Hello! I'm brand new here. I have started looking into a TR a bit ago. Someone recommended this forum to me, and from the little I've looked around, I'm already floored with emotional hope.
I am 30 years old. I had my tubal done in Sept. 2010 during an emergency c-section with my son. I was hospitalized with severe pre-eclampsia for 2 weeks while him and I were both monitored trying to give him more "cooking" time, until we had no other options but to deliver at 33 weeks as both my kidneys and liver were failing from the pre-e/HELLP. I was alone. I had left my abusive ex-husband early second tri of my son. This whole experience was pretty traumatic as one can imagine. When the doc asked if I wanted a tubal done, I thought that was best as I was a single mom who just nearly died from pregnancy complications. I couldn't imagine trying to go through that again...
Well, as it happens... I met an amazing and wonderful man. One who my dreams could never have matched for how incredibly amazing and awesome he is. He is 30 as well and he has no children of his own. We were in a whirl wind romance, and he never thought my tubes being tied was going to be an issue because he was blessed to be a part of my children's lives.
Well, turns out, from him seeing my children grow he really wants a child of his own and I know that feeling so well, as I was actually a stepmom before I ever became a mom. We had talked about options...
Things are sort of in a slower pace with us at the moment as some life things made our relationship very complicated, but we are working through everything, and this is a big piece of that puzzle. I know he is afraid for me due to what happened with my DS. But I know that developing pre-e again is not a certainty. There are many different factors at play, namely a different Father, in addition to I wouldn't be alone and I'd actually have support.
I can't explain this feeling I have... like I'm really meant to have another. That I really think a TR would be the best for me, even with the pre-e history. I have so much Faith that this is my future path.
Everything is still in discussion, but I wanted to come say hi.

You ladies are so inspirational!!!!!