Dash thinking of you today....i can't wait to see pics
Sorry, I haven't been on lately, been so down. I was so sure I was out this month, just felt it. Took a test last night, and thought is that a line, pretty faint but definately a line.....this morning took another and BFP!!!! I am so happy! Keeping my fx for all of you! I know it will happen soon, I have been trying for 7 months.
What I did different this cycle....Had HSG, used Instead Softcups and Preseed. Also, had an issue with the OPK's, so BD'd everyday from cycle day 9 to cyle day 22....LOL, just to be safe!!!!!
Dash thinking of you today....i can't wait to see pics
I am officially going to be pregnant for the REST OF MY LIFE.
No joke.
My body is "unfavorable" right now. My cervix is completely unchanged and the baby is just floating around my uterus unengaged. Even though my BP readings were too low while I was sitting and too high while I was standing, induction with an unfavorable uterus means a likely c-section, and Im not into that.
So I go back Tuesday.
Well Ladies I think that i might have a fighting chance this month. Feeling alot going on have been trying not to jinx it but I am feeling it more and more. Is it craziness or do you think i have a chance.
5 DPO dizziness lightheadedness?? moody Headaches sharp pains in my sides gassy
6 DPO headache tender bb's headache excessive hunger gassy tired all the time moody backache really bad
7 DPO moody major headache tender bb's heartburn excessive hunger cramping tired all the time gassy
8 DPO tender bb's lightheadedness moody no head ache yet but feel the same as yesterday heartburn so bad my chest felt like it was on fire all night. Not eating spice foods either?? still extremely gassy cramping
I am hoping for that!!! And that it isn't all in my head
Did any of you have really bad cramps around time for AF after your TR but never had it before. AF is due today and I am having awful cramps right now which never happened before TR. Still hopeful it's pointing to BFP.
Nope I'm right here! My doctor is scheduling my induction as we speak...ok, or supposedly scheduling my induction, you know how doctors are. I should know by the end of the day.
Have fun tomorrow Lissa!
Wow, girl! You're going to have her almost exactly on your due date! Guess you won't be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this yearSo, the induction is happening today?! Eeeeek! I will pray for a safe and (easy..if that's possible) delivery! Just know that your TR sisters are thinking of you
Wow, girl! You're going to have her almost exactly on your due date! Guess you won't be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this yearSo, the induction is happening today?! Eeeeek! I will pray for a safe and (easy..if that's possible) delivery! Just know that your TR sisters are thinking of you
No they are supposed to call me back and tell me when my induction is set for- but I CANNOT seem to get someone to call me back! They called this AM and said they didn't forget about me, and they would call by noon, but nobody has calledIm getting irritated.
I bet I go into labor tonight because it would be the most inconvenient for everyone.
Nope I'm right here! My doctor is scheduling my induction as we speak...ok, or supposedly scheduling my induction, you know how doctors are. I should know by the end of the day.
Have fun tomorrow Lissa!