Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I am new to this site, and i love it.You all sound like a big happy Family. My husband and i have been trying to concieve since april of this year,it has been so painful to see AF show up every month. Doing temperature charting, CM checks, taking prenatals from the very start, Oh i forgot to mention had a tubal reversal done in april of this year. Husband is on 1000mg Vitamin C and 50mg of Zinc for healthy swimmers it is to improve the count,motility,and To help with DNA abnormalities. beenusing OPKs too.I am getting so depressed, I am 40 and my husband is 50, he has 3 children from previous marriage the yougest is 11yrs and my daughter from a previous marriage is 19. we both want another child we are raising the 11yr old now i love him so, he also wants a brother or sister,he is my stepson but in my heart he is my son. Sorry this is so long,just trying to let you know a little about me,hope someone can give me some encouragement, I cry alot, PLEASE HELP.

Good morning.. There are many ups and downs to TTC. We have been at it for over a year. There will be alot of crying and alot of emotions. I don't think I even thought about how hard it would be emotionaly. It takes a tole on everyone. The kids the family and the friends. Disappointment every month is hard to deal with. My best suggestion for you is if you have been temping and OPK's and all that for the last 6 months and your body is pretty regular put the stuff up and don't stress about TTC. DOn't temp or anything anymore. I know that is hard. I just had to give up everything including TTC in the last month. Because I had an ectopic last February and my right tube is blocked. And I will be the first to say that giving up is very hard. But looking back putting myself through the stress every month was not healthy. It isn't good for a marriage just adds unneeded stress. I hope this helps and please feel free to come here this is a very supportive group. I love these ladies like I actually know all of them.
LMP was 10/21/11 so right now i am in my 2ww and it is driving me nuts, trying to also get used to the temperature charting Im still not sure if i am doing it right. figuring out the coverline is hard for me. I mean does your coverline change every month or does it stay the same?

Try going to it is free and gives you all kinds of good info and does your cover line for you.
WoW it has been a crazy week at my house. After months of planning a trip to Disney (we leave next Saturday). My husband found out he can no longer get the time off of work. :( Soooooo much stress... So I had to find someone else to go. So my sister in law was able to get the time off of work and my mother in law is going to go with me too.. 3 kids and 3 adults should make this trip a breeze other then I already miss my husband. We will be gone for 8 days. This will be the longest I have ever been away from my husband since we have been married. I am scared and sad... The last 2 nights I have had nightmares and woke up crying and out of breath.
We still haven't fully decided on doing IVF which is really weighing on my mind too. I keep going back and forth with it. SOOOO much money.. I keep thinking about all the other things I could do with $12,000 Like pay off my car and still have money left over to go on my dream vacation..... Or get my drive way paved and a hot tub...... OOOOO I hate I feel like it should be an easy choice but the money is... well it makes it a hard choice... I wish I had a magic 8 ball that would tell me what the future holds. With the Lupus and the Fibromyalgia I am on 3 different meds and I would have to stop taking them all and well then I am scared I would go back to being sick. And I just had my follow up CT scan for my lung for that spot they found back in May. SOOOOO much stress... Ok that is it for me this morning.. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
I am new to this site, and i love it.You all sound like a big happy Family. My husband and i have been trying to concieve since april of this year,it has been so painful to see AF show up every month. Doing temperature charting, CM checks, taking prenatals from the very start, Oh i forgot to mention had a tubal reversal done in april of this year. Husband is on 1000mg Vitamin C and 50mg of Zinc for healthy swimmers it is to improve the count,motility,and To help with DNA abnormalities. beenusing OPKs too.I am getting so depressed, I am 40 and my husband is 50, he has 3 children from previous marriage the yougest is 11yrs and my daughter from a previous marriage is 19. we both want another child we are raising the 11yr old now i love him so, he also wants a brother or sister,he is my stepson but in my heart he is my son. Sorry this is so long,just trying to let you know a little about me,hope someone can give me some encouragement, I cry alot, PLEASE HELP.

