Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I would like to join in this thread I had my tubes tied in 2004 after my second son and remarried in 2007 . My husband now has no kids and one testical. We decided to have a tr since insurance covered it 100 percent. We felt so blessed to find that out. So in may ma 2011 we had the surgery done. Dr said he did a hsg and tubes were clear. He said tubes are long and perfect. So he started me on clomid for 6 months and when I got to 150 mg I had a allergic reaction and had to quit taking them however I never ovulated on the clomid. So no baby yet. I fell like it will never happen and I am pretty much in the dumps about it everymonth I get bfns. I am 220lbs right now and am going to lose some weight. To see if it will help my chances. How long has it taken some of you to get pregnant and if your still trying how long have you been trying. We are going to get hubby checked soon and that makes me nervous. Any sugestions would be great as well.
I would like to join in this thread I had my tubes tied in 2004 after my second son and remarried in 2007 . My husband now has no kids and one testical. We decided to have a tr since insurance covered it 100 percent. We felt so blessed to find that out. So in may ma 2011 we had the surgery done. Dr said he did a hsg and tubes were clear. He said tubes are long and perfect. So he started me on clomid for 6 months and when I got to 150 mg I had a allergic reaction and had to quit taking them however I never ovulated on the clomid. So no baby yet. I fell like it will never happen and I am pretty much in the dumps about it everymonth I get bfns. I am 220lbs right now and am going to lose some weight. To see if it will help my chances. How long has it taken some of you to get pregnant and if your still trying how long have you been trying. We are going to get hubby checked soon and that makes me nervous. Any sugestions would be great as well.

Welcome resque07 I had my tr april of this year and still am not pregnant, hubby is going to have a sperm anaysis sometime next week, hope it comes back good. yes loosing weight does help so they say, the docs recommend it., but I am sure things will be just fine sweetheart hang in there with us all :hugs: you will get alot of support here on these posts the ladies are wonderful, you can talk with anyone at any time we are on line of course, and youwill get alot of wonderful advice, hugs, laughs,understanding and a shoulder to cry on if need be,and plenty of listening here, I cant say it enough all the ladies here are wonderful hun, and again welcome :hugs::hugs:
Thank you tia, I really needed to hear those words. I am happy I found this thread. Right now I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that four of my friends just found out this past week they are pregnant, one of them being my best friend. And don't get me wrong I am estatic but then it hits me like a ton of bricks that its not me. How do I deal. I guess a good cry and talking to you ladies is the best fix.
Thank you tia, I really needed to hear those words. I am happy I found this thread. Right now I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that four of my friends just found out this past week they are pregnant, one of them being my best friend. And don't get me wrong I am estatic but then it hits me like a ton of bricks that its not me. How do I deal. I guess a good cry and talking to you ladies is the best fix.

resqueo7 believe me sweetheart you will find you are not alone many, many women have felt the way you do and including me, you will have your time when you can be happy for them and you will have your time it will be hard to talk about it, or even see a pregnant women, because I still do I have my good days and my bad. dont be afraid to show your feelings if you cry or get upset infront of your friend, just say to her sorry but it is hard for me, but you are having a hard time is all and if she is a true friend she will understand, and even may give you some pointers and even a hug will help.her is one sweets:hugs:
Thank you tia, I really needed to hear those words. I am happy I found this thread. Right now I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that four of my friends just found out this past week they are pregnant, one of them being my best friend. And don't get me wrong I am estatic but then it hits me like a ton of bricks that its not me. How do I deal. I guess a good cry and talking to you ladies is the best fix.

resqueo7 believe me sweetheart you will find you are not alone many, many women have felt the way you do and including me, you will have your time when you can be happy for them and you will have your time it will be hard to talk about it, or even see a pregnant women, because I still do I have my good days and my bad. dont be afraid to show your feelings if you cry or get upset infront of your friend, just say to her sorry but it is hard for me, but you are having a hard time is all and if she is a true friend she will understand, and even may give you some pointers and even a hug will help.her is one sweets:hugs:

