetie :hugs:
DASH: I can SO relate to the awful post-op AF:growlmad: My first AF following surgery was *normal*..took place about 12 days after surgery. 2nd AF was THEE WORST af I have EVER experienced. I was in so much pain...had severe cramping and deep achy feeling in my ovary area...truly miserable...3rd af was better than 2nd but still painful...I'm hoping she doesn't show this cycle, but, if she does, I'll be really anxious to see how it compares. Sag's story gives me hope that things might get better:thumbup:

SAG: :hugs: So sorry the nasty witch got you:cry:...I guess each month we are learning more and more about our bodies

TATER: :hugs:Miracles do happen! Maybe tomorrow will be one of those:flower: Glad you got a much needed nap today!

FUTURE: How are you feeling:happydance: Any symptoms to speak of?

MOMMA: Where are you today girl? Are you having BnB withdrawl?:haha: Hope your day is going well!

TTC: So happy your little one is growing and doing well:hugs: Have you found anything to help curb the MS?

Afm, just waiting for FF to draw my cover line. Should be tomorrow. We snuck in an extra BD last night even though it was technically the *skip* night...just couldn't resist dh:haha: I'm going to keep myself really busy this week and not think about the 2ww:kiss: (yea, right:haha:)

Is anyone planning a fun something for Valentines Day? Can't believe we're only 4 days away from it? We're planning to do something fun as a family...still trying to decide exactly what it will be:flower:

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