Good morning.. There are many ups and downs to TTC. We have been at it for over a year. There will be alot of crying and alot of emotions. I don't think I even thought about how hard it would be emotionaly. It takes a tole on everyone. The kids the family and the friends. Disappointment every month is hard to deal with. My best suggestion for you is if you have been temping and OPK's and all that for the last 6 months and your body is pretty regular put the stuff up and don't stress about TTC. DOn't temp or anything anymore. I know that is hard. I just had to give up everything including TTC in the last month. Because I had an ectopic last February and my right tube is blocked. And I will be the first to say that giving up is very hard. But looking back putting myself through the stress every month was not healthy. It isn't good for a marriage just adds unneeded stress. I hope this helps and please feel free to come here this is a very supportive group. I love these ladies like I actually know all of them.

sweetlissa thankyou so much for the encouraging words:hugs:,It is so not easy at all:cry:I pray you will concieve:baby:,very soon. It really feels good to have someone to talk to:hugs:Well it looks like AF is going to show her ugly face once again:cry:the temp is dropping.
My appt went well the baby is doing great!!! With a heart beat of 158 bpm. It was so reassuring to hear it!!! I took my first lovenox injections and I didn't have no problems! I amazed myself but like I said I'll do anything for the health of my baby! My next appt is in 3 weeks( Dec. 2nd and I'll be 10 weeks) and I will be having another sono.I go everything 3 weeks due to being high risk.

Here's a picture of my little June Bug: rainbow baby/001.jpg
TTC***That is awesome.. I love the pic.
Tammy*** it is always helpful to have someone in the same boat as you. I still come here for support and to support others... Because we all need it.
TTC***That is awesome.. I love the pic.
Tammy*** it is always helpful to have someone in the same boat as you. I still come here for support and to support others... Because we all need it.

sweetlissa: how true your statement is, we all need the support from others it has been very hard for alot of us and sometimes men just dont understand what it means for us to be that loving mother we want to be,:cry::cry::cry:,I have always wanted many children:baby::baby::baby:,The thing that bothers me the most is watching the news,and seeing so many hurting children in all ways and there are so many that want children and cant have them or having a difficult time concieveing,it hurts my heart soooo:cry::cry::cry:,all children want is to be loved,what is so hard about doing that,Im soorry I am rambling,when it comes to things like this I normally love sweetlissa:hugs::hugs::hugs:,thankyou nfor listening hope this finds you well and happy:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:.
Wow holy crap i have been away from this forum to long. Congrats to all the new comers! I wish you ladies a very short and happy adventure!

Dash has Betty made her appearance yet?

Mommax3 not much longer for you either! Wow i can't believe how fast it has gone by!

Tia ttc after a TR is the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. I am 27 and it is still hard to think about how easily i got pregnant with my 3 kids before.

Sweets how is it looking for IVF??? I wish you guys all the luck in the world!!

Faith. How did your scan come back??? And your Progesterone levels? How are you in general???
TTC***That is awesome.. I love the pic.
Tammy*** it is always helpful to have someone in the same boat as you. I still come here for support and to support others... Because we all need it.

sweetlissa: how true your statement is, we all need the support from others it has been very hard for alot of us and sometimes men just dont understand what it means for us to be that loving mother we want to be,:cry::cry::cry:,I have always wanted many children:baby::baby::baby:,The thing that bothers me the most is watching the news,and seeing so many hurting children in all ways and there are so many that want children and cant have them or having a difficult time concieveing,it hurts my heart soooo:cry::cry::cry:,all children want is to be loved,what is so hard about doing that,Im soorry I am rambling,when it comes to things like this I normally love sweetlissa:hugs::hugs::hugs:,thankyou nfor listening hope this finds you well and happy:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:.

I am in the same boat as you I have always wanted a big family. I got my tubes tied because I was emotional and I was in the middle of having my baby when I signed the papers.. They should never let a woman who is having a baby sign anything..LOL.. Anyway they did it because I was getting ready to have a c-section. But still I had been in labor for about 13 hours. Anyway.. We are looking into IVF because I lost my left tube in Feb 2011 and my right tube was blocked when they looked in October. We still haven't decided if we are going to do it because our insurance company will only pay for the ultrasounds and blood work. I am going to do the blood work and get everthing ready incase we decide to do it. But I am taking my time making up my mind on this one. I would hate to put all this money towards it and get nothing out of it. I have already done that once. :( :(:growlmad:
Wow holy crap i have been away from this forum to long. Congrats to all the new comers! I wish you ladies a very short and happy adventure!