resque07 you can talk with me anytime you like hun, and some times it is hard to hide your feeling that is why I say sometimes you just have to tell some friends that are pregnant, how you are feeling that you are not angry with them or anything, but it is just hard for you because you are trying to concieve and do hope they understand, just hang in there sweetheart I am here if you need to talk.:hugs::hugs: going to rest for now honey, I am normally on here everyday sweetie starting about 10 am, have a good night sweetie:hugs::hugs::sleep:
Welcome :) It is a hard journey for all of us TR girls and I remember all to well the months I was ttc and getting nothing but bfn! It was so easy for me to get preggo before my tubal and I just couldnt understand why I was not getting preggo quicker. Try to relax and not stress it I personaly have noticed TR girls get preggo when they are not so obsessed with it like I was temping and charting and poas every day and then I felt like it was taking over my life and making me depressed so I stopped and tried to focus on other things and that was the month I got my bfp!!!! and almost 2 weeks ago I gave birth to my lil tr baby :) Anyway my point is know your not alone and we all have felt the way you feel. Stay positive :)
Yesterday I had to go to the ER for bleeding. They said I'm bleeding from the uterus (which its prob a SCH) the bleed is 9cm(4-5in). I go for a OB appt tomorrow so I should know more. I'm praying that the bleed will be gone in Jesus Name!!!!!!
I also had a ultrasound done and we found out the gender. Some think its the cord but trust me I know what it is after 4 boys!! We are having our 5th BOY!!!!! I'm already in love with him!!!!!

Pictures of our june bug(rainbow baby) 14 weeks and 6 days: rainbow baby/100_2099.jpg rainbow baby/100_2098.jpg
Yesterday I had to go to the ER for bleeding. They said I'm bleeding from the uterus (which its prob a SCH) the bleed is 9cm(4-5in). I go for a OB appt tomorrow so I should know more. I'm praying that the bleed will be gone in Jesus Name!!!!!!
I also had a ultrasound done and we found out the gender. Some think its the cord but trust me I know what it is after 4 boys!! We are having our 5th BOY!!!!! I'm already in love with him!!!!!

Pictures of our june bug(rainbow baby) 14 weeks and 6 days: rainbow baby/100_2099.jpg rainbow baby/100_2098.jpg

TTCbaby2011 I do pray this bleeding stops too. and that our lord guides guards and protects this baby. and I ask this in your sons holy and precious loving name jesus christ amen. I believe it lokks like a boy too hee he, congradulation sweetheart and wish you well. :hugs:
TTC congrats on the BOY!! Praying that everything turns out all perfect for you!
TTCbaby2011 I do pray this bleeding stops too. and that our lord guides guards and protects this baby. and I ask this in your sons holy and precious loving name jesus christ amen. I believe it lokks like a boy too hee he, congradulation sweetheart and wish you well. :hugs:

NAK but, yes, this!

Lissa, how are you doing?

Faith, keeping busy?

Welcom resque!
I went to my OB appt today. I still have a bleed 5.6 cm under the membrane(the sack that the baby is in) The bleed is pushing the membrane upward. My OB is sending me to a perinatologist tomorrow. He does not understand why I keep having all of this bleeding( with this pregnancy and my previous pregnancy). I have been put on baby aspirin and lovenox because of what happened with my previous pregnancy (my angel baby). I had 3 big bleeds with her and when I had to deliver her I also delivered huge blood clots(sorry for TMI). I praying I'll find some answers tomorrow why I keep having all of this bleeding.
I went to see the perinatologist today. The SCH is still there it seems to be measuring 7 cm(still under the membrane). I asked him it was 5.6cm yesterday why is it 7cm today. It says its the way you measure it from different angles.He said it looks stable and its all old blood. I found out I do have MTHFR and some other blood clot disorder(but I can't remember what it was). So I do have to stay on the baby aspirin and lovenox. Our baby boy is doing great!!!!! He's weight today was 4ozs(by ultrasound) with a strong heartbeat of 169bpm!!!!! I go see the perinatologist in 4 weeks and my OB doc next week.

Praying the SCH will be gone soon in Jesus Name!!!!!!
Good Morning all.. Sorry I haven't posted. Everything is going great. My first beta was 967 and 48 hours later it was 2126. SOOOOOO On wednesday we went for the U/S and to my suprise it is twins... I O'd from my right side they said everything looks great. Moved my DD to August 26th. So it looks like I will be having 2 babies... Let me just say that my heart stopped for a moment when the tech got very quite... I thought it was another ectopic. Then she said there are 2 heartbeats and 2 seperate sacks.. I think my husband about fainted... LOL.... Anyway we still haven't told anyone as we want to wait until I make it past the 10 week mark. Which isn't far away.. LOL.. Heartbeats were 142 and 157. Hubby and I are leaving town for the weekend as I have been so tired that he decided I needed a getaway. Anyway.. I can't remember how to put a ticker up cause it has been so long. Can someone remind me how to do it..
That is great!!! I'm so excited for. Twins wow!!! I know it would happen for you!! Congrats.
Hello! I'm brand new here. I have started looking into a TR a bit ago. Someone recommended this forum to me, and from the little I've looked around, I'm already floored with emotional hope.