Dash has Betty made her appearance yet?

Mommax3 not much longer for you either! Wow i can't believe how fast it has gone by!

Tia ttc after a TR is the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. I am 27 and it is still hard to think about how easily i got pregnant with my 3 kids before.

Sweets how is it looking for IVF??? I wish you guys all the luck in the world!!
hello mommabrown he has really been hard:cry::cry:it has been even harder with noone to talk to, the last couple of days has really been nice knowing i am not alone thankyou:hugs::hugs:,How are you doing? Do hope you concieve reall soon:dust::dust::baby::baby:It will happen for us we just have to keep our spirits up and help each other:hugs::hugs:
Faith. How did your scan come back??? And your Progesterone levels? How are you in general???
what is going on I am trying to post and it is saying my message is to short?
Wow holy crap i have been away from this forum to long. Congrats to all the new comers! I wish you ladies a very short and happy adventure!

Dash has Betty made her appearance yet?

Mommax3 not much longer for you either! Wow i can't believe how fast it has gone by!

Tia ttc after a TR is the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. I am 27 and it is still hard to think about how easily i got pregnant with my 3 kids before.

Sweets how is it looking for IVF??? I wish you guys all the luck in the world!!
hello mommabrown he has really been hard:cry::cry:it has been even harder with noone to talk to, the last couple of days has really been nice knowing i am not alone thankyou:hugs::hugs:,How are you doing? Do hope you concieve reall soon:dust::dust::baby::baby:It will happen for us we just have to keep our spirits up and help each other:hugs::hugs:
Faith. How did your scan come back??? And your Progesterone levels? How are you in general???
what is going on I am trying to post and it is saying my message is to short?

ok I got it figured it out I am new at all of this computer stuff,:shrug:,but I am getting it little by little:happydance:
sweets wow what a let down that your hubby wont be going with you :(
im sure your kids will still have a blast but im just like you I dont like being away from my dh for to long. Try to have fun im sure the kids will keep you busy :) I know the money thing is a hard choice but i think that you have come this far and if you dont just go for the ivf you will always wonder. Saga did her Ivf and she is preggo her numbers are great! my sister goes thursday for hers and im hoping she has the same outcome and if you decide to do it im sure it will be good results :)
TTC great news on the lo :)
where is dash hope she had that baby :)
Nope Im right here! No baby. I schedule my induction Thursday because of low BP problems Ive been having, and lack of weight gain.

I'm so glad to hear about Saga! We had been messaging on Facebook for a while, but i haven't heard from her in probably 2 months I think? I will have to send her a message.

Lissa Im sure your still going to have an awesome time. Have extra fun for me, lol, God knows Im not having much fun these days!
Dash, I'll pray that your labor starts naturally and you won't have to be induced:nope: not fun!! Your so close:happydance:

Mommax3, thanks for the update on Saga..I'm so happy her IVF worked!!! It is a risk, we all know that, but it can certainly be rewarding!!

Lissa, Wow, no hubby in DW:cry: I would change the date:haha: I can't imagine going without him:nope: we moved our DL dates up by week so we leave 2 days after Thanksgiving:happydance:. I'm sure you will still have a fun time without dh. Is he okay with not going?

MommaB, glad you stopped by:) I've been wondering how you're doing:) Yes, I had my second scan...corpus luteum was visible so O was confirmed. My last progesterone draw is tomorrow. The results won't get to my dr. until next week:( I hope it's before Thursday!!! I really want to know what my progesterone levels are doing! I hope this cycle brings you a baby:hugs:

TTC, wonderful news on the scan:) I'm so happy that everything is moving along uneventful for you:hugs::hugs:

Tia, I'm sorry this month isn't looking hopeful for you:( Hang in there:hugs: btw, I've heard many great things about Dr. Levin:thumbup: you made a good choice in choosing your TR dr!!!
Tia I conceived in August and then MC'd at 6 weeks in sept.:cry: Dr. says it was due to a genetic abnormality but still hard to take in. I have tried to be laid back and not be so controlling about TTC and it is dang near impossible. I find myself depressed and sad when it doesn't happen and now i expect it not to happen.:nope: I kinda took a break just to ya know gather myself up and figure out if this is what i am really wanting.:?: I hear lots of people talk about the money and how they pay a fortune for this but honestly i think that i would pay any amount of money just to have a baby again.[-o< We have been talking about adoption and even looked into it and there is a 5 year waiting list for babies here. :( Toddlers on the other hand can be adopted out much sooner. DH says he don't care what i want to do that he is on board for whatever my decision is. This site has helped me also and i am so glad to have found these ladies!!:hugs:

Faith i have just been trying to figure out my options TTC. I am NTNP either. I am glad to hear that you are O'ing that takes one less worry off the list:happydance:. I have my Fx for good Progesterone levels for you too!!! I read a TR story the other day and it took her 13 months of :bfn: to end up with that one :bfp: and it stuck and now she has a happy healthy baby boy.:kiss: I think of you almost everyday and hope that you get that excellent news soon!! I know other ladies have had much worse stories but i feel at this point with the holidays I just need to take a break from it so i can enjoy my three children to the fullest. I just can't take seeing a :bfn: again.

I am glad i made it back to see all the good news! It actually kinda builds my spirits up to see it all working out for everyone and babies being born soon. :)
Dash, I'll pray that your labor starts naturally and you won't have to be induced:nope: not fun!! Your so close:happydance:

Mommax3, thanks for the update on Saga..I'm so happy her IVF worked!!! It is a risk, we all know that, but it can certainly be rewarding!!

Lissa, Wow, no hubby in DW:cry: I would change the date:haha: I can't imagine going without him:nope: we moved our DL dates up by week so we leave 2 days after Thanksgiving:happydance:. I'm sure you will still have a fun time without dh. Is he okay with not going?

MommaB, glad you stopped by:) I've been wondering how you're doing:) Yes, I had my second scan...corpus luteum was visible so O was confirmed. My last progesterone draw is tomorrow. The results won't get to my dr. until next week:( I hope it's before Thursday!!! I really want to know what my progesterone levels are doing! I hope this cycle brings you a baby:hugs:

TTC, wonderful news on the scan:) I'm so happy that everything is moving along uneventful for you:hugs::hugs:

Tia, I'm sorry this month isn't looking hopeful for you:( Hang in there:hugs: btw, I've heard many great things about Dr. Levin:thumbup: you made a good choice in choosing your TR dr!!!

Faithhopelove that is why I went with Dr. Levin because I read alot on him, but I am scared it is not going to happen:cry::cry: I had someone ask wheather I had a ultrasound of folli to see if I had eggs, that made my heart go up in my throat is that poss.If that is the outcome I dont know what I am going tro do:nope::nope:, Doc. says charts look good and the fsh was great so nI dont know if I have anything to worry about or not???:nope::nope:SEnd in my next chart to him in a couple of days. maybe he will start me on clomid, I dont know I am so stressed:cry::sadangel::-(thankyou so much for your help:hugs::hugs:
Dash, I'll pray that your labor starts naturally and you won't have to be induced:nope: not fun!! Your so close:happydance:

Mommax3, thanks for the update on Saga..I'm so happy her IVF worked!!! It is a risk, we all know that, but it can certainly be rewarding!!

Lissa, Wow, no hubby in DW:cry: I would change the date:haha: I can't imagine going without him:nope: we moved our DL dates up by week so we leave 2 days after Thanksgiving:happydance:. I'm sure you will still have a fun time without dh. Is he okay with not going?

MommaB, glad you stopped by:) I've been wondering how you're doing:) Yes, I had my second scan...corpus luteum was visible so O was confirmed. My last progesterone draw is tomorrow. The results won't get to my dr. until next week:( I hope it's before Thursday!!! I really want to know what my progesterone levels are doing! I hope this cycle brings you a baby:hugs:

TTC, wonderful news on the scan:) I'm so happy that everything is moving along uneventful for you:hugs::hugs:

Tia, I'm sorry this month isn't looking hopeful for you:( Hang in there:hugs: btw, I've heard many great things about Dr. Levin:thumbup: you made a good choice in choosing your TR dr!!!