I am 30 years old. I had my tubal done in Sept. 2010 during an emergency c-section with my son. I was hospitalized with severe pre-eclampsia for 2 weeks while him and I were both monitored trying to give him more "cooking" time, until we had no other options but to deliver at 33 weeks as both my kidneys and liver were failing from the pre-e/HELLP. I was alone. I had left my abusive ex-husband early second tri of my son. This whole experience was pretty traumatic as one can imagine. When the doc asked if I wanted a tubal done, I thought that was best as I was a single mom who just nearly died from pregnancy complications. I couldn't imagine trying to go through that again...

Well, as it happens... I met an amazing and wonderful man. One who my dreams could never have matched for how incredibly amazing and awesome he is. He is 30 as well and he has no children of his own. We were in a whirl wind romance, and he never thought my tubes being tied was going to be an issue because he was blessed to be a part of my children's lives.

Well, turns out, from him seeing my children grow he really wants a child of his own and I know that feeling so well, as I was actually a stepmom before I ever became a mom. We had talked about options...

Things are sort of in a slower pace with us at the moment as some life things made our relationship very complicated, but we are working through everything, and this is a big piece of that puzzle. I know he is afraid for me due to what happened with my DS. But I know that developing pre-e again is not a certainty. There are many different factors at play, namely a different Father, in addition to I wouldn't be alone and I'd actually have support.

I can't explain this feeling I have... like I'm really meant to have another. That I really think a TR would be the best for me, even with the pre-e history. I have so much Faith that this is my future path.

Everything is still in discussion, but I wanted to come say hi. :) You ladies are so inspirational!!!!!
Hello girls:) I've missed everyone:flower: We're finally getting settled here in Florida on business for 3mo. Hopefully I'll be able to check in more often:thumbup:

Lissa, I'm so, so soooo excited for you:happydance::happydance: what a miracle:) Going from no chance of TTC, short of IVF to TWINs:oneofeach: :haha: What an enormous blessing God has bestowed upon you and dh:) I pray it is a full, healthy 9 mo. for you and babies

TTC, It's so good to hear that your little one is doing so well! I will absolutely agree, in Jesus name, that He will heal the complications going on right now in your body. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is getting a GREAT start to the new year:flower:
Hey PhoenixMama, glad you joined in :)

Lissa that is such awesome news!
hi everyone!!:hi: it has been a little while since i been on here...:blush: things have been crazy lately:wacko: looks like things are going great here!!!

Lisa: wow! twins :oneofeach: that is so exciting!!! i am so happy for you :happydance:

glad to see that there a two new babies also:happydance::happydance:

AFM: well i have my surgery scheduled for may 22nd and so far everything is going ok...trying to keep busy so it feels like time goes by TR surgeon called me the other night at 6pm just wanting to let me know that whoever did my tubal ligation must have known i really didn't want one and would try to reverse it cuz they didn't take much off my tubes at all!!! he also told me that it looks like i have a excellent chance of success and that pregnancy shouldn't be that hard for it made me feel really good to hear now hubby and i are just counting down the days until surgery day....but i will be letting you all know how it goes...hope to see a lot more BFP's ... BABY DUST ladies!!!!!!!
Good Morning all.. Sorry I haven't posted. Everything is going great. My first beta was 967 and 48 hours later it was 2126. SOOOOOO On wednesday we went for the U/S and to my suprise it is twins... I O'd from my right side they said everything looks great. Moved my DD to August 26th. So it looks like I will be having 2 babies... Let me just say that my heart stopped for a moment when the tech got very quite... I thought it was another ectopic. Then she said there are 2 heartbeats and 2 seperate sacks.. I think my husband about fainted... LOL.... Anyway we still haven't told anyone as we want to wait until I make it past the 10 week mark. Which isn't far away.. LOL.. Heartbeats were 142 and 157. Hubby and I are leaving town for the weekend as I have been so tired that he decided I needed a getaway. Anyway.. I can't remember how to put a ticker up cause it has been so long. Can someone remind me how to do it..

Sweetlissa I am so very happy for you and your hubby honey 2 wow what a blessing a wonderful blessing, :hugs::hugs::happydance::yipee::yipee::hug::wohoo::wohoo::crib::crib:
Welcome pheonix! This is a fabulous thread!

And congrats to you sweetlissa.......2 yay....double you delightment........god is so good!

Faithhopelove.......hope you settle well in florida!

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