Faithhopelove that is why I went with Dr. Levin because I read alot on him, but I am scared it is not going to happen:cry::cry: I had someone ask wheather I had a ultrasound of folli to see if I had eggs, that made my heart go up in my throat is that poss.If that is the outcome I dont know what I am going tro do:nope::nope:, Doc. says charts look good and the fsh was great so nI dont know if I have anything to worry about or not???:nope::nope:SEnd in my next chart to him in a couple of days. maybe he will start me on clomid, I dont know I am so stressed:cry::sadangel::-(thankyou so much for your help:hugs::hugs:

Tia, follie scan is what I just did this cycle. It's just to ensure that you're actually ovulating. If you're not, I believe that is when they'll recommend clomid. I felt quit certain that I was O'ing...always get *O* pains on whichever side I'm o'ing on that cycle, as well as ewcm, and temp rise. Dr. recommended the scan as a process of elimination..least invasive and yet still a critical aspect of fertility:winkwink: That's great that you're working so closely with your dr. :hugs:
Tia I conceived in August and then MC'd at 6 weeks in sept.:cry: Dr. says it was due to a genetic abnormality but still hard to take in. I have tried to be laid back and not be so controlling about TTC and it is dang near impossible. I find myself depressed and sad when it doesn't happen and now i expect it not to happen.:nope: I kinda took a break just to ya know gather myself up and figure out if this is what i am really wanting.:?: I hear lots of people talk about the money and how they pay a fortune for this but honestly i think that i would pay any amount of money just to have a baby again.[-o< We have been talking about adoption and even looked into it and there is a 5 year waiting list for babies here. :( Toddlers on the other hand can be adopted out much sooner. DH says he don't care what i want to do that he is on board for whatever my decision is. This site has helped me also and i am so glad to have found these ladies!!:hugs:

Faith i have just been trying to figure out my options TTC. I am NTNP either. I am glad to hear that you are O'ing that takes one less worry off the list:happydance:. I have my Fx for good Progesterone levels for you too!!! I read a TR story the other day and it took her 13 months of :bfn: to end up with that one :bfp: and it stuck and now she has a happy healthy baby boy.:kiss: I think of you almost everyday and hope that you get that excellent news soon!! I know other ladies have had much worse stories but i feel at this point with the holidays I just need to take a break from it so i can enjoy my three children to the fullest. I just can't take seeing a :bfn: again.

I am glad i made it back to see all the good news! It actually kinda builds my spirits up to see it all working out for everyone and babies being born soon. :)

momaabrown hello yes it is very hard every month when the:witch: shows her ugly face which she came this morning:growlmad::cry::cry:, Just sent my temp chart to doc. I have to wait and see what he wants to try now maybe clomid:shrug:, I dont know anymore after 7 months of this:nope::nope:But hanging on to my god for patience you know in only his time not ours:hugs::hugs:, pray it will happen for us both and many women here.:dust::dust::baby:
Dash, I'll pray that your labor starts naturally and you won't have to be induced:nope: not fun!! Your so close:happydance:

Mommax3, thanks for the update on Saga..I'm so happy her IVF worked!!! It is a risk, we all know that, but it can certainly be rewarding!!

Lissa, Wow, no hubby in DW:cry: I would change the date:haha: I can't imagine going without him:nope: we moved our DL dates up by week so we leave 2 days after Thanksgiving:happydance:. I'm sure you will still have a fun time without dh. Is he okay with not going?

MommaB, glad you stopped by:) I've been wondering how you're doing:) Yes, I had my second scan...corpus luteum was visible so O was confirmed. My last progesterone draw is tomorrow. The results won't get to my dr. until next week:( I hope it's before Thursday!!! I really want to know what my progesterone levels are doing! I hope this cycle brings you a baby:hugs:

TTC, wonderful news on the scan:) I'm so happy that everything is moving along uneventful for you:hugs::hugs:

Tia, I'm sorry this month isn't looking hopeful for you:( Hang in there:hugs: btw, I've heard many great things about Dr. Levin:thumbup: you made a good choice in choosing your TR dr!!!

Faithhopelove that is why I went with Dr. Levin because I read alot on him, but I am scared it is not going to happen:cry::cry: I had someone ask wheather I had a ultrasound of folli to see if I had eggs, that made my heart go up in my throat is that poss.If that is the outcome I dont know what I am going tro do:nope::nope:, Doc. says charts look good and the fsh was great so nI dont know if I have anything to worry about or not???:nope::nope:SEnd in my next chart to him in a couple of days. maybe he will start me on clomid, I dont know I am so stressed:cry::sadangel::-(thankyou so much for your help:hugs::hugs:

Tia, follie scan is what I just did this cycle. It's just to ensure that you're actually ovulating. If you're not, I believe that is when they'll recommend clomid. I felt quit certain that I was O'ing...always get *O* pains on whichever side I'm o'ing on that cycle, as well as ewcm, and temp rise. Dr. recommended the scan as a process of elimination..least invasive and yet still a critical aspect of fertility:winkwink: That's great that you're working so closely with your dr. :hugs:

Faithhopelove hello how are you?:hugs: grat to hear from you:hugs:, I hope the folli turnout was good, I do use OPKs wont that tell me I have ovulated for sure? and the temp chart? The doc. I hope does someting to help speed up the progress wishing you lots luck. and lots of
Dash, I'll pray that your labor starts naturally and you won't have to be induced:nope: not fun!! Your so close:happydance:

Mommax3, thanks for the update on Saga..I'm so happy her IVF worked!!! It is a risk, we all know that, but it can certainly be rewarding!!

Lissa, Wow, no hubby in DW:cry: I would change the date:haha: I can't imagine going without him:nope: we moved our DL dates up by week so we leave 2 days after Thanksgiving:happydance:. I'm sure you will still have a fun time without dh. Is he okay with not going?

MommaB, glad you stopped by:) I've been wondering how you're doing:) Yes, I had my second scan...corpus luteum was visible so O was confirmed. My last progesterone draw is tomorrow. The results won't get to my dr. until next week:( I hope it's before Thursday!!! I really want to know what my progesterone levels are doing! I hope this cycle brings you a baby:hugs:

TTC, wonderful news on the scan:) I'm so happy that everything is moving along uneventful for you:hugs::hugs:

Tia, I'm sorry this month isn't looking hopeful for you:( Hang in there:hugs: btw, I've heard many great things about Dr. Levin:thumbup: you made a good choice in choosing your TR dr!!!

Faithhopelove that is why I went with Dr. Levin because I read alot on him, but I am scared it is not going to happen:cry::cry: I had someone ask wheather I had a ultrasound of folli to see if I had eggs, that made my heart go up in my throat is that poss.If that is the outcome I dont know what I am going tro do:nope::nope:, Doc. says charts look good and the fsh was great so nI dont know if I have anything to worry about or not???:nope::nope:SEnd in my next chart to him in a couple of days. maybe he will start me on clomid, I dont know I am so stressed:cry::sadangel::-(thankyou so much for your help:hugs::hugs:

Tia, follie scan is what I just did this cycle. It's just to ensure that you're actually ovulating. If you're not, I believe that is when they'll recommend clomid. I felt quit certain that I was O'ing...always get *O* pains on whichever side I'm o'ing on that cycle, as well as ewcm, and temp rise. Dr. recommended the scan as a process of elimination..least invasive and yet still a critical aspect of fertility:winkwink: That's great that you're working so closely with your dr. :hugs:

Faithhopelove hello how are you?:hugs: grat to hear from you:hugs:, I hope the folli turnout was good, I do use OPKs wont that tell me I have ovulated for sure? and the temp chart? The doc. I hope does someting to help speed up the progress wishing you lots luck. and lots of

Well I hit the wrong button:haha:sorry.wishing you lots of:dust::dust: keep intouch.:hugs::hugs:

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